Episode 273

Published on:

11th Oct 2023

Podcast# 273 World Events: Hamas Attacks Israel, Information About Israel, You’ve Never Heard, and the Real Reason why Israel, is Being Attacked.

Unveiling the Controversies Surrounding Israel

A Fresh Perspective on Israel's History and Current Events

In today's episode, I bring forth a controversial take on the state of Israel. While many might shy away from discussing the intricacies of Israel's history and its relations with neighboring countries, I believe in shedding light on the lesser-known aspects. From the Hamas attacks to the underlying reasons behind Israel's current state, this episode promises to be an eye-opener.

The State of Israel: Beyond the Surface

Having visited Israel, I've witnessed the security measures and the palpable tension firsthand. The omnipresent military and the heightened stress levels of the average citizen paint a picture that many outside the country might not be aware of. But why is it this way? The answer might lie in the deep-rooted beliefs and historical events that have shaped the nation.

The Contention Within: Orthodox Jews and Military Service

A significant point of debate within Israel is the exemption of Orthodox Jews from military service. While they enjoy the benefits provided by the state, their non-recognition of Israel has led to tensions among the citizens. This internal conflict mirrors the broader issues that Israel faces on the global stage.

The Core Issue: A Historical Perspective

The concept of being "God's chosen people" has been a cornerstone of Jewish faith. However, this belief might be the very foundation of many of Israel's challenges. Without a homeland for 2,000 years, the Jewish people have faced hardships and struggled to integrate into various societies. This historical context is crucial to understanding the current state of affairs.

The Modern-Day Reality: Retribution and Media Narratives

The recent attacks by Hamas and the portrayal of these events in the media highlight the complex dynamics at play. While the loss of innocent lives is tragic, it's essential to recognize that such actions don't arise in isolation. The longstanding subjugation of Arabs and Palestinians plays a role in the current tensions.

In conclusion, while Israel's history and present are fraught with challenges, it's crucial to approach the topic with an open mind and a willingness to understand the nuances. Until next time, remember, actions speak louder than words.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:05 well hello everyone and thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 273 world events Hamas attacks Israel information about Israel you've never heard and the real reason why Israel is being attacked I just first of all wanted to say on I'm sorry about this episode uh that is not going to be Oregon matters uh that's what I usually do on Wednesdays I know but something occurred here in the world that I felt I just just couldn't wait until Friday so here it is right out of the gate I want to let

00:53 you know that I'm going to be saying some very controversial and unorthodox things about the state of Israel so if you are a Jewish person or even if you're not Jewish I guarantee you this is something you're probably have never heard in your lifetime and I only ask if you would never listen to any broadcast I ever do again that if you will have the courage to listen to this I will absolutely applaud you because you were being a true Minch so here goes now I wanted to start off by saying that if I was a journalist

01:41 especially if I worked for a bigname outfit well I wouldn't say what I'm about to say because I would fully expect to be fired for doing so fortunately for you I don't work for a big name Media Company and I'm not even a journalist so as a consequence I feel free to say just about whatever the [ __ ] I please and if you try to uh accuse me of being anti-semitic take that suppressive emotionally manipulative victimization [ __ ] somewhere else because I ain't buying it and to an increasing extent

02:28 neither is the rest of the world world now let me ask you this have you ever actually been and I'm stipulating like in the last few years to Israel I have and it ain't pretty security cameras everywhere armed military presence everywhere and the average Jewish citizen can be unpleasant to try to talk to because they are hyper stressed often bordering on Paranoid which is really unfortunate because it really doesn't have to be this way and if on the other hand you happen to have been such an awfully shitty

03:16 person in your previous life and I'm guessing that Benjamin Netanyahu must have been a dung beetle in his previous life that on the next turn of the karmic wheel you happen to be reborn and living your new life in Israel you simply wouldn't understand how abnormal your life is compared to many places in the rest of the world and this particular critique America Because unless you're wealthy enough to travel that is to say to get out of that Bleak water hyperm militarized and surface of Mars orwellian mind [ __ ] you refer to as the

04:08 state and when I'm speaking States it's only about the size of New Jersey in the US you have nothing to compare it to so for your own benefit don't be kneejerk nationalistically reactionary just try to remain calm and listen I get it I understand the cause of your inane nationalism and provincialism hell if I grew up in that environment I'm pretty certain I would be the same way myself I just wanted you to know how simultaneously anxious yet confused you come across you're like someone simultaneously using cocaine an

