The Truth About Conspiracy Theories vs. Real Conspiracies
Hello, Earnest Mann here! In this episode, I’m tackling a question from Bryce in Sarasota, Florida, about conspiracy theories—are they real, or just bullsh*t? A lot of people throw around conspiracy and conspiracy theory like they mean the same thing, but trust me, they don’t.
The Difference Between Conspiracy Theories and Real Conspiracies
A conspiracy theory is usually the playground of people like Alex Jones, pushing insane narratives to stir up drama (and make a buck). But real conspiracies? Oh, they exist—history is packed with them. Take the assassination of Abraham Lincoln—John Wilkes Booth didn’t act alone. A whole group of people plotted the murder, some of whom were caught and hanged, proving that real conspiracies happen.
When Conspiracy Theories Become Dangerous Lies
The problem starts when people push made-up theories for profit, and worse, when governments support them for their own benefit. Case in point? The Loch Ness Monster. The Irish government encourages this fantasy because it brings in money. Tourists believe in Nessie because they’ve been spoon-fed the idea that the government is hiding "the truth." But Loch Ness didn’t even exist when the supposed plesiosaur would have been alive. The whole thing is a conspiracy wrapped in a hoax, and people have even died chasing this nonsense.
Why We Need to Call Out the Bullsh*t
The bottom line? Conspiracy theories can be harmful, while real conspiracies often shape history. I break it all down in this episode, so tune in, leave a comment, and let me know—do you see where I’m coming from, or do you have a different take?
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.
Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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00:09 [Music] ah yes conspiracy theories in this episode I'm going to explain something that may in fact as far as you're concerned need no explanation the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy but many people simply don't know the difference between the two until now that and so much more on nnest man show hello and thank you for being here Bryce from Sarasota Florida is asking me what do you think of conspiracy theories Earnest is any of that [ __ ] real you know Bryce I don't get
00:52 to say this often but hats off to you that is a damn good question generally speaking conspiracy theories are the home turf of insane showman like Alex Jones of infow wars and if you're young and you don't know who Alex Jones is just do a simple search and you'll find his foaming at the mouth crazy ass and when you do make sure you don't pass along his actual address to your insane vigilante friend who may somehow be related or or connected to the families of Sandy Hook Elementary unless
th: ptured and stood trial in :03:03 wasting your precious time on something which is actually nothing more than contrived [ __ ] and contrived [ __ ] is something you definitely don't want to waste your precious life moments on as we absolutely have more than enough of that in the white house so in the very short before the long here conspiracy theories is actually very harmful and I'm going to illustrate how now I don't have a problem with the occasional bar room fish story the incredibly massive fish that got away but the
03:47 thing is the people involved in the process the bullshiter and the [ __ ] e both really understand that at the end of the day whatever it is that that's being discussed it's actually totally 100% [ __ ] no harm intended or done but when people take their [ __ ] into the realm of legitimacy to make money that's when I have a big [ __ ] problem especially when the government condones it here's example number two if you were to ask people from around the world outside of Ireland who Nessie is
04:32 you may or may not get an answer but if you ask them if they had heard of or know anything about The Lochness Monster I'd be willing to bet you a pine of Guinness that they have in fact heard of it and not only that but those that know about Nessie overwhelmingly believe that the Monster is real and it simply hasn't been found captured it's because the Irish government for some bizarre and hazy reason is hiding the truth and it's only when enough commitment to actual research and the
05:15 government stops actively denying said researchers on Loch Ness will the truth be uncovered the current hypothesis which dates back quite a few years is that the law Ness Monster is actually a plesiosaur this is actually a situation that's a bit unusual because the whole Lochness Monster deal is simultaneously part conspiracy theory but actual conspiracy as well which I'll explain in a moment first just a word about Nessie itself if we go with the idiotic SL [ __ ] theory that Nessie
06:03 The Lochness Monster is actually a plesiosaur this immediately Falls flat on its [ __ ] face and here's why if there was a living plesiosaur and Loess from the time of the last mass extinction how many millions of years would the [ __ ] thing live to be now of course I don't claim to know the lifespan of a plesiosaur but I bet you another py Guinness it's not millions of [ __ ] years here's also the mild inconvenience that Millions upon millions of years ago Loch Ness didn't even exist
06:54 then there's the genetic issue in higher animals such as mammals an a plesiosaur would definitely be a mammal just as whales are you have to have a sufficient number somewhere say around 50 to 100 breeding pairs for a species to continue or they start dying due to genetic deforming basically in breeding so there's that then the next significant issue how the the [ __ ] does it get enough food to eat another very long short story lockness itself doesn't have enough carrying capacity food
07:43 to keep one plesiosaur alive let alone two or more and as I already pointed out you would definitely need somewhere between 50 to 100 of them for enough genetic diversity just to keep them alive Al for all these millions of [ __ ] years since the last major Extinction event but that doesn't stop the Irish government from encouraging this so-called harmless nonsense and of course the reason for that is as simple and true as recorded history itself money now I know that some of you might argue Ernest you're being a bit staunchy aren't you nothing really but some good clean fun
08:37 and the locals get to make some money from themed tours and souvenir shops and cafes and you know all that [ __ ] and of course the government loves the tax revenue so what's the problem the problem in very short is that what the Irish government is doing here besides being very unethical also turns out to be very deadly because many people in one way or another have died directly as a consequence of this sham and that's not light-hearted fun that is an actual conspiracy a government supporting
nness real Guinness since the:10:08 from on this or do you have a different opinion in either case I'd really like to hear from you so leave a comment or reach out to me via my email link in the description below please do subscribe and hit that notification Bell because it really helps the channel grow and you will never ever miss any of my incredible episodes I appreciate your listening and the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest and I usually always am