Episode 381

Published on:

11th Oct 2024

The Earnest Mann Show The Idiotic Zone - Florida's hurricane Milton what you're not being told PC 381

Why Living in Florida is Idiocy: The Harsh Truth About Hurricanes and Human Stupidity

Hey there, it's Earnest Mann! Today, I’m addressing something that's been bothering me for decades: the ongoing idiocy of millions living in Florida despite its storm-ridden reality. With Hurricane Milton wreaking havoc, the media is pushing dramatic coverage of death and destruction. But let’s be real – hurricanes are not new, and neither is the chaos they bring. So why are people still living in a place so obviously dangerous?

Hurricanes Aren't Surprising, But Living in Florida Is

I argue that it's pure idiocy to live in Florida, a state notorious for its storms. I make the point that even native populations long ago knew better than to settle permanently in such a volatile region. Yet here we are, with millions bracing for impact every hurricane season. I don't feel sympathy for people who ignore obvious dangers, much like the man I once warned about alligators who still walked into the water. It’s time for society to wake up to the fact that certain decisions are simply stupid.

Media Hysteria and the Question No One Asks

The media loves to sensationalize storms like Hurricane Milton, filling the airwaves with repetitive, fear-driven questions like “How do you feel?” to people who have just lost everything. But no one asks the real question: "Why do people live in a storm-prone area like Florida?" I challenge the societal norm that treats living in such regions as sensible. The truth is, it's just as idiotic now as it was fifty years ago when I started noticing this pattern.


I'm a deep thinking contrarian, a very pragmatic idiocythrope. I believe that function determines desirability and legitimacy. I don't like the superficial and/or pretentious, nor the shallow. I speak the truth as best as I know it, as a professor of tautology.

With friends, I desire quality over quantity. I know some very important life truths I'm just waiting for you to ask about. I have found in life, many people talk about happiness, but are unwilling to pay the price, or believe they shouldn't have to, because they are entitled to it, but I know with absolute certainty, that such beliefs are always due to stupidity, Insanity, or some degree of both.

This is not just another YouTube channel; I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, - and say - what the hell really needs to be said, so do the right thing, leave your thoughts, for me and others to possibly learn from, and subscribe, and tell everyone else in the world you know about me, and you'll stand a really good chance, of me remembering you, in my will!

I believe we really can change the current status quo of an idiotic and fucked up purposeless treadmill existence, and actually improve this world, but it requires intelligence, honesty, and BALLS, all three of which are currently in short supply, especially the balls.

Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anything or anyone stupid, as much as possible, your life will be far better for it.

Please consider, that by visiting my website and/or donating to this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

I look forward to hearing from you, and until next Monday or Friday remember, the world may be misinformed and batshit crazy, but YOU, don’t have to be!


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And last but certainly not least, if you are fed up with your current existence, and want to take your life in a very different but much better direction, take a look at what I have to say here - https://theearnestmannshow.com/designing-and-building-your-nearly-perfect-future

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© 2024 The Earnest Mann Show


00:02 you've entered a hellish nightmare a place where Up Is Down and black is white a place where objective truth and objective reality have been replaced by woke yet you are constantly being told everything is fine as you pray for normality wait there's a non-inclusive Earnest signpost up ahead clearly telling you where you are you have entered the idiotic Zone if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working hey everybody it's Friday we made it through another week thank you for being here by the time you see this

00:47 video hurricane Milton will have already Unleashed its havoc on Florida and you will undoubtedly be offered endless videos of the death destruction and general Mayhem that will undoubtedly occur and you will see this ad nauseum whether you like it or not and that's exactly what I want to talk about for those of you that have never heard me what I'm about to say may shock you and you may wonder how such a cruel cold heartless SOB such as myself is allowed to say this as for the rest of you you'll know it's just man telling

01:32 you what you need to hear not what you want to hear before I go any further I want you to know that I have personally witnessed death and destruction up close and personal including twisted and mangled bodies that even their own mothers wouldn't be able to recognize what I developed as a sanity preserving defense mechanism is the understanding and acceptance that although there are many different types of death there are two broad categories the unexpected premature and truly tragic death and the predictable and completely

02:12 idiotic death a quick example of the former was when a good friend of mine's daughter who was 26 beautiful and bright finishing a master's degree with her whole life ahead of her was killed by a complete loser as hole who ran his full-size pickup into her at over 90 M an hour the only good that came out of it was the authorities said that she died instantaneously a current example of the latter is what has occurred in Florida which the current forecasters say could very well be historically horrific in my

02:57 opinion however it is also quite idiotic and I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for idiotic death whether that be for one person or one million as I will explain shortly as you watch the soall news whip this completely natural occurrence into something of biblical proportions you're supposed to ask why why are they doing this the short answer is because they are collectively completely and totally idiotic now I realize what I said may sound very unsettling but if you're still here then just hear me

03:45 out let's say I'm standing at a spot in the Everglades of Florida and right off the bank of where I am standing is an Everglade full of mangroves and alligators I'm there to only take pictures but I'm not going to DARE go into the water now I notice a young man in the distance coming towards me with a very determined walk and he passes me and is about to enter the water I shout out and stop him I tell him to come back so he comes back to me and he asked me why I stopped him I explained to him that the

04:25 water is full of alligators and if he goes in that water they will eat him her alive he pays attention to what I say but still turns his head and looks out at the water which appears peaceful for a few moments then he says to me thanks for the warning but I think it looks fine and he proceeds to walk at his Breakneck Pace out into the water and a few moments later I hear his screams of Agony as the alligators proceed to eat him alive so my simple question to you is this am I supposed to feel sorry for the young

05:06 man who was just eating by alligators I would believe that most of you would correctly say no because he ignored my warnings and basically deserved his fate because he was being an idiot so if you did happen to agree with me on that point then simply imagine this instead of of that being just one man what if it were a thousand or 10,000 or several million hopefully you're getting my point idiocy regardless of the number is still idiocy Florida is called the Sunshine State but more accurately it should be called the storm State as Florida has

05:56 stormier weather and more intense Stormy Weather than any other state in the continental United States so this naturally begs the obvious question why on Earth would so many millions of people not only live there but not expect their entire life if not their actual life to be destroyed the answer is simple Argo idiocy if you watch the various news flashes that will come of this all of them very righteously demanding answers from the various City Mayors of the various affected cities in Florida and of course the governor of

06:42 the horrible destruction and or death this particular storm has caused I'd be willing to bet that not a single one of them will ask the governor This truly relevant question mayor soand so or Governor dingling why do you have so many people living there anthropologists have studied Florida pretty thoroughly and they know for example that long before modern Florida native people lived there they also know that those populations were relatively small and the reason for that was that even though we consider them

07:26 primitive the fact is they had enough brain power to know how stormy Florida was and having huge permanent settlements there was a really bad idea that is to say compared to us modern civilized people they in fact were not idiots I don't want to go on forever explaining what should be obvious millions of people should not be living in Florida and person personally after watching the same idiotic storm take place year after year for 50 years of my life and hearing the same idiotic reporting and questions

08:15 to the local residence it's quite irritating thought provoking questions such as this Mr Jones your beachfront property in Miami was completely destroyed by the storm how do you feel what are you going to do well I fail thank you very much Mr Jones well there you have it folks the most sensible and intelligent questions that could ever be asked reporting on this horrible hurricane in Florida this is Scotty brains corporate 5 News Florida hey there brains what kind of of idiotic question was that for Mr Jones he just lost his home due to a

09:05 hurricane how do you expect him to feel Einstein and just before I close this out I did a word search phrase search let's say and do you want to know what the number one phrase of all of the broadcast concerning this storm was bracing for impact can you imagine this for God's sakes don't you understand this is the Storm of the Century we have never had in the history of the country or the world a hurricane in Florida before never ever this is the end of the world as we know it please have a modum of deep respect and

10:03 admiration please we beg that you do something drop every goddamn thing in the world that you're doing because we we Floridians are bracing for the unknown something so catastrophic that we have never experienced before we are bracing for impact if if you want me to do a followup to this just let me know and I'll go a bit deeper and actually offer some solutions to fix the problem and please subscribe as it really helps the channel grow and giving me a cup of coffee wi is in the description below would absolutely be

10:49 appreciated until next Monday or Friday this is earnest reminding you that the world may be stupid and well bad crazy but you don't have to be

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb