Episode 355

Published on:

12th Jul 2024

Don’t be the deer in the Headlights: Pt.1 Allow me to explain the coming unexpected turmoil podcast 355

The Socioeconomic Landscape and Housing Crisis

Hello folks, Earnest here, and it's Friday! We've made it through another week of hard work, making our wealthy owners even richer. In today's episode, I'm tackling the harsh realities of our current socioeconomic climate, influenced heavily by governmental intervention. Housing affordability is a significant issue, and finding a decent place to live is harder than ever.

The Hypocrisy of Modern Social Policies

There's a segment of the population not held to the same standards as the rest of us— big, tattooed Amazonian figures who seem to get away with anything. I discuss the hypocrisy in social policies, where certain groups are given more freedom while others are restricted. This has been a long-standing issue, with conservatives calling it out for decades, yet it remains ignored.

The Impacts of Governmental Control on Property Rights

For over 50 years, the government has dictated property owners' rights, controlling who they can rent to. This has led to discrimination issues, forcing property owners to accept tenants regardless of personal preferences. This control is a significant point of contention and hypocrisy, particularly among the so-called left or neoliberals.

The Resource Depletion and Overpopulation Crisis

The root of many of today's problems can be traced back to resource depletion and overpopulation. Empowered women, or what some refer to as woke individuals, are often blamed for contributing to this issue. The upcoming Great Correction will radically shift the social landscape, ending the 50-year experiment of a non-reality-based existence.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 Believe It or Not despite what we are being  relentlessly sold by woke psychologist and   man-hating feminis alike it's not that men are  unable to connect with their emotions because if   they did things would even get uglier than they  already are I would like to point out that there   is a certain segment of our population that's  not held to the same standard however namely   big ass tattooed Amazonian dyes who can say or do  whatever the hell they like hello folks I Ernest   and it's Friday we made it through another week  of making our obscenely Rich owners even Richer  

00:45 there was once a time in this country where you  could actually choose where you wanted to live now   I'm not saying that living space was absolutely  wide open because by the late '70s many of the   best plac es to live in America climatologically  speaking have pretty much been taken but that's   not the climate I'm talking about I'm talking  about the sociological climate and today due   largely to forced governmental intervention  it's absolutely horrible most people today for  

01:22 example are having a very difficult time even  finding any place affordable to live let alone   actual concerns about neighborhoods or their  potential neighbors now what I'm about to say may   offend some people I understand that fortunately  my listeners are intelligent enough to understand   the difference between a door knob and a dumbbell  and the realities of life's struggles are not   always Pleasant often they're downright awful  this for example is why the Chinese B built a huge  

02:01 wall several centuries ago it wasn't because they  wanted to go down in history for some Monumental   engineering and construction effort which by  the way can be seen from space they did it for   very practical pragmatic reasons it was built  to keep Invaders out namely in their case the   [ __ ] Mongols Americans particularly those at our  Southern borders should learn a thing or two from   the Chinese even if it's the Chinese from several  [ __ ] centuries ago anytime you want to have what  

02:41 basically amounts to two different sets of laws  for different sets of people it is by definition   hypocrisy and it is something conservatives have  been calling out for the last 40 years and it has   been largely ignored for more than 50 years now  the government has been telling property owners   that they can and cannot do with their property  which includes who the hell they want to share or   rent their property to or with for example if  you have home and you want to rent out a room   you can't scrutinize anything about the person  who's going to be potentially living in your  

03:29 [ __ ] home if for example you absolutely hate  women you can not rent to a woman based on that   that would be discrimination same thing if you're  a Christian if any person comes to check out the   room and they're an absolute over-the-top Satanist  with I love Satan tattoos all over themselves   you couldn't turn them away because that would be  discrimination and get this let's say you're just   your average run-of-the-mill racist you don't want  to rent the room to a Jew or any nonwhite person  

04:17 that's not possible because that's right you  guessed it there's discrimination but here's what   the people on the so-called left completely fail  to comprehend what they're proposing is about as   hypocritical as it gets because if you're going to  be preaching endlessly about Freedom then people   on the right should have the same exact freedoms  but in Reverse what the left essentially did   starting in the 60s was make a fian bargain with  the government and the greater population of the  

04:59 US has been dealing with the social Fallout from  that ever since so what is commonly referred to as   the left which are actually neoliberals which have  little in common with classic liberalism you first   they they they completely jumped into bed with the  Democratic party and then since about 30 years ago   a bit ironically jumped even further into bed of  corporate America meaning that they gave up their   lives of individual freedom in exchange for a  government paycheck which comes in many forms one  

05:42 of the biggest being government support of single  moms but that shit's going to end really soon just   about everything that's really going on bad in  the world today can actually be be linked one way   or the other to just a few real causes and one of  these main causes due to resource depletion is far   too many people and I admit I certainly don't have  time to go into the multiple reasons for this but   this problem Falls squarely on the shoulders  of that root cause of all of this women or  

06:27 more accurately what are commonly referred to as  empowered women I can't help but wonder if there   are any woke people listening to this and if their  heads have [ __ ] exploded fortunately what's   coming is what I'm calling the great correction  which at least temporarily is going to so   radically change where things are socially right  now the great number of Americans are basically   going to be thinking that the world's coming to  an end and for many wokers that's actually not  

07:07 too far from the truth because this 50-year-old  experiment of creating and trying to live in a   non-reality based existence is going to end and  all one can say is good [ __ ] riddens I only had   enough time in this episode to get this social  examin ation going so if you really like it tell   me so so I can start working on a part two where  I discuss the new coming realities such as vag   farming and the mandatory female retirement  program at age 35 so dear listener did you   enjoy this deep dive or do you have a entirely  different take on this drop me a line and please  

08:00 subscribe because it really helps other  people see this and I would absolutely   appreciate you making that happen until next  Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb