Episode 228

Published on:

26th Jun 2023

Podcast# 228 Some Earnest Introspection: How to Make Your Life Better, you Really can.

Hello, folks! This is me, sharing some earnest introspection on how to make your life better amidst the chaos of world events. This week has been a whirlwind, with numerous global incidents that can make one feel overwhelmed and hopeless. But I'm here to tell you that there's hope, and it lies in changing your mindset.

We often feel that the world's problems are beyond our control, leading to a sense of despair. But what if I told you there's a different way of dealing with this situation? It's about survival, both mentally and physically, and the key to it is a shift in perception.

For instance, consider the concept of fate. Many people believe their fate is sealed due to external circumstances. However, I argue that what we often interpret as fate is actually a matter of relative chances. If we make reckless decisions, we increase the chances of negative outcomes. But by making sensible choices, we can navigate through life more effectively.

This brings me to the concept of 'time lag.' Just as there's a time difference in when my podcast reaches different parts of the world, there's also a time lag in the consequences of our actions. Recognizing this time lag can give us an advantage, allowing us to prepare for and adapt to changing circumstances.

Now, let's talk about global trends. There's a significant shift happening in U.S. trade, moving away from China and aligning more with Mexico, Canada, and India. This shift could lead to desperate times for China, potentially leading to war. But even in the face of such drastic changes, there are ways to safeguard ourselves and our families.

In conclusion, it's crucial to understand that our actions and decisions today will shape our future. By changing our mindset and making sensible choices, we can navigate through life's challenges and improve our lives. Remember, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. So, let's embrace change and strive for a better future.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



hello folks this is going to be a very different kind of episode this is number 2 28. some Earnest introspection how to make your life better you really can this week has been it's been one hell of a week we have had so much going on it's it's really uh it's really something that uh well it boggles the Mind frankly you know we of course had a group a small group of people that needlessly and horribly perished around 10 000 feet below the ocean waves


and we had a boat that had several hundred refugees seeking shelter near Greece which capsized hundreds of people died then we have the situation in Ukraine and Russia where now uh Vladimir Putin is basically being threatened by one of his own generals in what essentially is a coup and who knows where that is going to end up but overall when we when we look at this in our very busy lives


we oftentimes just have to put it to the side because we don't want to fixate on that because we can't have it actually take control of Our Lives and our emotions we have to we have to go on we have to live our lives and that's something that uh pretty much everybody understands but the thing is you can only do that so much to a point it can only go so far and then quite frankly your life it can seem hopeless because there are just so many things going on


that are beyond our control or at least We Believe ourselves that they're beyond our control because of that we internalize it and we get a general malaise that takes over and we can feel that there's just so much hopelessness and this is not this is not a good thing so this is why I decided in this episode I didn't I didn't want to focus largely on politics or any particular world events what I wanted to talk about to you was how this affects you personally because


ultimately the things in our lives that affect us personally is well what really matters and so that's what this is about now what I can tell you is this if you keep approaching any situation in your life as though it is something that's set in stone because of the things that are taking place around you and you feel as though it's basically you know faded and because it's fate that you have no control then again that reinforces a very bad sense of well not being in control because of that it leads to despair


but what if I was to tell you there is a different way of dealing with this situation because what I'm getting to and what this is about is your survival your survival mentally physically so that you have hope and the fact is there is hope now in order to have that hope you have to have a different mindset okay now when I say a different mindset you quite literally have to slowly change nothing necessarily abrupt but you have to begin


to make a change in your perception of everything that's going on around you because that is going to determine how you interact with it let me give you a small example let's say for instance that I was a soothsayer I was a gypsy I had a crystal ball but it was a given that I was really a uh a true soothsayer a fortune teller but in this case everything that I said that I proclaimed in a given person's future actually came true and it got to the point where I was so well known for this that


um hell perhaps I became famous or something but here is the catch I'm not talking about just foreseeing common events in your life let's say I was talking quite specifically about your demise in other words without fail without question I could predict not only the end of your time in this world your death but exactly when and how this would occur now if that were the case if such a thing actually could occur if such a person had that kind of you know foresight you have to ask yourself the next question what would be the point


what would be the point of telling any person the exact moment time circumstances of their death it would actually be pointless it would have really in real terms it would have no point it certainly isn't going to improve their attitude on life and it certainly isn't going to improve well their General attitude at all and that is the reason why and this is a very good thing that your fate does not necessarily have to be sealed in any situation now what most of the time people interpret in certain situations as their


fate being sealed is actually a matter of their relative chances so if you do certain things in life that are very very Reckless then you stand a much greater chance of being in well very hot water if not dead but you see that's why it's my firm belief that actually this does not have to be the case because more often than not as has been demonstrated particularly in the last uh situation involving those folks that got in the submarine and you know ended up dying ten thousand


plus feet below the ocean waves this doesn't have to happen there are choices that are made but those choices are predicated upon your examination of what's going on around you and when you have the time and you take the time to examine things more often than not most people unless they're very foolish or very Reckless they don't make those choices they make much more sensible choices and that's what this is about it's about looking at the situation and making sensible choices however what we're up against here


why there is so much general what can you call it crazy um is because the people refuse to accept the small things the small almost insignificant things that eventually lead up to the catastrophes in their lives so for instance to give you this example I am living here in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and I post this show at midnight um three times a week everybody knows that Monday Wednesday Friday so for instance what I'm talking about right now


although it is posted locally at midnight the people who live on the east coast of the United States well they're not going to receive that until 3 A.M because there's a time lag so I'm doing this particular recording right now fairly late in the evening here on a Sunday because well unfortunately that's the way it worked out but regardless even though I want everybody at least here in America to hear this and a relatively you know short time in the wee hours of the morning some of them when they're getting up to


start their busy day it doesn't change the fact that this is actually going to be heard around the world with very very different time schedules so there is a time lag for the information [Music] so what I'm tying in with that is understanding the fact that your actions for the decisions that you make it has the same condition there is a time lag and so you need to recognize that time lag because that will basically determine what is going to incur at different you know times and different places not only where you live


both throughout the world it's understanding that we have to bear in mind that basically what everybody wants they're going to want it and need it at different times and also in addition different times in their life so even if I was sending out the most vital important information even with the current technology it's not going to get there immediately because of these limitations so if you bear that in mind if you understand that in mind then you have the notion that the things that you do and as a consequence the reaction to the things


that you do and how you interact once again is there's going to be a time difference a time lag that gives you the advantage it gives you advantage when you can look around at a given social Trend or a situation to make the necessary changes and prepare and do what you need to do in order to well avoid the hell that's coming down the pike that's very important and it's I feel it's you know it's much more important when you bear in mind that vast majority of people simply don't take that into account


because they are so wrapped up into the absolute instant moment as of right now but they're not taking into account that well basically they're now is someone else's future or past the important thing here is if you allow yourself if if you're at least fortunate enough if you can do this instead of just going ahead or making any kind of rash decisions um you typically will end up a lot better off than those who don't I know people right now who are all complaining some of them


are quite devastated because they have made those very same rash decisions in their lives and I I talk to them and I you know I told them I said hold off don't do this you perhaps should do this but don't do this and let's think this through but usually and if you know someone like this you know what I'm talking about inevitably they didn't they didn't do that and they just went ahead full bore and oftentimes it's based on a lot of emotion and they suffer the consequences now for a certain number of you out there


and I'm not going to sit here and try to tell you what number because frankly I have no idea but for X number of you that will get this that will understand this then you also understand and you can you can get um what I'm saying between the lines because concerning there are certain aspects of this that I can't just blatantly say you are in a much better position if you don't blow it and there are things that are coming that are going to be really unpleasant but for you folks that are thinking things through


a bit more then you're going to be okay there are there are ways of working around what is coming and make no doubt whatsoever it's absolutely certain that I you know I believe um that what is coming is pretty much inevitable and I think unfortunately there is this General knowing of this I'm calling it The the great grand knowing [Music] of this and frankly it involves resources or rather a huge lack thereof again I didn't want to go into the particulars but there's a huge for instance there's a


huge movement away from the U.S trade with China and so we are allow aligning ourselves in future with Mexico and Canada and India and I could talk about what that is going to mean in the short term but one thing is absolutely certain it spells really really bad times for China even desperate times you know how for all these years it's a common thing everybody says this that for all these in the last 30 40 years we get anything and you know Target or any of the big box stores and whatever widget we get and it says made


in China and or someone will ask well where's it made well of course it's in China and the common phrase is you know everything's made in China you know we've heard this a million times and I've heard it from actual employees at Target and you know kind of tongue-in-cheek we joke yeah everybody knows everything's made in China we're talking about Mass consumer goods for instance but you know what that is going to change big time and it's going to be pretty quickly you know we're talking


the next two three years um and that in turn is going to put China in a very big fix and when you have you know the economy that they've based on the whole game that they had with the US and Europe as well but this is a huge game changer and when they built up you know the population that they have and suddenly you have millions upon millions of people who are going to be in you know very very bad Dire Straits and there's no it appears as though there's no Peaceable way out of this well what generally happens when you


have such a huge magnitude of people that are desperate that typically comes down to war so this is the kind of thing that I'm talking about now there are ways that you can I'm not I'm not going into I don't necessarily I'm not talking about going into um you know I certainly there are people that do this but this is not this is not a conversation about prepping or Preppers it is recognizing that when not only of course is the world changing because it always is to a greater or lesser extent but in this case when this happens it's


going to be a huge change a huge sudden click that will occur and that in turn will Propel the U.S in a direction that once again is going to paint uh the us into a corner and it's not going to be actually a very good scenario at all foreign however there are ways around this there are ways that you can Safeguard yourself and Safeguard your family and what I want to know is if that is something if this is something that you understand what I'm talking about where I'm coming from you want to write me say I don't know


three four hundred words and you want your story talked about that's what I'll do and also in addition to that where I want to make a change in my program and go in a little bit of a different direction is the possibility and I've I've been waiting to talk about this for some time but it has to do with basically bringing a whole lot of things together to make this happen but um the possibility of being alive and quite simply talking with you what I need to know is if that is something that you would


really be interested in because quite frankly I know what I know but I sure as hell don't know everything and there's a I love a lot of people out there that can add to this that we can you know take this in a different direction and basically fess up to what the realities are socially of where we are and what's going on and stop being fixated on the situation just currently domestically at hand and I'm not saying I'm not belittling it I'm not saying that it's that's not bad that


certainly we're in bad times I'm trying to say that there is there are there are bigger fish to fry here that are going to have much bigger uh implications and knowing that fessing up to that fact um well it seems to me only you know reasonable that um we should take this to the next step and it would really be great if I got the input from you and like I said the option it's totally up to you and that includes um you know having a live program if that's something you would really like and I'm going to um


you know I I'm going to go out on a limb here and based on the people I've talked to my understanding is that you know a hell of a lot of people want to be heard that they would really like this and so if that is the case then here is the opportunity because you know collectively our destiny is our own but if we remain silent and just set back in the shadows and want to just keep doing what we're doing and pretending all of this isn't happening and it doesn't exist it's not going to end with a good result


if I may put this another way if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got take care you know folks wherever you may be in this world whether it be morning noon or night however you may be listening I appreciate it and I would certainly appreciate it even more if you would go to my website simply because not only can you listen to my episodes to your heart's desire but there's so much more going on there so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb