Episode 351

Published on:

28th Jun 2024

Bad news, America is an idiotic consumerist society. Good news, Intelligence and common sense fixes that. Podcast 351

The Stark Reality of Modern American Employment and Its Impact on Society

Hey folks, it's Earnest Mann! It's Friday, so grab your favorite drink because today's episode is going to be a bit philosophical. We're discussing a serious issue: the consequences of idiotic behavior in society and how it benefits the rich. Let's explore why this happens and how it affects all of us.

The Strain of Modern Employment

In America today, life has become a struggle for survival. The pressure to find and keep a job that pays enough to make ends meet is overwhelming, often forcing people to work multiple jobs. This relentless stress leads to extreme fatigue, anxiety, and sometimes even traumatic breakdowns. When people snap, it often results in tragic events like workplace violence. The media often asks why this happens, but they rarely get to the root cause.

The Impact of Societal Changes Since the 1980s

Back in the early '70s, life was different. My dad was a steelworker, and despite not being rich, he earned a living wage and received benefits like a holiday ham or turkey from his unionized employer. However, things changed in 1980 with the rise of corporate and government policies that dismantled unions and diverted public funds to the military-industrial complex. This shift transformed American workers into overworked, underpaid, and stressed-out individuals, many of whom now act against their own interests.

The Decline of Common Sense

The dumbing down of America has led many to work harder for less reward, a clear sign of idiotic behavior. Only an idiot would work tirelessly for diminishing returns, yet this has become the norm. If you're interested in exploring solutions to these issues, let me know. Until then, remember that while life wasn't perfect back then, people had more common sense and didn't vote against their own interests.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 [Music] everybody knows the dice are loaded  everybody rolls with the fingers crossed   everybody knows that the war is over everybody  knows that the good gu is lost everybody knows   the fight is fixed the poor stay poor and  the rich get rich that's how it [Music] goes know hey folks how how the hell you doing  it's Friday time to raise a glass or three we   made it through another week of making the  obscenely rich even richer today's episode   is going to be admittedly a bit philosophical  but don't worry I'm not going to get that deep  

00:49 so don't give in that knee-jerk reaction of  flipping the channel because you're going   to enjoy this seriously many have never thought  of the Terrible implications of idiocy so pause   this go get your favorite adult beverage  and enjoy what Fridays at least used to be   for some entertainment and maybe even some sad  laughter I've noticed in the last 10 years or   so it's apparently become a major no no to speak  actual truth about well just about anything which   includes in forming someone who is engaging  in idiotic behavior that they are engaging in  

01:37 idiotic Behavior why is this well there can be  several reasons but in this episode I'm going   to focus on what I consider to be one of the  primary reasons we're having such a mass of   idiots in society right now because having idiots  works very well at making Rich folks even richer   we've got so much crazy and idiotic Behavior going  on in the world right now it's enough to overwhelm   anyone but I want to just focus on the US because  in many ways this is the original source of the  

02:20 crazy and idiotic I would like for you to please  pay close attention to what I'm going to say   here one of the primary reasons why our society  appears to be going so crazy or idiotic if you   prefer is that for the vast majority of people  in America life has primarily come down to an   issue of survival with little or any time allowed  off for anything Pleasant such as a vacation the   incredible pressure finding let alone keeping  a job that's able to make ends meet and working   frantically at sometimes even more than one job  just to do that which of course produces extremely  

03:11 fatigued stressed and high anxiety people and  a traumatic event such as losing your main job   due to corporate downsizing or complete closure  altogether often causes many of these individuals   to snap that's one of several reasons why you  hear all the crazy stories of people going   postal that's why you hear the terrible stories  of typically men going into their former places   of employment and shooting their bosses and or as  many other people as they can now of course we've   all heard about unpleasant stories like this but  then of course the news media all always ask the  

04:01 same idiotic question why well fortunately for  you I'm not a brainless TV news anchor with a   six-figure income and a double digigit IQ reading  a teleprompter I'm going to answer that question   there can be many reasons sometimes it's simply  a case of some severe form of untreated mental   illness the US government instantly it without  question gives billions to the military industrial   complex but citizens especially the poor  relatively speaking don't get [ __ ] with some   of the people who commit these acts but also if  you take a reasonably normal functional person and  

04:55 you keep putting them under greater and greater  amounts of stress they too can snap because the   bottom line is that people are not supposed to be  working and living frantically with high anxiety   like this so consequently people simply break down  the sad part about all of this in turn is when the   system Burns you out they show their appreciation  for all of your hard work no matter how many years   you've been with the company by simply kicking  your ass to the curb and replacing the burned  

05:36 out light bulb with a new light bulb this is  the reality of American employment I'm going   to get to the ID idiocy in a moment but I said  what I said so you can have a comparison of what   I'm about to say it's 100% true because it was  my life in the early' 70s I'm not making this   [ __ ] [ __ ] up my dad was a steel worker and the  company was unionized we weren't Rich by any means   but he definitely earned what we call today above  a living wage and every Christmas and Thanksgiving  

06:16 just about every large unionized business gave all  the employees a ham or turkey and you um at your   retirement of say age 65 if you had X number of  years with the company you got a go watch and a   pension again you're not going to be a millionaire  but you're not going to be destitute either but   what we need to understand is that these things  and I think this this is a really important Point   here is that these things that were received by  the working people were not viewed as generosity  

an beings but what changed in:

07:46 criminals having successfully accomplished that  and convincing American workers through endless   propaganda turning them against unions their next  OB effective which also was very effective and   continues to be not only converting the population  into rampid consumers but idiots as well and how   can I make a claim that many Americans have now  been dumbed down to the point of being idiots well   because only an idiot Works harder and harder  for less money and less Improvement in their   life but keeps working against their own best  interest being patriotic and enthusiastic as  

08:40 they do so that by definition is being an idiot if  you're interested in hearing some actual solutions   to what I'm talking about that is certainly a  possibility you know what to do at this point   I'll simply wrap things up by saying this I'm  not saying that life was perfect back then but   what I'm saying was that in many ways that count  for everyday people such as a comfortable living   for a family of four which includes buying a car  and a home on just my dad's income things were a  

09:25 hell of a lot better and people were a lot smarter  meaning they had [ __ ] common sense and didn't   vote against their own interest the majority of  Americans weren't idiots again they had common   sense and currently there is not and never will  be an app for that do you agree do you disagree   or do you have an entirely different take on what  I'm saying you could drop me a line subscribe   or maybe even buy me a cup of coffee any  and all would certainly be appreciated and   it's all in the description below until next  Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb