Episode 267

Published on:

27th Sep 2023

Podcast# 267 Oregon Matters: Salem OR. World’s First Factory for Humanoid Robots, The Truth about Amazon and Damion Shelton of Agility Robotics.

The Future of Robotics and Its Societal Implications

Salem, Oregon: Ground Zero for Humanoid Robotics

In the heart of Salem, Oregon, a monumental shift is underway. The city now boasts the world's first factory dedicated to producing humanoid robots. This 70,000 square foot behemoth, named RoboFeb, is the brainchild of Agility Robotics. With projections to manufacture a staggering 10,000 robots annually, the implications are vast and varied.

Amazon's Billion-Dollar Bet on Robotics

But who's funding this ambitious endeavor? None other than Amazon. Agility Robotics was a prime beneficiary of Amazon's $1 billion Industrial Innovation fund. While this might seem like a philanthropic gesture, it's essential to remember that corporations, especially of Amazon's stature, don't just hand out money without expecting returns. The underlying motive? Potentially replacing human labor with these humanoid robots named Digit.

The Societal Cost of Technological Advancement

As we stand on the cusp of this robotic revolution, it's crucial to consider the broader societal implications. While robots like Digit might address workplace challenges like injuries and high turnover, they also pose a threat to human employment. The business world's age-old mantra of maximizing profits often comes at the expense of human welfare. And as history has shown, the introduction of new technology doesn't always lead to the creation of new job sectors.

In conclusion, while the allure of cutting-edge robotics is undeniable, it's vital to approach this new frontier with caution and foresight. After all, just because we can do something doesn't necessarily mean we should.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 this is episode number 267. organ matters Salem Oregon world's first factory for humanoid robots the truth about Amazon and Damien Shelton of agility robotics before I go into our main story that any of you happen to hear the recent story about the woman in Largo Florida that was eaten by a 14-foot alligator I mean Jesus Christ what a terrible way to go I hope she didn't suffer long and The Story Goes that they humanely killed the alligator the main part that I feel is so totally bizarre is exactly how in the hell does

00:56 something like this happen in the first place I mean I doubt very seriously she was feeding it alligator treats so I don't know and I don't think anybody else really knows how she ended up being eaten you know sometimes life can be really strange and speaking of strange this is beyond strange and it's totally real one of the things and most adults learn to recognize and begrudgingly accept as they get older is change and along with that we usually experience moments of great frustration dealing with that change

01:48 and I will absolutely testify to that so let's talk about a big change not only of what is here and now in Salem Oregon but what I see for the future and people it ain't pretty Salem Oregon now has the first factory specifically for making human robots it is from a company called agility robotics based in Corvallis Oregon the 70 foot I'm 70.

02:28 the 70 000 square foot structure which is named robofeb is set to start production late this year and uh it's located at 46.98 Truex drives Southeast in Southeast Salem Oregon the company estimates that once it gets done with full production capability it will be able to produce 10 000 robots a year now before I go for Boris ripping out the entrails of this gigantic realized nerd Vision [ __ ] I wanted to prime the pump so to speak by letting you know who the hell is paying for all this to start with the company agility robotics states that

03:26 the money is coming from Amazon yes that's right because agility robotics was one of the first recipients of Amazon's 1 billion dollar industrial Innovation fund okay so what is the problem with that you might ask well the problem as I see it is where all that money came from to begin with namely Amazon's customers and employees in other words another one of the huge problems is how disingenuous the public propaganda is which is a big red flag Brazos and his team well-paid and talented marketing hustlers

04:22 want to come across to the average citizen as really good guys that by giving away um this billion dollar prize to agility robotics that they are striving to lift Humanity into the 21st century actually it's really the exact opposite first of all corporations don't give away [ __ ] especially a billion dollars and not expect anything in return only a fool would believe that the way business works as a matter of fact the way it always works and I'm specifically talking about enlarged sums of money stock material

05:14 Etc are exchanged is on a quid pro quo basis which is from the Latin meaning something for something not something for nothing when agility robotics starts cranking these robots out they're called digit by the way a nice cute unthreatening name where is one of the first places that they are most likely to be working from hmm let's see I don't suppose it could possibly be Amazon completed and then in turn I wonder how things are going to turn out when loving caring and sharing relationship of the human

06:05 workers and their automated Replacements digit are no longer feeling the love for each other and their relationship is anything but symbiotic now Amazon or any other damn place they're going to be used is not going to care not going to shed a single tier whatsoever when the human workers get displaced you can go [ __ ] yourselves and how do I know this you will be asking me if this is the case because I listen to the words of the CEO himself and I believe it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to figure out exactly

06:59 what the intentions are here in his own words this is what Damian Shelton um agility robotics co-founder and CEO said now he said uh we built digit to solve difficult problems in today's workplace like injuries burnout High turnover and unfillable labor gaps with the ultimate vision of enabling humans to be more human Shelton said when you're building new technology to make Society better the most important Milestone is when you're able to mass produce that technology at a scale where it can have a real widespread impact

07:50 unquote okay let that sink in for just a minute as far as the first part of what he's saying explaining why building digit to solve difficult workers problems such as injuries burnout High turnover unfillable labor labor gaps quite simply he's talking about replacing humans pure and simple and I see a very big problem with this not technologically but sociologically as far as businesses are concerned this is absolutely wonderful because the sociopathic business model absolutely loves work conditions where

08:42 they don't have to pay any benefits no vacation no time off no Health Care not a damn thing they always prefer to pay slave wages because the goal is to maximize profit and the simplest way to do that is to give nothing and take everything that's pretty much the way the business World in reality works and it hasn't fundamentally changed in centuries if you don't know or believe that I suggest reading the history of the East India Trading Company that will quickly remove you from the land of rainbows and unicorns

09:33 now while it's true that this thing is just beginning they're still going to need a number of humans around to monitor repair or adjust those damn robots they are a relatively small number of people that have the expertise and abilities to do that but that is not the general population but that is not discussed because the truth be said for the reasons I already expressed the general population is not their concern their concern is to maximize profit so if we follow that trajectory it's completely predictable

10:24 that in the next say you know 5 10 or certainly you know 20 years that even that relatively small pool of a specialized human workers will in turn also become a necessary and redundant in short the robots will be fixing and or maintaining other robots no humans necessary a very common tactic that corporations argue is that history has shown repeatedly that when certain jobs and industries were completely changed by technology that other Industries and or jobs were created to fill the niches that were eliminated

11:12 by the collapse of the previous you know technology and that was true to a certain point in time but not really anymore at this point in time that comparative analogy simply doesn't hold water because well what you have to remember is that unlike in the fairly recent past such as let's say the last 30 or 40 years ago the entire goal of this new hyper-efficient hyper-competitive Psychopathic capitalism is to minimize cost which of course means eliminating human labor human work and finally as far as the latter part of his

12:06 statement where Shelton says with the ultimate vision of enabling humans to be more human I have no [ __ ] clue what he's talking about it's a statement that essentially says nothing but designed to be very feel-good statement but it's certainly not surprising it sounds exactly like the kind of vacuous statements business people say all the time as the old saying goes if you can't baffle them with Brilliance befuddle them with [ __ ] if you want to actually see what the end game really of this [ __ ] orwellian

y ask that you see a movie thx:

l I ask is that you watch THX:

14:43 something doesn't mean you should until next Monday Wednesday or Friday this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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