Episode 352

Published on:

1st Jul 2024

Were you watching the debates between Trump and Biden? I wasn’t, I was watching flies fucking. Podcast 352 The Earnest Mann Show

The Trump-Biden Debate: A Spectacle of Modern Politics

Hey folks, it's Ernest Mann here. I initially planned to avoid the Trump-Biden debate and ended up finding a much more engaging video on YouTube. But let's get serious – the debate's implications are profound and warrant a closer look.

Biden: A Statesman Facing Unprecedented Challenges

Biden, a moderate Democrat, has always been a shrewd politician. However, it's clear that his age is becoming a significant concern. Despite his experience, the responsibilities of the presidency seem overwhelming for him. The Democratic party faces a dilemma: they need a swift replacement for Biden to stay competitive.

The Democrats' Dilemma: Trying to Please Everyone

The Democrats have tried to appeal to all demographics, aligning with various liberal causes. However, this strategy has backfired, leaving them cornered. Society is shifting right, with even young people growing weary of woke culture and its restrictions on free speech. The recent student protests for Palestine highlight a lack of understanding among activists, underscoring the complexity of the issues at hand.

Trump: The Businessman with a Dangerous Pathology

Trump is a businessman through and through, willing to do anything to get elected. His narcissism and manipulative nature make him a dangerous figure in politics. Despite his numerous legal challenges, it's likely he will be re-elected. If this happens, Trump will likely exonerate himself, erasing his legal troubles.

A Historical Parallel: Learning from the Past

Reflecting on a historical figure who promised work and national greatness but led his country to ruin, we must be cautious. The parallels are alarming, and the potential consequences of following a similar path are dire.

In conclusion, the current political landscape is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. It's crucial to stay informed and critically evaluate our leaders' actions and promises.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 I kept getting the announcements or warning depending on your point of view about the upcoming debates between Trump and Biden a full two weeks before the damn thing happened and I was so turned off by this that I decided when the day came I wouldn't watch it and find something actually interesting on YouTube to watch instead so I did this video will flies [ __ ] and from what I've Been Told discovered it really was much more interesting hey folks I'm Ernest and it's Monday time again to start making some rich folks even

00:42 richer now I'm going to switch gears at this point and be serious because the ramifications of this so-called debate really do need to be examined seriously as our future lives depend on it there are two very different things take place here and actually both of them are a very sick sad spectacle but just like in the days of the old in the Roman Coliseum there is blood lust here and that's basically what I want to tell you about because now that the much belly Hood first debate is over I'd like to

01:23 interject some thoughts of reason as far as Biden is concerned he's a moderate Democrat always has been he always has been a very crafty and astute politician bear that in mind that's how the hell he became president but to paraphrase one of his own lines the simple fact is that lunchbox Joe really needs to go Biden is simply too old and the Democratic party needs to get a replacement and fast now before you go and make a snap judgment about me I'll tell you once again I am nonpartisan a good idea is good and a

02:11 bad idea is bad I don't give a damn if it has a d or an r in front of it but it's very sad to see a Statesman of Biden's caliber essentially being beaten up from all directions and cannot really add defend himself because he's old and I'm not saying he's lost all his marbles but there's a huge difference between a person being able to live alone and take care of themselves and I'm certain that he and his wife have plenty of various assistant Personnel to help them with their daily life and having the

02:56 responsibilities of being the president of the US but Biden well but besides Biden the Democrats have another serious problem they made a proverbial deal with the Devil the Democrats basically got into power in the White House by promising everything to everyone all kinds of liberals all Races all sexual Persuasions aligning themselves with the governmental policy with woke and yes Mexico the problem with this of course is you cannot be all things to all people and that essentially as the old saying goes when you support everything

03:50 you stand for nothing or put another way the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner big time I've lived long enough to see The Winds of Change in society and I can tell you without a doubt that right now the winds have firmly shifted to the right even young people are absolutely sick of woke and they're absolutely sick of also not being able to freely express what they think because of woke it really is as simple as that I don't have a time to go into this but just to give you one very simple

04:35 example everyone knows about all the students protesting all over the US to support Palestine ranting and chanting from the river to the sea but it's been documented hundreds of times that when you ask these young protesters a simple question from what river and to what sea they don't even [ __ ] know that what this means is they are chanting and writing and they don't even have a [ __ ] clue of the geographical makeup of the area so just so you know the chant is intended to mean from the River Jordan

05:21 to the Mediterranean Sea maybe some of you my much more informed listeners could please tell them that now just a few brief words about Trump trump is first and foremost a businessman he always has been an extremely aggressive and crooked one there is absolutely nothing that Trump won't do to get elected and I mean anything what many people on the right simply don't understand or are not willing to accept is that Trump is mentally incapacitated I don't believe his issue is cognitive decline like Biden as far

06:13 as I can tell his problem is pretty much what it always has been he is a pathological liar and manipulator and this in turn comes from the fact that he is an absolute narcissist and that is a very bad person to have in your household let alone running an entire nation now for any and all of you that happen to be on the right that basically think Donald Trump is the second incarnation of Christ and walks on water here's some good news for you that really terrifies the rest of us he's probably going to get a elected

07:02 president I say this because I have seldom been wrong about these things and I did predict it a year ago so Trump becoming president again is in no way it doesn't surprise me I'm not saying this through a you know in a good way I'm not saying I like or want this to happen I'm simply saying it probably is going to happen happen when it does all those charges and all that legal wrangling that he went through will poof be gone just like somebody pulled out a bunch of angel dust and sprinkled it all over the

07:46 various courts and legal systems he will exonerate himself and pretty much everything will be swept under the rug historically the way Trump loves to keep things so listen everybody out there as I wrap this up just remember what I told you and also remember this I know everybody out there is facing economic hard times and uncertainty not to mention all the social unrest violence and isolation but there was another man not too long ago who also appealed to the people who were in this condition he promised them work and he promised them

08:32 bread and that he would make the nation great again and for a few years he actually delivered on those promises but it didn't last very long and then the country fell into absolute ruin chaos and misery because of what he had done and the people that hypnotically followed him to their own Oblivion I watched a documentary about it it happened to be about 85 years ago but I couldn't understand what was being said because it was narrated in German do you agree do you disagree or do you have an entirely different take

09:20 on what I'm saying you can drop me a line subscribe or maybe even buy me a cup of coffee which would certainly be AE appreciated it's all in the description below until next Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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