Episode 416

Published on:

10th Feb 2025


Is Your Life a Mess? Here’s Why It Might Not Be Your Fault

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Bruce from York, Pennsylvania, reached out with a question: "My life is totally messed up. Is it really all my fault?" And I’m here to tell you—maybe not.

Life’s Challenges: Are They Really Your Fault?

Sometimes, life throws obstacles at you that are entirely beyond your control. I’m not saying to pull the victim card, but there are times when you truly aren’t to blame. History is full of great figures who faced impossible odds but overcame them. The key? Recognizing the forces working against you and learning how to counteract them.

The Noise That’s Destroying Your Life

Think of life like trying to work in a crowded, noisy train station—you simply can't focus. That same kind of chaos exists in everyday life, whether it’s toxic relationships, distracting environments, or even subtle manipulations by society. Many supermarkets and fast-food restaurants use loud music on purpose—to distract you and make you spend more money. The same principle applies to life: Distractions keep you from thinking clearly and making smart decisions.

How to Fix Your "Messed Up" Life

If you want to improve your situation, eliminate the noise—literally and figuratively. Whether it's chaotic environments, dysfunctional friends, or non-stop digital distractions, these things hijack your ability to think and plan. If you stay in a toxic situation, then yes, at that point, your life being a mess is on you. But until you become aware of these external forces, it’s not entirely your fault.

Want to share your thoughts? Drop a comment or send me an email—I’d love to hear from you. And don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you never miss an episode.


With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.

I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.

Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.

Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest


If you like what I do, and would like to throw some small yet seriously appreciated support my way, here's the link - https://ko-fi.com/earnestmann - THANK YOU!

And you can listen to this, or any of my many other episodes, at - https://theearnestmannshow.com/episodes

And last but certainly not least, if you are fed up with your current existence, and want to take your life in a very different but much better direction, take a look at what I have to say here - https://theearnestmannshow.com/designing-and-building-your-nearly-perfect-future

If you have a suggestion for an episode topic, you can also reach out to me via my website's contact page - https://theearnestmannshow.com/aboutcontact I always respond.

© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 Bruce in York Pennsylvania asked Ernest my life is totally up and insane is it really all my fault hello Bruce before I get into this I just want to let you know right off the B but before you start to have any critical thoughts about any advice I'm going to give you just bear in mind I'm a hell of a lot cheaper than a therapist or hell even ball of vodka for that matter and during the few moments that we have left we want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand for the very short then the

00:47 long no there is a very good chance possibly even overwhelming odds that the reason your life is so up is completely outside of your yourself and also completely beyond your control now I'm not telling you to pull out the victimization card and say you didn't cause any of it but there are times when someone is surely not to blame anyone who is familiar with me at all knows that when it comes to the area of Life management I tend to be viewed as a real hard ass and you'll never hear any weak ass victimization from

01:36 me life has always been difficult throughout human history Technologies and social Customs change but life is and probably shall remain difficult it is at least at the time of this writing an Inseparable part of the human condition but my belief not just from my personal observation but studies of the life histories themselves of great historical figures of every occupation and Endeavor who suffered seemingly impossible obstacles before they became great and welln did so because they confronted those obstacles instead of running away

02:27 from them and that in turn creates and builds character and character is something absolutely lacking with many people today yet having said that like many other things in life it is also not entirely that simple character for example you could think of as a muscle and all things being equal and by that I mean good nutrition as well as not being overstressed or overworked given proper rest grows and with enough growth we can become very physically strong but in order for that to happen as I just mentioned certain

03:13 prerequisites must be made and if you don't have all of them you won't see any gains as a matter of fact your body will slowly break down and eventually you will die that is an refutable fact now that analogy that I just used for the body absolutely also applies to the mind and I want you to pay particular attention to this because what I'm about to tell you will all things being equal dramatically improve your life you see most humans are naturally curious but they're also very sensitive to external

04:00 stimuli and we had to be because throughout our history if we weren't sensitive and actually paying attention our ass would have been dead which means there's a very good possibility you or I wouldn't be here today and that would be a really bad thing unfortunately those very same sensitivities of perception are held bu by many undesirable subhumans as well which is also a very bad thing because their existence cast a very dark yet realistic suspicion on the notion of a fair and just Universe governed by a

04:49 fair and just God rather than what the evidence clearly suggest is a universe being governed by a very shitty fast food employee clearly with mental health issues where was I oh yes how to recognize your upness so this is where we come to the all important long of the short of it imagine you're sitting in a very noisy and heavily crowded train station you decide to get some work done until your train arrives you are arriv so you pull out your laptop and get to work problem is you simply can't seem to get any work done and any ideas that do

05:40 come into your head are quickly pushed out and no matter how hard you try even though you have a particular scene already planned out you simply cannot write a coherent and cohesive narrative then you may become angry and RT to your reliable Plan B response by simply saying to yourself that your life is just so up that is until you and I meet at the station we strike up a very brief conversation and you tell me your problem and I give you a solution temporarily until the train comes get the hell out of the station more often than not it's a as

06:30 simple as that people are in environments that completely destroy their ability to plan to strategize to actually think and to drive this message home even further here is one more short brief analogy imagine you're out grocery shopping you forgot to bring your grocery list but you still figured you're fine you can remember everything you had jotted down on the list and the one thing you do notice however is that the grocery store background music it it seems a bit loud that is something which is actually quite often the case in

07:16 supermarkets and especially in fast food restaurants and it's not by accident but again you believe you can filter the loud music out just fine and continue on on with your shopping it isn't until you get home that you realize you actually forgot almost half of the items you had on the list in both of these scenarios the person's life will be affected in a up manner because they fail to recognize lifethreatening Elements which are there often quite purposely to interfere and distract from your thoughts or plans so it

08:03 doesn't matter if the cause of your fragmented thoughts uh which often in turn produces a up life because of bad decision making is a noisy environment for friends or family that often times produces constant noisy backgrounds of dysfunctionality the effect is the same it negatively affects you by causing you to be unable to think clearly and make rational decisions in your life which means in turn for reasons which at the same time you may not be truly aware you have a up life so simply put stay away from as much noise

08:59 in life as as possible and that especially means people noise so there you have it this is the how and why your life is often so up ergo it is quite often not your fault the only way you can be blamed however is if you choose to stay in that thought destroying environment whatever the case I'd actually like to know your opinion so drop me a line in the comment section below or contact me via the email link also in the description below and of course subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you will never ever

09:47 miss any of my incredible episodes Compliments are always appreciated but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next Monday or Friday this is earnest and I usually always am

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb