Episode 241

Published on:

26th Jul 2023

Podcast# 241 Oregon Matters: Oregon State Senators Allowed to Rape Orgonians of Their Money... Again!

Unveiling the Truth: Oregon State Senators and Their Financial Exploits

Hello there, it's your friend Earnest Mann, back with another episode of our podcast. This time, we're diving deep into a topic that's been making waves in Oregon - the financial exploits of our state senators.

The Unseen Reality of Political Power

In this episode, we discuss the unsettling reality of how Oregon State Senators have been allowed to misuse public funds. It's a topic that's been swept under the rug for far too long, and it's time we brought it to light.

The Money Trail

We delve into the intricate web of financial transactions and questionable dealings that have allowed these senators to enrich themselves at the expense of the public. It's a tale of greed, corruption, and a blatant disregard for the very people they're supposed to represent.

The Fight for Accountability

But it's not all doom and gloom. We also talk about the brave individuals and organizations fighting for accountability, pushing for reforms, and working tirelessly to ensure that our elected officials are held to the same standards as the rest of us.

The Path Forward

Finally, we explore potential solutions and the path forward. How can we prevent such abuses of power in the future? What measures can we put in place to ensure transparency and accountability in our political system?

Join me, Earnest Mann, as we uncover the truth and fight for a better Oregon. Because Oregon matters, and so do you.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 hello folks it is Wednesday thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 241. Oregon matters Oregon State Senators allowed to rape oregonians of their money again this is going to be a really good episode because I get to touch on uh something that I had brought up several weeks ago when this completely avoidable entire debacle uh came about and for those of you who don't let me just very briefly refresh your memory um had a group of uh 10 Republican Senators and uh willy nilly

01:04 um when it came time to vote on things concerning well things they didn't like or support uh their uh action was just to walk out that's it they just you know that was that was the entire their program they just said [ __ ] it we'll just we're walking out now naturally at least as far as the people are concerned uh they tended to agree with what I was saying that uh no you you you see you tap them on the shoulder no you you see you can't you can't do that and they tended to agree with me and so

01:53 but apparently they're tapping people back and saying no the hell of you we can and we will this is coming around to the whole notion again of incredible narcissistic superiority so but before I get into more details about that let me I thought I'd have a little bit of fun and uh give you this analogy um let's say I have or you have or a person has um a um something like a living complex an apartment complex you know it's private I own it and it's not necessarily uh that you know I'm not saying I'm a slum Lord It's

02:46 just ran into disrepair or maybe I just bought the place from a different owner but you know many many of the residents are hell maybe all of them are complaining they've got plumbing problems electrical problems structural problems it's just got a bunch of problems and they're they're really upset and angry as they should be and so you know I I get this place and I say no look I'm sincere look I'm gonna take care of it and I've got these I'm I got these contractors and I I get the contractors

03:23 and I you know I I demonstrate that I'm serious about it and um you know give them a letter give them all letter and you know hiring these guys and that's exactly what I do I I hire these 10 different contractors and I put my proposal to all of them about what is needed to be done and fixed and repaired and then they all you know look at it they say they agree to do it for a given price and I want the best price and I even put the money up front I'm I'm that good about the whole deal that I pay them up front so it's a it's

04:04 a signed agreed upon deal and they have you know had time on their end to perouse the entire contract and they're happy I'm happy everybody's happy they've been paid they sign on the dotted line of when the work is supposed to begin and I say well good we worked everything out it's in your hands um you know it's it's a done deal and um maybe I say hey I have to spend the next uh six months on family issues in another state or Nebraska or something but you know it's on automatic you guys

04:45 got this take care of it done deal and it's it's done I'm forgotten I move on and then um maybe it'll be a week or two or three before the work commences after these contractors or a few of them they scrutinize this a bit more and there's uh there's something in there that they don't like and in this case again I know this is a show I can make this up it's supposed to be funny okay all right the point is what they somehow overlooked what they missed is that along with all the work and

05:31 reconstruction and has to be done there's also I want some you know I want some art let's say added so right smack dab in the middle of the complex and it's you know a grounded area and [Music] um yeah so part of that is the contract with the uh people to have a giant phallus put there we want a giant pecker sticking up in the air and that was part of the deal and when they discover this somehow that they missed and this is after they signed and after they agreed but they said well whoa whoa whoa what's this

06:17 and you know maybe two three of them look it's oh my God this is the key what do you see look look at this he wants to who wants a giant fallacy oh my god oh Lord and they so this simply won't do this has nothing to do with any other City agencies just relax I'm just trying to again illustrate a point okay so not only do two or three of them or four of them they all look at this and it offends all of them every last damn one of them and they're saying they fold their arms again like angry little and petulant

07:03 children and they say no no if you're telling it this is offensive um and I'm a Christian one of them States ringing you just think my sensibilities another one speaks up blood not a Christian but I am religiously inclined but oh my God what would happen if if my wife or or heaven forbid one of the children saw this object it would cause irreversible psychological damage we simply can't have that and they say no so somehow all of them just say no and when things were supposed to get going they've all said no

07:51 and that's their answer to you you find this out several weeks later okay so what do you do well I tell you what you do you contact them or have the attorney contact them and you say okay so uh you've all collectively then been offended and lost your mind over the the pecker thing that I wanted to put up in the courtyard um okay so here's the deal um I paid you if you're refusing to do it then fine I'll find someone who will do it in the meantime I expect you to give me my money back now now you know of course them being the

08:43 litigious bastards that they are because they've already demonstrated that they're irrational uh then they want to drag your ass and your money through court and time and I'm telling you all of this because that's what this this thing that's going on with these senators again the unending story of these that walk out and then kind of sort of return Senators what all this is about is money and what you are supposed to be really pissed off about it's not just a fact and you put through you put through a

09:29 measure which was good that's a good thing measure 113. and you push that through and you say uh yeah you didn't want to do this so you don't want to work so you're ass inspired but I knew was going to happen because it's not that simple you see you're dealing collectively it isn't the players in this game are not just these 10 senators it's much bigger than that because you see even though they don't want to appear to be this way the fact is ideologically and such they all play for

10:24 the same team so there is a side of them let's call them D's Or democrats and then there's the Republicans and these 10 guys walked out they all happen to be Republican okay fine this by the way and just to let you know this is not a D or R argument what I'm saying is ultimately they all play for the same team and the the team motto is To Take the Money it's always about the money your money but the way they go about it has to be very very clever okay okay that is what's going on here to cut to

out are facing re-election in:

12:10 yes that's right the thieves have the audacity to want to run again that's pretty much standard procedure that was including uh Tim knopp and Dennis Linthicum and art Robertson and an independent Brian beauquist who was a former Republican he's still a republican just now he smokes weed I guess at least that's what they say about uh Libertarians Libertarians are just Republicans who smoke weed feel free to laugh at any time okay uh let's say the the other one Senator Lynn Finley said he's still deciding and

12:58 Senator Bill Hansel of Athena has announced his retirement okay good so that's what they want to do and um one of them probably proclaiming I will absolutely be filing for re-election on September the 14th said Linthicum of Beatty Robinson of Cave Junction told the media Outlet he's hopeful that the voters will return him to the Capitol to represent them yeah snowball's chance Helen that and Mr Robinson let's say and if they do I'm confident I will be seated as the Oregon Constitution requires a duly elected

13:41 legislatures oh God so they have plans oh and by the way those plans uh they don't include you you're you're not a part of their plans they have their plans that doesn't include you okay okay so let's see um yeah it says while the men say they plan to run whether they will be allowed to do so remains on clear that's because voters passed ballot measure in 22 that disqualifies lawmakers with 10 or more unexcused absences from re-election but wait there's more because of the criminals I mean the Senators they turn

14:33 around they say well uh the ones that walked out they say well the measures flawed yeah well what the hell would you expect them to say yeah the measures flawed uh yeah it was uh intended that they pushed measure 113 is tended to block the absent lawmakers from running to the next term the language law obey it says lawmakers with at least 10 unexcused absences cannot hold off this quote for the term following the election after the members current term is completed since elections in Oregon are held before a lawmaker's term is completed

15:15 not after Republicans say the Constitution plainly allows them to serve another term of to be parasites for another term before the penalties take effect um God this just goes on and on and I want I don't want to take any more time in in this because what I am going to what I want to bring about in this is the main word that should be using that no one is talking about here they're talking endlessly but what this is what is you know it's about what is going on and what this is is obfuscation all of them are obfuscating okay and

16:09 that means by definition that they are being unclear they are obscuring they are trying to make all of this somehow unintelligible anything from you know other than the very facts of what is actually taking place what is taking place is the theft of your money because you see in any way that they could possibly do this as long as they are in office they expect to be paid they're wanting to be paid they're demanding to be paid and you'll also notice that the leeches they don't want to once they get their fangs in there

17:02 you know they don't want they don't give a damn what you want see that's the important thing to get they don't give a rat's ass about what you want and if they have any ethics whatsoever um they would bail out and hope and pray that they don't have any penalties and that's the next part of what I'm going to talk about here this is the good part this is the juicy part that's the part that's not even brought up sorry excuse me I'm doing the T section with my hands right now

17:40 um what what a Senators excuse me before you're talking about your future plans when we already fired you but um yeah so that you can finish out your um your term your limit and steal some more of them but um what about the penalty phase what excuse me what penalty phase why what what penalty I I don't understand what do you mean penalty okay so let me introduce this to you Chuck you see what people generally want they they mistakenly they they call it justice okay but what they really want is retribution

18:23 there is a different there is a a difference uh they want you to have a penalty they want something to happen to you for basically [ __ ] with them and you know a little bit of this or paying a little tiny Vine uh that doesn't it doesn't cut it okay um this is where the obfuscation comes in they're talking in all these asoteric terms and about legalese and laws is that and the other and what I was trying to illustrate is this is that on any other position let's not go off into all the legalese and hiding

19:12 behind the [ __ ] legislature and their obfuscation by the way their buddies who you never hear of they're in on it they're all to a greater and lesser extent they protect them that's their their job too of course they're not going to say that but they do why because they're Crooks themselves they all protect the one big [ __ ] happy criminal family okay and when the chips are down they may be silent or publicly they may you know lash out and say yes I think that what Senator you know dangling did was that was terrible and

19:52 reprehensible and we're Guardian taxpayers should not tolerate this and empty you know an empty suit talking empty words but they're not usually very specific whereas I am direct and simple so yeah um so what they want and what they're not going to get unless you change this is retribution so what would be retribution okay it's not even beginning for instance and forget about you can't stand uh hide behind an office gate about the ballot measure 113 when it clearly is wanting your ass out of here and again because these

20:35 narcissists because they possess no ethics they can't simply look at something and say yeah you know what you're right what I did was really shitty and my S should be fired and out of here and bow out semi-gracefully at least but no because these people have these Senators they have some perks and here's the deal you see when you're a senator this is the way it is uh well at least supposed to when you're a senator you have a good bit of power and authority and all the perks that come with that

21:16 senators get by with [ __ ] you know running a stop sign of this cop oh you're Senator dingling oh yeah well yeah well let's uh let's pay more attention next time Senator you're gonna Pat him on the head and let them go that kind of [ __ ] but they have all these perks not to mention the money let's not forget the money and well in the private sector and all the other things that are lying they they have a hell of a lot of reason for all these perks okay so they're not wanting to fight to you know they're not

21:51 wanting to give them up for a reason these are things that are worth hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars perhaps even Millions so the criminals they you know they they don't want to give that up they're just wrenching their hands together and office skate and come up with any [ __ ] they can um and no one is really saying what I'm going to tell you but here's the flip side of the coin this is the way it's supposed to work okay okay you have all these things is another the item this is that you're also supposed

22:24 to have a responsibility to the public Trust and that's supposed to be one hell of a responsibility to the public trust and if you betray that trust then there should be a very very real penalty you see how that works is anybody getting this you get all these perks and you get all the goodies and you get all this but consequently if you you know um knowingly you know are office skating and trying to do swindling like this is um yeah it should be throwing more than the book at you so it would go something or should go in reality something like

23:13 that but that's this is what I'm telling you they're talking anything but they're not talking the money they're not talking about all of the money the [ __ ] money that they're taking from you on and this guy these these four of these people well yes I'm certainly considering running again I mean I'm a I am of [ __ ] Senator and bro yes you know who wouldn't with with these kind of perks and this kind of support system behind you because that it's just it's that slimy

23:54 and unless you do something about it something real with penalties and retribution is never going to change so in other words um what are a few things you could do okay you fire their ass when you fire their ass and you instantly cut off all the perks all the medical I mean you name it God only knows all what they have but they have some pretty sweet perks okay they're done instantaneously gone okay okay well let's see uh we have to have some sort of other actual fizzle you take them to they have to spend I don't know

24:30 two or three years of manual labor and or uh public tar and Feathering that'd be good yeah I bet you a hell of a lot of people here would like to see that wouldn't that be great hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support

25:13 the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the earnestmanshow.com and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just want to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted to say and again thank you much wouldn't that be great was this Crook

25:52 and that Crook and all the crooks and we have uh we could have we could have a party we could have some kind of we call it Tarn feather day for all the local uh ex-senitor criminals or all the other business criminals and you know and you could bring the kids we get some cotton candy we make a real you know a real Festival out of it it'd be great probably sell hell of a lot of tickets too and people might even actually have fun for a change we could put um you know dunk the senator the one that's disgraced you just pick one you

26:26 know the things where they sit over a barrel of water and you you get to throw a ball and if you you hit it it drops them and they dunk down into the water except there wouldn't be water I'd have I don't know something like raw sewage sugar pig [ __ ] or something like that I bet you that would be really popular huh um so yeah they has to be that and then the money that meant those all those days when they were supposed to be at work and they held up the all the entire process for all the bills you know they

27:04 held up the state they held up all that work so to compensate for that what you do is not only are they not paid for that time period that they were all those days not only do you not pay them but you find them and you find them after you average their daily salary let's say I'm just doing this you know arbitrarily this is not a definite but I don't know I'm thinking something like you penalize them you put this the payment in Reverse of uh whatever they earn a day that they actually owe five

27:41 times that amount back to the state or face jail time if they refuse to pay it so it's like a reverse mortgage or something something are you getting the point of this now what in turn what am I you know what is uh the FI the whole final point of this I'm going to tell you what it is you see you have to have accountability when you have corruption which is basically what this is who's kitten who here that's what the hell it is call it what it is so um unless you unless you get rid of that things are only going to continue to

28:27 spiral down they're not going to get any better you got people like this who think they can just walk off their [ __ ] job like anyone else and I know the ones that put together measure the 113 the ballot and they put that through you get it I understand that that part's great but you gotta go further so to go further with this um there are at least three major points that are positive about this okay the three major points in it that it sends uh the direct message is like number one it sets a a real um precedent for having for Citizens

29:11 having a feeling of Retribution otherwise known as payback and I mean real payback not just where they get into the courts and it's again and and we'll serve this little patty cake patty cake Federal time where you're going to have to make donuts for the next 60 days and have an orange suit and then we're going to patch in the head and there'll be a limo to pick you up and no no none of that [ __ ] actually real things just like the rest of everyone else have to deal with the citizens begin to get a greater

29:54 faith in their government because they feel that their government is actually being responsive so that's the first thing the second thing is getting back the money the money that was stolen from you goes back into the general fund so again however the details maybe you know for those days gone I just said for instance five times hell uh depending you could you could make it you can make it five times you could make it ten times yeah that's the idea it's supposed to hurt big time so then we get our money back or at

30:39 least that if we don't have the money we'll take the property we'll take the property and sell it but we want our [ __ ] money we want our money we want the money that you cost that you stole from us and lastly and perhaps one of the biggest parts of doing things in this way is that I would think that in pretty short order if you kept this up if you sustained this if you made it clear that there's a new sheriff in town and things are going to be done a little bit differently um I think it would go a long way

31:21 in deterring this kind of behavior if it was actually done and if it was actually sustained if it was actually you can't just do this once and then it goes slips back into the into the criminality again it has to be sustained for you know 10 20 30 years whatever it's a new way of doing things I'd be willing to bet you that a whole heaping hell of a lot of this nonsense would stop and we don't again have to waste taxpayers time on this ridiculous [ __ ] and that's what it is now just imagine I don't hold

32:11 public office okay matter of fact I don't want public office at least I would never ever want public office if it has to be in this in this Cesspool of of of criminality that it is so I'm not running but ask yourself this before I go before I just wrap this up here I don't want that but you would think that some of the other people you know in the in this Commission in the government anyone someone the newspaper someone no one no one has just said what I'm saying because I don't know they're so shocked oh my God

32:54 he was talking did you hear that he's talking about tar and Feathering yes because here in art that's what we used to do we did we really did we used to take we used to call something what it is when you're a scoundrel when you were a carpetbagger as they used to call them when you were all these evil things there was a if they caught your ass there was a penalty phase at least give me this at least if there was one thing again and and this was not that long ago we're only talking you know we're only talking

33:37 100 years one of the lowest things that you could do and that would get your ass hung was being a horse thief does anybody remember that that was one of the socially lowest and effect I mean did that steal your horse thief they hung your ass cattle rustling they hung your ass if they caught you and they could prove they hung your ass and you mean to tell me just think about how much this has changed because that was a value we used to have and that's somehow all just quietly it's just gone it's just gone away

34:19 you know but here's the thing if they would do that back then it was their they were so anti-corruption because it was such a low thing to do if they would hang you for stealing a horse but now you can steal the money the time effort patience aggravation but mainly the money of the citizens and nothing happens sound of crickets at best at best maybe you get fired and your ass gets to again waddle off into the sunset nothing happens to them and you know why nothing happens to them is not so much because the citizens

35:08 don't want something to happen to them and hopefully they should it's because they're Partners there are other people forget again I've said it a million times please get the [ __ ] out of your mind about D's and R's they play for the same team it's the ultimately the same team and you know what as far as you are concerned it never changes because they don't give a [ __ ] biscuit take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do

35:54 appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmannshow.com leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions thank you [Music]

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb