Episode 252

Published on:

23rd Aug 2023

Podcast# 252 Oregon Matters: What in the World Does one do, When a Crazy Person, Lives Next to you?

The Earnest Mann Show: Unusual Stories and Real Concerns

The Puzzling Laws of Salem, Oregon

In the heart of Salem, Oregon, laws and attitudes can sometimes be baffling. A recent case saw a Dallas man, George Hillebrand II, sentenced to over 16 years in prison, a decision that left many questioning the provincialism of the region. Judge Norman Hill, known for his strict rulings, has become a topic of discussion, with some feeling his decisions are overly harsh.

A Neighbor's Unexplained Hostility

A listener named Thomas shares a perplexing situation about a hostile neighbor. Despite having no prior disagreements, this younger man, the son of Thomas's long-time neighbor, consistently hurls obscenities at him. The situation is puzzling, as Thomas has always maintained a peaceful demeanor. The community's advice is sought to help Thomas navigate this challenging situation.

The Earnest Mann Show: A Genuine Voice Amidst Corporate News

In a world where corporate news often feels scripted and insincere, The Earnest Mann Show offers a refreshing perspective. While the show may not have the polished delivery of mainstream media, it promises authenticity and truth, steering clear of the proverbial "biscuit" that other outlets might feed their audience.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


01:24 well hello everybody thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is Wednesday episode number 252 Oregon matters what in the world does one do when a crazy person lives next to you got a couple of things I'm gonna bring up here and uh these are some wow yeah these are some mighty unusual stories so buckle up bucko and sit back and enjoy um the first one is crazy um well they're they're both crazy um I'll say the first one is funny and the second one certainly is not funny

02:29 uh but we're gonna save that for later we're gonna save that for last but this first one I read this I've read this headline and I said what are you [ __ ] kidding me you you've got to be kid this can't be real and it is real and um it's important to remember folks that you know whatever the prevailing laws or attitudes are in a given Place such as Good Old Salem Oregon does not constitute the way it's done in the rest of the country or the world let's say and you um well hence that's what the term

it what what is this you know:

04:33 some guy named George hillebrand II is found guilty in July and uh you know he's got 200 months in prison and the judge was Norman Hill and say God damn if you're ever if you're ever he this is a hanging judge are you [ __ ] kidding me um yeah so you you know you're gonna do a crime if you're gonna do any kind of crime it better not be in Polk County because Lord help you if you get Norman Hill damn I mean he he puts uh Joseph Stalin to shame Christ now look there's a lot of terrible things that

05:37 happen you know and I I instantly I thought uh it was a kid you know involved and more than likely to get this kind of sentencing this would have been um you know again what I'm thinking it's against a child and um it had been going on say for a number of years and yeah I mean okay um and especially especially if that child was you know the uh son or daughter of um a prominent um you know um selamite a prominent Oregonian I think a governor's daughter or something like that but no that's that's that's just it

occurred three times between:

07:33 and it'll serve 10 years on parole after the prison sentence is completed damn I can't just you know again as I said if it would have been those others you know okay yeah but damn you want to talk about a hanging judge and you know I mean I'm all for punishment and crime and and whatnot and the thing is on top of all this I don't know if any anyone has talked to this judge not that he gives a damn but um it doesn't it's not something as a deterrent doesn't does not work as a deterrent

08:23 for the person or other people involved so I you know I mean if this I don't know I I just look at it I can't wrap my head around this because it's just so damn it's actually I mean it's obviously not funny for this young guy from Dallas and he's only 26 years old ouch Christ dude I mean could you get a I don't know a prostitute or I don't know sends a clear message judge Dorman Hill wants nobody committing sins against the Lord in Polk County sodomite don't let the sun sit on your ass in

09:20 Polk County boy yeah that's pretty scary um funny and uh yeah because at the sound of my voice here it's just the it's the idea the um if you're if you're one of those people local and you're listening to this and you think I don't know what you're thinking about what I'm saying but if you're not getting what I'm saying then well count yourself as just being very provincial um because most most people would um so yeah I mean I believe that uh I believe in the sanctity of that what was that statement

10:20 um you know that you don't want the police and the law coming in and monitoring you while you're having intercourse um yeah I know I don't so this is what to me this is what um that basically is uh you're saying you know I'm talk specifically I'm talking about this this even by my standards this sentencing was Draconian it's like Christ dude you know if he's married didn't your wife give you any last night or the night before because you definitely judge you definitely woke up on the

11:07 wrong side of the damn bed sometimes wrong there so yeah um that's that's my funny bit on this and for our next story this is actually where um I am reaching out to you to tell uh this person to help me because quite frankly I mean uh I don't you know I'm not claiming to you know to be a lawyer I just don't know I don't know where you go with this it's a it's a very um unique strange weird situation and so this listener um sent me a sent me this letter email and uh he he wanted me

12:14 to his name is Thomas and Thomas wanted me to put this out on the air for others to hear in the hopes that maybe someone will uh get in contact with uh me or him or uh I you know I guess we'll get in contact with him through me rather uh to help him out in this strange situation and I think I think it's strange I I just look at it and I'm I don't know I wouldn't know what to do but maybe just maybe maybe one of you is an attorney or knows an attorney or um yeah but so the deal is is that this man

13:14 who owns he owns his his home and um he lives alone and he's a quiet man and he has no issues um he's also you know an older guy um so he's not partying he doesn't have problems with the cops he's been there for years and gets along with the neighbors and you know basically things are good things are fine and um at some point um the this younger man let's say he's in his 30s he calls him the kid so this guy Thomas is I think about 60.

14:10 so he's like you know old guy and the young guy is around 30 and that's apparently the son of the woman who has been uh Thomas's neighbor for many years and uh but he doesn't he doesn't know he doesn't know uh her son um so yeah a few couple three years ago or something this this guy you know moves in uh to her house and anyway um not not long after this happens and also one of just bear in mind that um you know uh this woman and Thomas got along fine you know just no problems no issues

14:57 um so yeah um short time after moving in then Thomas goes out to Moe's lawn and you know somebody you noticed some out there and it's bent over he was working these young guys he's working on his on his car and so you know you picture the scene and went out there and you know I said good he said something like I said good morning to him and I'll try to make this real quick so the noise you know from the mower doesn't bother you and he said um the guy didn't even look at him didn't even acknowledge Him He

15:35 was talking to the motor as he's working on it so he grumbled and mumbled something that ended with [ __ ] freak or no uh yeah I said or [ __ ] weirdo or something like that and he was like Thomas was like uh he's like okay um that makes sense yeah he thought that that was really strange but anyway he went on and he mowed the lawn and um so another month passes he said it's about a month or so and then Thomas went out to his backyard and they have a fence but you know not too tall of a fence and I guess

16:29 um and anyway he said that he was again minding his own business and um out of the blue the sun he's on there in their yard and he just calls out to him and he says hey how it's going how's it going [ __ ] weirdo like and I'm like what because again and he said other than speaking with him the one time he has done absolutely nothing to this person and um again just no reason no rhyme no reason and then he said that since that time it doesn't matter um because you know this guy Thomas apparently he's I guess basically re um

17:25 retired himself and that's how he happens I guess to also know that this this kid or whatever that the oh kid to him um he never leaves he you know it's not like he's coming and going from work or anything so um and he never but he never gets to see the mother because and he hasn't seen her in well over a year or so uh because she was saying that there was something wrong with her health so he can't in other words he can't even speak to her to say anything or ask about you know what the hell the problem is with her

18:09 son or anything because he hasn't seen her and the way things are he sure as hell doesn't says he's not going to go next door and you know knock on the door so it's his attitude um this guy Thomas's attitude he says he has a real lit and live live attitude but um just any time that he is like if he pulls his car up into his own driveway um he said because there's a very short distance um between their their homes their driveways it's just not not very far apparently and if he if Thomas said he's

18:55 pulling in to his driveway and he you know stops the car to open the garage to get the uh to get his groceries out of his car to bring them in the house if he's out there he'll just just call out these you know these uh obscenities like trying purposely trying to piss him off again which makes no no sense whatsoever so he sent me this because he wanted to know um in other words the guy he said is like seriously scary this guy scares him because he figures you know who in the hell would do something like that what

19:49 what is he what has he got imagining in his mind or whatever that that somehow that he had been offended by him or whatever his whatever his problem but the guy has a huge chip on his shoulder and he's you know he's extremely hostile and it's one thing to be hostile if these two people if they had had argument you know if there's a reason if there's some kind of history or reason behind it that would kind of make sense but not in this case because it doesn't they have no history he's you know Thomas City's

20:35 he's um hardly ever spoken to the guy except additionally like the one time and and and that was it and then this guy just you know overnight like became crazy and he's done that and he said and plus he on top of that he said and maybe it's just because he's he said he's physically really well built you know he's young he's physically well built he said but he's you know he's scared he's he's uh because of anybody being that hostile for no reason um is crazy in itself

21:17 and so uh Thomas um I hear you I hear you loud and clear and hell if I mean if somebody was doing that to me if they were supposed to be my neighbor and um yeah it would be scary fortunately that's not the case myself luckily knock on wood but um I don't know what to tell you if it is if it is exactly as you described it I mean how do you you he doesn't you know if you don't want to make waves with the police and I'd understand that because it's it's really not a police matter but on the other

22:04 hand from watching these things on the news if somebody is crazy I'm not kidding if they have a mental illness and for instance that would explain why this guy's always you know you say he's tinkering on cars or tinkering on things but he doesn't uh apparently he doesn't work hence the reason you know he's living with his mom again and this is the way this kind of thing happens you know all I've read about these stories all the time so that what that would make sense and I'd say yeah

22:43 you ever every right to be worried and concerned but the thing is quite honestly as I said to you before um I I simply wouldn't know what to do this is for me this is a real quandary so I am reaching out to you my millions and millions of listeners and your Infinite Wisdom um what would you tell Thomas to do because I'm stumped I've never wanted a few things that uh I I don't have any experience in and don't really know exactly what to do so I would appreciate it I certainly know Thomas would appreciate it if you could

23:39 drop a line make comments on on this particular episode uh go into the website and leave a comment uh and or go to the website and contact me you know how to do that by now I'm sure and um hopefully Thomas by some great citizen um you know that could give some legal advice it would be I'm sure you'll be really appreciated the only thing is I would say though if you you don't want to get any advice from Judge Norman Hill of the Polk County Circuit Court oh God anyway thanks for listening folks until next Wednesday

24:43 take care I'm going to tell you three good reasons why you should listen to the earnest Man Show when you're constantly being told and sold by the six o'clock corporate news squirrels urgent breaking news but you don't know it's really a [ __ ] biscuit when you begin to suspect that those well-paid corporate talking head news actors speaking to you simply read the script they're given are trying to give you a [ __ ] biscuit and when you realize that the stories of these so-called news anchors regardless if they're acting the

25:27 role of being on the left or the right have absolutely no real concerns for your life but are definitely Force feeding you a [ __ ] biscuit now admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell you the truth as I see it not reading a damn script handed to me like a trained monkey why you should listen to the earnest Man Show and that's no [ __ ] biscuit

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb