Consumer Psychology Unveiled: Unraveling Advertising's Secrets
Revolutionizing Consumer Awareness: The Accelerated Frequency Effect Unveiled
Welcome back to The Earnest Mann Show! I'm here to shake things up with a groundbreaking discussion about the Accelerated Frequency Effect (AF). This episode is a deep dive into the manipulative world of advertising, where I unravel Edward Bernays' legacy and how it has shaped American consumerism. Prepare for an eye-opening journey into the realm of rapid decision-making and the psychological tricks that advertisers use to exploit it.
Edward Bernays: The Architect of Modern Consumerism
In this segment, I shed light on Edward Bernays, often overlooked yet a pivotal figure in American consumer history. His techniques, used by corporations and governments, have significantly influenced our buying habits. I explore Bernays' influence and how it has led to a society often manipulated without even realizing it.
The Truth Behind Accelerated Marketing Tactics
Here, I delve into the concept of AF and its implications in our daily lives. The episode explains how increased functional frequency impacts our decision-making, making us more susceptible to advertising tactics. Discover why today's ads are faster and more urgent, and how this strategy bypasses our critical thinking.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 [Music] hello everybody thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again man it's been one hell of a week hasn't it apparently by recognizing homosexual unions the Hope Has pissed off a lot of people not to mention a lot of Catholics now I being agnostic don't really have a dog in this fight and it's not what this episode is about it's about something entirely different but I will say this if the pope is supposed to be God's mouthpiece and representative to humanity then God is basically
01:02 backpedaling and now saying that what used to be considered a sin an Abomination is now okay if that's the case then another abomination in the Holy Bible beastiality I suppose will be at some point up for revision as well it would seem to me that it's only a matter of time before God sanctions what a man can marry a a chicken or a donkey just as long as they haven't had premarital sex of course relax folks it's just my sardonic sense of humor what I am going to talk to you about today is truly revolutionary
01:51 AF which stands for Accelerated frequency effect and if you've never heard of it that's what makes this revolutionary because you're going to hear about it from Earnest man right now just to be clear I'm not claiming that this is something I invented no that dubious distinction goes to who I consider to be one of the evilest people of the 20th century Edward Lewis bernes now if you've never heard of Edward bernes you're certainly not alone most people today haven't as a matter of fact even in his Heyday in the 30s
02:38 through the 50s most people didn't know him then he worked for corporations as well as the government in the shadows but it's not any small stretch to call him the criminal mastermind of American consumerism that Evil Genius who lived to be 103 by the way was responsible for levels of manipulation of the American public that the greatest propagandas could only dream of in short that could sell holy water to Jesus by the time bernes was done with him he'd need it so if you're more than just a little
03:24 sick and tired of being manipulated especially when you don't even know it let's learn a little about AF most people know intellectually speaking that most advertising is complete that ass lifting cream isn't going to raise your ass and that Miracle dark green drink isn't going to make you 20 again so you and your partner can like rabbits but if billions of dollars of sales for all this nonsense or any indication we still fall for this why because the Wolves figured out a long time ago that the Sheep will
as been implemented since the:04:58 literally talking about its speed now I don't have the time in this episode to go into the somewhat complex methodologies of how I discovered this but the truth of the matter is our base functional frequency has increased tremendously that means everything we do and every decision that determines everything we do has sped up by almost 1/3 so what does this mean you may ask I'm really glad you want to know it means that every decision we make is done faster to the point of absurdity a good example of this is
05:47 listening to ads which are like 10 or 15 seconds but sounds as though the announcer is trying to uh read the entire enti encyclopedia pran in those 10 or 15 seconds and of course it always ends with something like but these deals are not going to last forever so get in here and get your shiny ass new thing today whatever the thing is of course doesn't matter car commercial truck commercial targets having a sale on leaky bladder piss pads you've got to get in here and get yours today but in addition to this I'm saying
06:36 that they have turned up the frequency or literally how fast the ad is done the reason for this is to disable your truth and intelligence calculator also known as your brain in short if you put people in a decision-making situation but you add distractions quite purposely and on top of that create a situation of absolute urgency of absolute speed and efficiency you maximize profits because the consumer cattle that you were doing this to cannot make intelligent and informed purchasing decisions which is the last
07:22 thing any company wants which is why everyone has become accelerated if you don't believe what I'm saying is true I want you to try this little experiment I would like to take a brief moment with a message for our sponsor you now if you found this episode interesting or informative I would really appreciate it if you would hit the Subscribe and notification Bell it really does help the channel grow if you want the cont contct me or offer some support you can do so from the links in the description below H even a cup of
08:08 coffee would be greatly appreciated if you're one of those many people that watch a good bit of YouTube videos go to your YouTube settings when you're playing a video on the extreme rightand side of the video bar and change the play speed from normal to 75% don't go any slower 75% is fine the more accelerated you are the more you will notice a difference between the 75% and the normal setting and it may seem very slow to you at first but after you watch videos at this speed for let's say a week or two you
08:56 should notice something unusual you'll start thinking and reacting to what's actually being said and you will also begin to feel much more relaxed this is because once you begin becoming exposed to the slower communication frequency which is actually the normal brain frequency your brain begins to do what it is designed to do process information I've done this for some time now and I wanted to make sure that what I did and I did this on myself first and before I introduced it to the rest of the world I would go as far to say that what
09:48 I'm telling you is going to be hated by the sales and marketing industry which rely on their consumers being in a perpetual stuper buying stupid they don't want and they don't need I think it would be really great if you tried this and experienced what I'm saying for yourself if you were a young person and you witnessed your dad sitting in the living room chair that suddenly after you had him go through this experiment for himself he looks up at his Billy Bass the motion sensor fish that you put
10:33 on your wall that could turn its head and talk to you and completely out of the blue he says hey that Billy bash fish thing on the wall is so stupid why the hell did I ever buy that yep that would really be great indeed until next time this is earnest wishing your health wealth and good luck