If my ear were a vagina, I could fuck myself.
Navigating the World of Lengthy YouTube Videos: Insights from Earnest Mann
Hello there, it's your friend Earnest Mann! Today, I'm addressing a query from Carol in Warsaw, Wisconsin, about the duration of YouTube videos. Thanks for the coffee, Carol! It's much appreciated. We're exploring why some YouTube content stretches on for hours, and I'll be sharing my thoughts in my usual, straightforward manner.
The Truth About Long-Form YouTube Content: A Critical Look
In this segment, I discuss the necessity of lengthy videos, especially for documentary-style content like 'The Rise and Fall of Rome'. Channels like Kings and Generals do a fantastic job with detailed and educational content. However, I also delve into the downside of long YouTube videos, particularly those that lack substance and resemble the ramblings of a so-called "bullshit artist".
The Art of Conciseness: Why Brevity Matters in Online Content
Here, I emphasize the importance of concise and coherent content. If a topic can't be explained in 10 to 15 minutes, there might be an issue. I contrast this with the need for depth in certain subjects, like starting a new business or making major life changes, which I cover in other episodes.
You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.
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Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest
© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 [Music] hey folks thanks for tuning in I got something interesting I really think you're going to like and it's not very long that's the whole point of this episode I received an email from Carol in Warsaw Wisconsin and she asked hi Ernest I just wanted to know why are a lot of the YouTube episodes so long some go on for hours that's good question Carol I'll try to answer that as concisely as possible thank you for the coffee very much appreciated some YouTube videos are long when I say long I'm talking about you
00:56 know starting at like 45 minutes and up out of NE necessity documentary style videos such as the rise and fall of Rome being I think a good example I don't have any problems with that especially when they're very detailed and Well Done such as the channel Kings and Generals especially if ancient Battle Tactics and strategy is your thing so I don't have a problem with long YouTube videos per se but there are certain Long YouTube videos that I do have a problem with for multiple reasons have you ever been to a bar or a
01:43 club and you strike up a conversation with a guy and you find he's very easy to talk to he can remain on one subject seemingly forever or if he feels the situation calls for it he can switch from one mundane subject to the next easily but after an hour or two if you're still able to think clearly because you haven't had too much to drink you begin to realize that despite his incessant talking he hasn't really said anything this is the kind of guy that you can put a glass in front of and regardless of whether it's half full or
02:29 half empty he can talk about it for two hours now take that same guy and put him on YouTube and voila you'll end up with the same thing going on because what you have encountered regardless of their level of Education or occupation is what we called in more honest times a [ __ ] artist and the [ __ ] artist always has something to talk about and speaking of talking here's something I just briefly would like to talk about I have some very special items that I believe former president Trump could describe
03:13 far better than I can I believe he would say you know folks I've got something here I know you're just dying to get your hands on and this picture simply doesn't do them Justice no folks it doesn't doesn't do them Justice at all they are beautiful and wonderful wonderful and beautiful folks they are wonderful and magnificent Beyond description folks they are simply magnificent how's that for doing Donald Trump folks let's make Ernest great again hahaa the item on the left is a 3 in by
03:58 3in refrigerator magnet extraordinaire and it's even bendable on the right an absolutely beautiful 8x5 in vinyl sticker for your window this is highquality vinyl that will not fade and is easy to remove if for some unimaginable reason you should ever decide to do so so what makes these items so special you may ask well these are the only items remaining that have my original shows logo they are the last of the original I don't have that many when they're gone they're gone never to be seen again and just like cabbage
04:47 patched dolls are destined to become family heirlooms so if you missed your chance with cabbage pets dolls here's your last chance to get the original artwork of the earnest man show just pick which one you want when you send me the coffee which is in the feed the fridge Link in the description below I want to sincerely thank you now because whatever you are willing to send my way is definitely very appreciated now let's get back to the show there are many of these people on YouTube most of them are guys many are
05:34 doctors many are pseudo doctors such as chiro actors or that hold [ __ ] degrees which sound impressive such as inclusivity communication Logistics Specialist or masters of crosscultural awareness but really doesn't mean dick I would really like to name names but I can't until I get a much stronger legal team as these are very often quite articulate conmen also tend to be quite laticious a fancy way of saying they love to sue your ass at the drop of a hat what I can do is help you broadly identify them they're usually solo but often hook
06:31 up with another well-known Hustler as well the atmosphere can look quite professional and they can speak for several hours about mundane subjects or subjects in which they use so much technical jargon or word salad you can't even begin to clearly understand what the hell they're saying this comes from the PT Barnum School of entertainment if you can't baffle them with Brilliance befuddle them with [ __ ] they may have thousands or perhaps even millions of views and tens of subscribers but quantity is not
07:14 necessarily the same as quality McDonald's sells many millions of burgers each year but I don't think there's many people that would seriously argue that McDonald's is a great burger and one last Red Flag to help you identify them these guys regardless of what they do in their professional lives regardless of how wealthy they may be usually always have a patreon account or the equivalent because apparently no matter how much money they have they always must have even more my believe is if you can express
08:02 your idea coherently in about 10 or 15 minutes max something's wrong and when I detect that they're being deliberately vague or ambiguous my internal [ __ ] meter starts to go into the red for example if you needed to replace the tires on your car I can tell you everything you need to know which to buy where to buy and so forth in less than 15 minutes on the other hand if you're thinking of starting a new business or repairing an old one a possible major relocation such as leaving the country or possibly making some other major
08:47 changes in your life there's no way in hell I can do that in 10 or 15 minutes I have episodes where I touch on those subjects but if you want to delve deeper into them you just have to get in touch with me and I'll see if I can help you to tell you the truth and remember I'm not talking about the people who make very long but very high quality videos be that about history geography oceanography biographies that kind of stuff it's really aggravating that not only do these con artist people do this
09:28 but they don't care about about your time I watched these two guys a few weeks ago these are real big time YouTubers do a video that was almost 3 hours on how you can improve so many aspects of your life by having deep meaningful conversations with your house plants to establish and incorporate the physical SL psychological bond between the Plant World and the mammal world I'm not [ __ ] kidding they went on babbling this [ __ ] very seriously for almost 3 hours the net effect on me was I would rather Ram an ice pick into my temple
10:21 than to ever see another damn plant in my house ever again because I still do value my life as well as my sanity I didn't sit through that quite to the very end but if they do announce future videos I can certainly imagine them saying something like this please tune in next week with our 3our special win Chimes the hidden unexplored and misunderstood musical instrument until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest wishing you peace and good things