Episode 284

Published on:

10th Nov 2023

Podcast# 284 "You Know Sometimes Satan, Comes as a Man of Peace..."

Hello, my fellow truth-seekers. I'm here to share my candid thoughts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—a topic as hot as the trending keywords on your newsfeed. Thanks to Nancy from Minneapolis, your support is getting me a shiny new microphone to amp up our discourse. Now, let’s cut to the chase.

Unveiling the Conflict with Earnest Mann

In this episode, titled "Sometimes Satan Comes as a Man of Peace," I draw from Bob Dylan's wisdom to unravel the complexities of the recent attacks and the surprising US demonstrations. Young folks, lend me your ears because this isn't your typical narrative. I'm here to offer an objective opinion, crafted from first-hand experiences that hold more weight than any hearsay.

The Unvarnished Truth About Hamas and Israel

It might ruffle some feathers, but here it is: Hamas is not the victim in this narrative. The propaganda efforts on campuses are a disservice to historical truths. If you're schooled in the West, you're only getting one side of the story. The historical fact is, Israel has repeatedly extended the olive branch, only to be met with rejection.

Understanding the Roots of Ideological Strife

Delving into the heart of the matter, it's clear that the ideological seeds sown by the Ottoman Empire and the Nazis have blossomed into today's conflict. The modern Palestinian stance is not far removed from those dark ideologies, aiming not for coexistence but for the eradication of the Jewish people.

Islam’s Long Game: A Strategy of Division

Islam's strategy is one of division—playing the long game of societal infiltration and eventual ideological dominance. It's a pattern seen globally, from the Middle East to the Western shores. To truly understand, one must immerse themselves in Muslim-majority societies and witness the stark contrast to Western values of the 21st century.

Conclusion: A Plea for True Understanding

In closing, the message is clear: We're all 'infidels' in the eyes of a doctrine that refuses to join the modern age. Don't take my word for it; experience it, and then judge. And remember, subscribing and supporting this channel isn't just about content—it's about supporting real, earnest dialogue in a world sorely lacking it.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

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Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



[Music] hello everyone Thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again right out of the shoot I wanted to give a special thank you to Nancy in Minneapolis Minnesota for your much appreciated generous support it will be set aside and with a wee bit more I will find finally be able to pick up a long overdue new microphone and all you will be able to hear my Intrepid voice much better again it is sincerely appreciate it Nancy thank you now to answer your very good question Nancy about the Israeli Palestinian conflict which I will answer


in my typical unvarnished colorful and straightforward manner the title episode to this episode you know sometimes Satan comes as a man of Peace this is from a Bob Dylan song man of peace and I believe it is completely appropriate I strongly suggest everyone give it a listen now of course I'm familiar with everything that taken place from the beginning of this particular conflict when Hamas attacked Israel a few weeks ago what was very surprising to me however all the demonstrations across the USA particularly at college and


university campuses in support of the Palestinians which in turn means by default support of Hamas but after I have given it a bit of thought and consideration it's actually not that surprising considering what's been taking place here in the US politically especially in the last 20 years if you are a young person in your 20s or early to mid-30s I ask you to lend me your ear and if you are older than that well try to find someone within that age group to listen to what I'm about to say here because this is


not just the same tired old support isra real narrative not just about my fairly extensive knowledge of this subject but an objective opinion based on what I have actually witnessed which I assure you is worth more than a $10 prostitute a cheap excuse and a bar of Lies soap with a beer I can explain all that later if you want first of all I want you all you young people out there to know that I don't mince words I'm not known for being an old softy I call a spade a spade so having said that I will say as pleasantly as I


know how that as far as this situation between Hamas and Israel is concerned if you have any belief whatsoever that Hamas is the victim of Israel you are wrong wrong wrong wrong but I also want to say that I don't necessarily blame you because to a certain extent perhaps to an even greater extent it's not your fault if you're a student and what you are experiencing concerning this conflict is one of the best coordinated propaganda efforts coming coming from The Faculty since the second world war now I don't want to go into a long


ven if we picked up just from:


way shape or form really interested in peace with Israel they have flatly refused every opportunity and some of those opportunities were actually you know very good and would have been very beneficial for the Palestinians to be at peace with Israel on the flimsiest and often ridiculous pretexts and objections that it is possible to create the absolute historical truth is that Israel has extended the olive branch many times and not only have the Palestinians rejected it but usually spat on it and threw it back in Israel's


face the true unvarnished reason for this is really simple in the final analysis the Palestinians I'm referring to the Muslim Arabs absolutely hate Jews and simply want them all to go away and all or die there are many historical reasons for this part of which dates back to the Ottoman Empire the Germans who were basically the ogs of the Nazis so in the shortest possible terms although I have no doubt that you certainly have not been taught to make this connection the current Palestinian State and particularly the areas of Lebanon and


Syria and all of the areas that are comprised mostly of Muslim Arabs are actually ideologically close kissing cousins of Nazi ideology of the 30s and 40s the only main primary difference is that the Muslim Arabs want to kill all the Jews for Allah whereas Hitler and his top brass of lunatics simply hated Jews because well they hated Jews but the Nazi Nazis they used the Jews as a convenient scapegoat for everything that was wrong with Germany after they lost the first world war the famous stabbed in the back narrative that the Nazis made up to


blame the Jews for everything that was wrong with Germany simply put all that anti-jewish Nazi propaganda was then and is basically the same kind of propaganda strategy that is being put forth very effectively by the Muslim Arab Palestinians today what you must understand however is that this Palestinian Muslim Arab propaganda that is being put forth through colleges and University campuses throughout America and as well as other parts of the world particularly in Britain is actually designed with one purpose in mind to divide and


conquer this is and has been for a long time the long game of Islam very long short short story they come into town cities or countries as refugees of one form or cause or another they basically lay low and are cool for a while then when their numbers get large enough they get strong enough they start stirring up demanding governments whether local or national to make more and more concessions to and for their maniacal and genocidal religion at some point when governments will go no further to appease them and


refuse to do this then they begin playing the victim card and basically start stirring up all kinds of and I have observed them do this over and over again now I completely understand that you may just think I'm some irrelevant old who doesn't have a clue and I'm completely out of touch okay fine but if I may be allowed to prove by point in the case of the fairness that word that the young and very idealistic love to kick around I would just ask that you do this if you really want to pull I'm


sorry if you really want to put what I'm claiming to the test and you actually have the balls to do so here's what you can do wrap up your Affairs here in the evil horrible United States or whatever other westernized country you may be currently living in say goodbye to friends and family and get your ass a one-way ticket to the Middle East or any other Muslim controlled location or country of your choice and live as a Muslim for at least two years this goes double for women and that should give you enough time to fully experience the


true culture and religion of peace that is so glowingly talked about on the relative safety of American college campuses and universities and after that experience if you still have any functional brain cells in your head that the 7th Century teachings of Islam have not destroyed you can contact the US absolutely begging to get your ass out of there and endlessly crying how you were so wrong how there was just so much that you didn't understand um but now you really really sorry and you like an embarrassed and


repentant child you beg forgiveness and plead to come back to the US that's what the you would be doing in probably a year or less and like the old TV commercial used to say I guarantee it has the US done wrong in its foreign policy in the past of course it has and undoubtedly the same thing with Israel but I will note that the difference with Israel is that over the last say 50 or 60 years their actions against the power Palestinians and I'm talking I'm being specific about that the Muslim Arabs has


largely been reactionary and Israel has made many sincere attempts at peace which were ignored or flatly refused and that is historically true as I stated before try to put yourself in Israel's position you know try to have some you know empathy just try it okay okay have you ever had a neighbor that was just bat crazy right now for instance I have two of them not just one I have two but anyway no matter how many times you know you've made overtures to get along they either ignored you or you know thre threw your offer is back in


your face how would you feel I bet after 50 years or so of that kind of treatment you'd have a reason to be righteously pissed off yourself if I may wrap things up if you take anything from what I say here just please remember this you and I the Jews and anyone else who isn't Muslim falls into one huge category the Infidel and I don't give a rat's ass what they say or Claim about being P slaming Islam has it has clearly demonstrated historically something quite different and uh as I already pointed


out just take your ass to a Muslim country and live there for a couple of years and maybe just maybe you'll begin to see the light and truly appreciate how wonderful it is to live in a society that recognizes the 2st century not socially and ideologically still living in the 7th Century which is exactly the truth of what Islam really is one last thing I don't want to hear about how wrong I am because I'm talking about radicalized Muslims or that you have one or more really nice Muslim friends who wouldn't dream of committing


violent acts against individuals or governments that's a defensive and well deflective rationalization argument that has been used countless times to justify Muslim violence and hypocrisy I fully understand that many of you out there but many of you out there already know this and that I'm preaching to the choir but please be patient because there are many that simply don't know they don't know the stuff and I'm trying as best as I know how to reach them so yes Muslims or their sympathetic ass kissing apologist


at universities suggesting that we um you know we should look past any actions committed by radicalized Muslims is an utterly idiotic yet simultaneously disingenuous as saying radicalize Nazis it is um God I mean can you imagine all the commanders and Generals back in World War II telling you know you know the D-Day invasion forces that when they land on the beaches of Normandy make certain that they only shoot radical Nazis the rest of them are nice perfectly fine we should a tea and dialogue with them what I I don't even know what to


say okay I'll say this I'll say with both reason and logic I say go yourself and the double standard Islamic horse you rode in on in the final analysis the only social and governmental role that is acceptable to a Muslim is Islam and no other it even clearly states so in their holy book the Quran and if Britain and the United States doesn't actually do something to stop this really ser soon we are going to find out exactly what that means you women you'll be wearing a burka whether you want to or


not and this is not alarmist hyperbole this is a historic analysis of everywhere that Islam has taken hold and if you don't think it can happen in Britain or America think again infidel if you enjoyed this please do subscribe and hit the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow and if you can offer some support hey please do so by going to the Kofi Link in the description below anything would be sincerely appreciated and last but certainly not least if you have anything no matter how ordinary or unordinary you


would like to hear or talk about don't hesitate to reach out to me and tell me what it is you want that link is also in the description below and so if you do that we can get it on the show until next time this is Ernest thank you for listening I'm wishing your health wealth and good luck

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb