Episode 337

Published on:

10th May 2024

Ending Student University Protest: Seeing this video, would do that, virtually overnight

Examining Anti-Israel Sentiment on University Campuses - The Earnest Mann Show

Greetings from Earnest Mann! In today’s episode, we’re examining the pervasive anti-Israel sentiment across U.S. and international college campuses. Amidst what seems like collective hysteria, I'll discuss the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and offer some unconventional solutions to these tensions.

Deciphering the Campus Protest Phenomenon

This conversation highlights the intense emotions and actions on campuses, where students protest with fervor yet often lack a comprehensive understanding of the deep-rooted issues at play. The misrepresentation of Israel and, by extension, Jewish individuals as entities of oppression is a narrative I challenge with facts and historical context.

Proposing Bold Solutions to Protestor Ideology

In a provocative twist, I suggest a hypothetical scenario: what if these passionate student protesters were to experience life in the regions they vocally support? This idea serves to question the practical implications of their convictions and the real-life consequences of ideological commitments.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:02 [Music] hey there how the hell is it going glad we made it to another Friday in this episode I'm going to share my thoughts as well as some possible solutions to the Whirlwind of anti-israel sentiment EV that's is clearly taking place across many US college and university campuses and many colleges and University campuses in other countries as well apparently much like Co Mass hysteria and stupidity don't respect borders either because I have recently done other episodes related to this topic I believe it is a appropriate to quote

01:01 Shakespeare's Henry V once more boys let us go into the breach because for me going into this idiotic [ __ ] yet again is what it feels like now before I begin assaulting this stupidity I'm thinking maybe it's a good idea to tell you what I would like to accomplish I would like for this episode to go viral I would like every student that is protesting in solidarity with the Palestinians to Simply stop to go back to their previous occupations which used to be students and stop embarassing their future selves

01:49 by behaving like packs of frenzied teenagers who were simply incapable of fully understanding the complexity of this issue and insisting on referring to the state of Israel naturally quite a few Jews by extension as an absolutely horrible occupation that should be destroyed yep I'm praying for the effects of the Apparently bad intellectual and ideological Kool-Aid that at some point they apparently have collectively drank to wear off so yeah in very short I'm asking for a [ __ ] miracle not wanting to rehack all the

02:40 information that I've previously given the many historical details which clearly demonstrate that all the things considered concerning the relationship between the Israelis and the Muslim Palestinians Israel by comparison are clearly the good guys here I am by no means saying that they have been perfect but when you've been trying to make peace with a lunatic fringe that only actually wants to annihilate Your Existence for the last 50 plus years it is certainly understandable why the Israelis don't exactly have such a

03:25 Kumbaya attitude towards the Muslim Palestinians which apparently the so-called students are incapable of understanding being overwhelmingly infected with irrational mob mentality this is the part in the program that is not only the most important but for you to consider by any means necessary to record for posterity and I want you to send this to to all of your friends or family who are involved in this idiocracy and particularly those that have misconceptions concerning Islam because what I'm about to tell you you

04:17 will not hear stated as I'm going to State it on the [ __ ] 6:00 news there was an old saying that still exist so that people can instantly and easily recognize the difference between Cognac and Brandy and the saying which has been around for many many years is that all cognacs are Brandy but not all Bry are conac now you can use that same analogy concerning religion all religions are [ __ ] but not all [ __ ] Rel religions are Islam many years ago I used to believe for the longest time that of course not only was religion

05:12 [ __ ] but there was a a triac if you will of the three the big three religions that at the time and as I said for quite some time I thought were the most [ __ ] of all those were not necessarily in this order Jehovah's Witnesses the Mormons and the Church of Scientology it wasn't until much later and quite frankly I I just don't know how it escaped my radar that Islam came into view and I can tell you beyond absolutely any shadow of a doubt and by a huge wide margin that on the Continuum of all religions

06:05 that are all [ __ ] up Islam is light years ahead of all of them all of them in other words there is nothing no other religion that even begins to have the capacity of [ __ ] up societies and the world more than Islam and I would quickly like to point out which is in the Quran itself amongst other things that Muhammad was a pedophile by definition having uh married his wife at age nine yeah so I could go on forever but there's that and then there's the other second part talking about the call to kill the

07:02 Infidel and make no mistake it clearly states this who is the Infidel the Infidel is anyone who is not Islam that's it pure and simple one other last thing about this to the to the Islamic apologist as I call them in the news media because they don't want to offend anyone they keep using this phrase a lot which pisses me off due to its its weakness it's spinelessness and it's just generally a [ __ ] lie when they keep saying radical Muslim let me explain something to you by definition they are all

07:55 radical making that statement when you're putting the two together oh well yeah but they were Radical Muslims okay that's is is dysfunctional and bullshitty yes I'm calling that a word bullshitty as referring to Nazis as radical Nazis well yeah those Nazis they were bed they killed 6 million Jews but these Nazis they're they're pretty mellow they're cool they they're they're not radical nuts what the youngans the children the so-called students because they're not there to learn to prepare for their life and

08:43 their career they are there to be in the spotlight it's another form of well Facebook it's another thing of look at me look at me please anyone anyone in the world for I want my five or 15 minutes of fame now look at me he when they have no [ __ ] clue what they're talking about or what they're playing with because they're not playing with fire they're playing with nukes and they don't even know it because no one has the [ __ ] courage to tell them well I'm telling you that's

09:18 what you're playing with there is absolutely nothing no ideology on this Earth current nothing zero NADA as bad and harmful and destructive and just utterly totally and completely [ __ ] as Islam that is the actual truth boys and girls ladies and gentlemen and now a brief message for my sponsor you in my entire life I've never been a Salesman I've done many other things but never been a Salesman I suppose because I don't like [ __ ] and I don't like bullshitting others that kind of thing just ain't my style

10:11 being honest and direct is so if you're enjoying my show would you please subscribe and click the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow now just a brief word about something I use called tuddy the rumor I heard about tu bu is that it can make you a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours that is of course just a rumor but that's what I've heard but seriously I use it and it offers a hell of a lot of ways to help make your channel a success and it's easy to use so check out to

10:52 Buddy last but certainly not least if you want to throw a very appreciated few bucks my way for a coffee or just to keep the lights on the links to my Kofi and my Affiliated two buddy are both in the description below and now let's get back to the show so bearing that in mind here's another proposal why not allow all of these protesters the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is and simply leave they would renounce their US citizenship permanently then be put on a plane for a one-way flight to whatever Muslim

11:41 occupied and controlled [ __ ] um I mean country that would be willing to take them they would be finally United with their ideological Brotherhood and Sisterhood and the colleges and universities would get replaced placement young adults concerned about their future and actually wanting to go to classes to study again a totally win-win situation in my opinion ah yes I could just picture it now very happy and content young male and female students all across America actually engaged in the process of learning and preparing for their Futures

12:28 and careers not only happy because there is something that they deeply appreciate but generally happy with life itself understanding and appreciating just how lucky they are in this world to have the opportunity to do exactly what they're doing not to mention the fact that the majority of them are also happy that they have a very unique time in their life that besides school they have the time that they can really enjoy life which of course means [ __ ] like insane rabbits of course this doesn't mean that

13:17 all the other former students that have given up their US citizenship won't be enjoying their super new lives as well as they learn all about the caliphate and Sharia LA and of course not forgetting the Quran ah yes all those young men who will have the choice of whether they wish to grow a beard or not but accepting that it will be mandatory to learn how to clean and assemble or disassemble an AK-47 blindfolded and to make make homemade explosives of course over time they will need to learn some Arabic the most

14:08 essential words and phrases of course being learned first such as Allah is great and I kill you I kill you I kill you but again this certainly should not be a problem as visions of those 7 two virgins will always be dancing in their heads and hey although it could be said that this new life for the former female American students is perhaps not quite as thrilling as their male counterparts they will have their moments of sheer joy as well like when they go to pick out for the very first burka for example and they're told that

15:01 they can have any color they want as long as it's black as I'm about to wrap this up there is one issue with the cops that does really piss me off though my issue is with the cops is taking down the protesters tents why in the hell are they doing that in my opinion not a single cop at any of those protests where they have any of those tents should be touching them at all whatsoever it's about time the damn cops stop treating the protesters as though they're mildly [ __ ] 10-year-olds the protesters are the ones

15:48 that started all this and put them up in the first place if the protesters had any adult decency they would take them down themselves so tell me what do you think do you think I have at least some good ideas or do you think my ideas are well as stupid as a bag of broken hammers either way drop me a dime or drop me a line and I promise I'll get back to you until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest wishing you peace and good luck luck

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb