Episode 258

Published on:

6th Sep 2023

Podcast# 258 Truth or Bullshit: City of Eugene Oregon Exposes Public Nudity Bill to Salem, Making Nudity Legal in Oregon.

The Earnest Mann Show: Unveiling the Unheard

Hello, dear listeners! It's your ever-curious host, Earnest Mann, here to shed light on the stories that often slip through the cracks. This week, we're tackling a topic that's sure to raise eyebrows and spark debates.

Burning Man's Unexpected Turn

The recent events at Burning Man have been nothing short of chaotic. Unexpected rainstorms left attendees stranded in mud, leading to unfortunate incidents, including the tragic death of a 32-year-old man. And now, there's talk of a class action lawsuit against the state of Nevada. But is the state really to blame?

Oregon's Bold Proposal: Clothing Optional Days

Now, let's shift our focus to Eugene, Oregon, a city reminiscent of 1968's Berkeley. A new bill, draft bill 6969, proposes making the third Friday of every month a clothing-optional day in Lane County. The masterminds behind this proposal? Two individuals named Dude Hungus and I'm A Come On. Their aim? To combat homelessness and restore faith in democracy. But is there a genuine connection between freedom of expression and the homelessness crisis?

The Bigger Picture: Testing Social Proposals

As a realist, I believe in giving every proposal its moment in the sun. Whether it's women's suffrage or legalizing certain activities, society needs to test new ideas. While some might find the clothing-optional proposal outlandish, remember that many groundbreaking ideas were once deemed ridiculous.

Your Thoughts Matter

Is this proposal a step towards a more liberated society or just another fleeting idea? Only time will tell. But for now, I'd love to hear your thoughts. After all, it's your insights that make this show what it is.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in thank you well hello everyone it is Wednesday the hump day

01:05 here we are midpoint through the week and boy has it been a week just as a little addendum this is not what the episode's about but just a little part and um Nevada they have the Burning Man Of course and you've heard probably I'm assuming all of the crazy that's been going on with what happened at the latest Burning Man but here's what you're not being told and that's what I do I tell you what's not being told or talked about so these people were stranded in mud because apparently unexpected very heavy

01:57 rainstorms came and they were all mudded in they couldn't leave and so because of this a whole lot of unpleasant nastiness happened including the death of one 32 year old man which is currently being investigated all that said is that it's not weather related but the thing is these people desperately want or need to get out and because of all this they have decided a number of people already immediately are filing a class action lawsuit against the state of Nevada as though it was the state of Nevada's fault

02:55 so where this is going to go who knows but um yeah all the hardship and everything that they wanted to um not happen happen and somehow they of course want to blame the state of Nevada so if I get any further news on that I will keep you posted regardless this is episode number 258 truth or [ __ ] City of Eugene Oregon exposes public nudity Bill to Salem making nudity legal in Oregon now I don't know how you feel about that but bearing in mind that uh first of all let me preface this normally on Wednesdays I do

04:01 a segment called Oregon matters but my feeling was was that well this definitely potentially affects not only Oregon but maybe the rest of the country so it kind of went beyond those boundaries so I decided to call it truth or [ __ ] so that is the reason for the name change but it doesn't change the importance of this and as crazy and unbelievable as it may sound it's real now I have many sources throughout the state actually I have many sources that are um Beyond this state and it's all about finding things

05:04 that are not you know the aspects of anything going on in the six o'clock news that's why you listen and so that's what I'm here to give you now let me preface this since I know that what I'm telling you will go beyond Oregon and the US and go out into the world what I'm about to tell you may sound so incredible and arguably outlandish that you may laugh but this is no laughing matter because again according to my sources it's quite real and so here it is there are two principal people who set this bill up

me think of it as Berkeley in:

07:16 normally um on Oregon matters I talk about very you know succinct straightforward absolutely documentable uh issues and in this case this may not be something that is so easily authenticated but I'm telling you it's real so bear that in mind there are two people that are principally responsible for this bill okay now that would be dude hungus and I'm a come on and what they proposed is basically having a third Friday in each month weather permitting of course

have put forth and draft bill:

09:30 I don't know if anyone out there listening at this point again fine you may be laughing okay I was [ __ ] laughing too but it's uh like I said it's it's for real and so the idea came from um trying to come up with ideas to combat homelessness that's right homelessness and particularly here in the U.

10:08 S and any major cities or not so major cities for that matter everybody wants to address this issue simply because it's totally ubiquitous the issue of homelessness and encampments intents and all that and every damn thing that comes along with it can be associated with this issue so the reasoning of these two men again dude hungus and I'm a come on is that it is due to a frustration of unfulfilled freedom that's right they're saying that what is actually being done what's happening with the state of homeless people is a direct correlation

11:10 with their frustration of not being free and so as a consequence of this they propose this bill which would allow any adult within Lane County to have the third Friday of every month to be a clothing optional day thereby doing this at least the idea goes it would restore their faith and belief in democracy as though they are not oppressed and able to Express themselves um into a a lack of homeless activity now

12:16 what I'm not understanding at this point and perhaps if you're seeing a logical disconnect here you're not alone at least not with me anyway I'm not seeing the connection at all not even remotely but according to those gentlemen um it is and they said even if it's demonstrated if they are able to get this proposal which would mean a law on the books that um you would end up seeing a dramatic um you know difference in appearance of homelessness in Lane County but furthermore in addition to that it would spread throughout the country

13:16 and hopefully perhaps even worldwide now I am of the opinion that certainly uh homelessness is something that I think all of us would rather not we would rather not see um when we go to any place where we have to stop in a city near an overpass and we see lines and Legions of homeless people yeah if we could somehow you know have something or wave a magic wand or what have you to make that go away then we would but I am not in any way convinced that it has any [ __ ] thing to do with depression

14:24 because first of all the kid sorry I just can't I mean come on first of all you know um I am guilty as accused I am a heterosexual male and uh you know as far as I guess uh certain so-called disenfranchised people are concerned I would have absolutely no problem with such a bill or law or ordinance if that were the case but on the other hand there's you know conversely there's a hell of a lot that I wouldn't want to have to see and so because of that um I think that uh again it's another case of regardless of how well

15:27 it may be intentioned I see this as something that is uh not necessarily going down the most rational or logical path so I put this I put this out here to you just I'm just trying to get a barometer on on this on this issue if you want to call it that because if what they're saying if the premise of what they're saying is true let's just say completely hypothetically if what they say is true and we did see a dramatic reduction in the homeless population simply because of this freedom to be you know bare ass naked

16:33 um I think it is something that not only could eventually carry forth well perhaps the entire state of Oregon but besides that the entire nation as well and um for that matter there are certain countries and spaces in Europe that um hey um perhaps Norway or Denmark or whatnot they they may not have any problem with this at all I guess but the question is um is that something you think is a really good idea and the thing is also is that I'm not I don't feel as though I'm really qualified in this case to hold a hard position

17:37 one way or the other and I'm going to tell you why listen to this if something is being proposed in society I remember I've always said I'm a realist and if something's being proposed whether it's the you know uh freedom of um legalizing prostitution or legalizing drugs across the board and anything if anything is attempted um socially I don't by and large I don't have a problem with it I really don't in other words my feeling is that you have to try things you have to at least try them

18:28 and you know it may be a completely unmitigated disaster or not but you have to if you're going to have any kind of true Democratic process in other words you have to or you should give it its moment in the Sun now there's a part of me I I'm really hoping that you picked yourself off out of your chair off of the floor back into your chair there's a part of me that says this is utterly and completely ridiculous but in the case of fairness and the fact that hell it doesn't cost taxpayers and as a matter of fact

19:30 if this proposal did in fact have a positive effect on the homeless situation and that's their that's their main uh complaint and their main argument is about homelessness but by and large they went on to say that in general people would be feeling much less oppressed and as a consequence if they're not feeling oppressed that their General attitude towards just about everything concerning work and particularly working in a corporate environment would help to restore their faith in the system and I put that in quote the system

20:32 so I don't know um I say okay I don't see it as costing any taxpayer money I certainly don't see it as violent and I don't I don't really see the harm in it at least I'm going to preface this at least as an attempt to bring about a you know a positive in society and that's all I'm saying here so if that's the case and if even though it's you know it's largely seen as you know it's simply not going to happen but at least it is something that was proposed and all I'm trying to say is that these

21:33 things these these kind of completely out you know seemingly outlandish proposals well you have to bear in mind if we go back to uh women's suffrage that was also unspeakable at the at the time when it was being proposed my God women having the right to vote able to you know bring about women can vote women can drive a car that's all you know that's it by comparison so come on I'm saying at least give it a thought give it a chance and and besides that um in the meantime I know this may sound

22:38 incredibly selfish and and uh patriarchal and whatnot but uh yeah geez I I certainly at least in the case of some people I I certainly wouldn't mind it there's a lot of beautiful women out there folks and if they opted in on this plan I'd be wanting to give them a medal I tell I'd buy him a beer it's like yeah absolutely so as this is going to slowly work its way and it you know it takes forever this may not happen I mean it may not the bill it may not even uh besides being killed um on uh through going through Salem the

the numbers so it's it's Bill:

24:38 let me tell you this is this is not any by any means by any stretch of the [ __ ] imagination that unusual actually there have been other bills put forth that were uh let's say far more outlandish let's say than this one and so what can I say let's see where this goes and what happens from it all I can say to you at this point is um it's truth or [ __ ] you let me know what you think and undoubtedly you will and um we will have a really great show for you on Friday

25:43 so other than that that's what I have to say for what is taking place this week and um I'm going to say what I always say remember that there are no bad words only bad actions until next time this is Ernest man take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb