The Absolute Truth: Why America is Going to Hell in a Handbasket Pt.1
Exploring the Socio-Economic Impact of Retail Security Measures: A Closer Look at Target's Strategy
Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, I'm peeling back the layers on a hot topic that has stirred up quite the controversy—Target's decision to lock up common items in their stores. This episode, sparked by your feedback, examines not just the act of theft but dives deeper into the socio-economic implications behind such security measures.
The Puzzling Silence on Security: A Call for Viewer Insights
I kicked off by discussing a noticeable disparity in engagement on my recent episodes, from the murder of Dexter Reed to our Tax Day special. I'm reaching out to you, my audience, for feedback. Your silence is as intriguing as it is baffling, and it's crucial for shaping the content you truly want.
Unveiling the Layers Behind Locked Products at Target
Why is Target locking up items like deodorant? While theft is the official reason, I argue that it's a simplistic answer to a complex problem. The real issue lies deeper—understaffing, economic downturns, and consumer dissatisfaction are all contributing factors. These locked items symbolize more than just theft prevention; they reflect a struggling economy and a workforce pushed to its limits.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:10 hello folks it's Friday and we made it through another week and I have got a really interesting episode here that you're going to enjoy I know you are and um it is what I call what no one suspects a social uh tiing Time Bomb but before I get into that was a couple of things I wanted to mention and I'm saying this because frankly I want to know because I've run into a puzzle from you guys and and uh you know I kind of have a mindset that I like things solved I don't like riddles I don't I don't like
01:09 Mysteries let's say and I have to tell you about this one and then we're going to we're going to dive right into the uh the next newest episode but this concerns the last previous two episodes now the second previous one I talked about about the murder of Dexter Reed by the Chicago Police Department and uh just by two cents on that and you folks uh tended to agree with me overall and you responded and um I guess apparently I hit a cord and great fine and then for text day um yeah for tax day Monday the 15th
02:07 where I had the uh picture of the of the Bandit with the gun pointing at you and it was a you know an overall uh little lecture on the taxation system and um you know basically how besides that just you know how things are ripping you off including of course the tax system anyway I thought for sure you would be interested in that or at least you'd find it funny and uh judging from the views on it it was pretty much sound of crickets so here's what I'm asking you please cuz you're quite the mystery um I go from the extremes of
03:02 interest to the downright you know sound of crickets and I could really use your help in you telling me if you really hated something is it boring or are you simply not interested or what what was it that because you had no interest and uh I want to put things on here I don't want to waste your time as sure as hell don't want to waste mine and I want to put things here that are interesting or interesting and funny or offensive or at least to someone but something but you know say something please because if you don't and I put
03:49 things out here and I keep putting things out here and you know I get no Rhyme or Reason or answer in other words I please sincerely need some damn feedback so that's speaking my piece on that that's all I wanted to say so with this coming up please bear that in mind and please drop me a dime as they used to say now getting on with uh the current episode I'm going to have a picture of a picture of uh inside a Target store where all these just common items items um they're going into a lockdown mode and uh people are bitching
04:35 and complaining about this and it's as though it were some kind of mystery and they just give a very they give a very rudimentary simplistic answer and they say well it's theft we've had so much theft well yeah but that's kind of [ __ ] because that's like answering the question of why is the sky blue and you say well because it is when actually there are Technical and scientific reasons why the sky is blue so I yeah I go a little deeper and I don't uh I don't like you know for something that important that
05:25 people are pissed off about and as far as I'm concerned they have right to be pissed off about so I'm going to get try to get right into this and what I want to tell you is that um the locked up things uh common items in the Target stores they say well it's theft well kind of yes and no because here's the deal they've been in other words the chickens are just coming home to roost on this okay okay and that is um they don't want to hire enough people X number of people have steal and all of
06:12 human history people steal they're not going to out they're not going to be able to stop stealing okay but what you have to ask yourself um much where common sense is okay why the hell if this is the case you know we're talking deodorant I mean [ __ ] you know seriously people are stealing deodorant common items low you know cheap cheap [ __ ] uh stick of deodorant uh you know the basics if it is the case that they are doing that well there's a few things wrong and here's what is really going on um first
06:55 of all they work the curent the PES that they have on an or basis because they don't have enough of them because the corporation never wants to hire more people people ever if they could avoid it at all the idea the the Mantra that's worked for them for an eternity is to squeeze the absolute maximum production out of each uh work unit um some people call them employees I call them work units um and uh some some people call honestly including myself also Cal wage sleeves and come on folks generally speaking that's what the hell we are now
07:40 um but yeah they've they've just squeezed that lemon till you know can't get any more juice out of it and uh people aren't going to work as hard or as diligently when you work them like a rented mule and work them to death to get maximum production out of them so maybe they're not so diligent or they're turning their head the other way when these other people are stealing these things but the to compound this what the bigger deal going on here is is a super downturn in the economy and I mean this isn't even about on the
08:18 6:00 news where they where everything to these people who were you know the Talking Heads who wear $500 $1,000 suits and have $500 haircuts you you know what the hell I'm talking about here okay they're they're also in a different class themselves so to them it's an abstraction there's nothing heartfelt there's nothing emotional because that element quote unquote is an abstraction to them but the fact is everybody's going broke everybody's losing your jobs everybody you know because when you've
08:53 gotten to the point just average person and you're [ __ ] stealing deodorant okay you know something is seriously wrong and what's seriously wrong is everybody's broke and everybody's broke because there are no jobs you can only have so many service jobs that was replaced by Reagan in the 80s and we've been a service economy ever since and this is what eventually happens now that in turn will shut down all these people are saying if I start and I agree with them is saying if I see all this [ __ ] locked up under lock and key
09:33 to to grab my [ __ ] deodorant or hairspray or whatever I'm not going in there and I'm I totally understand that and I'm with you I'm not going to do it either so it's self again the dysfunction is self-perpetuating and then Target will be in trouble because people don't like that and the problem is the disconnection with the corporation is they don't give a rat's ass what you like and what you don't but let me show you what they do like yes indeed they like this they of course like all the
10:11 previous uh you know ghetto video that I laid out uh before this but they really like these guys too now you might be thinking to yourself I'm completely crazy and delusional and off my off my rocker here because why in the hell would a corporation who wants to make profit and more and more profit why would they grind America into the ground I don't see the angle and that's exactly right you don't see the angle because it's not meant to be obvious but what I'm going to do I'm going to step out on a limb here I'm
10:56 going to make this a two-parter and I will come back on Monday and I will tell you exactly why this is going on and there is something that they want actually very very post haste and I promise you you will not hear this on the 6:00 news this is not something to my knowledge anyway that's been openly stated before and there is an absolute and definite plan taking place here and it is one of those deals that they've had to work around the long the long game the long way around because initially it seems like
11:51 we're destroying so much of everything we're destroying our our downtowns and in in the richest areas Denver California you know Denver Colorado and places jet like you know San Francisco you know the high-end places of this country are now falling prey to this Portland Portland's become you know an open guttered [ __ ] hole there is a pattern here and you'd have to ask why are they the just that incompetent no no I'm going to tell you why on Monday if you would just uh do us both a favor and tune in you know and the usual
12:44 stuff I'd ask subscribe and then hit the Bell or whatever the hell that thing is and all that jazz um yeah if you could do that it would be certainly most appreciated of course um because of all the stuff that I at least should have in the description below but I'm going to tell you the second part of this and you'll be amazed and suddenly two things are going to happen and I'll end it right with this two things are going to happen one it will all make sense it will all make sense and you will say damn I didn't even I hadn't
13:29 even considered that and then as a consequence from what I'm telling you you'll hopefully say wow because I'm going to tell you this and you will be able to figure out a game plan to save your ass to get while they good as proverbially good as they say so anyway please drop a line or something let me know something out there talk to me baby talk to me I go by what you say so all I can say then is that until next Monday or Friday this is earnest wishing you peace and good things