System Identity Think: The Hidden Manipulation Behind Modern Consumerism
Hello, Earnest Mann here! In this episode, I'm breaking down a concept that many feel but struggle to define—System Identity Think. Brandon from Sussex, UK, asks what it is, and trust me, this is something you need to understand if you don’t want to fall victim to it.
What is System Identity Think?
System Identity Think is an insidious form of social conditioning designed to strip away natural human traits like true friendship and love and replace them with narcissistic self-absorption and blind consumerism. It’s about transforming individuals into compulsive, corporate-serving psychopaths, programmed to think, act, and consume in ways that serve the machine rather than humanity.
Identifying the Subhuman Effect of System Identity Think
Ever been at a bar or restaurant and run into someone you know, only to have them ignore you because they’re glued to their phone? That cold, alienating feeling isn’t just rudeness—it’s a symptom of SIT. People consumed by System Identity Think are no longer capable of genuine human connection, turning them into corporate cyborgs, focused only on profit and productivity.
Can These People Be Rehabilitated?
Under certain conditions, yes—but that’s another discussion for another time. The most important takeaway? Never engage deeply with those infected by System Identity Think. Keep your interactions superficial and limited for your own protection.
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With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
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Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 and during the few moments that we have left we want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand Brandon from Sussex UK asks Ernest what is it you call system identity think system identity think is imposed conditioning beginning in childhood to manipulate a child's inherent vulnerability through endless conditioning via consumerism the goal is is to replace any and all good normal pro-social personality traits such as true friendship or love with false and antisocial personality traits such as narcissistic
00:44 self-absorption and consumerism it's basically the process of deliberately destroying the humanity within a normal person and converting them into a psychopath with only compulsive consumer Psychopathic values hello Brandon great to hear from a cousin from across the pond this is an Affliction that if you're not aware of it you definitely need to be there are those Among Us that may appear to be human and by virtue of the fact that they outwardly appear to be human those of us that are human attempt to interact with them as though they are but in the case of those that
01:29 I'm going to be talking about out make no mistake because for all intents and purposes they are not so right off the bat I'm going to give you a solid identifier because what the hell good is it discussing subhumans if I don't explain how to identify them first imagine you're at a restaurant bar one that you're pretty familiar with their food and drink is actually pretty good but being human you also want to socialize with your lunch to have some pleasant chitchat that hopefully has
02:08 greater depth than that of a saucer despite the insanity that the modern world has become you order a drink and some food and you notice a guy at the far end of the bar that you actually recognize now never mind the fact that you had to walk past this 30-some car salesman to get to your seat and he does actually know you you have done this numerous times before but because he is extremely engaged in doing what in real terms although he would never admit that because he lacks intuition truly amounts to absolutely nothing on his phone you once
02:52 again are not even a blip on his radar screen because his geeky antihuman head is planted so completely and firmly up his self-absorbed ass he simply cannot disconnect for 1 thousand of a microsc from his cell phone he will not engage with you or acknowledge your Humanity you could even be Taylor Swift deeply Desiring to suck his [ __ ] right on the spot yet he would still pay no attention because he is too deeply engaged in system identity think have you dear listener ever encountered anything as off-putting as this experiencing a soul crushing inexpressible and
03:46 absolute coldness which is completely at odds with your needs as a feeling human being and what is supposed to be a social situation by the way youngans for you out there who don't get this concept any longer bars and taverns originally were created for social interaction at any rate you're trying to be cheerful and say hello to someone and they look at you and Grimace as though you had just killed their entire [ __ ] family feels completely alienating and abnormal right well if you have experienced what I just described cribed you have experienced sit and I'm pretty
04:35 certain that I don't need to tell you how terrible it feels but what is perhaps the most terrible aspect of attempting to interact with pseudo humans with system identity think is that it appears as though that they are absolutely [ __ ] clueless of just how completely disconnected they are and as a consequence if you try to confront them with this truth you often receive the dumb struck deer in the headlights look because they are not doing what they're doing you know necessarily because they are malicious they have become disassociated corporate cyborgs that are
05:22 no longer capable of recognizing when they are causing deep psychological distress to others simply by being utterly and completely insensitive of or incapable of any kind of deeper or meaningful human connection or interaction they only work to please the machine and their only gospel is making a profit so to finish this up one of the obvious questions I believe is can such subhumans actually be rehabil itated can they be fixed the very short answer is under certain circumstances yes but it's not within the scope or time frame of this episode so listen to
06:13 me carefully on this point please now bear in mind if you take into account what I just told you with the example I just gave about the subhuman guy sitting at the other end of the bar what in this particular case is needed is a strategy so here it is you cannot and should not attempt to interact on a human level with a non-human whether they be a sociopath or a person completely inoculated with system identity think your interaction once you have clearly identified a certain person with each
07:00 either of these conditions should be very limited and as superficial as possible and this is totally for your own protection and self-preservation now look I totally and completely understand that when emotions are involved taking the actions that I just described can be extremely difficult but it's important to remember what is the very most important thing is the greatest good and for the greatest number and whether that means your friends your comrades in the military or your family it's all about what either produces the greatest good or potentially
07:45 what will produce the greatest good I don't mean to sound vague or ambiguous in any way so if you have any questions you just have to ask whatever the case I'd really like to hear your opinion so drop a line in the comment section below or contact me via my email link also in the description below and of course subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you will never ever miss any of my incredible episodes Compliments are always appreciated but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next Monday or Friday this is earnest and I usually always am