Episode 237

Published on:

17th Jul 2023

Podcast# 237 Sick of Being Broke? Then Listen to This, or..... Stay Broke.

Financial Advice for Those Sick of Being Broke

Hello, folks! It's a grand, glorious Monday, and I'm here with some serious financial advice for you. This is episode number 237, titled "Sick of Being Broke? Then Listen to This or Stay Broke." I've been getting a lot of emails asking for money advice, and I'm sure many of you are acutely aware that things are pretty bad right now, financially and otherwise.

The Importance of Using Your Resources

I shared a story about two men in the desert. One is lost with a half tank of gas in his car. The other knows exactly where he is and where he needs to go, and he also has a half tank of gas. They meet and briefly talk. The lost guy is dying of thirst, and the wiser man, who knows the desert, gives him some water. The lost man wants to go to a certain place, and the wiser man knows exactly where that is. But he tells the lost man that he won't make it there with just half a tank of gas. They decide to combine their resources, siphon the fuel from one car to the other, and they both successfully get to where they want to go.

Achieving Financial Success by Investing in People

This story is an analogy for financial success. It's not about how much money you have or earn, but about how you use your resources and help others. It's about investing in people and situations, not just hoarding money. It's about giving and taking, not just taking.

The Need for a Plan

So, if you're wondering why you're broke, maybe it's because you're not willing to give, to invest in others, to help and be helped. Maybe it's because you're flailing around in the financial water without a plan. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got. If you want to know more, you know how to reach me. Until next time, this is Earnest Mann reminding you that there are no bad words, just bad actions.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello folks thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again we made it through the week it is Monday it is a great grand and glorious Monday and I have some really serious Financial advice that I would like to share with you this is episode number 237 sick of being broke then listen to this or stay broke I wondered after all of the uh emails that I keep getting um when would it ever stop when they want me to talk about an advice about money now


uh I'm sure that many of you are aware perhaps more than a wearer perhaps acutely aware that things are um well things are pretty bad right now financially otherwise as well sometimes that's why I've titles like going to hell in a handbasket and make no mistake the reason for that is basically I believe it is I believe this country is going to hell in a hand basket and so I figured there are enough people out there with um functioning brain cells left that they could use the help I could use the help certain feathers that will flock


together we could all use the help and we could help each other so that's what this is about that's what this episode specifically is about so basically I was going to give some a few analogies I like analogies I think they work well at conveying messages so let me give you let me give you this one before I go into this whole um story uh there are two men in the desert they have a car um somehow they run into each other they're complete strangers and the one guy is completely lost and he has a half tank of gas in his car


the other guy um is not lost at all he knows he knows exactly where he is and where you need to go and he also has a half tank of gas so they meet and they briefly talk and the guy who doesn't know where the hell he is as Sky you know and he's look I'm dying of thirst and you know maybe uh the wiser person who knows the desert he has a little water and he gives him some water and he's very thankful you know because uh yeah I want to go to such and such and the guy who knows where the hell it is says to him yeah okay I know exactly


where that is and the other guy's very very happy oh you do yeah yeah I know exactly how it is okay well uh I mean can you tell me because I'd really like to get there and he said well I could I could tell you but it won't do you any good and so the guy says why not he says you don't have enough fuel to get there and the look over his face isn't you know it's not pleasant and um he says as a matter of fact that's I found myself in a situation out here that was unfortunate and I ended up


fixing the car but um yeah I know exactly where it is but um I don't have enough fuel to get there either and so there's a long moment and they look at each other and so they the guy that knows where the hell he goes he says well this is simple you know he's if we had one full tank and get in my car siphon the the fuel out of your car we leave that and I'll take in we both successfully get to where we want to go and so that's exactly what they do that's it and for the sake of the um expeditiousness of this story I'll say


they both live very happily ever after now if the man who was lost who had to have to take a guess if he was an [ __ ] or delusional or just Pat his crazy paper maps or what have you and he said oh you're probably just some kind of crook to hell with you I'll I'll try and find my own way well chances are he wouldn't have been he would have just died out miserably in the desert and probably because of the unfortunateness of his situation even though he knew exactly where to go unfortunately maybe the other guy who did know where the


city was um may have also perished although Maybe by a miracle another person he could have found another person again combined their resources and made it to the destination that ultimately they both wanted to arrive at foreign I'm going to tell you another little personal story and this is much shorter I had the other day I was having some bugs with my um cable service uh and so they sent a cable guy out and he fixed the problem after a while and he seemed like a pleasant enough fellow and in between he had to wait fairly


long periods 10-15 minutes for various phone calls to get back to him so you know we had some time to chat we did a little chatting and she had some health concerns um he was you know I don't know mid-30s but he's really overweight and he had some housing concerns and in the time being that I was talking to him I you know I said oh yeah I know about that and he said oh okay and um there was something else health related I said oh yeah I know about that too and then yeah there was another issue concerning whether he should eat this or


not eat that and I said oh yep I know about that now the reason why I kept saying I know about that notice I didn't start telling him anything as a reason for this which is generally speaking what I found is that people really appreciate what they have to earn as opposed to just you know for absolutely no exchange for nothing constantly giving things away do you know what I mean have you ever ever been Associated or whatnot your in your life or known people that have been given and given and given and given and given and


basically don't [ __ ] appreciate anything because they've had everything handed to them well I'm not one of those people I'm pretty much everything that I've had I've had to earn and what was given to me I made damn sure I gave back in kind even if it wasn't requested or necessary it's just what I do I have found it to be a good working policy so that's a long-winded way of saying I do for you you do for me and I think if you um you know if you could appreciate where I'm coming from you would understand and


agree with me perhaps that as a whole if the world operated this way which unfortunately it doesn't but if it did and there was a whole lot more of that I think we would have a much better world at least I think so so at any rate after talking to this uh with this guy for for a while um back and forth and and uh he's I said well I'll tell you what I'll do I said I'll share some information with you if you do a little thing for me and he said what's that and I said well I have a you know I have a website and I also


have a podcast Channel and I showed him where the podcast channel was and I said you know I said if you could just tune in and listen to an episode and maybe you know subscribed um that would be really really appreciated and he was all enthusiastic and he says oh yes oh yeah sure absolutely yeah I like that kind of stuff I said okay so yeah so tell you what you do that for me and I'll share the information that you want with you and he was like oh yeah sure fine great blah blah so in this case what happened pretty


much what I predicted would happen was that um Hayden he didn't go and check it out and even if he did I mean he didn't subscribe um so it's like okay um I didn't hear anything from it all um then I got an email from him from my contact page and he says hey yeah this is so and so remember I was the guy that did your chaos yeah yeah hey how's it going blah blah blah okay yeah hey you said you were gonna tell me about that thing concern you know for my health and my and I said oh yeah yeah yeah


and you said you were going to subscribe to my channel oh yeah yeah yeah well yeah here it goes I'm sorry I just haven't gotten around to it blah blah blah and blah blah and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and I'm like hmm okay I I got you um folks any of you listening out there how long does it take to click the Subscribe button I think it was take one second I think ish because if for only one reason as a as a point of character is that he said that he had would agree to doing this for me and then I would do that for him


and so a few more days passes and still no subscribe so uh talk about you know cutting off your nose to spite your face um hey he missed some very potentially life-saving valuable uh information because the reason is he would not follow through on what he claimed that he would that's called bullshitting and so that is part and partial of what it is I'm talking about is people by and large and even those people that have known that have a great deal of money everything is a one-way Road or for those who lose um and this ties into why your ass is


broke all the time I told you I was going to get to that we will hang in there it's an unwillingness to give you know what you'll find in the case of most people I'm not talking about corporate things that they're selling a product or some nonsense like that I'm talking about you know if you help your next door neighbor out with something or they have an emergency usually typically unless they're a sociopath or a narcissist unless it's those two things um they will in turn if you help people


they will help you many times over because that's the way normal people are and that's great I think that's wonderful I have done that myself for people many many many times but I have uh decided to do this little experiment which is going to be included in my book whenever I decide to get that published um that basically is looking at a commitment where people are and how that is connected to well ing in business failing in love failing and relationships and just failing in Life or even if they have some of those things they're still


unhappy because they choose to ignore the one absolute fundamental truth of existence is that you can't have an all give I'm sorry an all take and no give approach to life that is anti-life that will get you nowhere many people that you couldn't for instance you can go on YouTube the one good thing about YouTube is not not a lot but one of the good things is is that it is a pretty good source of just um varied strange kind of unusual stuff for instance you could type in as an example um you know lottery winners that went broke


overnight or of the something along those lines and you'll come up with a little videos naming names photos actual video of them you know it could be you know Donald dimshit of Tupelo Mississippi 180 point something million in the something something Lottery M was completely broken destitute like two or three years later and that is because um what many of these folks what they don't understand is that it's okay it's it's a it's a miracle it's no short of being a miracle that you won this money


but having all that money and being able to hold on to it is an entirely different matter so that's why for instance if you let's say you want you want a a house you can afford you have the money I'm saying whether you hit the lottery or not just let's say you have the money you have the means that you can have a custom home built so that means you you've probably got you know some money some serious money and you can um you can do this but if you decide that you're just willy-nilly pretend that you're a


draftsman the electrician the plumber everything and just some scratch and you're going to design this whole thing and build it yourself well unless you have unless you have many serious skills in all those fields um this thing is going to be a [ __ ] nightmare um that's why if you want this done you sit down with a home builder and you take the you know several or many hours that it is to get this done and once everything is outlined in the rooms and the dimensions and once you do all that all that is pretty much in


place is 98 done then as far as all the details of how that is actually transformed into um you know discussion with all the the Carpenters plumbers electricians um that's what they do on their end they take care of all that and you have your nice new beautiful home in other words when you don't know what the hell you're doing about something you just have some very vague General notion that does not bode well for future so like for instance um I have some very definite ideas of what I want to do in my life


and I also have some very definite ideas of how to get there so um all I'm trying to say is that you stay broke because well one of multiple reasons now if you're working really low paying [ __ ] jobs well then that undoubtedly makes it tough it makes it tough just surviving but I wasn't talking about that I was talking about I know people that make you know relatively good money they're making either close to or over 100k and that's for one person and still they're constantly broke and so you might wonder if you're


someone here and you're making 20K a year and you're you that's the first thing you're thinking of oh my God what I mean what an idiot I mean if if I was making 100K a year you best believe I would have this this this this and this maybe you would because unfortunately the system isn't fair or at least I should say it's not certainly not fair currently I remember when it was at least I'll say much fairer than it currently is I remember very clearly um growing up and everyone in the neighborhood where I grew up they


had one parent that worked a job and the other was the Homemaker and you know you can't with a wide brush you can't just turn around at this stuff as though it is that ancient old just because even if it was old doesn't change the fact that it was better it was much much better and you know one income with one you know what they call the whole traditional family thing yep one income mama's home um had a car paid for and paying for the house and having money in the bank and good food on the table and squirreling also scrolling


away savings and that was just on one Union salary and I've explained all this before I've talked about this at length but that's not what I'm talking about here what I'm talking about is it is not so much the money that you may have or the money that you are earning is a whole number of other ways that quite frankly your money is on one end it's being stolen from you and on the other hand a lot of people are just really being incredibly stupid with their money so you put those two things together


and you turn around you say well I do all this why am I not getting anywhere well there's your answer and actually it goes it goes much deeper than that and much more complex than that but that's also not the primary message that I'm talking about in this case what I'm talking about what I'm trying to get a response about you know is the fact that there is so much that has been turned on its head as far as greed is concerned you know desperation people wanting to just have and hoard all their money


but never wanting to um let's say really invest I don't mean in the Wall Street stock swindler game I don't mean that I mean invest in friends or family members or what have you because that's what actually really matters not giving the money away to the swindlers and uh but besides that it's a whole this whole really screwed up attitude um that so many um especially young people are they are beholden to the fact that somehow they just get something for nothing and these are the people walking I'm


talking about the ones that show they show the mindset that they have by walking I've seen them walking everywhere walking on a crosswalk and again their face is glued to their [ __ ] phone pay no attention to the world around them so when a car comes around a corner runs their ass over they were you know busy checking out God only knows what on Reddit or YouTube or whatever people so disconnected that they literally don't understand the phrase of the meaning of the writing on the wall if you're going to be that way there's


no there's no helping you you know you have your these are people that have their head shoved so far proverbially up their ass that no amount of Enlightenment is going to reach there no amount of anything gently tapping them on the shoulders saying hey um you know I think you need to check this out over here or I think you need to check this out over there in other words you know come on let's pull our ass out of our head and look at this to deal with it effectively so in that respect whatever your income may


be um certainly certainly beyond the level of poverty let's say and that is that is and always has been very difficult to get out of um except except historically number one is the people of having the advantage of that have been women of course for what should be self-evident reasons and I know the woke people their head just blowing off their shoulders I'm sorry you could just read some [ __ ] history okay okay but barring that generally speaking such is not the case with men and um but today's men


quite frankly my observation is that they are incredibly um you know incredibly Pennywise and pound foolish and I have just so many examples and stories about that but it boggles the mind I just they they do not make the long-term connection with anything and that includes relationships and that really includes um investing in people and investing in situations so what you know what what do I say um ice what I stopped doing a long time ago as an example was I no longer was willing to help people if they don't and are not willing


to do a damn thing for me you know I'll do one thing for you once and if uh maybe twice after that you know if you can't even have the decency to invite me over for a backyard barbecue or something than the hell with you that's the kind of just really really cheap low thinking that I'm talking about it goes along it goes along with the mentality um this prevailing mentality of this the something for nothing and that's what you see that's what um Walmart was built on the whole thing going all the way back I


remember them from the beginning I know the psychology the psychology was played very well and people have been conditioned not only did it work as successful marketing but I'm saying we're talking an entire at least two or three generations now that have been utterly convinced that they you know of the something for nothing that's what sells Walmart so it sells a Target and other places of their ilk but the main one until Amazon but the main the the the OG of this was was Walmart and still is and just incredibly


incredibly low prices and just you know and just always expecting and the problem is that carries over the carries over into their own personal lives where everyone around them is just another commodity and they expect something for nothing they [ __ ] that's then and I can't I can't stand those people you know they do not recognize quality and will not recognize quality and they wouldn't know a Sound Investment quite literally until you know hit them over the head they and then they still probably wouldn't


so if you're wondering why um you know you're broke if you're wondering why and then it's done all that but this despite all of your flailing around in the financial water well that's not going to you know that's not going to change anything it's not going to get you out of it all you're doing is flailing around you know if you fall in quicksand you the worst thing you can do is just recognize and panic and start flailing all around in the quicksand you have to have a plan and the plan if you have another person


and they go equally crazy and they just flip out and they're just trying and they jump in the quicksander trying to reach in flail in with you well they're going to go under too you know what I would do is you know quickly but calmly have a strong rope a tie it to a strong tree branch if available and I tossed that rope to you make sure you grab it the very first thing you do I tell you is to tie it around your waist quickly under your arms and then if you're that exhausted then you can be pulled out


you know a lot of people they show in the old movies and they just throw them the Rope the rope and they grab hold the Rope you don't want to do that maybe if they're smart enough they'll grab the rope and they'll twist it around their hand a few times that's a little better but the actually the very first thing you want to do in that situation is grab the rope and tie it around your waist in other words to save your ass there is an actual procedure it's based on well it's based on intelligence the best


thing to get you out of something may not necessarily appear to you as what you would do and it doesn't if your ass is just busy flailing around in something you're not listening if you have for instance a better idea about something and it has value well you're not going to get anywhere with that idea if you're stomping around bitching and complaining how poor you are you have to get around the right people and you have to say the right things and you have to say what you're saying at least reasonably intelligently


and then maybe they'll sign that contract or maybe they'll commit in other words it's not necessarily what you want that is wrong it's the way you're going about it now I've said this old saying a million times that is if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got if you want to know more you know how to reach me take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it


but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnest manshow.com leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions foreign [Music] foreign

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb