Episode 347

Published on:

14th Jun 2024

World War 3 - A real possibility, due to the June 9th actions of Saudi Arabia. The Earnest Mann Show Podcast # 347

Unveiling the Global Consequences of Saudi Arabia's Economic Shift

Hey folks, Earnest Mann here! It's Friday, let's raise a glass because we made it through another week. Before we jump in, a big thank you for the overwhelming response to the Morgan Spurlock episode, hitting nearly 1,000 views! Now, let's get to today's episode where we discuss a recent and monumental event in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia, which could potentially lead to World War III.

The End of the Petro Dollar Agreement: A Historic Economic Shift

Saudi Arabia has recently ended its agreement with the United States to trade oil exclusively in Petro Dollars. This agreement, established in 1973, ensured that Saudi oil was sold only in US dollars, significantly boosting the demand for US debt and currency. The end of this agreement is a seismic shift, with the potential to destabilize global markets.

The Implications of a New Currency for Oil Trade

The decision by Saudi Arabia to potentially trade oil in a different currency, possibly the Chinese Yuan, is a strategic move that could lead to severe geopolitical consequences. This shift could be seen as a declaration of economic warfare by the US, especially if allied countries like France, Britain, Germany, and Canada follow suit.

Potential Responses and Global Conflict

The US might respond with diplomatic efforts or, more drastically, military action. The situation is reminiscent of historical events like the start of World War I, where seemingly minor incidents led to massive global conflicts. The US's dependence on Saudi oil means that any threat to this supply chain could lead to significant military and economic actions.

Stay tuned and pay close attention to developments in the Middle East over the coming weeks. This situation could escalate quickly, and its impact will be felt worldwide. Share your thoughts and opinions, and consider subscribing to stay informed.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:08 hey folks how the hell you doing it's Friday let's raise a glass we made it through another week but before we get started I just wanted to raise my glass and make a toast to you with sincerest thanks for your response to the Morgan Spurlock uh episode The previous episode at almost 1,000 views I just don't know what to say I'm overwhelmed I sincerely thank you now on to the next episode I'm going to tell you about something that just occurred in the Middle East Saudi Arabia to be exact and if what occurred

00:50 is not reversed very quickly it will result in either the us or some form of its Coalition Partners attacking Saudi Arabia which in turn other countries declaring sides will be jumping in and vaa you have World War III not necessarily with nukes but definitely a global conflict if you don't know what happened in the first week of June it was made public around June 9th let me tell you why this is a huge deal because there's news and then there 's news if you've been listening to me for any time you probably know that I don't

eans I'm going to tell you in:

02:17 to sell its oil exclusively in United States dollars which became known as Petro Dollar in exchange for military protection Western technology and other Pur Works what the US gained was a very sweet deal by having Saudi Arabian oil bought and sold exclusively in US Petr dollars and reinvesting its Petr dollar Surplus primarily in US assets notably treasury Securities this Arrangement significantly bolstered demand for the US debt and the dollar and all the other countries in the world agreed to pretty much follow suit a mean this is meaning

03:04 that the US had the absolute Monopoly on the buying and selling of Saudi oil now Saudi Arabia has ended that agreement so to my knowledge it has not been announced yet by Saudi Arabia what new currency they are going to go with but the point is regardless of who it is with Saudi Arabia being the largest producer of oil in the world This spells very bad news for the US and if the Saudis decide to go with the Chinese currency I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that that is the same for all intents and purposes as a declaration of

03:54 war between the US and Saudi Arabia especially if any of our Coalition Partners France Britain Germany Canada and a few others decide to go with that new currency as well in very short this is a powder cake of unprecedented proportions which is why I told you in the beginning this is a situation that will very quickly lead to a world conflict and that is an absolute fact not speculation so why is Saudi Arabia doing this you might intelligently ask ironically because in terms of Advantage what capitalism has preached to Saudi Arabia

04:44 and so many other places all over the world for so many years the selfish Doctrine has always been the same what's in it for me well at this point it seems the Saudis have finally figured out out that the US is not the only [ __ ] in the whouse that they can end up with a much sweeter deal by making the same kind of deal with some other country versus the US in other words the Saudis have finally decided to P pursue the free market and this puts the US in a very bad position which is the equivalent of pissing off mobsters and as I'm sure you

05:31 probably know Mobsters don't like to be put in really bad positions they like putting others in really bad positions if the Saudis don't pretty quickly reverse this terrible decision which is the [ __ ] you'll you're going to hear on the corporate SLG government owned news media remember the US government is basically like a mob that will probably initially send a couple of their boys AKA foreign envoys with economic or military brass knuckles to convince the Saudis to do the right thing or else in this case I can only see two

06:19 real options for the us in this situation with Saudi Arabia first they could try diplomacy promising to get Saudi Arabia more of what it wants whatever hell that might be if the Saudis will just go back to the original deal we had with them the problem with that though is that it pretty much is what Rome began to do when it started to lose its Empire basically Rome started um appeasing its many enemy Invaders with gold because it simply didn't have the Manpower to defend itself from all the various tribal Invaders but eventually there

07:06 simply wasn't enough gold to buy off the invading hordes anymore and eventually the hordes just said [ __ ] it and invaded Rome raping pillaging and plundering Rome several times until it simply collapsed by the way if anything I just said even sounds vaguely familiar concerning our friends from the south you just got a [ __ ] A+ for paying attention the second option is to make up or create an excuse any [ __ ] excuse and the US military is very good at doing this they've been doing this [ __ ] for many years to attack and invade

07:55 Saudi Arabia just simply go in with their guns [ __ ] blazing especially if we have help from our Coalition partners and do a whole bunch of whoop ass they can make sure to send some really cool video to the media especially if it looks like a video game Americans will love it one of several problems with this strategy however is that it simply can't be maintained it's one thing to conquer a town or a City or hell even a country it's quite another to hold it I could talk on the subject much longer but I don't want to talk your


09:26 absolutely depends on oil and you can bet your ass that America will not have that oil supply interfered with in any way shape or form do you get my drift do you agree do you disagree or do you have an entirely different opinion if so please drop me a line and consider subscribing or maybe telling all of your friends and family until next Monday or Friday if this ain't earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb