Episode 403

Published on:

27th Dec 2024


The Harsh Reality of Mental Health, Surveillance, and Public Safety – An Earnest Mann Breakdown

Hey folks, Earnest Mann here! Today, I’m tackling a deeply unsettling topic sparked by a horrifying event: a woman set on fire on a subway by a man described as mentally unstable. This isn't just about one tragedy—it’s about systemic failures in mental health care, government surveillance overreach, and society's collective blindness to the real root of the problem.

The Mental Health Crisis: A Forgotten Epidemic

Decades ago, the United States had dedicated state-run mental health facilities, but policies in the 1980s—particularly during the Reagan era—shifted responsibility from structured care to handing out bottles of meds and releasing vulnerable individuals into society. This shortsighted approach has contributed to homelessness, public safety risks, and tragic incidents like this subway attack. Yet, mainstream media largely sidesteps these core issues in favor of sensational headlines.

Surveillance: The Illusion of Security

Following such incidents, the go-to "solution" is often increased surveillance—more cameras, more monitoring, more control. But as I emphasize, surveillance doesn’t stop crime. A camera won't prevent a mentally ill person from acting violently in the heat of a delusion. Instead, it feeds into a growing police state mentality, where individual freedoms are eroded under the guise of security.

A Cycle of Inaction and Misplaced Priorities

Instead of addressing the root cause—mental health infrastructure—we funnel money into surveillance systems and prisons. This cycle only exacerbates the issue. Public tragedies are exploited to justify invasive measures, while real solutions—like properly funding mental health facilities—are ignored.


I'm a deep thinking contrarian, a very pragmatic idiocythrope. I believe that function determines desirability and legitimacy. I don't like the superficial and/or pretentious, nor the shallow. I speak the truth as best as I know it, as a professor of tautology.

With friends, I desire quality over quantity. I know some very important life truths I'm just waiting for you to ask about. I have found in life, many people talk about happiness, but are unwilling to pay the price, or believe they shouldn't have to, because they are entitled to it, but I know with absolute certainty, that such beliefs are always due to stupidity, Insanity, or some degree of both.

This is not just another YouTube channel; I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, - and say - what the hell really needs to be said, so do the right thing, leave your thoughts, for me and others to possibly learn from, and subscribe, and tell everyone else in the world you know about me, and you'll stand a really good chance, of me remembering you, in my will!

I believe we really can change the current status quo of an idiotic and fucked up purposeless treadmill existence, and actually improve this world, but it requires intelligence, honesty, and BALLS, all three of which are currently in short supply, especially the balls.

Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anything or anyone stupid, as much as possible, your life will be far better for it.

Please consider, that by visiting my website and/or donating to this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

I look forward to hearing from you, and until next Monday or Friday remember, the world may be misinformed and batshit crazy, but YOU, don’t have to be!


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© 2024 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 what are we going to try to do tonight Earnest the same thing we do every night scky try to make everything better by getting rid of all the [Music] [ __ ] in the world [Music] H when I talk about something when I tell you the story about something or in current news or history or whatever the hell it is sometimes the narrative um isn't U professionally flowing let say because this is real bums and all warts and all and it is real and organic probably the closest

01:20 to what Real Radio used to be and I kind of sort of am of that age I grew up with that so so when I talk about something I'm not selling you a [ __ ] box of cheese Doodles I'm actually trying to tell you a story a true story usually or something very anecdotal so bear that in mind if you would when you're listening to um any my programs because of course I want you to enjoy it you know I want you to be able to laugh at something if you think it's funny stop analyzing it through a filter of Social acceptability and just go with

02:25 it and laugh at the damn thing okay okay that brings us to the story of the uh oh give him a [ __ ] name it doesn't matter the Guam malan madman that sounds like that would be something for TV or something like that the the Revenge of the Guam muton madman um you've probably heard about it there here's this crazy dude um that they're saying is from Gualala I don't know if they even mentioned or not whether or not he's quote unquote illegal to be here but you know what I don't know I got a sneak in suspicion he

03:20 probably isn't but regardless um because there's by now there's there's [ __ ] millions of [Music] [ __ ] cuz nothing gets done nothing gets done to change this but I'm going to talk about the story here about the woman on the subway that was set on fire by this lunatic and have you guys out there uh noticed a pattern that um you know uh a lot of crazy people are doing crazy [ __ ] and I don't know precisely if you've noticed that the media doesn't really They Don't Really um chime in on

04:20 the mental health issue very much because well they're not paid to the only [ __ ] thing they're paid to do is produce sensationalism and so whether it was the uh the guy few weeks ago it's quickly becoming ancient history you know the Luigi guy who was uh from a privileged family and hence has gotten a privileged lawyer for this it's so funny oh God that's being buried quickly embarrassing to the family and I suppose but yeah um but then this guy from Gualala but there's a lot of crazy

05:06 [ __ ] people and this is what happens they're talking about they and it's always if you're noticed it's like usually now women because out in the field have you also noticed that have you noticed that all the women the reporters quote unquote are all [ __ ] women most of the time most of them watch it check it it's gold all [ __ ] women so I guess men aren't allowed to do that job either that's been taken so yeah um but they're reporting on another lunatic and um but it's with

05:49 this air of of urgency and what really amazes me is how they can talk about this with such an air an a of urgency all at the same time the Paradox the same [ __ ] time not addressing or talking about the real problem or cause whatsoever and I'm here to tell you that you see okay okay this is what happens in a society when you don't have mental health facilities you let them out on the street [ __ ] them that's what Reagan did way back in the day 30 40 years ago now it's all coming home to roost so we got

06:37 tons and tons of unwanted people tons and tons of undocumented people and a boatload of [ __ ] crazies and so your aunt uncle brother sister mother priest fireman policeman some [ __ ] body could be just I don't know inadvertently set on fire and then they look around every they go into a frenzy like it's a big [ __ ] mystery what is the mystery here the mystery is we don't have enough Health Care Facilities like we did 40 plus years ago we had hell of a lot more at least I mean actual separate not [ __ ] prisons

07:27 but actual separate state state run big building actual facilities to clothe and house and everything boom that was the concept and all that really changed when good old Ronnie Reay gun came in and essentially through a whole lot of well [ __ ] basically the net result was saying [ __ ] you here's a bottle of meds yeah I know you're highly schizophrenic but sorry no money for you only money for you know bombs and planes kick them in the ass [ __ ] them and kick them to the curb now all these years later because

08:16 the policies haven't changed we got [ __ ] all over the street we got guys blowing away uh corporate trouser stains we've got then we got innocent people on subways but here's the another twist to the plot because as as we become a greater and greater slowly it's being done slowly but inexorably a greater police state guess what that gives them an an ex a an excuse to do they're going to put greater surveillance in all the trains train stations even greater yeah that'll really fix the [ __ ]

09:04 situation you know I'm sure for instance I mean if you any any angle you look at this the Nutty guy that was setting the lady on fire yeah I'm sure if there would have been a security camera there he would come to his senses looked up and said oh holy [ __ ] man I'm on TV I'm they got a count oh I can't do this here I'm I better put this lighter away oh they're they'll they'll catch me [ __ ] that deal no it's not going to prevent it because here's a news flesh crazy people don't

09:46 care they don't care they don't care but what and who does care is the police state being because I'm sorry but you guys know it's true can you you know I can you can we at least agree on on that a lot of Americans of course I'm not saying you you're my audience and I love you but a lot of Americans are [ __ ] unbelievably stupid and naive putting surveillance in is not going to prevent crime but they just just look around and say okay you well you told me I'll stop the crime so go ahead put some

10:38 more surveillance cameras and I'll surrender some more of my personal pride and integrity my own boundaries they I don't mind being monitored 24 hours a [ __ ] day in my life hell why don't you just put them all in my house too while you're at it put them on every street corner put them in my car cuz I don't have any [ __ ] understanding of any of this I I don't want to think I'm too busy working so that's what they do they have something like this happen or happen repeatedly it's usually involves death

11:24 it can be death to one or five or 20 or 50 or thousand remember what good old Joe Stalin said the death of a person is a tragedy a death of a thousand is a statistic but seriously folks the [ __ ] in this is so glaringly clear is that it is being used this terrible thing that happened happened is being used as a pretext for more surveillance more cameras greater and greater loss of your autonomy and you know the old saying the old saying being that you don't miss the water until the whale runs dry

12:27 well when you when a active create a greater and greater police state and by the time you know you have a monitor from every direction by the time that happens and it's really upsetting you and pissing you off and not just you I mean millions millions perhaps even billions of other people it's too [ __ ] late but tell you what if you don't believe what I'm saying is true I'll leave you with this you want to find out what a police state is really like go to China go to China on whatever Visa you

13:11 can come up with go to [ __ ] China and live in those and live and you know travel around a few of those cities where even the concept of autonomy is considered a threat to the state you go and you live under that just you know for 6 months and then see how [ __ ] eager you want to be and tell all your friends ni we need to put camer in your subway train because that's going to make us safe it's not going to make you safe it's going to make you less autonomous and more vulnerable to the authorities but it ain't going to make

14:03 you any more [ __ ] safe camera or no camera if you're on a subway for example and a lunatic pulls a knife a gun or in this case a [ __ ] bck lighter your ass can die long before the cops can even get there that's assuming they will even come in first place remember tyranny always and I mean always this is a historical fact look it up it always comes under the guise of security tyranny always appeals to the masses whether it's food security rent security whatever the [ __ ] it is in other words it has to talk a good

14:57 game but it only means more tyranny that is the [ __ ] of this entire situation with this guy with the subway killer the crazy Guam Mountain dude who I don't know what he was seeing his it's nothing personal when you're [ __ ] crazy it was nothing personal about this in his mind quite literally he may have been seeing visions of that she was a demon don't know probably was or maybe he's not crazy he was just you know on heavy drugs who knows you don't know but he was probably nuts and for that we have the whole

15:55 spectacle a woman died horribly and burning to death is horrible and um then we got the whole spectacle what's going to happen they're going to have another person they can make money off of by putting them in prison and yes they do make a hell of a lot of money so I don't have any katchy into this it's just sick sad and um that's about all I can say on this [ __ ] and speaking of surveillance make sure there are no drones or security cameras around when you check out my next little episode Park your ass here every Monday

16:51 and Friday at 6:00 a.m. on YouTube or the same time and days on my podcast subscribe and hit hit that notification Bell because it really helps the channel grow which means I can do more info and entertainment for you and last but certainly not least Compliments are great but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend so if you want to reach out to me with a question or wanting some life advice you can reach out to me via my website contact page in the description below and I'll get back to you

17:32 ASAP ASAP means as soon as possible just just in case you didn't know until next time this is earnest and I usually always am

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb