Episode 245

Published on:

7th Aug 2023

Podcast# 245 Irrelevance Posing as Relevance: Trump vs Biden, Waiting for America to Turn its Brain on Again.

The Illusion of Relevance in Modern Society

Hello everyone, it's Earnest Mann here. Today, I'm diving deep into the illusion of relevance that's prevalent in our society. This illusion is everywhere, and it's often disguised as something of importance.

Commoditization and Distraction

Our society has commoditized everything, from products to people. We've reached a point where we discuss advertisements with the same fervor as significant life events. This absurdity reminds me of the movie "The Truman Show", which brilliantly showcased the concept of fake relevance.

Platforms like TikTok and Facebook are filled with billions of messages, ranging from serious information to complete fantasy. But the real challenge is discerning what's truly relevant from what's not.

The Deception of Modern Society

We're living in a world where we're constantly digging holes and then filling them back up, a never-ending cycle of meaningless tasks. This is by design, a distraction to keep us occupied with irrelevant matters.

Politics - The Ultimate Distraction

The political arena, especially the spectacle between Trump and Biden, is a prime example of this distraction. Politics, in essence, should be a serious matter. But what we see today is more entertainment than governance. The so-called battle between Trump and Biden is nothing more than a show, a distraction from the real issues.

The Reality of Modern Politics

Both Trump and Biden, like many modern politicians, have their flaws. But the focus shouldn't be on their personal battles. Instead, we should be questioning the system that allows such distractions to dominate our attention.

The Role of Media

The media plays a significant role in perpetuating this illusion of relevance. What was once called propaganda now shapes our thoughts and opinions. We're led to believe that these opinions are our own, but in reality, they've been molded by external forces.

The True Cost of Distraction

While we're distracted by politics, entertainment, and other irrelevant matters, we're missing out on understanding the real value of our time and labor. Many are trapped in jobs that don't pay enough to sustain a decent living, further emphasizing the need to break free from these distractions.

The Earnest Man Show - A Beacon of Truth

In a world filled with distractions, the Earnest Man Show aims to cut through the noise and deliver the truth. It's time to turn our brains on, recognize the deception, and focus on what truly matters.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 yes indeed wherever you may be in this world hello everyone it is Monday and this is episode number 245. irrelevance posing as relevance Trump versus Biden waiting for America to turn its brain on again I feel a little bit better as uh as you're listening in I was extremely sick and I guess right now maybe you think my voice hopefully is starting to sound a little bit better than a troll um um I'm around maybe 70 percent but not a hundred percent but we will do as best we can and I decided that you know this whole Biden Trump thing is

01:07 based on something else that is very prevalent in American society I can't I can't necessarily speak about other areas of the world but if they are westernized countries then probably the same effect has taken hold and I'm talking about the effect of irrelevance that's posing as relevance and I see it pretty much everywhere and I believe one of the main reasons for this has to do with the commoditization of everything and every one because who in the hell talks about an ad in the same breath as they would talk

02:08 about a relative's wedding I mean can you possibly imagine the absurdity of videotaping a person's funeral and then putting a product placement with a quick pitch for the product at the same time now some people might think that even the notion of doing that is funny I don't think it's funny um I think within the context if it were being done as a joke to demonstrate the absurdity of that then yes it's funny otherwise no it's not that was part of what was going on when you watched that wonderful great movie

03:03 made a few years back called The Truman Show if you haven't seen it um I would very strongly suggest you do but uh it's a fantastic movie on actually on multiple levels and fake relevance is one of them and it's um when you look at places for instance like tick tock and For Better or For Worse you know like Facebook all of these people all of them putting out messages and there's literally I guess millions or billions of them and by the sheer numbers alone um you can't possibly see all of them

03:59 and so Communications have to be broken down and if that's the case if we subdivided things you can go all the way on that continuum from absolute serious information to complete fantasy and of course since it is a Continuum it would be something would be somewhere on that scale but what I feel that many of us have failed to understand and failed to recognize day in and day out is the difference between that which is irrelevant and that which is relevant so to give an example a person's opinion on a certain product

05:06 doesn't matter if it's you know armpits armpits spray or hair color or skin cream or whatever the hell it may be um that has nothing to do really in real terms with your life now if you have one of those problems or afflictions and you need that sort of product then yes it is relevant but I'm saying my point is you can go all the way down the line with just about anything and you can pose it as relevant when it really isn't and that is a very big part of the deception of what we as a society are doing

06:08 right now um that is the problem we are basically for all intents and purposes and this is by the way out of design it it is intended it has a purpose and I'm going to get to that but for all intents and purposes we are digging up holes out of the ground and we have our big pile of dirt and then past a certain point we are told okay that's that's great now fill all the holes back up again and you know if you do that for any amount of time and you fail to recognize the very fact that the only thing you're

07:11 doing with your life is digging up holes and then filling them back up in an endless cycle meaning that your life in those terms it doesn't it doesn't have a damn bit of meaning and you fail to recognize that then you are you are Beyond The Pale of stupid you have you have you have reached stupid Zinn because you have quite simply just gone above and beyond that and that is the intention because when I say that the cabal of the powers that be and they do exist that is exactly what they want you to do so in that respect

08:13 for them it's working perfectly so what they do is they basically set up this artificial existence that most of us increasingly have to engage in vast majority of us have to engage in but the trick is that people actually believe um in what they are doing in that it has relevance when actually it has zero relevance in their own lives that's the tragedy and I say it's a tragedy it's the tragedy for the person involved in it not the tragedy for them because

09:18 the way the game is structured is to keep them the masses of them meaning you occupied it doesn't even matter so much what it is it can be Sports professional sports um video games TV movies food gluttony partying drinking heavily um a whole slew of things cars cars obsessions with cars of all kinds that's a very good one um of course you know the video games of course and we're talking the sad thing is now with old older and aging people men in their late 20s

10:25 late 30s [ __ ] some of them always are late 40s still sitting around like children giving relevance and importance to [ __ ] video games actually getting excited jumping up when they hit a new high score or what have you and one of the epitomies of all this distraction of course is the world of politics that's a big one because that is I'm talking about the show aspects of politics not politics in and of itself there's nothing wrong with politics politics actually is is very cool it's um it's actually something that should be

11:23 taken should be taken seriously and having the understanding that it's impossible really to govern a society without it but what we are calling or have been led to believe what we're calling politics is actually again entertainment there is nothing absolutely nothing relevant about the so-called battle between Trump and Biden um it's it it is it is it is beyond description as far as I was reading something in the hill and you know this how they have those uh the headline

12:29 and they were talking about you know the potential matchups between them and just looking at it it's just so Biden Trump deadlocked in the hypothetical match-up and the poll and everything follows this nonsense and and I'm like you've got to be you've got to be kidding me now you want me to you want me to chime in oh come on earnest tell us what you really think well you know I'm I'm much shorter to the point as far as this concerned okay we have a product a let's call him Trump and product B Biden but you could you

13:23 could switch them it doesn't it doesn't matter two different products two different distractions and then there's the fight of the century between them and there's nothing there this is comedy this is a show again and you watch the show pretend you live in a democracy and then but don't get too interested just because you gotta take your ass back to work and make us more money make us lots and lots of money but it's okay you could distract for a little while we know we got to give you a break

14:02 and then we'll feed you this and you can get a chuckle or a good laugh or maybe you you know you get all serious behind one or the other and all that [ __ ] of all of this over something that has you know absolutely no relevance or meaning in your life and it never will it never will that's like was watching a buddy of mine um I was like 17 or something and uh it was these two girls and you know they were fightings two guys they went crazy fighting over these two girls and the thing was both of these girls I mean they were

14:54 butt ugly or as we used to call it they were fugly and I couldn't say anything because these guys were some these guys were some real knuckle draggers so you know if you were um of uh you know if you weren't of that stature and and whatnot it's just best to keep your thoughts to yourself I was like yeah these two guys really start fighting and they're just is choose to you know neanderthals are just you know beating the [ __ ] out of each other for these two gals that were just I mean butt ugly and it's just like okay you know it's

15:38 the same the same deal because there's nothing there's really nothing with biting Trump all this you know um let's see take you know uh Trump is an old way back of course it goes way back he's a way old time Brooklyn you know business criminal just all these guys of that era and uh you know if if anybody I'm saying for if you took if you if there if there was a way that you could do this and before all you trumpsters out there want to go crazy on me you know just just pipe it down for a [ __ ] moment okay

16:29 you know turn the brain take the the switch that says on and flip it on I promise you can flip it right back off again when I'm done but try to just flip it on for five five minutes okay all right but by any rational intelligent legal or otherwise by any criteria you can you can name in that respect he should not be in prison and wait before you get happy should be under the [ __ ] prison you know I mean wherever he's hiding all these years maybe I don't know maybe a secret place down there you can sit down you know

17:18 play cards with Jimmy Hoff or something who knows and and uh conversely Trump I he is as far as you know being a crook he is honestly he is not in Trump's League At All by comparison I say by comparison because all all modern politicians practically all of them are in fact criminals you don't get there by being moral and ethical and all that you know you may be small time Community okay maybe the mayor of a small insignificant community in America okay fine yep that's possible but I'm talking about

18:12 the big game the big players in the big game that's for the big criminals okay okay and by that standard he's a choir boy compared to Trump yeah he's a choir boy but the thing is he's safe he does what his uh oligarch Buddies tell him to do Joe always has Joe has never missed a political opportunity to kiss ass when and where needed to further his career and that's what a smart politician does like an old saying the origin of with which will not come to me right at the moment

19:15 but it says that a good politician is not only one that is bought but stays bought and lunchbox Joe is definitely that kind of politician so why you have product a and product b or you can also refer to them as twiddly D and talking totally dumb but none of this make no mistake makes any difference it doesn't make a [ __ ] bit of difference once we once we collectively turned aside whatever what it takes to precipitate that whatever is the Catalyst for that at some point we will decide to turn our

20:24 brains on again and come out of this Collective funk that we have been in for many years and we'll look around and look at each other and maybe say what what the hell happened where was I yeah it's like coming out of out of a blackout drunk or something and I apologize for my hoarseness I just wanted to be able to make it through this episode if I can in a way that I can without coughing and folks I'm so sick of the coughing not nearly as sick as I am about this imposed um relevance which is actually irrelevant

21:26 and that is the part of the news media that that's what it does it is what it was called many years ago in more let's say honest times propaganda and this is what moves and shapes your thoughts and opinions in other words they're not your own you comfort yourself you flatter yourself because you've been told that they are but they're not that's that's been shaped since the indoctrination Center that you started again vast majority of working folks go to public schools and the yep that's where it starts

22:32 of course actually it starts even before then in the home from your parents because they in turn were similarly indoctrinated but with each successive generation um they get better and better at it but make no mistake this whole this whole debacle with Trump versus Biden anyone with one with a tenth of the charges that Trump is facing their ass would have been in prison a long time ago you know and as far as running for president or actively campaigning while this is going on that's how you know

23:37 it's a Truman Show that's how you know you're so sweet you should just look at it and say why isn't this guy in [ __ ] prison why is it all I'm force-fed on any Channel Wherever I flip even on the you know parts of the monologue for late night comedy shows and whatnot still there he's like the Energizer buddy still going and he's still going because he is still a wonderful distraction that is his job it's always been his job and he's paid very well for it as I predicted one way or the other

24:31 he's not going to prison um nope not going to prison guys like him now they can have unfortunate accidents which seem extremely unlikely you know uh could be a heart attack it could be um I don't know falling down a flight of stairs uh could be on a helicopter or something and it crashes into a mountain or just happens but he ain't going to prison or I'll preface that I will preface that even in a worst case scenario or a best case scenario depending on your politics even if uh he did end up in prison he's

25:34 not going to be there very long if you get my meaning cause you know prisons are very a very dangerous place accidents even happen in prison yep they sure do um but I as I said before I seriously seriously doubt that is going to happen thing it's not even so much to talk about this this [ __ ] show this nonsense between supposedly Trump and Biden is it's relevance or in this case it's irrelevant and it's completely irrelevant as a matter of fact its main purpose is to be appear as though it is relevant

26:41 when it is not and that is its purpose it's called distraction so everything a person normally turns to you know you you may be uh a dishwasher works full time someplace you may be a checkout clerk at uh you know um a grocery store you know and those guys work very hard the people that work in a place like Costco or something of that ilk work hard and uh but you gotta have some time off even they know that so and it's important that while you have that time off the number one thing that they they want I'm talking about those that control the

27:41 companies hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the earnestmanshow.

28:19 com and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just wanted to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much all the way down what they want what they want is for you to work and not really think because if you were thinking eventually they know that it's only a matter of time

29:15 that you might become aware uh that you know maybe you're not getting such a good deal on your on your labor on your time or your job they can't have that apparently because of so many places that can't even keep um fast food workers unless they go repeal 13 or 14 an hour some places and they still can't get them or people will do anything but submit to that slavery that level of that's what it is if you just in and again this would depend on the part of the country you live in but you know

30:18 you need about 25 bucks an hour just to you know reasonably get by all the bills car insurance or car payment or you know your rent and everything else and yes that means a few bucks to have in your pocket to you know have make that emergency uh auto repair or something of that ilk yeah it's been calculated you need about 24 bucks an hour in order to do that 50 bucks just ain't cutting it not even close so that's what I mean so many things like this like the things that I already mentioned but even in the politics which are not

31:07 truly politics because true politics are actually really interesting they actually and they actually can produce good results for a society but not this [ __ ] this is this is just a sideshow this is a distraction and truth is as far as all those people involved are concerned as far as they keep pledging this to the American people and that and all that again it's part of the show because in reality they don't give a [ __ ] biscuit take care why should you listen to the earnest Man Show

32:10 because instead of hearing such servile cowardly and boneless reporting from corporate news sources delivering news such as I believe [ __ ] if you're showing so now you might be telling an untruth hmm you want to hear what really needs to be said such as Senator [ __ ] is a paid corporate shill and if there is still any real law left in this country and if the judge is in a good mood he should minimally be tarred and feathered with a subsequent 10-year sentence of hard labor with no possibility of parole we're stealing

32:57 taxpayer money this is why you should listen because it clearly demonstrates your ability to see through such a mass corporate [ __ ] due to your greater perception and intelligence that's why you should listen to the earnest Man Show

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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