05:01 LSD for example a family who lives in idiotville Arkansas's here in the US who has never been or experienced any [ __ ] place other than their own town in their dull unchallenging and unthinking town living a depressing existence that they call a life often believes it to be the Alpha and Omega of every place here on planet [ __ ] Earth [ __ ] going to the Bahamas or the biny islands when I hit the lottery we're moving to idiotville Arkansas's baby so listen here my blissfully unaware Hebrew friend here are some

ld's objective opinion of the:

06:39 because in the case of Orthodox Jews or perhaps is it I don't know Orthodox Jews I'm not really certain but anyway they're able to get around this uh requirement simply because they don't recognize the state of Israel okay now now this really pisses off many Progressive Jewish citizens of the state because while the orthodoxs are exempt from military service they still accept and receive social benefits from the state now I can see where this could certainly be a point of contention because the net effect is that the

07:25 Orthodox crowd expects the benefits of the state of Israel such as food housing and even financial support but feel no obligation to the state because they don't recognize it this to me is akin to a friend or relative that wants to live in your house rentree pay no bills and offer no assistance to do anything helpful for the household and unfortunately is quite common here in the US today but that is an internal Affair of a Jewish customs and culture a personally I don't support those kinds of parasitic ideas or values which I

08:14 believe in reality are nothing more but smoke and mere excuses for entitlement [ __ ] and I would put such people out on their entitled Orthodox ass without hesitation but say it's an Israeli thing and that's just my two cents worth my main point of contention though is with a certain negative aspect of Judaism itself this is something that has been seldom if ever pointed out it is much like the proverbial 300b gorilla in the room at a cocktail party that everyone at the party clearly sees but is scared to death to mention yet it is

ion of the state of Israel in:

le the truth is that prior to:

10:45 for 2,000 years now let that sink in 2,000 [ __ ] years is a long time to not have a Homeland leading a basically nomadic lifestyle but never really being able to fully integrate into other kingdoms or Societies or if they were somehow able to create their own Homeland never being able to keep it for any significant amount of time this is not just my opinion or hyperbole this is historical fact now I don't claim in any way not at all to be a scholar and I sure as hell don't claim to be an expert in Jewish history but I feel I do know

11:40 enough about human social systems and a bit of sociology and from what I've learned and what I know generally speaking one huge requirement of successfully integrating into groups of people is that in order for that to be successful you have to have a certain quality that people recognize and have been doing so ever since well forever they have to like you and generally speaking people will tolerate a fair bit but they absolutely hate malignant narcissism case in point J uh judaism's incessant God's ch chosen people

12:31 narrative my supposition is that humans really haven't changed very much in the last few thousand years and the more people I have to live close to or interact with such as uh a dysfunctional narrative then as now non-jews really get sick of it so they collect collectively if necessary kicked them out of their cities or destroyed Their Kingdoms forcing them to start wandering through the desert yet again as Clans and tribes simply because they got sick of them in my lifetime I have known some very intimately quite a few Jewish

13:25 people some of them what you would call very you know liberal and some of them well quite conservative okay but I noticed a reoccurring theme amongst practically all of them to one degree or another elitism I knew several guys for example that dated Jewish women but inevitably when the relationship became much more serious as in talking marriage the men were told in no uncertain terms that Not only was it going to be a Jewish wedding but they would in fact have to convert to Judaism first gee I don't suppose that even

d tend to agree with me since:

t state which up until around:

15:55 memories and no matter what amount of Twisted historic IAL facts Jewish politicians academics or Professor professors of Jewish history present to justify the current state of Israel it's simply not true the current state of Israel is by definition uh it's an unethical and illegal forced occupation and if there was any real Justice in the world Benjamin Netanyahu should be tried as a war criminal not only for the terrible treatment and subjugation of the Palestinian people but ironically the subjugation and

zbollah that have killed over:

17:31 years of absolute subjugation of the Arabs and Palestinians you can't even begin to make an equivalent comparison of death and Terror actions such as what was just committed by Hamas against Israel do not occur in a vacuum and the instantaneous hate campaigns in the Israeli news media and their ever obedient servants the American news media again I am not saying what happened is a good thing but I am simply saying that it is something called retribution it's not as though the Palestinians or Hamas simply woke up one

18:23 day and said hey we're really bored today there's really nothing much to do let's hurl a bunch of missiles at Israel and kill a whole lot of people yeah that sounds like fun this is the unrelenting narrative not only being pushed by Israel of course but there are strategic buddies in the US the overarching idea is that the Arabs and Palestinians are less than human they are in fact animals and it is for that reason alone that they are terrorist whereas Israel has only shown the Arabs and Palestinians since the state started in


20:06 never forget yet seem to have done so themselves so completely but I suppose the rest of us are to Simply forgive and forget all of that I mean after all they are God's chosen people until next time this is earnest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb