Episode 263

Published on:

18th Sep 2023

Podcast# 263 Good News: Elon Musk is Wrong, Don't Even Think About Buying an Electric Vehicle, Until you Listen to This!

Revolutionary Advancements in Engine Technology

Hello there, it's Earnest Mann from the Earnest Mann Show. Today, I'm thrilled to share some groundbreaking news that could reshape the automotive world. Remember the Betamax vs. VHS battle? Well, we're on the cusp of another technological revolution.

The Downfall of Electric Cars

If you're an electric car owner, especially one that's a few years old, it might be time to reconsider. Despite the allure and the green image, electric cars are resource-intensive and far from sustainable. And while many revere Elon Musk as a tech god, even he's had to pivot his stance on hydrogen.

The Rise of Hydrogen and Ammonia Engines

Toyota, a pioneer in alternative fuel sources, is making strides with two major engine technologies: ammonia and hydrogen. While the ammonia engine is promising, it's the hydrogen engine that's truly capturing attention. With impressive stats and a refueling time of less than five minutes, it's a game-changer.

The Omega One: A Technological Marvel

But the real star of the show? The Astron Aerospace H2 Starfire Omega One. This engine, with its incredible energy efficiency and power-to-weight ratio, is akin to reinventing the wheel. It's versatile, powerful, and could very well be the future of automotive engineering.

To wrap up, we're witnessing a pivotal moment in engine technology. This isn't just another Betamax; it's the future. Until next time, remember: actions speak louder than words. Take care, Earnest.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:10 it isn't that often that I get a chance to relate good news but holy this could be some very good news just the kind of good news America could use right now and it could really be a game changer what I'm talking about is a brand new internal combustion engine and this one is like no other so sit back and listen because what I'm about to tell you is potentially that revolutionary now before I go into just how damn incredible this is engine is I need to go back in time just a bit and tell you about some completely

00:56 unrelated Technologies which will help to illustrate my point about how Technologies can be introduced that despite all the media hype and Technical Buzz surrounding them failed to actually deliver and how the people who purchased these devices basically ended up owning white elephants when those Technologies were simply out competed way back in the late 70s one of the newest technologies that was introduced was the betamax it was the first video player and recorder designed for home Mass Market consumer use now

01:42 they were big roughly the size of a small suitcase they were heavy as hell and of course they were crazy expensive they played pre-recorded magnetic cassettes which were the movies at that time again for the technology of the time their picture quality and audio was pretty good and of course people bought them bought a lot of them and for a time people were really happy with them that was until the new kid showed up on the Block VHS so as VHS began to make its presence known more and more in the consumer Market people became confused

02:30 they simply didn't know which format to go with and marketers didn't help marketers who wanted to point out the superior audio and visual quality of betamax versus VHS now this is where I segue into the story because let's just say I have more than a casual knowledge of certain areas of engineering and so naturally people would ask me which one they should buy I explained to them that as it stands right now technically betamax is better I told them that it has better audio and video capabilities than VHS

03:17 which was true but I also told them that VHS is rapidly overcoming those issues and they might want to hold off as long as possible before they commit to betamax I pointed out to them that eventually one of these formats is going to win and eliminate the other and if you make the wrong choice you'll be left holding a very expensive boat anchor some people listened but people being people most didn't a couple of years pass and even though betamax is still selling pretty well VHS had not only corrected its

04:02 shortcomings compared to betamax but actually made improvements getting to the point where it actually had better audio and video quality than betamax but surpassing betamax in perhaps the one most important area of all cost as soon as I saw what was going on I summarized that the writing was on the wall for betamax and not only did you not want to buy a betamax if you have one sell it now as in right now you may or may not have be old enough to know about betamax but chances are you probably know about VHS and so you can probably figure out

04:55 that I was correct and which format ended up winning and as they say the rest is history those that listen to my advice and got rid of their betamaxes well they're really happy the others not so much once stores started selling their betamaxes at Deep disc discounts well The Jig was pretty much up and frankly it quickly got to the point where you couldn't give the things away many Goodwill stores had stacks of them but when the format died Moby stopped being produced for betamax format cartridges so like I said betamax quickly became a

05:45 white elephant now we can move on to the present or as mighty python used to say and now for something completely different what I'm about to tell you concerns electric cars and the reason I give you that technological history lesson as I'm once again giving advice concerning technology so are you listening that would be the smart play so you don't end up with a betamax if you currently own an electric car not so much a hybrid but only to a slightly lesser degree and if you didn't buy it just recently

06:33 say for example you have one that's three or four years old get rid of it now and I shouldn't have to tell you that you absolutely don't want to buy one before I go all Boris into this just a brief word about Elon Musk there is the mistaken impression that Elon Musk is an engineer he's not what he is is an extremely talented marketer and financial schemer yet amongst the 20-something crowd he is viewed as some sort of God well it was only uh that was only a few uh years ago that God stated that quote hydrogen is just

07:25 stupid unquote well apparently God has done an about face because now he has begun singing an entirely different tune about hydrogen it's okay if he does it though because apparently God has that prerogative I want to say this as concisely as possible pure electric cars and to a lesser extent even hybrids are a bad idea even if you set aside the issue of extreme cost it's the fact that they are so resource intensive that is to say they are anything but green and they sure as hell are not sustainable something apparently God musk omitted in

08:17 his sermons to the faithful if you want to talk sustainable at least as sustainable that is currently practically doable the answer is hydrogen Toyota which has been committed to alternative fuel sources and engines for many years currently has two major developments and engine Technologies and one of them is an ammonia engine the other is of course hydrogen allow me to give you my brief breakdown of the two as far as the ammonia engine is concerned it's certainly a step in the right direction and I can certainly see its

09:01 application in certain areas but it does have at least one major drawback although it does not produce very much if any carbon emissions it still produces several other pollutants something of course they're working on but as it stands right now it produces a fair bit of other nasty byproducts there are other engine of course I'm talking about is hydrogen and is currently being tested in limited production vehicles in California overall the stats look very good you can easily find the numbers for yourself the main primary hurdle at this

09:45 point is a lack of national filling infrastructure but because I don't want to sit here and sing the Praises of hydrogen like I'm on their payroll or something I'll just simply tell you this their current model in California averaged now about 300 miles per tank with the driver saying they had a heavy foot so it could probably do better if you were taking it easy but regardless I watched their hydrogen model being completely refilled in California it was completely empty total time to refill get this

10:35 less than five minutes so even your average Karen wouldn't lose her mind over that but what I really want to tell you about something I'm really excited about which is a big deal to me because one thing I have learned in all of my experience is that when it comes to new things with big promises such as the technology I talked to you about earlier let's just say that I've learned to cautiously curb my enthusiasm so what the hell is this then what is giving me such a technological as well as economic hard-on well

11:29 nothing short of not only one of the potentially greatest advances in internal combustion engine design in the last hundred years something Akin to Reinventing the wheel I'm talking about the Omega one or to give its full name the Astron Aerospace H2 Starfire Omega one although the company chooses to call it a single stroke engine I Define it as a two-stroke engine in very simplest terms you could think of it as an inverted boxer engine it's Energy Efficiency versus displacement is fantastic whereas a conventional engine is around

12:19 34 percent efficient this engine ranks at around 80 percent a single engine unit weighs only about 35 pounds you heard that right 35 pounds yet produces 160 horsepower at 170 foot-pounds of torque which is more than enough power uh say for your average grocery getter such as you know a Toyota Camry or something like that now just that alone would be one hell of an achievement but yes there's more these units can be stacked so basically the horsepower and torque is increased by one-third after the initial two units

13:13 so for example two of them together would produce 320 horsepower at 340 foot-pounds of torque respectively and three of them would produce 480 horsepower at 510 foot pounds of torque respectively yet according to the information with three of them connected together you're only talking about a total engine weight of a hundred and five pounds that's an incredible power to weight ratio now listen I'm not trying to sound like some kind of advertisement for this company I'm simply saying if this is true it's fantastic news

14:09 yes of course there's more the engines are cooled so no water cooling system requiring maintenance and costs to be concerned about the engine idles at a around a thousand RPM but has an extremely high revving capacity of 25 000. RPM finally in addition to all this it doesn't run on any kind of special fuel according to what they uh what the company says it will run on any volatile fuel hey out of gas or diesel no problem just throw some kerosene into this and you're on your way not bad huh of course I'm going to put the link to

15:06 This Modern Marvel in the description and you can check it out for yourself all I can say off the top of my head is that if this damn thing is even half as good as they claim it to be it really is a deal changer which is really cool because not every damn day do you get to witness the wheel being reinvented and that's no betamax until next time this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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