Episode 290

Published on:

1st Dec 2023

The "Migrants" don't care, do you?

Unveiling the Realities of the Migrant Crisis: A Candid Perspective by Earnest Mann

Hello, it's Earnest Mann here, and today, I'm diving into the migrant crisis with an unfiltered lens. This episode challenges the mainstream narrative and offers a courageous take on a politically charged issue. I express gratitude to supporters like Ron from Witto, Kansas, whose contributions keep this show running.

Confronting Two-Faced Policies: A Tale of Citizens and the Elite

This segment delves into the dichotomy of policies affecting average Americans and the uber-rich. I discuss how profits often overshadow the needs of citizens, revealing a stark reality many choose to ignore.

Decoding the Border Crisis: Invaders, not Migrants

Here, I make a bold claim: those crossing the borders are invaders, not migrants. I unravel the governmental and corporate machinations behind this situation, highlighting the exploitation of cheap labor and its impact on American society.

The Social Storm of 2023: Consequences of Lenient Policies

As we approach 2024, the social ramifications of lenient border policies are becoming evident. I examine how these policies contribute to increased crime rates and societal strains, urging listeners to acknowledge these harsh realities.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] hello everyone I have some thoughts on the migrant crisis and regardless of where you stand on that I hope you have the courage to listen especially taking into account I had the courage to say something other than the current popular woke politically correct narrative I also strongly suggest you grab this video before it's probably taken down before I go any further I wanted to say thank you to Ron in witto Kansas your support really does keep me help keep the lights on Ron and I can eat something other than beans and wieners

00:51 your support is sincerely appreciated what this comes down to something that many people especially of the variety seem to have a great deal of trouble with is reality but I'll do my best in this short amount of time to clarify a few things this is a situation of two mutually exclusive policies one for the average American citizen and the other for the Uber rich and I probably don't have to tell you or at least I shouldn't have to tell you that when the two come into conflict the citizens almost always

01:35 lose because the god of America is only concerned with one thing profit and nothing and I mean absolutely nothing stands in the way of financial profit and if you don't know or understand this then you really need to listen to what I'm about to say the first thing is that these are not migrants so stop calling them that the many thousands of people crossing the border at the three primary states of California Texas and Arizona Daily are Invaders pure and simple but those Mexican Invaders are not so much the

02:23 issue here as is the cause for them invading our country in the first place so one needs to understand that our government which was given over to corporate control many years ago has had a very sweet deal worked out with the puppet regime of Mexico for quite a few years now poor uneducated and criminal Mexicans illegally enter the US Mexico's wealthy profit because it doesn't have to pay them any support for them and US citizens small businesses as well as large corporations eat up that cheap slave labor to maximize profit and

observant asses so here it is:

04:11 marching orders pretend to be hardcore Patriots but give the Invaders Refreshments sandwiches and blankets on our side of the border and nicely ask them after we also pay the cost of taking them back to to the border to go back to Mexico and don't try to cross the border again okay nudge nudge wink wink good night Miguel good night Carlos see you Manana the social storm I'm talking about is a direct consequence of this deliberately lenient and hands off policy even though the news shies away from what I call identifiers a woke

05:04 policy to not identify race for committed crimes because doing so would be well racist the demographic information is available and the factual reality is that the vast majority of gun drug and violent crimes are now being committed by Latino males especially in gangs part of the culture they bring with them from Mexico but besides all this even if I were being deliberately unfair biased or even racist talking about the crime issue which I'm not it still comes down to the same thing it always has come down to in recorded

05:59 human human history resources or a lack thereof your job especially if you're one of the few still making a decent and acceptable wage is a resource and most people except for the mentally challenged and perpetually offended woke crowd understand this that wage only gets lower by increasing numbers of available workers when those workers work for the lowest slave wages offered them it once again only makes things worse for everyone else who was working before simply put wages go down across the board it becomes the liberal

06:53 Progressive dream realized everyone becoming more equal yes equally poor there is only so much food water and housing that can be allocated to a given area this is the reality you can possibly build up and keep squeezing more people in a given area per mile but the inevitable consequence of this is a lower quality of life for all if you don't believe leave this go to Mexico City and you'll find out really quick what I'm talking about the consequences of corruption and no intelligent resource-based societal planning

07:46 whatsoever the air quality in Mexico City is so bad birds drop dead in mid-flight but this reality is of no concern to the wealthy whether they be Senators congressmen the business movers and shakers celebrities universally faculty and professors and the like none of this really matters despite what some of them may say to the contrary one damn bit because at the end of the day it's still not really affecting them not yet but the ghetto can continues to grow Across America if a person does even the most superficial examination everything from

08:38 the meat packing and processing industry the service industry and the construction and home building industry you'll find that it's overwhelmingly employed by Mexicans and let's not forget the public school system overwhelmed and flooded with you guessed it Mexicans this cancerous condition in America continues to grow every day and it will only get worse as long as the proverbial gates to the nation are purposely left open allow me to give you a short personal example a few years ago there was a fast food restaurant near me that

09:25 had a mix of employees some were white black and Latino a true Rainbow Coalition which I'm sure would make any liberal Progressive very happy as it supports their Sesame Street ideals of forced oops sorry I meant governmental incentivized inclusion a year later however it became and still is all Latino employed gee I wonder how that could have possibly happened now I realize at this point with everything I've said so far that there are three strong possibilities that especially if you're a young and fully woke indoctrinated

10:20 individual you're either very angry or you're possibly even laughing mocking me as a fully out of touch old white guy that's simply completely wrong and part of the old oppressive patriarchy responsible for every known and even unknown sin known to mankind oops sorry I I meant person kind is that even a word and everything that I've been saying is simply hyperbole with no basis in fact yeah and what about the third possibility that I am a reasoned and rational Observer with a great deal of life experience and possess the

11:10 intelligence to call a spade a spade I would not refer to a thief breaking into my home at night as a person making an unscheduled entrance into my dile for unknown but possibly good intentions anymore than I would refer uh to anyone invading my country as a migrant because I possess enough intelligence to know the difference between the two if you enjoyed or found this information useful Please Subscribe and hit the notification Bell it really does help my channel grow if there is a subject you want to discuss reach out to

11:57 me with the link below and if you can offer some support please do so by going to the Kofi link also in the description below even a cup of coffee would be sincerely appreciated until next time this is earnest thank you for listening wishing your health wealth and good luck

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb