Episode 345

Published on:

7th Jun 2024

Yes, There’s a Loneliness Epidemic: And mainly, it’s due to what I call occupational conditioning

The Impact of Loneliness and Safety in Modern Urban Life

Hey folks, it's Earnest Mann here! In this episode, I’m sharing my perspective on the plague of loneliness sweeping our society, especially in urban areas like San Jose, California. I explore how changes in office culture and city life are contributing to this phenomenon and what we can do to counter it. Special thanks to the creators of the background video for this episode. Let's get started.

The Decline of Urban Socialization and Safety Concerns

Downtown San Jose is struggling as office workers no longer frequent the area, significantly impacting the city's social fabric. I spoke with local residents who expressed concerns about returning to an agricultural-like isolation, lacking interaction with diverse groups. One key point raised was the need for people to feel safe to foster human connection. However, safety is subjective, and what makes one person feel secure might make another feel uneasy. For instance, some feel safer with a police presence, while others, like myself, find it stifling.

The Balance Between Safety and Freedom

I've experienced both blue-collar and white-collar jobs, and I've noticed that excessive safety measures can sterilize life, making people feel isolated. There is an obsession with safety that extends to even the smallest details, like adults wearing helmets while biking. While this might save a life in rare cases, it often leads to a sense of overregulation and diminished joy.

The Cultural and Economic Shift in Urban Areas

Cities like San Francisco and New York face similar issues. High living costs drive people away, and remote work further isolates individuals. For example, San Diego saw a decline in social interactions during and after the pandemic. The rise of remote work has led to a disconnect among workers who now miss out on deeper social interactions.

Occupational Conditioning and Its Impact on Loneliness

Many professionals suffer from occupational conditioning, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. This is particularly evident in tech-driven regions like Silicon Valley, where the relentless pace and stress of work can leave individuals feeling burned out and lonely. It’s essential to balance work and play to maintain a healthy mental state.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:03 hey folks we made it to another Friday I wanted to give you my opinion on what's causing the plague of loneliness you keep hearing about all the time and what the hell you can do about it I wish to thank and give full credit to the makers of the background video I used that entire video is listed in the description below let's get going this is the downtown of San Jose California a city in the heart of Silicon Valley office workers no longer come here like they used to and that's having massive impact on life in the

00:41 city what does this mean for the future of the city and others I asked some local residence that question in my opinion we're like regressing to kind of like agricultural like lifestyle sort of where you were kind of always in your little bubble and you never got to meet other people so I'm kind of concerned about that you know I really do feel sorry for this guy I mean you know come on he's he's not a badl looking guy he really seems like an intelligent Pleasant guy people like this really shouldn't have you know

01:21 problems with loneliness but we'll get back to that shortly uh people have to feel safe in a city if they don't feel safe um again you're going to lose the human connection you're going to lose the desire for people to be connected loneliness is going to increase uh paranoia is going to increase um people need to be socializing to keep a healthy mental state okay well I I don't know who this older guy is um but I generally agree with you yeah people want to feel safe but my question is safe from

02:08 what you see in my entire life um what you would call a feeling of safety in my young adult life when it's as a young man um that wasn't really a concern um I felt confident about myself um admittedly you know there weren't people with driveby shootings nearly as much at that time but I'm saying that um generally what people consider to be safe um is you know it's it's a bit subjective to give you an example um some people especially you know your suburbanite types they may feel you know safe quot

03:00 unquote with a police presence walking around or patrolling around with me it's the exact opposite um if I want to have any kind what what life has taught me is that if I want any kind of life or to have any kind of real fun or enjoyment in my life that certainly doesn't include the police okay okay I have had a great time several times in my life being in a small isolated towns in America on more than one occasion I remember many years ago for instance being in Moscow Oregon that is but there's no

03:48 real cops forever for miles and miles around and I was in the company of bikers and I felt safe um generally for the most part again nothing is universal Nothing in life is guaranteed people need to understand this but by and large in the case of that culture of those guys if you didn't with them they didn't with you it's really simple so there's this um there's this absolute in case just look around you there's this absolute obsession with safety and um you know I mean it's not healthy it's not

04:44 healthy I remember for example very briefly I'll tell you this and I'll speak my language I'm not going to speak the current political politically correct language I'm going to talk the way I've always talked the way I grew up talking k k and if you anyone you know an adult if you were wearing a helmet and you're riding a bike maybe the only possible exception being some kind of bike racer or something of that ilk way back then but otherwise quite literally um people that wore helmets were

05:30 now every everybody who you know kind of rides one of those bikes everybody has to look like hell I don't know the current names you know I'll kick one out everybody has to look Pro everybody has to be a Lance Armstrong or something but most people are all wearing upset these are adult men and women wearing helmets and you know it looks stupid sorry it looks stupid I'm entitled to my opinion it looks stupid yes percentage wise maybe okay one 1,000 of a billion or whatever maybe it saves someone's

06:15 life okay but that's what I'm talking about I'm talking about legislating things down to so much safety that you sterilized life to the point where the there is no life and you wouldn't expect people to feel isolated let's move on to the next person people will feel like oh this is a culture desert even though it's a city but it's lacking still cuz think about why people come to the Bay Area for work mostly because of the big companies here um and why they moved way because they cannot afford it um New York it has a

07:06 similar similar issues but I would say less because it's Unique in a in a way that you can't really go anywhere else to find it um butara you just want a job that pays well then you can find it maybe elsewhere I don't know yeah again worst cases I'm thinking like you know maybe thoughts of like um like xenophobia probably go up racism like just cuz you don't meet people or you don't you won't see other you might be very against other cultures just cuz it's different from yours um and they're not alone in feeling this

07:51 way just as we left the pandemic we entered a new epidemic according to the US Surgeon General the key symptom loneliness and Silicon Valley also leads the nation in this trend just last February Sano County became the only County in the nation to declare loneliness a public emergency could the rapid disruption to City Life and Rise of remote work explain our difficulties connecting with one another yeah um ever since I left New York and for example when we first moved to San Diego um we were living there during the pandemic so that was one

08:31 aspect but um in San Diego we didn't have that many friends and U it was hard to make friends because of the pandemic but even after the pandemic in San Diego you pretty much have to drive everywhere and um I guess for some people like for me I was always very into the oh let's go out and let's get some drinks to like have so they have like a deeper social interaction than just maybe saying hi at like work or at church or even just a one time group event right well I think the big thing for me is um during the

09:04 pandemic uh I started working from home and uh and sort of post pandemic uh that's that's continued on so I'm I'm now a like a full-time remote worker so that's probably been the biggest change and the change that the pandemic kind of uh made in my life um which at first you know when you go home that first day and start working from home you think it's a temporary thing and then you know several years later it it becomes kind of the norm for me so well I know that a lot of you don't

09:39 have a lot of time so I'll try to um be as concise as I can with this not because it isn't interesting simply you know uh most folks don't have a lot of time so have you noticed just a brief message here but when you look through all these people you know that there's something in common that you may or may not have noticed look at the backgrounds all of them without exception all of them are in white or whitish or very white backgrounds and white typically is associated for instance with hospitals it is

10:26 sterile it is devoid of any any real life it is just an empty suit it is vacuous and that ties in with what I would have done to make an association in my younger days so I'm not saying that these is that they're bad people but what I am saying regardless of the various occupations that they may have is they all have one um one trait that I refer to as occupational conditioning and what that means is that I would not in my youth wanted anything to do with these people okay so it's not at all surprising why they feel isolated

11:20 and alone and whatnot it is an occupational hazard of what they do so yeah you make the money whatever it is you should be making bundles and bundles of money but um this is what it does to you um they seem uh just completely disconnected not remotely happy they're just really up people not up in a druggy kind of way but it's kind of like you know purely off the top of my head this is why for instance you wouldn't have a person who's a mover I mean people that you know a moving truck a mover big

12:05 barly guy mover and certainly nothing wrong with them whatsoever but this is for the same reason that you wouldn't have movers going out with the neurosurgeons to the local watering hole for drinks didn't happen then you know there used to be a phrase remember does anyone remember he's a jock or she's a this or where that you're there's a brain Body Connection okay and it makes you what you are if you were a mover or a jock or people of this ilk physical types that work with their hands they generally

12:46 don't hang out with the brainy types the nerdy types just don't and there's a reason for that and the problem is what I'm saying is in my life with what I did because I've done both I've been in what you call the traditional blue colar where I did physical labor and then the uh the brain related stuff uh in that area done them both didn't like um yeah didn't like the heady stuff because I noticed internally it it just it weirded you out it you up I'll recount very briefly many years ago being on a

13:34 construction site young guy um putting in track housing um working with several mechanics they're called the guys that read the prints and so forth for different systems are called mechanics and there was one guy who worked with the crew but um he was a mechanic that meant that he had the skills he could read the pr but you know he's just a regular regular guy and Friday came the whistle blew that's what you did that was the culture and it's for a purpose it's not it's not the same as when Geeks and

14:13 businessmen go out it's entirely different it's on its another purpose and I'll be honest with you it's either to get drunk get laid or both that's it that's the working man's thing that's what he does that's what he needs to do especially for a lot of those jobs we're talking some pretty damn physically hard jobs and you really need to blow off some steam especially as a young man but anyway yeah this guy got to know him just a little bit I don't know think his name was Bob or something but totally

14:53 nice guy but kind of you know kind of softspoken kind of little bit withdrawn is compared to the others and a friend of our friend got to know him and was talking to him says yeah he he used to be an architect had his own architect company and all that it's like really and um so I was really young I don't know I was like 20 yeah could get in the bars then didn't matter again because there weren't 10 billion rules against life and uh anyway talk to him said hey man you know I heard you you had an architect company

15:33 you had your own company and now you're working on the crew and what you go out of business and he said yeah I went out of business I shut it down and he started talking to me and basically what he said was he wouldn't talk you know he didn't talk that long but he said he didn't he didn't like the stress he didn't like he said what it does to you because everything becomes a number and a account and everything he said I I just you know there's something not right about it the way he

16:06 put it I'd just barely be working with the guys I said great and I said um and then he said something about something obviously I can't remember right now was something about the money or but it was something to the effect of uh yeah you get a you get a shitload or a boatload money and then it it turns you into an imbecile or something and you you can't do anything or something to that effect so anyway what I'm proposing in a very unscientific way admittedly but that's what it this is look at these people that's what it does

16:50 to you okay okay and again not saying they're bad people they're damaged people and very quickly I'll tell you the reason for that like I said having worked both sides of the fence here when you do something that is very um physical uh like digging fence post for instance yep I did that I was much younger much stronger I did that but anyway um my point is is that at the end of the day or maybe the end of the week when you switch off your brain when it's time to shut off when it's time to relax that is your goal and that's what

17:45 you can do you're not on call you're not worried about this file or this uh presentation that's coming up with the uh you know Uranus account on Monday you don't have any of that you don't for the most part you don't punch out you're done it's it now it's time for your family if you have one or if you're a young man now it's time for fun and that's what it's supposed to be that's the point that's the point of life and if you never get to exercise that because

18:29 your brain never turns off you're in trouble and with these types of folks their problem is their brain is never allowed to turn off you've got like that uh young Asian guy I don't know he looks like he's maybe early 30s but he has the expression he has the energy he just of of a guy in his 50s and that's because of you years of constantly worrying about all the Techno that has to be done and you never the brain never really gets to relax it never has any fun you know the old saying all work and

19:14 no play makes Johnny a sad boy and maybe a little psychotic too they need more play less stress cuz this cannot and should not be the be all and end all of their existence of anyone's existence were collectively the proverbial we that we're going to have fun we're only going to go you know cycle around this this this ball in space so many times I don't want to do it working for your Reus Corporation because here at Uranus things come out a little differently NOP been there done that no thank you and also no there I this whole

20:14 absolute the other thing is their Obsession and have been also conditioned to be very easily endlessly frightened that again is another OCC occup ational Hazard of what they do everything of losing that job of losing that big powerful job that gives them all that money that makes them so isolated and miserable yet at the same time you know it's like I don't know being under a drug perhaps and you and you hate the pimp or Pusher that gives it to you but by the same token you don't want to piss them off

20:56 because you're so worried about having your supply cut off and that's what it looks that's what my years of experience that's what I see when I hear them talking and when I see their eyes and this that's what I read into it so you think what you want to think but I am proud that I came from a working town and grew up as a working guy and I remember what it was like to be a young Working Man and this is before kids or anything like that but I'm saying still early to mid 20s I could have fun with other people

21:49 were just having fun because there was that old song in the 80s and I think it was like everybody's working for the weekend and people used to fli that on because it resonated and became a mega hit because that's what people were doing they weren't worried about their 401k and lastly all this was possible because I had union jobs this is before the unions were destroyed thank you Reagan and uh then it wasn't too long after that then all the union jobs went away and then the workers started going away because then

22:45 the employers were free given a free reign to hire all of our friends from the southern border and so you started seeing a whole lot less white dudes and a whole lot more brown dudes working on all those houses and all those jobs that we supposedly didn't want and uh making wages by comparison but again relative to Mexico well those are great wages for them not so much for us so yeah that's what you call in the game of life it's what you call painting yourself into a corner so that is not the entirety of

23:50 everything I wanted to say but this has gone on much longer than what I wanted to say but I'm just trying to give you some of the the truth of why these people are in the position they are and it's really it's you know it's sad it's sick and it's sad but also to a certain extent if they're not willing to change it they're not willing to hear what you know people such as myself are saying you could just stand there and continue wanting to whine feel like B with budy so you can sit inside your flat and

24:36 with your whether it's a nice flat or not but sit there with your finger up your ass and not able to deal with life or people or talk to one another or for that matter even get laid really wasn't complicated in my day but hey what do I know right guys like us we just old Coots we don't know anything only the Techno people know anything so yeah there you have it that's not it in its entirety but that's a little a little Slither a little piece of the equation and you should be able to you folks should be able to

25:29 when I say you folks I mean the ones that are suffering what this whole show is about here what this whole episode is about you should be able to calculate that because you people can calculate anything until next Monday or Friday if this isn't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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