Episode 341

Published on:

24th May 2024

The Adam Sandler and Jeffrey Epstein Animal Sex Farm Story

Shocking Celebrity Scandal: Adam Sandler, Jeffrey Epstein, and the Animal Farm Allegations

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, I'm tackling an unbelievable story involving Adam Sandler, Jeffrey Epstein, and a German farmer named Clouse Gooder. This isn't your typical celebrity gossip—it's a bizarre tale that I felt needed to be shared, especially since it was a dying man's last wish.

The Bizarre Claims from Clouse Gooder

Clouse Gooder, on his deathbed, claimed that Sandler and Epstein were involved in disturbing activities at his farm in Germany. Gooder described how Sandler engaged in bestiality, allegedly introduced to him by a man known as Itchy Ass, otherwise known as Jeffrey Epstein. According to Gooder, Epstein had no interest in women, preferring animals instead. These shocking allegations paint a dark picture of Hollywood secrets.

The Impact of Sandler’s Actions

Gooder recounted how Sandler's behavior not only ruined his business but also led to the death of many animals. This led to a lifetime of resentment and a desire for the world to know the truth. Gooder’s explosive revelations raise questions about the private lives of celebrities and the lengths to which they go to hide their secrets.

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00:01 as many of you probably know I'm really not that much into celebrity stories I suppose that stems from the fact that I'm really not much interested in the lives of celebrities when I was given the Adam Sandler Jeffrey Epstein animal sex Farm Story I decided that people should really hear about this especially because that was the last wish of a ding man one very important thing I want you to know is that I am not in any way endorsing beastiality I'm merely pointing out what has been documented throughout human

00:47 history but if there is anything vaguely resembling a hole human males have at least attempted to [ __ ] it that includes the tail pipes of vehicles and no I'm not kidding you see most celebrity sex stories that typically come up involve ordinary and quite boring details such as who they're currently [ __ ] or why they're currently [ __ ] that person or perhaps even why they are no longer [ __ ] that person and who they were supposed to be currently [ __ ] now I I don't know about you but that kind of thing just simply bores me

01:35 to no [ __ ] tears but when I was given the story from a very reliable source it's not about the who that a celebrity is [ __ ] but the it that's entirely different and it involves Adam Sandler Jeffrey Epstein and a recently deceased German farmer and self-proclaimed love animal atache named clouse gooder from the town of vasas near the Black Forest please forgive my lack of German the story which is also available in the original German audio goes like this approximately 20 years ago and I'm going to let you know that Mr gooder

02:29 even though he was basically relating this story on his deathbed refused to give specifics because according to him this kind of thing has been going on in Hollywood for a long time and Hollywood would basically be destroyed if Americans came to know and fully understand that there really was a Porky Pig which is who introduced Nikki lowballs to him AKA Adam Sandler and how he got to know Adam Sandler according to good vener I got to know Nikki around 20 years ago he was just getting well known in the entertainment business then and

03:19 he was introduced to me by itchy ass who I had known for several years let me explain in this place everybody had an alias nobody used their real name at any time another famous Hollywood performer who everyone would know was Jimmy Jackoff who just passed away a few years ago but Nikki Adam Sandler W by Nikki lowballs so I'm telling you all of this now because I'm dying and I swore an oath to all my clients and many others involved or employed including Nikki that I wouldn't speak a word of anything that has happened in

04:09 the past to my dying day well it's my dying [ __ ] day so I guess now I can say whatever the hell I want yes end quote so before I go any further talking about beity and Adam sand or anybody else for that matter this is one of the very few things in my life that I simply don't really have an opinion on one way or the other right now I don't personally know why a man would choose to do such a thing but hell pedophiles want to have sex with children which I believe is wrong without hesitation because it can really [ __ ] up kids which

05:02 in turn can produce [ __ ] up adults but Adam Sandler is not a pedophile at least not to my knowledge but apparently over the course of one or two days according to Mr Good vener Sandler was copulating with every animal there uncontrollably and furthermore showed no interest in the woman that he came with or or any of the women who were already there so if all of this in fact is true then the question remains are these types of behaviors possible or even probable with someone high on drugs or you know is it much more likely that

05:54 Sandler was simply acting out deeply repressed desires when the opportunity afforded itself gave way to those desires with tremendous passion without the least bit of regard of any future repercussions such as the very episode you're hearing or seeing right now so who was the friend of a friend who introduced Adam Sandler to clous gooder none other than the person I mentioned earlier it ass otherwise known as Jeffrey Epstein now although this episode is not about the late Jeffrey Epstein there is one shocking Revelation that was given

06:44 by good vener about Epstein and this really shocked the hell out of me now according to good vener Jeffrey uh Epstein's image as a Playboy at seen in countless photographs especially those with very young women many of which had supposedly been identified as teenage girls was a carefully constructed image in reality Epstein's sexual Cravings had absolutely nothing to do with young teenage girls as a matter of fact he was not interested in human women at all good vener stated quote no itchy ass Epstein had absolutely no interest in

07:40 women at all none his only real interest seemed to be in barring geese and Slovakian falling sheep every now and then when he was depressed or anxious he would request a platypus or a skunk but absolutely never a woman his only cavet was that before he would engage with any animal he had to be fully dressed from head to toe as a woman of course we catered and provided such Services hair nails expensive stiletto shoes complete makeup anything he wanted but I never personally saw him show the slightest interest in any human

08:35 female end quote the interview was fairly long well at least for someone on their deathbed so I've had to cut it down quite a bit to what I feel are the two most pertinent questions the first question when the interviewer pointed out to good vener when he must have entertained quite a few clients over the years why was he so specific in pointing out Sandler was there anything in particular he had done to Warrant his incredible level of anger towards Sandler to which the interviewer stated after the interview that almost instantaneously

09:30 good vor's eyes flew wide open and he rose up reaching out his arm and pointing at the interviewer apparently using the last of his physical and mental strength to make something perfectly clear he spoke with great Passion simultaneously crying yet enraged he said that man that idiotic son of a [ __ ] man and one evening destroyed all of my animals my business and my life quite a few animals had been supplied to him but he killed them you're not supposed to kill them then he went around to all the client rooms

10:20 taking all of the animals from the clients kicking punching or biting them so he could have them for himself he's [ __ ] and was killing every damn one of them and there was nothing I could do what am I supposed to do you think I could call the police how the hell could I call the police hello police yes I have an insane man here who's running around [ __ ] and killing all of my animals and my client's animals please send someone right away is that what the hell I was supposed to say on the phone that is why I hate Adam

11:11 Sandler he completely ruined my [ __ ] life and broke my heart that is why I'm lying here dying now end quote and now it's time for a brief message for our sponsors you did you know that university studies have proven conclusively without a doubt that if just one% of the American population were to tune in and subscribe to the earnest man show that it would end taxes now back to the show the second and last question that was asked of good Viner Apparently after he had regained his composure you know as much as a dying

12:03 man can regain his composure um the person the interviewer said so this entire interview was simply to get all this off your chest then to make peace with yourself and the world before you're moving on good vor's response was a bit surprising yes for both reasons you expressed and for one entirely selfish one you didn't revenge for all the great evil done to me for all the great suffering and misery he has caused in my life and basically ended my life I want the entire world to know all of this so that

12:52 the very same things which happened to me shall happen to Adam Sandler tfold and that he gets [ __ ] by an Elian Buffalo with rabies a thousand times that's all I have to say end quote wow what the hell does one say after hearing a story like that I'm speechless if you like this episode or didn't like it or if you have any other opinions drop me a line until next Monday or Friday if this isn't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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