Episode 332

Published on:

22nd Apr 2024

The Absolute Truth: Why America is Going to Hell in a Handbasket PT.2

The Fervent Reality of Societal Issues and Cultural Shifts Explored by Earnest Mann

Hello, folks, Earnest Mann here with part two of our deep discussion on pressing societal issues. This episode promises to be a riveting journey through complex topics, where your attention will be richly rewarded. I received feedback about my emotional delivery, and I want to clarify: my calm demeanor doesn't equate to a lack of passion. In fact, my approach reflects a deep-seated fervor for the subjects I discuss, much like the stoic intensity described by Marcus Aurelius over two millennia ago.

Unpacking the Notion of Degeneracy in Modern Society

In today’s dialogue, I address the alarming trend of degeneracy becoming normalized within society, drawing parallels to historical examples and philosophical insights. I argue that a lack of shared moral standards is leading to a fragmented understanding of decency, which poses a grave threat to our social fabric.

Confronting the Hard Truths About Immigration and Resource Allocation

The episode also delves into the contentious issues of immigration and resource distribution. I discuss the impact of unchecked immigration on national resources and the cultural shifts accompanying it. Using stark analogies, I emphasize the urgent need for societal awareness and proactive measures to address these challenges.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:09 hello folks how's it going on Friday I promised you a part two of this same episode and here it is and it is going to be damn good and exciting it is about twice as long as my usual episodes and if you please stick it out even for 5 minutes or so you're going to be rewarded with something that was really great to listen to I put a lot of time into this and I would appreciate it if you would give it that consideration now I got a letter or an email and they said hey Ernest um you know you talk about this at least in

00:51 this uh first part but you don't sound as though you have a hell of a lot of emotion so let me clarify something as far as that is concerned because yes I I know typically I don't or I may seem a little dead pan at times that I don't put in a lot of emotion in these things however that doesn't mean that I'm not passionate about them and I want to clarify that right now okay okay emotions are important and they certainly have their time in place but also they tend to be a flash in the pan and if you rely on them

Emperors Marcus Aurelius over:

02:19 incessantly generally you don't have to worry about that when a dog becomes very quiet of course we're talking a large dog and it becomes very quiet it hangs its head low and you can hardly hear it growling it's not barking it's growling very low and the hair on its back stands up that dog is ready to attack you so that's the reason why I wanted you to know that so moving on I'm going to say some things things here that uh I know that are not going to put me very high in the popularity contest fine so be it I don't give a

03:08 damn fortunately at least for me um I'm not here for that um one of the things that has to be understood is that when you look overall at a society and they cannot even agree on simp simple things as far as language communication is concerned that's a really bad sign if you would have said I don't know 40 50 years ago and mentioned you know the word that um something was indecent well there's General agreement on what that was in other words there's a consensus uh but now we don't have

04:04 consensus we have pure individualistic interpretation so in other words Nothing by definition if that's the case nothing is degenerate because if there is no common understanding or [ __ ] agreement of what constitutes being degenerate then I guess it doesn't exist so I said that I was going to tie this in together and that's exactly what I'm doing because that is one of the fundamental problems degeneracy and when degeneracy becomes the norm you're in serious trouble as a society for instance if you take a look at this

05:00 picture this would be considered um acceptable the other one such as this is not this is fine this is not this is great this is not are we seeing a pattern here is anybody seeing that things are kind of inverted and maybe what you might call backasswards or upside down that's where we are so in the previous video you saw some pretty uh you know disgusting and unpleasant uh video footage of um you know well people uh living life on the streets and then we're supposed to sit there

06:03 because we're so numbed by it that we just say eh okay well you know it is what it is I guess they're just into drugs you know whatever hey can you pass me the donut and the cup of [ __ ] coffee um this is why not only is it as bad I keep telling you until it affects you that it's it's only going to get worse people seem to give a damn when something is coming to their door and that is exactly what's going to be happening but I also told you why what is the long what is the long game here now a brief message from my sponsor

06:55 you my entire life I have never been a Salesman I've done just about everything in the world but never been a Salesman and I was not a Salesman because I am not slick and I'm not a squirrel so I don't do slick advertising with a lot of uh Fancy videos and all that kind of thing because it just ain't my style what I would like to ask you is first of all if you would consider subscribing it would be much appreciated the next thing is is about uh tuddy now the rumor I've heard is that tubebuddy can make you a millionaire or

07:37 a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours that is of course just a rumor but who you going to believe at any rate they are pretty cool and I use them and they do a a million different things so if you check them out with my Affiliated link it would be greatly appreciated and also lastly but certainly not least if you want to throw a few bucks my way just to keep the lights on and I do mean literally keep the lights on that as well as tube buddy is also in the description below once again it would be greatly

08:18 appreciated so there it is now let's get back to the show we have Invaders that are essentially for all intents and purposes allowed to invade and it's not just 50 billion Mexicans a week or a month or whatever that includes Chinese as well what is going on well here is very simply put believe it or not what I promised the long game you see this level of um of tyranny as far as you know everything going to hell in a hand basket we haven't even we haven't even begun what the plan is as far as that is

09:05 concerned I mean it's going to get worse and I'm it's going to get a hell of a lot worse and what is the plan the plan is this every indication tells me historically and otherwise is this is that finally to break the back of just about every working person here and all those that are culturally aware and all the other things that go with it it will get so Inc almost inconceivably worse that finally collectively people will be telling the government yes yes please please do whatever you have to do

09:47 okay if you have to start shooting them fine do anything but please we're begging you and that's what they want so then the pendulum will swing the other way which is what the corporation wants and believe me the streets will be clear and they will be clean by any means necessary and you know what you'll like it whatever happens whatever is necessary to get this [ __ ] under control when things are so awful that you will actually be thanking them and that may be necessary it may be entirely necessary I'm talking about

10:36 killing thousands and thousands and thousands of people not just you know rounding them up and giving them water and food patting them on the head and setting them back over the Border no because this is what needs to happen this is the next phase now you might think that what I'm saying right at this moment is absolutely ridiculous but I'm telling you it is true and there's several ways you should be preparing for it I know I sure as hell am but that's what's going on it might take I don't know another

11:24 year or two maybe three at the most but the ABS absolute reality is that we are beyond the breaking point as far as tolerance and as far as resources are concerned you simply cannot have tens of thousands of people invading your country even if you're idiotic enough that you refuse to stop that when you actually could and not expect there to be a backlash that is something the woke Community I know doesn't identify with too well it's called reality it's as simple as that now I told you last week that I was

12:17 going to lay everything out in this episode so if you know a woke person bring them around drag them on down set them down to listen to the and let me explain resource allocation to you just a wee bit okay okay every one of those people from the South as adults as young adults older adults and children they all represent resources that means water a place to live clothing these are all resources okay okay now if you're already in a bad economic bind which the US has been in for [ __ ] actually several years now we're

13:10 we we're dealing with our own [ __ ] big time in other words we have our problems at home okay okay now you see the problem is to explain to you folks that aren't woke is like woke people are like children like you know if you're going to the pet store to get a a puppy or something and they want to approach this as though this person or thing is a puppy they can't conceive that it's not a puppy it's a person okay okay all right so but even so uh the little kid the 8-year-old or 10-year-old or what

13:48 have you you go there as an adult as the [ __ ] adult in the room you know what they're going to say oh can I can I oh I love it oh I'll walk it oh I'll I'll do every [ __ ] thing in the world this that the other when if you're an intelligent adult in the room you know they want uh the whole the the glow the shine of the puppy will wear off in 2 or 3 weeks and they're not going to walk it they're not going to clean up after its [ __ ] they're not going to feed it they're basically maybe they'll play

14:20 with it fine but eh spars taking care of it no why because they're [ __ ] children and you realize that okay okay so we got that well woke people aren't that different they really aren't just bring them bring them bring them all we can wo you know and this is um not being able on two fronts to understand simple resource allocation I'm sorry that sounds cruel but [ __ ] so is cancer okay yeah there are bad things out there and they do exist okay okay anyway um they all represent a tremendous amount of

15:04 resources and that includes their babies and that includes their future babies and if we all knew Mexicans one thing besides well working but besides that the other thing they're very good at is making babies and every one of those babies again represents taking more resources from a limited resource pie and guess what eventually if not already that means less resources for you or your son or daughter or your baby now maybe your baby I know amongst the wcra well my baby doesn't mine's a white baby so yeah

15:57 it can it can do without it doesn't need but you know Jorge's baby well that's different and so yeah if you view the world that way if that's your caned Twisted convoluted God only knows what other words or adjectives I could use to describe it if that's your world view then yeah by all means please come enter our country but yeah uh the adults in the room such as myself we think a little bit differently k k so that is what it is about okay it's something called resources it's a matter of resources

16:44 people or perhaps more accurately in this case with America a lack thereof you can't have a really um screwed up system that is so screwed up in so many ways and have it move into your midst and expect anything else to get or go any better or to put this another way all the dysfunctional [ __ ] which is causing them to flee in droves in the first place they are bringing h year it's an entirely different that's putting it nicely culture and uh yeah there are some elements of it that are extremely extremely dysfunctional and that is the

17:47 reality but if the person that I said that you should bring down into the room the woke person is still there somehow here is an alternative if you guys here's something I was actually going to do anyway but I could do it so much faster with your help if you will help me do this if you will contribute on mass I will make this happen I will do this if you contribute on mass I will make t-shirts and give them out to Mexican folks for free at the border and they all have the same simple message it's a black T-shirt black and white and

18:27 it simply says in Spanish of course [ __ ] good babies bad that just that alone just getting that Mantra in there that alone would work that would work miracles on the whole problem they're having okay so remember that it's a good Mantra on the T-shirt [ __ ] good cuz that part they have no problem with obviously [ __ ] good but babies bad okay you guys help me with this I'll do it I'll put my I'll put the money where where the mouth is and I will do this okay okay something's going to break and what

19:19 is supposed to break and I do firmly believe this that the government the that is to say corporate controlled government that America has is going to and will eventually propose out of the kindness of their heart and the will of the American people they'll uh make this offer yeah okay sure we can do that for you uh of course it's going to cost you it's going to cost you some more of your your rights and your civil liberties and all that but hey you don't want us to do anything we can just let it go on the

20:11 way it is it's up to you and that is exactly what is happening so at uh any rate um I hope you contact me um hope that wasn't um that wasn't too hurtful or harmful to your psyche and I hope the fact that uh again because it appears to you the way as though I speak that I'm not cursing and foaming at the mouth and all of that other stuff does not mean in any way whatsoever I don't think this is absolutely important as a matter of fact this is one of the most important subjects I have ever talked

21:06 about until next Monday or Friday this is earnest wishing you peace and good things

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb