Episode 356

Published on:

15th Jul 2024

Can you answer these two questions Inspired by Paul Reuben? If you can, you will win a fantastic prize. Podcast 356 The Earnest Mann Show

Unveiling the Mystical Insights and a Captivating Allegory on The Earnest Mann Show

Hello, I'm Earnest Mann! In this episode, my mystical orb—a classic eightball—guided me to share a unique and engaging story. My orb, which has never been wrong, assured me that you'll enjoy this. So, let's get started!

A Mysterious Contest with a Fabulous Prize

I introduce an intriguing allegorical story where listeners have a chance to win a prize by deciphering its true meaning. Listen carefully and submit your interpretation in 200 words or less. Whether you're in for the prize or just the thrill of the mystery, this is for you.

The Tale of Tom and Charlie: A Journey Towards a Secret Paradise

Tom, a local in a remote Nevada tavern, meets Charlie, a stranger facing a dire situation. Charlie needs to complete a crucial real estate transaction but is stranded due to car trouble. Tom, despite being broke, has a plane and offers to help for half of Charlie's cut—$2 million. This deal might lead Tom to his dream destination, Paradise, a place shrouded in mystery and allure. Will Charlie trust Tom and make it in time?

Decipher the Story for a Chance to Win

Reflect on the practical meaning of this story and what Tom's "Paradise" signifies. Share your thoughts in the comments for a chance to win.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 not many of you know this but even though I'm  a realist I consult a mystical orb to give me   insight and direction making some of my episodes  and this is going to be one of those episodes my   magical mystical orb is a black plastic eightball  with a little window in it and it has a magical   floating pyramid suspended in some magical  mystical liquid inside and when I shake the   ball an answer comes up through a little round  window so when I asked whether or not I should   actually do this the magical mystical orb said  yes definitely and I would like to State for the  

00:43 record that my magical mystical all knowing orb  has never not even once been wrong so I absolutely   know you're going to like this hey folks I'm  Ernest and it's Monday time to go make those Rich   nonworking la ass shareholders even richer let  me tell you right off the bat that this is 100%   serious so if you like Puzzles or a great mystery  plus the chance of winning an absolutely fabulous   prize here it is well okay it's not exactly fa a  fabulous prize it's not a house or car or a [ __ ]  

01:25 boat but it is a prize so listen up here's the  deal I'm going to tell you an allegorical story   all you have to do is listen and send me a comment  200 words or less as good of what you think the   story is really about if you don't want the prize  just say so in the comments but if you do want the   prize and if you win I'll respond to your comment  letting you know you have won then we'll take it   from there to get you your prize sound good let's  begin a mid-30s man pulls up to a Tavern on his  

02:06 motorcycle goes in and sits down at the bar he's  a local and his name is Tom it's obvious to the   man sitting at the bar next to him that Tom is  a local because the bartender immediately gives   him his drink without even asking what he wants  the man sitting next to Tom who was also in his   mid-30s is named Charlie who is from way out of  town and the tavern they're sitting in is way the   hell out in the sticks of Nevada pretty soon  a conversation ensues and the two men seem to   be hitting it off quite well so well in fact that  Charlie slowly opens up to Tom that he's in a very  

02:52 bad and unexpected position which is why he's in  this tavern drowning his sorrows and drink because   of what could have been Tom is listening quite  intently and sincerely asked Charlie what's the   problem Charlie begins to explain he was supposed  to do an extremely important business transaction   for a private client's real estate business he  was supposed to meet a man who represents another   client to make a major real estate purchase and  because they were doing this off the books it was  

03:29 a total cash transaction Tom responded with damn  that sounds like a pretty sweet deal so you're   basically the money Courier right Charlie says  that's right but there was a stipulation in the   deal the stipulation was that the transfer had  to be done by tomorrow at 3:00 or the deal was   absolutely off no excuses no exceptions so what's  the problem as Tom the problem said Charlie is the   engine blew in my [ __ ] car there's no car rental  for 500 miles from here and even if it was there's  

04:12 no way in hell I could make it there some 800  miles away by 3:00 tomorrow so not only do I lose   the deal but most likely I'm going to lose my job  as well what Charlie didn't know was that although   Tom was basically broke he had a plane nothing  fancy just an old Piper Cub but it was flying well   and it could definitely get them

04:45 there well before  300 p.m. if Charlie was willing to split his cut   of the job with him so thinking that Charlie was  only getting a few thousand he asked Charlie how   much of that job was his cut and almost fell  out of his chair when Charlie told him his   cut was 4 million so once Charlie told him that  he absolutely knew that he could get him where   he needed to be by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon so he  intended to ask Charlie what he thought was fair   for doing that under the circumstances Tom decided  to ask Charlie for half of Charlie's cut $2   million the reason being was simple Charlie would  agree to do it because without him Charlie would  

05:35 get nothing so after maybe another hour or so of  some playing pool and some light conversation over   beers Tom told Charlie that he had a plane and he  could get him there and Charlie was initially very   happy but when Tom told him that he wanted half  of his cut to do so Charlie was no longer exactly   happy but like Tom predicted Charlie understood  that basically this was the only choice he had   half of the 4 million or nothing at all and he  would still be able to keep his job so now that   everything was ironed out Charlie asked Tom what  he planned on doing with his cut of the money Tom  

06:23 told Charlie that was simple he was going to do  what he always wanted he was going to Paradise   so Charlie just laughed a little bit and said  really if that's the case why aren't you there   already because I don't have the money to fuel  up the plane said Tom did you notice I rode in   on a motorcycle when I came into the tavern yes  I did how the hell could I not notice you could   hear it a mile away said Charlie I rode that  motorcycle not because I'm a biker but because   it's real cheap on gas but it would take several  tanks of fuel in my plane to get to the place I  

07:10 call Paradise and that's just one way because  once I get there I ain't leaving at this point   Charlie was kind of half seriously interested  in this mystery Place Tom was calling Paradise   trying to coax out of Tom where specifically he  was talking about so what's your idea of paradise   Charlie said to Tom is it Guam the Philippines are  we talking The Mamas the biny islands come on Tom   where are you talking about I can't tell you that  Charlie said Tom it's a very big secret because if  

07:50 it ever got out that place would become just like  many of the other places you mention have become   and what many people like you don't understand  Charlie is that the native people of all these   places you mentioned absolutely hate you they're  friendly and nice to you on a superficial level   because you have basically invaded and because you  pay them they tolerate you but just beneath all of   that they absolutely hate you and when your  money becomes worthless you won't be able to  

08:25 buy anything there including their kindness all  those non-native people living there are really   going to be [ __ ] Charlie and not in a good way  before Charlie could even respond Tom said this   if you really want to talk to me about going to  Paradise Charlie let's wait until I see how you   follow through on the first part of this deal and  then maybe we can talk about the possibility of   you living in Paradise everybody thinks that they  would like to live in Paradise Charlie but most   folks don't even have a clue of what's required  to do so so there's your story and here's the two  

09:12 questions for the contest first what is the actual  overall practical meaning of this allegorical tale   and second when Tom is speaking of paradise what  is he most likely referring to and here here's   some archival footage of my great Granddad I'm a  lush man so dear list did you enjoy this deep dive   or do you have an entirely different take on this  drop me a line and please click subscribe because   the more subscribers I have the more others get  to see and hear this I don't mean to pressure you  

09:53 but if you give a damn about others like I do it  only takes around 2 seconds and would be greatly   appreciated until next Monday or  Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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About the Podcast

The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb