Episode 271

Published on:

6th Oct 2023

Podcast# 271 Earnest Truth: An example of How Realism Can Improve Your Life, When Bullshit fails.

The Power of Realism in Today's World

The Misconceptions Surrounding Earnest Mann

I'm often mistaken for being religious or radically conservative, but I've always identified as a realist. It seems the term has become ambiguous, leading to confusion. Realism isn't about having low expectations; it's a philosophy, a lens through which we view the world.

The Realist's Perspective on Home Security

Imagine a scenario where an intruder breaks into your home. Would you rely on fictional superpowers or would you turn to practical measures for protection? I believe in the latter, emphasizing the importance of being prepared. Owning a registered firearm is a choice I've made to ensure the safety of my home.

Addressing the Migrant Crisis

The ongoing migrant crisis in places like Chicago is concerning. Referring to them as "Mexican Invaders" might sound harsh, but it's essential to see the situation without rose-colored glasses. The solution isn't just about building walls; it's about addressing the root causes and understanding the implications of unchecked migration.

The Realist's Call to Action

We mustn't be swayed by delusions or get lost in political correctness. It's crucial to see things as they are, not as we wish them to be. The future of America depends on our ability to face reality head-on.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:04 hello everybody and thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again and this is episode number 271 Earnest truth an example of how realism can improve your life when [ __ ] fails now before I get started I would just like to remind you that I don't do any annoying thirdparty advertising but I could absolutely use your support to help pay the bills so I can keep the show not only coming to you but coming to you commercial free so please consider going to my website or the direct link to my Kofi account in the description

01:02 below even just the kindness of a cup of coffee would very much be appreciated and go a lot further than you know and many people seem to think that I'm religious I'm not many people also seem to be of the opinion that not only am I a conservative but radically conservative this also is totally incorrect to be honest what is really strange to me is I simply cannot figure out where the hell they're getting these Notions from so I just wanted to take a moment for some clarification what I am as I stated many

01:50 times in the past is a realist but I think maybe this might be where a a bit of confusion is coming from because you see unfortunately the term realist has become just a bit too ambiguous so I'll try to clarify things a bit a lot of times in just regular conversations you'll hear that word kicked around you might hear for example oh I could never do that I'm too much of a realist or you might hear uh I feel that I have a very realistic expectations so of course I expect that to happen these are just two small

02:40 examples that can confuse people about realism a realism is a philosophy it's a way of viewing and interacting with the world so as a consequence of this a realist often says things that to a non-realist can either sound contradictory or absolutely outlandish or offensive but the real is just not being outlandish or offensive simply for the sake of doing so they're not into juvenile Behavior more often than not and I can speak for myself here we are simply trying to get our point across as direct and simply as possible

03:31 unfortunately many people today simply can't handle directness which is very aggravating for a realist so often times we have to resort to speaking obliquely being deliberately ambiguous or the language veiled hoping that the listener can figure it out that they can uh read between the lines so to speak so now that I've said that let's go into what I wanted to talk about today let's say someone broke into your home in the we hours of the morning intent on burglarizing you or possibly even more depending uh well depending on the

04:24 situation so if you're a woman and especially if you have children are you going to go all boss [ __ ] with your super Boss [ __ ] powers like a member of The Avengers or are you going to turn to your husband I don't use woke lesbo or PC terminology and get his ass to check it out I believe in most cases the latter will be the case which is fine with me because that's part of man's purpose description and he's been doing it for a long time so do you have a gun if you don't have a gun and the

05:12 Intruder does not flee when obviously someone has become awake then the choices once again become simple a man is going to have a physical confrontation with another man or I'll say at least very likely a man and hopefully you the woman is on the phone with 911 but chances are depending on where you live and your economic circumstances it could take the cops anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes or possibly even more to get to your house and the fact is that is plenty of time for the Intruder to not only kill your

06:03 husband but to assault or kill you as well this is the primary logic and reason many people own handguns because in the scenario that I just described you can worry about any potential charges later in the meantime don't allow yourself to be a victim to get your ass killed this is why I have a registered firearm and if you break into my home I will shoot you pure and simple and I aim to kill I would not be discussing the inherent unfairness of society I would not go into the kitchen and make them a sandwich with a cold beer to discuss how

06:56 traumatic their childhood was Pat them on the [ __ ] head and tell them to go ahead and take anything they want in the house including my wife because it's not really rape as she's really liberal and understanding as well nope none of that would happen because the fact is he and I are playing out two distinctive roles I as the man and protector and him as the invader but the Invader understands full well that getting shot or possibly even killed is an occupational hazard so from the onset there is no misunderstanding our roles are

07:45 completely and clearly defined so now let me ask you this if you happen to agree with me with the scenario that I just described would wouldn't it seem the least bit hypocritical if not downright stupid that you would tell anyone else friends family whoever to do the exact opposite to tell the Intruder like I Illustrated earlier to take anything they like in your house including access to your wife or possibly even children well that is essentially exactly what is being told to all all the Americans who have to deal with the

08:32 Fallout of the migrant crisis day in and day out currently Chicago is really being hit hard but the powers that be in Chicago won't really do anything because it's not them that this invasion is affecting so far this whole migrant thing has been really nothing but Kick the Can as as long as it's somebody else we generally don't give a damn until it starts to affect us if I could if I could absolutely leave you with one thing to remember it would be to get rid of these damn PC terms migrant crisis and Asylum

09:27 Seekers and call them for what they are Mexican Invaders just so you know the orders for this come from very high up from the White House and certainly all their corporate media lap dogs the reason why they're using the term migrant crisis or Asylum Seekers is that it is very feminized it makes the Mexican Invaders somehow seem like cute harmless little puppies or defenseless little kittens they are not the Mexican Invaders know very well that there is a huge opposition to them everything from the physical barriers in

10:19 the Rio Grand to building a wall they [ __ ] know yet refusing to take the not so subtle hint they keep forcing themselves Upon Us by the tens of thousands so right from the beginning they have no [ __ ] respect now another aspect of realism is that people should be judged mainly by their actions not their words and what their actions are saying are not so much out of desperation but as a threat let us in or else the proper action that should be taken by Mexican citizens should be to Simply address their problems of their

11:12 you know their own country themselves whether it be the rampant corruption or a terribly High birth rate I could go on and on but in the simplest terms I can think of to use an analogy they're kind of like those drugged out super high energy rock stars of the 70s and 80s who having completely destroyed their hotel rooms which represents Mexico then get to go to another nice hotel then do the same thing over again I guess I don't have to explain where the new hotel is do I and in case you you don't know these

12:01 poor defenseless puppies and kittens have both subtly and not so subtly repeatedly threatened rioting in the major cities in Florida and La where they have very large populations finally the whole reason telling you this is not just to inform you of the gravity of the situ situation which the Invaders from the South but to hopefully illustrate very clearly the power of being able to describe truthfully and honestly what is going on with this crisis as a realist because we don't see or describe the world and rose-colored glasses and

12:55 visions of rainbows and unicorns and yes that's sure as hell includes not being delusional and seeing cute little harmless puppies and defenseless kittens we choose to see things as they actually are and if we don't reverse The Invasion the future of America will be nothing but one huge poverty stricken gang infested bario and that's not speculation that's a fact until next time this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb