Episode 265

Published on:

22nd Sep 2023

Podcast# 265 Earnest Truth: Russell Brand, Care not, least ye be not cared for!

The Real Truth Behind the Russell Brand Scandal

Hello everyone, it's me, Earnest Mann. In today's episode, we're discussing the Russell Brand scandal. Now, I have nothing against Russell. He's got that unique Jesus Christ-Charlie Manson vibe, which is intriguing. But let's not get sidetracked by the media's portrayal of celebrities.

The Distractions of Youth vs. Adulthood

Remember those tumultuous teenage years? The stress, anxiety, and confusion? Fast forward to adulthood, and we realize that the stakes have risen. We often find ourselves reminiscing about our teenage days, wishing we could go back. But the truth is, those days are behind us. What's crucial is introspection. It's essential to understand our past to navigate our present.

The Media's Role in Amplifying Celebrity Scandals

The media, or as I like to call it, the "great social control mechanism," thrives on crisis, stress, and drama. Celebrities like Russell Brand become their prime targets. But why? Distraction. The real issue isn't Russell's life or his so-called scandal. It's the media's incessant need to keep us distracted from what truly matters.

The Importance of Perception in Life

I recall a store in Salem that was on the brink of closure. Despite the evident signs, many, including a hardworking young woman, remained oblivious. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of perception. Being engrossed in our tasks can sometimes blind us to the bigger picture.

The Irrelevance of Celebrity Scandals in Our Lives

Ask yourself, has Russell Brand or any other celebrity made a significant impact on your life? Probably not. So, why do we let their lives consume our thoughts? It's time we shift our focus to what truly matters: our family, friends, and community.

In conclusion, while the world may be obsessed with the latest celebrity scandal, let's remember to prioritize what genuinely impacts our lives. Until next time, remember, actions speak louder than words. Take care.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:10 well hello everybody thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 265 Ernest truth Russell Brand care or not least ye'd not be cared for we're going to be talking a bit about Russell Brand and his scandal perhaps more importantly why something not so obvious needs to be said now I don't dislike Russell Brand I mean hell he's got that cool Jesus Christ Charlie Manson thing looking thing going on so what's not to like but before I really get into any of the trials and tribulations of Mr bran

01:03 let me share this thought with you first if you're say 25 years old or older I would like for you to try this little thought experiment think back to your teenage years if you're like most of us including yours truly it's very possible that they were a bit stressful for many of us again including yours truly stressful would be considered a great understatement more like an absolute shitstorm of confusion conflicting emotions unachievable expectations uh and parents who even when they were basically good

01:52 simply did not get us they simply didn't understand yet in retrospect what almost all of us can do today is shrugger shoulders and confess that it's a complete [ __ ] mystery how we managed to get through it and survive but fortunately most of us did make it through it and if you're one of those people who did you deserve congratulations huh because you effectively transitioned to the time space where you will be spending the vast majority of the rest of your life adulthood which for many of us simply means

02:42 graduating to shitstorm 2.0 one of the very most important things though is being able to understand the clear difference between the two simply put the stresses anxiety and concerns of our teenage years may feel similar but in reality of course they're not because the stakes usually become so much higher especially if you have started a family of your own and more often than not what I have heard people say a thousand times despite how difficult their teenage years may have been is that it pales in comparison to the

03:33 troubles they've gone through and continue to go through in their adult life and they would instantly trade places with their teenage lives that they lived if they could but of course that's pretty much impossible those days are gone forever never to return but if you would be surprised to know how many adults simply don't understand this because they've never taken the time for introspection an introspection is pretty damn important I'm telling you all this because of how it relates to the situation or more

04:25 truthfully the non-situation of Russell Brand now I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent and perceptive person and as such what I see coming out of the great social control mechanism more commonly referred to as the news is pretty much the same you see what the owners pay the media to do as much as possible is create crisis stress and drama and the celebrities are one of their main sources to keep you informed 24 7.

05:12 whether you want to hear it or not and the primary purpose of this is distraction so like I said I don't dislike Russell Brand although his style of humor simply isn't my cup of tea I'm much more of a I don't know a Doug's Stanhope kind of guy but that's not really the issue here what's an issue here is how depressing and very upsetting it is that what is going on with his life the so-called scandal not just being endlessly parroted in American Media but internationally as well as being so damn important and relevant

06:08 so as a consequence of this what I'm trying to do here is to throw a very big damn rock into this Glass House of people who seem to be in a hypnotic state apparently completely unaware just how inane all of this is or put it another way this Scandal about Russell Brand if I were to speak as a teenager would come out as dumb really [ __ ] dumb I would like to a life for you to listen to this short story which I think will help to connect the dots of my argument a bit further a few years ago we had a national uh

06:59 store chain here in Salem that began to fall on Hard Times called f m that store has been here for uh quite a few years and I guess I stopped in to shop there I don't know every few weeks probably at least once a month I guess now if there is one thing I know it's when a business is in trouble I don't even have to see the news read quarterly Financial reports or any of that [ __ ] I can simply tell from the store's environment it's an old skill still a practice bias old guys you know because it predates the days of cell

07:48 phones it predates people taking a thousand [ __ ] selfies a day people needing and demanding validation of their lives from social media like a heroin addict that needs a fix Yes actually as a member of this generation I'm proud to say that we are people able to wipe our ass when going to the restroom without detailed instructions or an app hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any

08:35 and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the earnestmanshow.com and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated

09:18 already I just wanted to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much the skill is called perception are you youngins out there you should try it sometime I mean um if you could muster the will to put down your social distraction device otherwise known as your smartphone for five [ __ ] minutes and maybe even actually engage with the world around you so there was this young woman there and uh she worked really hard she always worked hard and she walked fast from place to

10:07 place and was always busy doing something stocking shelves you name it so I kind of knew her she seemed genuinely friendly and helpful which was actually the reason I in turn tried to help her I can't remember how we got into the conversation I was in there looking for something then somehow we segued into it so I said to her do you mind if I give you little information and she enthusiastically said sure and I said well I've been shopping here for some time and I've noticed that you're a great worker so I wanted to offer you some

10:55 advice is that okay again she said sure so I said as pleasantly as I could I know you probably don't want to hear this but I would suggest looking for another job as soon as you can because this store maybe even the company is going to not be around much longer maybe she thought it was crazy I don't know but I remember she just smiled and responded with complete enthusiastic denial oh no I disagree with you on that this company is doing fine we're not going anywhere I didn't want to push the issue when I

11:46 left it at that now remember how I said how she was such a good worker well sometimes that's how you end up being screwed because from the corporate point of view she was exactly what they wanted an extremely competent work drone not paying any attention to what's really going on around her just work which is the kind of thing in life that can get you into serious trouble if you are constantly distracted you fail to perceive she didn't she didn't notice for example and by the way this was long before anything to do with

12:37 covid that many of the items on the shelves they were either really low or completely missing including a lot of grocery items she also didn't notice up in the ceiling that quite a few of the long you know those long fluorescent light tubes were burned out making parts of the store well you know it looked dark what this means is that the shelves were empty because the company hadn't been paying the vendors and vendors stop shipping merchandise when they don't get paid it also means that they weren't not

13:21 paying for proper maintenance of the store again either because they couldn't or wouldn't pay for the damn maintenance simply put what this means is that when a company cannot pay its vendors cannot pay for its stores maintenance they are in serious trouble and I knew the writing was on the wall immediately now I would have told her the very same thing I just told you but she was so dismissive not even taking a moment to be curious to Simply say something like oh why is that or why do you think the store will close

14:09 a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees being so engaged in doing you fail at seeing which in turn means most of the time you also fail to be perceiving oh and yes the store was closed within a year I believe the company [ __ ] I think they're I think they're gone as well the way all this ties in with the Russell Brand scandal is that the Scandal has absolutely positively no [ __ ] real meaning whatsoever in our lives save for one distraction what's taking place with Russell Brand or any other celebrity for that matter

15:03 doesn't matter think of the last time you sent a heartfelt thank you letter or message to Russell Brand for making your life so much better after all I mean him making the mortgage payment was very nice oh oh wait he he didn't make the mortgage payment well I'm sure he took care of the car payment what no car payment either utilities insurance birthday present birthday card but wait a damn minute it didn't even send you a lousy [ __ ] birthday card well screw me sideways oh well don't feel bad people

15:56 he didn't do any of that for me either but I know he loves us he just forgot so that's why I'm saying to you that the so-called scandal is not the real issue here I have never been into idolization or vicarious identification or put another way I don't [ __ ] care what Russell Brand has done or hasn't done who he screwed or not screwed or anything else for that matter at any time and in any way shape or form it's also the reason I don't care about any other celebrities be they comedians athletes actors

16:47 politicians or [ __ ] sweet Jesus and baby Jesus save us all game show host in short what I believe we really need to start caring about is our family friends and maybe even our neighbors and in my opinion that's one brand that truly does matter until next time this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb