Episode 240

Published on:

24th Jul 2023

Podcast# 240 Reality Lesson: When low Cost Labor, is not Worth Losing Your Country.

Border Control: The Unspoken Reality

Hello, folks! It's your favorite truth-teller, Earnest Mann, back with another reality check in episode 240. Today, we're diving into a topic that's been making waves - border control and immigration.

Texas Takes a Stand

First off, let's talk about Governor Abbott of Texas. Now, I may not agree with him on everything, but I've got to give credit where it's due. The man's taken a bold stand against the influx of immigrants, legal or otherwise, by installing barriers along the Rio Grande.

The Ripple Effect

This move, of course, has sparked reactions on multiple levels. Mexico's Foreign Relations Secretary, Alicia Barcena, has voiced concerns about potential treaty violations. But let's be real here - aren't the countless illegal border crossings also a violation of treaties and boundaries?

The Bigger Picture

This isn't just about border control. It's about resources, population control, and cultural differences. It's about the survival of our nation. It's about understanding that our resources aren't limitless. It's about recognizing that unchecked immigration can lead to a decline in jobs, property ownership, and an increase in crime.

A Call to Action

So, what's the solution? It's time for countries to address their own issues. Mass unemployment, homelessness, population control - these are problems that need to be tackled at the source.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, while the situation is complex, it's clear that action is necessary. Governor Abbott's move may be controversial, but it's a step towards protecting our borders and resources.

Remember, folks, good fences make good neighbors. Until next time, this is Earnest Mann, reminding you that there are no bad words, just bad actions.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone and good Monday thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 240 reality lesson when low-cost labor is not worth losing your country I have to I do have to say this although I might not agree with the governor of Texas on many things Abbott has really put his ass on the line with the uh the whole influx of um immigrants legal illegal whatever you want to uh designate them the Mexicans um by putting this um barrier in the Rio Grande


now of course I understood what this was going to mean on multiple levels as soon as it happened and of course that's what has happened um if I just take a little bit uh let's see if I can damn it if I can get this thing to work yeah and this snippet comes from Greg Norman at Fox News let's see Mexico has Senate diplomatic no to the U.


S government saying that Texas deployment of floating barriers along the Rio Grande May violate treaties on boundaries and water Foreign Relations secretary Alicia barcina said okay so quick counter question for her so I assume that tens of thousands of your people illegally crossing into the Border that does not violate treaties and boundaries either yikes according to the AP Barcena says Mexico will send an inspection team to the Rio Grande to see whether any part of the barrier put in place to deter illegal migration extends into Mexico's side of


the border river that is the sound that huge thump that you heard it's me falling off a [ __ ] log um let's see the Texas began rolling out the new floating barriers in early July but migrant Advocates have voiced concerns about drowning risk from the boys environmentalists questioned the impact on the river Okay so let's just stop and think for a moment because I know there's there's the huge woke crowd and um I really have to think not even living in the state but I really have to thank Governor


Abbott for doing what he did you know why it's not just the barriers themselves it's having the balls to do something I don't I could give a rat's ass less what uh I'll see a Barcena the third relations secretary what the hell do you expect her to say for one thing it's probably pretty meaningless on their end and they know it but you know they they have to appear pissed off for their own side for their own people so they're not going to just sit there and you know let these Americans


trying to protect their borders against against the massive never-ending throng of the Invaders they have to pretend to do their job so that she's going to say that of course she's going to say that but whether or not she believes it who knows I don't know I know she's doing her job and trying to save face and that's what all you know government politicians do the thing is for a multitude of reason I bet you anyone within earshot of hearing this they know there is one reality there is one truth about this


that nobody wants to mention okay that is if this country if that if this whole border thing this whole thing we're going on which by the way it wouldn't and this was China first of all it wouldn't that [ __ ] would have been settled a long time ago and uh it wouldn't have been settled in a very pretty nice way because if any of you have ever watched even a single episode at least the early seasons of The Walking Dead uh yeah you they're not very nice with zombies and if you want to live and not have you know


um not live in a state of delusion that your finite resources your Your Land um is just absolutely [ __ ] Limitless um and if you like your woke crowd that they want to you know dance around the whole are they legal are they not and put the io in this Dot and don't forget to crush your teeth on your application these [ __ ] morons who absolutely do not understand the concept of resources that eludes them and guess Mom and Dad maybe they didn't have them on a very strict uh I know Financial um you know leash


I don't know I don't know house I don't know how this entire nation completely I have some theories behind it and no doubt it was systemic but how it became so incredibly God damn feminized and a combination of that and stupid that they simply cannot make the connection between misery and a lack of resources and you had a great party going this is supposed to be listen up woke person remember I put you at the door you were supposed to take I don't know one or two bucks from everyone and then you had one or two beers and then you


started giggling and you said it's okay just come on in come on it's okay that's also after the fact after I told you do not let more no matter what they say don't let in more than 30 people but you know I guess I'm to blame to a certain extent because after all I am the [ __ ] that put you at the door so if you have these kind of people at the door well your nation is as I say gonna go to hell in a handbasket real quick and your solution to the problem at every opportunity means to help them um


there was um when when you're when you're talking about it's one thing to talk about you know annihilation and it's quite another when you invite it in with open arms and just say take everything just we don't care just take everything the jobs the houses the water the food every [ __ ] just take it we don't care anymore because we're too busy being morons to exist so we're you know we had our moment in the sun here's the whole [ __ ] country here it is just take it take everything take the life take the


daughter take take them all take every [ __ ] thing [ __ ] people these I'm reading this and they're the person here that would come in to your home because if you will not protect your home you don't deserve a home and that's basically where it's at and they're just and then the other people on supposed to be you know the people on our side you know on the other side of the board the other people and there's they're concerned I'm talking about I was God you look at this oh but my migrant advocates


have voiced concerns about drowning wrist from the boys hey I got a here's an idea here's the idea to put across to you um they don't have to worry about drowning risks okay if they don't get into the [ __ ] water I think they know that I think they figured that out but you like the imbecilic mother hen you know we don't want anyone to ground so Jorge maybe you shouldn't get this really slippery okay or after walking through the desert absolutely determined yes absolutely determine come hell or


high water you have been told over and over and over and over again not to do this but then eventually they don't worry about that either because hell even if I'm found assuming you don't die but even if I'm found they're just gonna patch me up you know give me a few tacos or a sandwich and a whole lot of water Pat me on the head and say okay Jorge well I'm letting you go now I'll see you in about eight or ten hours because that's when they'll come back again hmm yeah so yeah if this were a thing with


China as I said it would not it would not be at this point because um what they would have done over the last 20 years is to make the dinner plate the food you make the food you take the food and you make it so utterly unappetizing that they would actually flee you don't have to have protections on your borders if everyone who's trying to invade um wants absolutely nothing to do with approaching your country at all after certain things um however unpleasant uh to defend themselves we're done yup it would be the last place on Earth


that they would be trying to get into and you see because of that and they run out of various options you know what they might do listen listen here I'm I'm hope if it you know if there's a if you're a sensible rational intelligence intelligent person and as a woke person next to you you might want to put up with some kind of Shield some clothing a towel something because they're I'm going to say this their [ __ ] head could just explode right now okay so maybe cover yourself okay if by doing that you know what those all


those people might do they might want to actually address their own issues in their own country themselves how's that for a [ __ ] notion you know I got mass unemployment let them straighten it out Mass uh homeless let them straighten it out you know part of that culture as everyone knows is about you know maximizing it's cranking out babies like there's no tomorrow maybe they might want to do something to change that too but the point is they would have to do it because if you have something which


is this completely dysfunctional and you drag it with you culturally individually culturally a dance part of my culture okay well that part of your culture is really [ __ ] up dude and I would really appreciate it if you would not bring it here okay okay so but it doesn't get better that's like someone who's carrying [ __ ] typhoid and you hire them to cook your meals you know like they did to happen with Typhoid Mary yeah and then people start dying in this that and the other but to carry the thing they carry it


with them and one of the big hits of course is just uh yeah uh not really much into population control I'll tell you that because despite the low wages and the hard work and all the clamoring about all that there's one thing that and this is absolutely undeniable and even if some of you people are you know Latinos and you're listening to this this crazy Gringo talk you know but in your heart of hearts there is one thing that you know that you do better than anybody make more Mexicans [ __ ] you even got the Chinese beat at


that but anyway yeah if this country was possessed say for instance by a terrible horrible despotic terrible terrible terrible terrible horrible despotic leader um a [ __ ] they're wouldn't at least be a problem with the Border because no one would but someone utterly insane from down south would be trying to get into the U.


S because it would be so utterly horrific they would be running the opposite direction which as I said means going in back into their own Homeland and let's see uh crazy crazy idea here actually straightening out and fixing their own Society God what a concept I know and as all there will be there'll be 20 000 academics with 20 000 reasons and excuses they can't possibly do that they're they're victims of the world of their victims of the US and they're victims of they don't have equality I always have a million reasons


why they can't do anything and why we are forced to decline our entire Society I call her [ __ ] but yeah I'm China would have taken care of this a long time ago [ __ ] they did that I don't know many many centuries ago when they were being invaded like for instance they were being invaded from several different Clans but the Mongols being one of them yeah and the Mongols were quite brutal and they finally figured it out and at that time especially since well they didn't have guns they had they had her


for the Chinese head gunpowder for the longest longest time and it wasn't until Marco Polo saw this stuff being used in festivals and you know he very quickly made the connections in his head and this stuff is great we can make cannons out of this this cannons are a little bit more than ceremonial you know they were in a different situation didn't have the exposure of Western thought on that but uh that that quickly changed when when they got us when they got a sight of all this all this technology and what this could be used for they


thought hmm damn what have we what the hell have we been doing all these years when walking around dressed up like dragons and dancing in the street and making rattling sounds and [ __ ] is going on here so yeah not really serious people not really on to big into and on to uh supporting the whole crazy columbiaists or I say pseudo Communist Regime of China not a big fan of that whole thing not a big fan of China don't get me wrong don't put words in my mouth all I'm trying to say though is that a serious and determined people


who aren't who aren't silly and worried about what someone else thinks of them they don't give a rat's ass the survival is like that you know very practical people at least they they have been forever not not these cuddly soft these [ __ ] soft you know Americans they're just they're just a real you know childlike sentimental oh gosh yarn well you can't do that I know it's a rat but you know if you be nice to it and maybe coaxed it outside and you know you know it'll go away in the spring


or whatever else you have to contend with uh you know they would perceive a threat and they um they do the best they can too um they don't [ __ ] around they just swarm it get rid of it boom and the thing is if you're if you do this well enough that you demonstrate that you're extremely serious you don't have having the same stupid battle or arguments over and over and over again you do it once you do it right um and yeah you don't you don't even have to all these things that are issues they're no longer issues they're not


they go away by virtue of the fact that finally the people uh Mexico they say yep you know yeah you're right um yeah we we have huge management problems we have political problems and every government has political problems but we have very serious uh resource management problems and the fact that we won't stop having babies 24 7.


that's certainly not helping things but they might have to [ __ ] work on these things themselves so um yeah so in that respect um I would I would definitely just you know let you know that what Abbott has done it took a lot of balls to do that and um at least there is something to be said at least there's a genuine effort being made despite all of the the the hackerings and the wallowings and the willowings of those people in the ones you're so concerned um yeah you ever notice also generally speaking


the ones who are so concerned are these you know Ivory Tower University educated types um NPR OPB developed and devotees types yep and they are the ones who have not lived the life and I would suggest um that they go at least as a sample let's send them down with no money no connections to their their well-to-do families and often they are connected to well-to-do families for like let's send them right to you know the barrio in Mexico for I don't know three or four years to live amongst them with new money


from the U.S no support or anything so that they can experience the experience live in a in a very very very uh barriode District in the U.S with no help at all and see how it goes because you know what the truth is and this is the truth if we just I'm just poor I'm coming down with like I'm lucky if I got you know flip-flops on let us just walk down there let's reverse this and let just these you know all this us anglos just start Marching In on Mexico now for obvious reasons the fact that they're


[ __ ] poor and all that we wouldn't but just say we did do you think or we could could make it halfway across the desert let's just reverse everything and to see how much they would be doing for us well I can already answer that question because actually on a smaller scale that's already been done they don't do [ __ ] [Laughter] they don't do [ __ ] they don't do [ __ ] because it's not their thing that's not their thing at all if it were if they could be that organized to do that


don't know he maybe hits like:


a um a beard and you know then he's just uh kind of letting his his schooling go you know he Fades out of this and then he fades in to being a biker because bikers just don't grow out of the ground they are actually made and if you read enough about biker culture a lot of them started out with nice good solid protected middle class homes they really did not saying all of them saying but a lot of them were there been there done that but something takes hold on an individual level and this is this is they make the transformation


and they become as they say as they love to say become your passion become who you are well this is sure as [ __ ] they become their passion and that passion oftentimes ain't too pretty well kind of the same thing with the folks down the South there because they are what they are and they're a product of their culture and that culture is very different um at least it was significantly uh then heading up North so I feel as though I could you know this is getting through to some people as you know an act of


banging your head against the wall it's it's futile but there there's a at least a little glimmer of hope because in turn what happens is that all of these things um by a certain segment of the population that goes screaming to what horrible people you are you're so cold and heartless but thing is if you had that done and it was sustained I don't know for I don't know five six seven years and then you notice the jobs start coming back and property ownership starts coming back crime starts going down if for any


reason alone if if even for just any reason its population it's about resources and so from all of that alone just that alone it takes time but if people started seeing the impact of these policies maybe they might start you know scratching their chin and saying wait a minute uh you know crime is going down and people are beginning to have a you know a more positive attitude and um yeah um certain people of a paler color can they can actually I don't know maybe buy afford a home because the market has leveled out or now it's going in reverse


you know a whole bunch of these kind of things that's why I have said for many years and that's why I'm much more famous person than myself said that good fences make good neighbors but don't even pretend not even for a micro second that as you are simultaneously I say you I say eight people I say a movement a [ __ ] culture whatever you want to call it but don't don't even for a moment try to tell me how much you respect laws and you respect me and you respect that and then you're invading my [ __ ]


borders it's like just just get the [ __ ] out of here okay just get out of here take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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