Episode 247

Published on:

11th Aug 2023

Podcast# 247 A Reality Lesson: The Lahaina Maui Hawaii Fire, the Phone Call That Saved a Life.

A Reality Lesson: The Lahaina Maui Hawaii Fire

Hello everyone, it's Earnest Mann here, and I'm thrilled to have you with me for another episode of the Earnest Mann Show. Today, we're diving deep into a reality lesson that's close to my heart.

Gratitude to My Indian Audience

First off, a massive shoutout to my listeners in India. I'm genuinely humbled by the love and support you've shown. It's a mystery why my show resonates so much with you, but I'm eternally grateful.

The Call That Changed Everything

Recently, I received a call from a former client, a man who once sought my advice on relocating. He was considering moving from Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. Based on my research and insights, I advised him to leave sooner rather than later. Fast forward to today, and Lahaina has been devastated by a fire, leading to the tragic loss of around 40 lives. This gentleman credits my advice for potentially saving his life.

The Role I Play

It's moments like these that remind me of the importance of my work. I provide advice on where and sometimes how to live. It's not just about numbers or trends; it's about real lives and the impact of decisions.

The Reality of Lahaina

Lahaina, with a population close to 15,000, is a densely populated area. The city spans less than eight square miles, leading to a population density of almost 1,700 people per square mile. My Human Comfort Sustainability Index suggests an ideal number close to or less than 100. Lahaina's index was alarmingly high, almost 17 times over the recommended index. This made it clear that the city was a ticking time bomb.

The Bigger Picture

Natural disasters are unpredictable, but certain areas are more prone to them. Some places have taken proactive measures, while others have turned a blind eye. The devastation in Lahaina was not just about the immediate impact of the fire but also the long-term implications. The question arises: should this area even be reinhabited?

The Power of Informed Decisions

Life is full of choices, and sometimes, one decision can change the course of our lives. Whether it's choosing not to get into a car with an intoxicated driver or deciding where to live, these choices, when based on solid information, can have profound impacts.

In Conclusion

My heart goes out to the victims of the Lahaina fire. As we wrap up this episode, I urge everyone to make informed decisions and always prioritize safety. Thanks for tuning in, and I'll catch you next time on the Earnest Mann Show.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 hello everyone it's Friday we made it through another week thank you for tuning in or we're tuning in again and this is episode number 247. a reality lesson the lahina Mali Hawaii fire the phone call that saved a life before I get started there is a thank you I wanted to send out to all of my listeners in India and I have to I have to wonder I don't know why there are so many people that listen to my show in India but I'm very grateful and I just wanted you to know that so thanks again I got a telephone call

01:07 um from basically an old client and this is a man um that right out of the chute um just wanted to thank me um I had worked with him a couple of years ago and we came down to narrowing his choices of places that he wanted to actually relocate to uh from where he was at that time which was in Lahaina Maui Hawaii and I gave him my opinion that um yes he should leave

02:12 sooner than later and um the tragedy is now the place is is just wiped out with fire foreign at the at the time at this moment almost around 40 people have died and the cities just utterly that city is destroyed and I had this man on the phone with me profusely thanking me um because he felt as though from the information that he had gathered in all probability he probably would have been dead and so what does this what does this mean

03:17 well as sad as it is it means that I'm doing my job and I still do that job that is basically amongst other things I give people advice on where to live and sometimes even how to live and um this is something that has happened several times in the past as far as getting phone calls and I I cannot give you the man's name and I'm not going to be able to play any audio but let's just say again he was extremely grateful um so

04:25 where did where did this come from how did this happen the thing is what is not actually unusual is this occurrence in and of itself [Music] as a matter of fact if you want another prediction this is going to begin happening more frequently in that area of the world and um to put this in perspective I think it would be a good idea to help put this into a greater perhaps visual context it's just a little information about the

05:29 place now these numbers are not precise they're close um this place roughly has a population close to around fifteen thousand and as far as you know home ownership we're talking roughly half of that population owns their home and they have it in several years to give you an idea of how tightly as they like to call it the market is they haven't been issuing any building permits well

06:33 they're going to be issuing them now because just about every damn thing's burned to the ground but anyway this place has about or had you know close to that population and when you consider as part of the equation that I have how um how poorly it sits on the index that I created [Music] um it's it's amazing that so far only around you know 36 or 37 people have died that is amazing actually um

that point into around almost:

08:47 by other metrics well that's not a lot of people it depends on what you want to you know use as an example to pull out of your ass and say well look let's look at New York City or yeah you can get higher densities but that is not what the issue is here when the issue here is the human Comfort sustainability index and ideally what you want when you dial in all the factors as you run around an index as close to or less than 100.

looking at a number of almost:

10:40 and so for that reason I did not advise living there and so this is what happens now um if I would have been sloppy in running the numbers things could have had a very very different outcome for this gentleman but I do the numbers uh very very carefully and I don't believe in shoddy work but here's the thing as terrible as this is it's amazing so far

11:46 that the death toll has not been much higher but what's even going to be worse is going to be the Fallout even once the flames are Stamped Out because it's simply not a fact of waiting for the you know the fires all of that too simply stop and cool off and then immediately start rebuilding the infrastructure in this particular area and region one of the things as far as a risk assessment is concerned is they're going to need two very seriously consider if any of this should be reinhabited in the first place

12:50 I don't think it should but this ties in with the ongoing argument I've had for some time concerning space the people the space that people need to live comfortably oh and um there are so many different factors involved again and this is all you know based on you your life your age your finances all it's all your thing and you would be absolutely amazed at some of the places that may be off the top of your head you would die to live in or even close to and the numbers paint an entirely

13:57 different picture now again I want to emphasize that to a certain extent to perhaps to a larger extent um this is very individualized and so a place that you know would be absolutely terrible for one person could work out very very well for another but this particular place is it's just um it was a huge accident just waiting to happen as a matter of fact I'm very surprised that this has taken as long as it has to actually occur of course

15:01 nobody wants anything like this to occur simply stating that I thought it was overdue and there are so many places like this at least and I'm just talking about here in the good old continental United States and there are places there are places for instance where they have had more than a hint of natural disasters and some of these places have been very proactive which is a good thing and for lack of a better term some of them have just done nothing more than basically stick their head in the ground and pretend as though it

16:00 the threat doesn't exist and these are the places that are going to pay dearly so um I wanted to share this because you know when I when I see this on the news and they have lots of coverage on this right now and you think you know these are these are human lives I mean imagine just Lahore of that just only getting out lucky enough to get out alive and everything you have up in Up in Flames and you can't go home because there's no home to go back to just looking at the expressions

17:08 these people are terrified and um also you know the local government they're doing the best they can of course but I'm saying absolutely just in in no way were they prepared for something this catastrophic and how utterly fast it was you just can't you can't prepare um for something like that enough um when I when I look at this entire picture I'm very glad not only did I choose not to live there but at least I was able to positively

18:14 affect at least one person's life but also as a consequence of that [Music] um that meant that he did not have family members who were also would have been living there as well so part of what I'm trying to say is that it is absolutely amazing when you think about it not only what we can both good and bad receive as far as the fickle -ness of fate but also in a good way you know if you every now and then you make those good sound reasonable decisions and it can pay off

19:20 and it could it could be anything from choosing for instance not to get in a car when you know the person driving's intoxicated and you could just be the one that wants to stick out and say it that's okay you guys you go ahead yeah it's fine and then they end up in a really bad accident or maybe there's you know several people killed that one choice you made that was smart and smart moves based on solid information facts [Music] it's um that's a good thing and so

20:26 all I can say is um you know my heart really goes out to those people and what they're going through and we're going to be and we are sending assistance as much as we can and so that's what I'm going to leave you with this Friday and um let's hope that things improve in that neck of the woods I certainly hope it does other than that thanks for listening and be back on Monday take care why should you listen to the earnest Man Show because instead of hearing such servile cowardly and ball-less Reporting from

21:26 corporate news sources delivering news such as I believe Senator show and so now you might be telling an untruth you want to hear what really needs to be said such as Senator is a paid corporate chill and if there is still any real law left in this country and if the judge is in a good mood he should minimally be tarred and feathered with a subsequent 10-year sentence of hard labor with no possibility of parole we're stealing taxpayer money this is why you should listen because it clearly demonstrates your ability to see

22:14 through such Mass corporate due to your greater perception and intelligence that's why you should listen to the Earnest Mann Show

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb