Is Pierce Morgan Really More Interesting Than Slime Mold? A deep dive into Rupert Murdoch's favorite boy toy.
Rupert Murdoch, Pierce Morgan, and the Decline of True Crime Journalism
Hello folks, Earnest Mann here! In this episode, we dive into the complicated relationship between Rupert Murdoch and Pierce Morgan and how their influence has affected true crime journalism. While it may seem serious, there's also a humorous side as we balance it out with lighter content like slime mold.
Morgan's True Crime Journalism and Murdoch's Influence
Pierce Morgan has built his career interviewing criminals like Aaron Caffey, orchestrator of her family's murder. With Rupert Murdoch's media empire behind him, Morgan profits from sensationalized true crime stories that emphasize ratings over substance.
The Ethical Dilemma of True Crime Reporting
The problematic relationship between Rupert Murdoch's media empire and Pierce Morgan's sensationalism presents a troubling view of journalism. Morgan focuses on interviews that highlight gruesome crimes, creating a distorted narrative and ignoring ethical concerns.
Balancing Journalism with Substance
While the media profits from sensationalism, meaningful journalism is becoming harder to find. Let's focus on creating content that adds value rather than exploiting tragedies. My fascination with slime mold stems from its contribution to the ecosystem, much like how quality journalism contributes to society.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:02 [Music] hello folks how the hell is it going we got a great show for you because we made it to another Friday and I wanted this one to be uh well you you might you might call it serious but you Also may call it kind of funny I think it's funny but that's me so we are um as you know we're not a church we're all adults here um so uh let's approach it that way and I got faith in you that you guys can actually handle what I'm going to tell you and uh so we got some we got some really disturbing
01:02 things um yeah we're going to be talking about Pierce Morgan um that's pretty disgusting and we're going to be talking uh but we're going to also you know I want to balance this out so we're going to be talking about some really cool things like slime mold which is really cool I mean by comparison so um yeah so um where does one one begin I suppose we'll start by talking about um Morgan who is interviewing um a uh woman in prison for killing her family so I'm just going to briefly touch on
st of:02:40 to kill them so um on that date early in the morning around 2:00 in the morning um now she actually didn't participate in The Killing actually she left the house and uh like I said the a car had pulled up with the uh people who were going to do this and she got into the car and her boyfriend and a couple of other accomplice that he knew went into the house and proceeded to kill them all or at least tried to kill them all and uh they killed the mother who was 37 and her two brothers who were 13 and8 and they thought they had killed
03:26 the father and absolutely miraculously he managed to live although he was shot like 11 [ __ ] times uh yeah and so then they set the house on fire to cover any evidence he uh the father somehow managed to miraculously drag himself out of the house and they were captured uh the next day so she's uh in prison for well Way Beyond life and um there's that and so you see this is this is perfect for Morgan and because he likes to do these prison death row interviews um because there's there's not a lot of brain power required for
04:17 it um also with this particular person I mentioned um they are kissing C cousins so to speak and they're kissing cousins because um she's obviously a psychopath and uh Pierce is um an absolute narcissist Head Over Heels I I mean he's he's definitely right up there with other people that we know in the political Arena so um yeah um but he likes his cuz it's it's his bread and butter and he's um he's he's good at it um if you count on talking to Despicable people and uh basically saying nothing for 45 minutes
05:07 and as that your livelihood I suppose uh the difference between them like I said is well besides the fact that he's free and famous and God only knows how many millions of dollars he's worth besides that she's not free she probably never will be free and I would just like to add uh about about this woman this Aaron Cafe person um I just want to add I want to say so I don't have any doubt out there about my feelings um have I had my choice my brothers uh we wouldn't have to worry about she wouldn't be worrying about her
05:48 possibility and parole dates or possibility for parole hearings because there wouldn't be any because she wouldn't be alive and and this is the kind of thing I talk about where you have nothing but this this this is nothing this person is nothing they are a ghost they should have forfeited their existence to live when they murdered their own family um so yeah if there ever was a cape for cheap efficient Frontier Justice yep find me a big old big ass tree with a strong branch and a good solid rope that would have taken
06:28 care of her ass a long time ago and the other Bozo um that uh decided to help her dispatch her family for sure and that's all I want to say about that so I want to stay focused though on um you know Morgan on peers and what I've decided to do at this point so that you can see this in the background and my thing where I'm going at here is not 45 minutes so just just um you know we're we're going to transition here okay okay ah isn't that a whole lot nicer look at that slime mold yes indeed I can I could really get
07:25 into this matter of fact yeah to tell you um if I had a toss up between I don't know a 10 minute uh 10 minute or so interesting program versus 45 plus minutes of uh seeing uh witnessing a unabashed almost almost indescribably narcissistic person sitting there chatting with a uh sociopath that murdered their whole family yeah I don't know about you I'll take the slime mold any day and that's why I put it up here I put it up here because I mean God yuck who in the hell wants to see two two creatures like that
08:29 talking for 45 minutes I mean one who makes their money by essentially doing nothing but pimping themselves and I mean I'll say he's very you know Morgan's very busy don't get me wrong he's a he's in demand I mean he's a very very busy guy and he's been busy for many years now I guess it's been since the mid90s um since he started sucking uh rert Murdoch's scaly penis or thereabouts somewhere in near but he's been he's been very faithful very faithful so he must be
09:13 really good for uh for Murdoch and uh and that's what I mean by comparison you know I mean if if you don't if you don't find what I'm saying I don't know amusing uh or truthful or whatnot the beauty of this is that you can you know completely ignore what I'm saying and just check out the slime mold the slime mold I mean it it's really cool and the other cool thing well there's there's a lot of cool things about slime mold because there's several different varieties and unlike
10:01 Morgan unlike peers you see slime mold actually does something it's actually you know it's actually very essential and very productive at well keeping life going something you can't say even remotely about Pierce Morgan who is you know pretty much focused on himself but which actually does make sense it makes sense in that I mean if you are a raging narcissist then yeah I guess it you know I guess it would kind of make sense that you'd have to be super obsessed with yourself and yourself only so it's got me there it's got me
11:01 there I stand corrected he should just you know just go on and doing what well I mean he's going to he doesn't he doesn't give a damn about me and on the other hand he doesn't give a damn about you either what he does care about though is his pay that that is Central to what is you know his thing his deal entirely and um this gig that he's got where he's going around and he's going to these prisons and bantering with these uh all these homicidal maniacs and you know people that are basically doomed many of which
11:52 quite frankly shouldn't even be alive in the first place and now a brief message for my sponsor you my entire life I've never been a Salesman I've done many things but never been a Salesman I suppose because I'm not slick and I don't like bullshitting people that's why I don't do ads with a lot of fancy video or outrageous claims it's [ __ ] that kind of thing just ain't my style being honest and direct is so if you're enjoying or getting anything out of this show would you
12:33 please subscribe and click the notification Bell it really does help my channel grow and would really be sincerely appreciated and now just a brief word about to Buddy the rumor I heard about Tu buddy is it can make you a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours and that is of course just a rumor but that's what I heard you see what happens when I try to be slick I fall flat on my face but seriously I use it and it can do a hell of a lot of different things to make your channel a success and it's easy to
13:14 use and that's coming from me a guy with about as much understanding and how to use such things as a virgin trying to get laid on his prom night so check out to Buddy and last but certainly not least if you want to throw a few bucks my way just to keep the lights on the links to my Kofi and Affiliated Tu budy are both in the description below I really hope you've been enjoying this program now let's get back to the show so yeah I believe by now that you've pretty much figured it out that um I
13:56 don't exactly have much uh love or respect for peers Morgan and let me tell you why from a different point of view for one thing anyone that's going to sit around for 45 minutes talking to murderers and people of this ilk don't we have enough of that [ __ ] on the 6:00 news you know is our sensibilities are are have have we just grown so utterly barbaric that the 6:00 news and the shootings and the rapes and everything else that takes place that's not enough because I think it's sick and it's
14:47 grotesque and as I already said for the most part undoubtedly for the most part for myself vast majority's people that are being interviewed dude they shouldn't even be there in the first place they are taking up resources they are taking up oxygen that could have been better spent on well everyone else including the people they murdered so yeah I don't uh I'm not fascinated by this this thing that Morgan does I think it's grotesque and it's sick and he profits from it he adds many more millions of dollars
15:37 to his coffers with this with this [ __ ] and that's all it is a [ __ ] period so I um I I I just um it's one of those deals that you know is really hard to wrap my head around and why people would have any any kind of it's it's a really it's just a really sick thing I don't want to watch a [ __ ] show on sitting around people who murdered people who murdered their whole families and it's like it's no this isn't healthy but it's people like Morgan that are profiting from
16:22 this that's even doubly as bad as sickening because it doesn't really take like I said doesn't take a whole lot of skill hard work or any of that to interview one of these people and again like I said that's right up his alley because I wouldn't really consider him to be an intellectual giant anyway he's sure as hell doesn't even have me shaking in my boots so that's what I feel as far as that's concerned and tell me what do you feel do you do you see my point of view do you have a point of view do you have
17:02 something you want to say I'd like to hear it good bad ugly do make any damn difference to me and the other thing just one more thing I would like to add to this any of you people out there that are listening and you may think what you may think that's the whole point of this you know you may think I'm a you may perceive me as a cold heartless bastard well be it so but they said well what if it was your daughter what if it was my daughter what if it was son or daughter that did what she did to the family Not only would I've been
17:53 calling for her death penalty if the death penalty would have been by the electric chair I would have been the first one tapping the warden on the shoulder volunteering my services to pull the switch next Monday or Friday this is Earnest wishing you peace and good things