Episode 249

Published on:

16th Aug 2023

Podcast# 249 Oregon Matters: It's Been Hotter Than a Kardashian's ass on a Friday Night!

The Heatwave and Infrastructure Woes

Hello, it's Earnest Mann from the Earnest Mann Show. Recently, we've experienced a heatwave that's hotter than a Kardashian's Friday night. With temperatures soaring above 100 degrees, even the old-timers can't recall such heat. Climatologists suggest this might be our new norm. But, let's shift from the Kardashians and dive into something interconnected - our infrastructure.

Bridges: The Lifelines We Ignore

For over 13 years and $10 million, Salem has been contemplating a new bridge. Yet, after all this time and money, the Salem City Council decided against it. We've got bridges from 1918 and 1952, and if they were to collapse, detours would be lengthy. The nation watches in disbelief as we squander time and resources. And while we're on the topic of infrastructure, let's not forget our aging electrical grid. With blackouts looming and transformers at risk, we're advised to conserve energy. But shouldn't the focus be on upgrading our systems?

The Pringle Creek Path: A Shiny Distraction

While bridges crumble and blackouts threaten, Salem is set to receive $6 million for the Pringle Creek path. It's a beautiful project, connecting various scenic points. But who truly benefits? Property owners in the vicinity will see their values skyrocket. Meanwhile, the average citizen gains little. It's all about appearances, with no real substance.

The Earnest Mann Show: Your Truthful Companion

Tired of media mouthpieces? Tune into the Earnest Mann Show for a genuine perspective. I might not have the polish of mainstream hosts, but I value truth over pretense. Listen, engage, and let's navigate this world together.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 well yes indeed thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 249 Oregon matters it's been a hotter than a Kardashian's ass on a Friday night anyone who is alive and breathing and hasn't melted uh knows how ridiculously and quite abnormally hot it has been these last few days a hundred plus degrees some places reaching 104 some reaching higher and even for the old-timers here they just and in recent memory uh nope not remembering it I know I sure as hell haven't and it looks like according to the

01:07 information from various uh climatologists and people know all I can say is well better get used to it because sadly it's going to be the new Norm which is what um I'm speaking of things that are hot no unfortunately when we're not uh going to be talking how hot a Kardashian's ass is on a Friday night but if they were here that would be the case because yeah it certainly would be one way or the other um I want to talk about some things that on the surface um although they might seem to not be related

02:01 they actually are see that's what I'd like to do I don't want to be boring about something and just blither it out what what fun is there in that the fun the enjoyment is seeing all of these connections that I don't know maybe you never thought about and that's what I do that's what I enjoy doing so like I said unfortunately won't be talking about the Kardashian's ass but um I know um it is as far as asses are concerned they've been quite warm here in Salem Oregon so what I'm going to talk about

02:57 which is related are bridges Bridges and paths and then it's going to tie into a third situation here I wanted to talk about the backers of the newly proposed Bridge it's not actually newly proposed that they want to take over the Willamette um between Marion and Polk counties and now since they haven't made any Headway or cannot apparently make any Headway through Salem they're just gonna just bypass that and go to the legislature instead which would make sense that part would make sense normally except for one thing

03:54 um this [ __ ] has been going on literally for you know forever for decades um yeah so we've spent here in Salem in the last 13 years uh people walking around with clipboards and I don't know if they even use us anymore but um you know this pocket calculators and and such 10 million okay dollars so studying for a new bridge well they go through that for 13 years 13 years 13 years and 10 million bucks and then when they're finally all said and done the Salem City Council said nope the hell with you we ain't doing it

04:53 I would you know it should have been like this is if it's there should be strings attached to these kind of quote-unquote studies feasibility studies if you will so it's kind of like this okay well you're not gonna do that well then about giving the money back oh oh that's part of your wait a minute that's part of your grift oh that's right I see you're part of the city council and that's right I mean the grifters council I'm sorry yeah yeah I've forgotten that's um that comes

05:33 with your territory yeah so uh chit um boy can you imagine if people who built and repaired roofs could have it like that come to your home um the estimation process would be completely different yeah they would have their own committee and a feasibility study and I don't know you could before they even got through the estimate and everything that would cost you thirty thousand now that would make them happy but fortunately most of the legitimate guys that repair roofs are not grifters at least for the most part but the city

Center Street Bridge built in:

07:13 um and if you the only options you have is if you want to if you have to for some reason avoid those bridges or should they collapse or whatever you've got um uh you know you'd have like a 34 Mile Drive North uh to the uh the shampoo uh Road Bridge or you can drive south uh to the Independence Street Bridge and that will only take you 13 miles out of the way so yeah can you imagine this because it's again the rest even the rest of the country looks at this and it's like that major you know face palm moment

08:08 and they say you you took 13 13 years you can't you can't talk either you took him it took you 13 [ __ ] years and then you just said no like a little kid you know a little kid it gets mad they're at that age and no all I guess is are you mad no that's what it's like they just made sure they got the money first all that money so um yeah uh so the battle of who can be of the most ridiculous uh concerning this uh something that's desperately needed and it's not to even this doesn't even mention

of proposed house bill number:

10:07 Corridor about where you can put the damn Bridge so it again this this is the kind of thing I don't know if it's you know like this where you live wherever that may be but you know I'm saying that um it comes across the people they just did you shake their head what are you [ __ ] kidding no no we're taught apparently when it comes to I put it this way when it comes to making money and all you have to do is every decision has to be as slow as humanly [ __ ] possible so we're talking people that you know

11:00 are definitely still trying to decide what to have for breakfast yesterday and why not can you imagine a job where you're actually paid and paid really well by the way to do the exact opposite of efficiency and to be as inefficient as humanly possible and then some 13 years 10 million dollars I don't know just off the top of my head so every year I mean that's you know it's just porking out another um that's roughly I don't know what 1.

11:51 2 million years yeah it's only yeah it's only that but you see all of this discretionary and non-discretionary all this all the thieves constantly with the little hands going in the cookie jar that's your money it adds up you know how it is [ __ ] you run a house you have a budget everything it's amazing but you know the old saying it's amazing it all adds up and in their case though it's not adding up to anything because it's for them so yeah uh because as far as these if you want to call them at any you know

12:41 feasibility study um you know it's not costing them dick so bear that in mind two Bridges by the way that are one of them certainly the older one is in as in serious need of repair and they're not doing that so I don't I don't know I don't know what the answer is maybe they want something to happen that uh happened several years ago in Minneapolis when part of 35W just [ __ ] collapsed more recently in Chicago there was there have been reports all over this great nation of the problems the troubles with the

13:38 infrastructure and as I'm going to illustrate here um it it has everything to do with the money who that is to say who's stealing the money and really the truth be is if the truth be told and this is just my opinion of course but based on the actions um as far as say the main Center uh Street Bridge if it collapsed into the [ __ ] River tomorrow wouldn't matter then and only then would they quickly relatively quickly um start construction on a new bridge because why the hell do you want to actually

14:41 commit to doing what's needed when you're making money with just all of this feasibility nonsense when you know the topography of the area hasn't changed that much it hasn't changed you know in a hundred and you know 10 15 years um as far as the makeup is concerned and when the original people decided to build the bridges where they did they had very good reasons for doing so so as far as that's concerned you know all that work it's already been done I don't need someone to stand there with

15:40 various interest instruments going hmm well yeah so well what uh this is the uh shortest and flattest two points adjacent to the river well but I'm just not sure maybe we should study it for another 50 [ __ ] years anyhow there is that and this ties in to the next issue so this is for something which as far as you know cost is concerned it's not that much money I say that much especially when you know the state or what have you is is um kicking in

16:45 money and this is the um we're talk what we're talking about here is that Salem's going to get six mil to complete the Pringle Creek path and you know it helps if um the total bill is you know roughly going to be around 10 million and they always undercut the price it'll run over this is typically usually never in budget you know how that goes but even so um yeah we're getting six mil it's it's looked at it's being proposed almost as though it's free money and they're saying well we want to get

17:38 this thing done and we're getting you know we're getting six million and you know the state grant funding to complete it and you know you put across the proposals you do all this work and once again remember this is a proposal and it's supposed to sound good and all the drawings and everything that you do makes it look wonderful fine and beautiful and functional they're not going to they're not going to draw up these things and saying well there's a whole bunch of problems or you know this is um

cause um you know they had in:

19:28 connect um to all of these these areas and make it Scenic and make it nice and you know enjoyable and walkable and all that and like I said who's gonna you know who's gonna argue with that at least not on the surface so you know it connects um to uh the Riverfront Park you know it connects um let's see yeah the Riverfront Park and they're going to they're going to uh basically they want to make it really nice and and all that you know it's um it's in that area down in the Mento Island Bridge

20:26 you know and connects also to the Union Street pedestrian bridge so it's like what have I got against this well here is the problem this is what you've been waiting for this is what ties in you have to look at who benefits and for the most part the people that are going to benefit are going to be the property owners in those areas they are going to uh benefit immensely and this is going to raise their property values um any places nowadays that you can have the moniker attached that it is your property is near or

21:20 connected to or right off of adjacent to a walkable sustainable community well the price just shut up considerably because that's that's what they want you know that is and I can see that but I'm talking about who this benefits it benefits the nice property owners and the merchants in that area to the average folks not so much yeah I mean it's nice you're allowed if you will to go there and walk through this so yeah you could do that but it's still not the same as it being your place because you don't you don't

22:13 have any property um certainly you know the merchants and the shops and all that they want this thing of course and they don't have to pay for it but they want this because of the foot traffic and then that brings that's right more money but especially the property owners to finally have that look pretty and nice and all that it benefits them apartment people nope they don't get dick out of it so now back to the Heat because unlike what's not discussed here we're talking days here you know 104 and five

23:06 and just what um I got this notice from PG and E and PG e um apparently they want to educate me on everything that I should do to conserve electricity because they're so worried about the collapse and blackout um this stress that this is all having on the um you know the Grid on the look The Grid here and I'm thinking really because you see most electrical grid systems in America right now uh because of our aging infrastructure are in serious trouble

24:09 and so they want to tell you they want to they send you this kind of like an FYI and all the things that you should and could do they send information about cooling centers which is good I mean that's a good thing uh all these different uh areas and buildings and libraries cooling off places again there's nothing wrong with that that's fine I don't have a problem with that but when they get to the area when they're talking about telling me or you what we can do in our homes and what we're supposed to uh because

24:49 this is the peaks of power usages between like 5 and 10 P.M so they have a list of things that we're supposed to do and some of them are just downright stupid and it says you run your AC only in the home and keep the thermostat set to the highest comfortable level cool only rooms lived in okay no if temperatures cool down enough consider turning the AC off at night and open the windows instead well again in a perfect environment that all sounds good except oftentimes it can also [ __ ] get you killed because guess what if you do that and

25:38 you're just having your screens in your windows um that's when a whole lot of burglaries take place and people would doing this um are smart enough now to be prepared uh that people may be home and so that kind of thing happens all the time nope when I go to sleep at night um my windows are closed my doors are closed and my windows are closed so that in my opinion is just a really stupid suggestion okay well of course they tell you all the appliances and ovens and dishwashers and washing machines uh uh don't use them in the morning or

26:29 evening well okay I mean sometimes you don't really have a choice it says if you charge your electric vehicle at home charged during off-peak hours well guess what sometimes you can't so that's yeah turn off all unnecessary electrical equipment such as Entertainment Systems computers copiers and lights well a lot of those things these days they don't they don't suck a lot of juice anyway I know it's cumulative but they don't but with all of this going on then they have safety prepared kits and it's very

27:14 thorough but you know here's what they're not talking about it's what they're not talking about is if you have a good solid electrical system it's supposed to have extra capacity you know if you have an electrical system you know that would be a laughing stock in Bulgaria currently something's wrong it will hat you can build these things with plenty of extra capacity so that every year year in and year out we don't have to go through this stupid [ __ ] and people can pretty much you know

28:08 reasonably do what they want to do um but we have to get this special the special warning about we have to go through this every year but doing this for like 20 30 years as opposed to if again if you had a current modern um infrastructure electrical grid and system with all that anticipated extra carry capacity this whole point would be moot I wouldn't even be talking about this [ __ ] right now so especially you know when you know that it's going to be the new Norm and all of this comes and ties in with

29:04 what I was talking about earlier because that is not something that's going to benefit a certain amount of people as far as their property value is concerned or that's not something sexy that you can send guesstimators around that cost the taxpayers after 13 years nothing gets done [ __ ] you could have built Three Bridges in that time or four and they did nothing Salem did nothing that's how idiotic that is but it's not you know having apparently here having an up-to-date and you know current proper electrical grid

29:56 system with extra carrying capacity no they don't give a [ __ ] about that so as this gets worse and worse everything here is going to get worse and worse and we have super low humidity so the overworked um you know Transformers are they're going to blow and then there's going to be fire and it's it's the same old story because they won't invest and upgrade a desperately needed upgrade to the system and you see and that's what I feel is so incredibly stupid that we're talking about bridges

30:48 and we're talking about nice pedestrian past you're gonna make everything pretty and beautiful to the homeowners can enjoy it um yeah but we can't have a decent solid electrical infrastructure and that's because in turn when you follow the money that's what it's all about and they don't want to spend that money at least not on that doesn't really benefit them they don't give a [ __ ] not to mention of fact most today most homeowners especially you know the ones of the better homes

31:40 they have uh generators they have backup they have these things so if you know the juice is going to be off you know two three four five days or you know hey does it affect them too much at least not in their home so it's all about having all about having the Polish but no substance it's all about smiling and simultaneously not given a [ __ ] biscuit take care I'm gonna tell you the reason why you should listen to the Ernest Man Show when you're constantly being told what you should think and what you should

32:38 feel about any given subject that happens to be in the six o'clock news by people who have absolutely nothing in common with you these people regardless if they're supposed to be on the right or on the left have absolutely no dog in the fight between what is actually true and isn't they are simply very well-paid mouthpieces that in reality could really give a [ __ ] biscuit less about what really concerns you in your life now I have to admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at

33:32 least I try to tell the truth as I see it anyway and that because you value truth more than [ __ ] is why you should listen to the earnest Man Show

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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