Episode 343

Published on:

31st May 2024

Stop Believing the Lies: The real reason fast food prices have gone insane.

The Real Story Behind McDonald's Pricing and California's Struggles

Hey there, it's Earnest Mann! Today, I'm taking on a video by Jr Talks, who is expressing outrage over McDonald's prices, escalating crime in California, and the perceived inefficacy of Governor Gavin Newsom. My main message? This guy doesn't really know the full picture.

The Truth About McDonald's Price Hikes

Jr Talks isn't wrong about McDonald's prices being high. But here's the kicker—blaming these price hikes on superficial factors misses the point. The root problem is deeper: a systemic greed that keeps prices high and wealth concentrated among a few individuals who own multiple franchises. One person in my area alone owns 22 McDonald's! That's excessive and unnecessary for supporting a family, highlighting a significant wealth inequality issue.

California's Crime Wave: A Symptom of a Broken System

Crime rates in California are skyrocketing, with break-ins and property thefts becoming rampant. Jr Talks blames the state government, but I argue the real culprit is widespread economic desperation. People are broke, and this financial strain drives them to crime. It's a broader issue of a broken system, where rich owners blame labor costs while reaping significant profits.

The Myth of the Struggling Franchise Owner

Many franchise owners claim they're barely getting by due to high labor costs. This is a myth. They make substantial profits while the average worker and small business aspirants struggle. The lack of antitrust laws and economic regulations allows the rich to dominate the market, preventing regular folks from opening their own businesses.

Governor Gavin Newsom: The Tech-Savvy Poster Boy

Jr Talks criticizes Gavin Newsom for not effectively addressing these issues. Newsom, portrayed as the tech-savvy "poster boy" of the left, faces accusations of corruption and inefficacy. While there's frustration, the real issue remains the overarching greed and systemic failures affecting all levels of society.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 and in this video I'm going to be critiquing another video um by Jr talks who is talking about how utterly pissed off they are about the McDonald's prices going completely crazy and through the roof and crime in California and how Gavin Nome doesn't really seem that effective in doing anything about it and pointing out overall my overlying message is that this person doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground so what this is about basically is we have a guy here who's talking about how horrible and terrible

00:45 it is that the prices for McDonald's burgers and all that jazz is through the roof absolutely insane it's incredibly crazy and I'm not necessarily saying that they're wrong in that respect what I am saying though where the problem lies it's kind of like this okay this is the overall gist of it this person complaining about high burger prices uh crime people's cars being broken into in San Francisco um you know various other problems in California uh anything that deviates from the so-called California

01:27 Dream making a current comp comparison to your complaints versus the reality of the real world this is like throwing a bunch of foxes into a chicken house and then when all the chickens are dying you start complaining and whining about it yeah you put these foxes in here few days ago you killing all my something's happening to my chickens it's e right I'm going to call the governor no you you don't need to call the governor you just have to look at this situation where you have like car break-ins and they're through the roof

02:14 you have a lot of break-ins you have a lot of property theft and all this is going on for the simple reason that people are desperate because they're broke okay they're broke unlike you the person you know running this and and I'm not I want to make clear I'm not I don't mean to be picking on this guy in particular but it's maybe this one and people of his ilk that are put spewing this regurgitated basically uh I don't know conservative talking points Fox noise you know I don't know and I'm not picking on

02:59 them either because I'm not part I'm not uh partisan but I'm just saying that all these things this nitpicking of data we've been doing this for 30 40 plus years okay okay and it's not it's not right it is a blame the victim mentality for instance when you're looking at how oh and here's um twily D and twily dum I'm sure these two G yeah with their 15-second sound bite and uh oh we got a guy here who's colon Nolan yeah yeah Conan he's going to come to the rescue he's going to straighten

03:44 everything out dude no everybody's broke everybody knows everybody's broke the systems broke and what they once again from the old old Reg years and I know I know about this this Playbook cuz I was around okay and they all want to blame the workers and how is this because all of these all of these that are rich and they don't own one McDonald's new CR players horseshit a lot of these people own multiple stores and it's not unusual to have have 7 10 12 or more in my area alone one dude owns 22

04:40 McDonald's now ask yourself this simple question okay K does a person need I'm talking about need 22 stores to even raise a family of four I don't think so it's called greed so local and that's and think about this that's just the McDonald's that's not all the other places that's just the McDonald's so you know no one can get ahead Joe Blow Joe Schmo he can't get a loan to open his own Burger Joint no because they've all been you know taken out of the equation because the rich has to

05:26 have he has to have 22 stores of course no he doesn't but there's no antitrust laws there's nothing there's nothing on the books to protect you and I but then people of this ilk this guy doing the video then he wants to turn around and piss and world's coming to an end and you saw combo M 18 damn [Applause] workers it's not the workers the workers make wages the workers maybe the next little rung up they throw a few more crumbs to the management middle management of a place but they don't really make

06:20 either it's the owners he doesn't own 22 stores because I make one nickel a day at each store my profit ratios are so slim you're so narrow I barely make a nickel a day if you are the of the thin mentality that you believe that as the old joke goes I've got some wonderful beautiful beach front property for you in Yuma Arizona this is what I means what I'm talking about people who don't are not old enough they don't know either they don't know or they're in denial or a combination of the two I don't know

07:23 which but I'm telling you not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground and saying and there's primarily you'll notice when you go to the owners these these Pricks that own like you know 7 10 12 15 stores and all they ever talk about is labor oh yeah well we we love to have happy meals and and help the American people but excuse me but um yeah we would love to but oh this labor is just killing us and then you know we we barely get by on just the slimmest of margins and and you could hear Q in the background violin

08:17 music and this guy here then he wants to like say he wants to go to Gabby Newsome now here's what Gabby's good at if you want to see he's actually it's in very slow motion but if you speed this film up this section that I'm talking about the Bob to the left and the Bob to the right and he does this whole this Str shoulder thing and it's a dance if you do if you if you watch it's really funny but just speed it up he's he's actually doing a dance and that doesn't surprise me

08:51 because the the poster boy of the woke left here Gabby handsome Gabby that's a cool looking dude dude and he's very techsavvy he's just savy he is slick he's all that he's also he's also going to have a hard time explaining that missing missing I don't know 24 was it 24 million or 24 billion who knows uh yeah explaining that Gabby cuz who knows who knows what the hell is up with these people he may just see the writing on the wall and say the hell of this I'm getting out of Dodge I'm to take the money and run baby

09:32 wouldn't put it past him cuz they're all Crooks and criminals of course all of them not partisan just saying all of them and you could bet your sweet ass Gabby is too but yeah I'm trying to tell you it's not that what they're telling you it is is not what it is what it is is greed okay okay and now it's time for a brief message for our sponsors you did you know that university studies have proven conclusively without a doubt that if just 1% of the American population were to tune in and subscribe to the earnest

10:19 man show that it would end overpriced Burgers now back to the show it's greed on the part of the shareholders who sit on their ass and collect money from them sh their shares and if you anyone listen if you happen to be one of those people well screw you too because I just think it's a terrible horrible thing and disingenuous and dishonest and everything else for people to sit on ass and they and they have the audacity to talk about welfare people to sit on your ass and do nothing and still make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year

11:02 or a month or whatever it is the hell these people do so that is coming from the McDonald's and all the other fast Foodies and all these places to a bunch of people who sit on ass and do nothing and then you have guys like this talking and this RJ dude and they are there ironically they're Defenders they're sycophants that are saying well we did crack down on these labors cuz you're just killing everything do no you might want to try eliminating you know the fact that they have through antitrust laws and limitations some kind

11:46 of Regulation which there's none of a thievery that you know within a I don't know a five mile radius say you can't have more than two stores and that way the idea being Joe Schmo maybe he wants to open a pizza joint or a burger joint you know no he can't do that because there's 5,000 Pizza Huts and pizza this and pizza that and so a person a humble person it just wants one to feed their family where the family could work their own family that's been destroyed and guys like this and again

12:29 I'm not picking specifically on this guy but I'm saying their fatal flaw as far as this is concerned is they just don't get it and that's what I'm trying to help you do to get it and you probably will or you probably do any who thank you for tuning in if got any questions comments do you think they I'm what I'm saying is good bad I'm crazy um you know crazy as Corn Flakes or whatever your opinion may be say something say it loud say it proud drop me a line until next Monday or Friday if this

13:20 isn't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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