Earnest Advice: Relationships, what mother, father, Schools or religion told you, is completely fucking wrong.
Real Talk About Relationships, Sex, and Modern Society
Hey folks, it's Monday! Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. Today, I'm here to give you some honest and objective advice on relationships and sex. Be prepared - what I say may surprise, shock, or offend you, but just hear me out. We're tackling the oldest dance between the sexes and why relationships seem to be falling apart in recent years.
The Historical Roots of Modern Relationship Issues
Let's go back in time to understand when things started going wrong. It all began in the early mid-19th century with the Romantic movement. A half-cocked man named Lloyd Byron tried to change how men pursued women, but his methods ended up destroying societal structures. This historical shift has long-term consequences on gender roles and societal expectations.
Evolution, Technology, and Consumerism
Contrary to popular belief, evolution is just a theory, not a fact. Despite advancements in technology, human core impulses and functions remain unchanged. Today's societal conflicts arise because corporations want us to act as consumers rather than human beings, creating an unnatural state of being. This forced adaptation leads to frustration and confusion in modern relationships.
The Irony of Feminism and Traditional Gender Roles
Feminism has battled against the patriarchy for the last 20 years, but in doing so, it's inadvertently destroying its own gender. Traditional gender roles exist for a reason, rooted in nature and life's purpose. Ignoring these roles has led to a breakdown in relationships and increased societal conflict.
Real Talk for Women: Understanding Modern Men
Ladies, understand that men's desires haven't changed - they just no longer need or want kids in the same way. The excessive global population means that having more children isn't necessary. Focus on the reality of modern life and avoid repeating past mistakes of sending sons off to bleak futures.
The Power of Bartering and Real Relationships
In the past, men and women helped each other through bartering. There's nothing wrong with this practice unless you let corporate-controlled laws dictate your actions. Stop waiting for the perfect life to come to you - take control and forge real, meaningful relationships.
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Take care - Earnest
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