Episode 417

Published on:

14th Feb 2025


The Hidden Truth Behind Rising Egg Prices – What They Don’t Want You to Know

Hey folks, Earnest Mann here! Today, we're tackling a question from Scott in Bellevue, Washington: Why have egg prices skyrocketed? If you believe the corporate egg industry and their mainstream media mouthpieces, they’ll tell you it’s about bird flu, grain prices, and supply chain issues. But guess what? That’s PR spin, plain and simple. The real reasons behind the egg shortage have far more to do with politics, resource control, and unchecked corporate greed.

The Real Cause of Egg Price Inflation: Theft and Political Corruption

Let’s get real—eggs aren’t just mysteriously disappearing. The actual cause of the egg supply crisis is theft on a massive scale, and no one in power is doing anything about it. If you lived in rural America like I have, you’d know that farmers protect their food supply at all costs. If something—or someone—tries to steal from their henhouse, there are immediate consequences. But in today’s America, millions of unpunished invaders are draining resources without fear of retribution, causing prices to skyrocket.

Who Really Benefits From High Egg Prices? (Hint: Not You)

The truth is, corporations and big business profit massively from cheap labor and manipulated markets. They don’t suffer the consequences of high food prices—only working-class Americans do. Ever notice how politicians and the wealthy never worry about affording food? That’s because they don’t have to. Plutocrats don’t live by the same rules as the rest of us. While they make money off rising inflation, everyday people are left struggling to put food on the table.

Why This Will Keep Happening Unless We Demand Change

The corporate media won’t tell you the truth, because they’re controlled by the same people profiting off your struggles. Unless people wake up and start holding these thieves accountable, food prices will keep rising, and the average person will suffer while the rich get richer. The answer? Real consequences. Real accountability. Real action.

If you see where I’m coming from—or even if you don’t—let me know your thoughts. Leave a comment, email me, and don’t forget to subscribe. Until next time, this is Earnest—and I always am.


With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.

I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.

Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.

Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest


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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 hi folks thank you for being here Scott from  Belleview Washington asks Ernest why has the   price of eggs gone crazy well Scott it's several  reasons Aven bird flu shortage carryover from the   last pandemic grain price fluctuations Etc that is  if you were to believe what corporate egg business   owners and their lap dog PR Department the news  media is telling you except those reasons are not   the primary cause and what they're saying is  strictly PR work which translated into actual   honest terms means what they're saying are [ __ ]  lies that would be like an alcoholic telling you  

00:51 that they simply don't understand why they can't  seem to stop drinking omitting the fact that they   still sit in a [ __ ] are 16 hours a day and  during the few moments that we have left we   want to talk right down to earth in a language  that everybody here can easily understand please   allow me to diverge from the subject very briefly  February a year ago as well as even several months   before that remember all the hoop loss surrounding  Donald Trump remember remember all that endless  

01:31 time spent on the news concerning his prosecution  trial well I remember and I told all of you at   that time that all of it was ultimately going  to be meaningless yep millions and millions of   dollars spent on what accounted to a reverse  kangaroo court that at millions of taxpayer   dollars of course would end up with nothing  no conviction no prison time nothing because I   clearly understood there was no way in hell that  a group of lap dog plutocrats was going to put   one of their own in prison it was very obvious  to me that Trump wouldn't spend a micr second  

02:22 in prison and in addition as crazy as you may  have thought I sounded at the time I also stated   it was very possible if not likely that he would  become president again I turned out to be correct   on both counts so concerning this egg shortage  issue will you dear viewer please [ __ ] listen   to me now the real causes about this supposed  egg shortage issue is something that America   almost always demonstrates a found incapacity  in to engage in actual truth now I want to   make it clear I'm not saying that the egg shortage  causality narrative being relentlessly pushed does  

03:16 not have some elements of Truth what I'm saying is  that proportionally speaking those reasons being   given are very small when compared to the actual  much larger causes which involves resources and   politics since I want to make what will probably  be the social equivalent of a nuclear bomb   perfectly clear I once again need to briefly step  off of the egg shortage crisis [ __ ] propaganda   path but it will be brief if you've ever lived  out in the country which I have several times I'm  

04:00 talking about very small rural communities no more  than 5,000 people Max you get to know an entirely   different mindset on life especially with the  farmers and I don't want to confuse Farmers with   corporate agricultural business people that can  have many hundreds if not thousands of Acres those   are business people and I don't give it a damn  what they want to call themselves because they are   not Farmers not in the truest sense of the word  in my opinion based on my life experience actual  

04:43 Farmers truly are the salt of the earth many of us  have heard the stories of Small Town Country Life   and at the risk of idealizing it much of what is  said is actually true people tend to be friendly   not having their nose in your business well at  least most of them and you can leave your doors   unlocked without fear of your home or land if you  will being invaded because that is the unspoken   law people are raised with that understanding  and they adhere to it because they understand the   concept that good fences make good neighbors the  main difference with those folks though is that  

05:37 the fences don't have to be actually physical it  is a mutual understanding for a small community a   code of conduct that simply works there is another  observation I had about rural communities that I   also found to be absolutely true in general these  people people will help you in any way they can   sometimes depending on the situation to the point  of giving you literally the shirt off their back   and I am not exaggerating but what I can also tell  you is that by the same token if you cross them  

06:20 especially if they have gone out of their way to  help you and this doesn't matter if you're friends   or family their retribution will will be Swift and  by what other people might call brutal and that   certainly applies to stealing from them and yes  that also definitely includes stealing their food   so if for example there is a Ruckus in the hen  house if their eggs are being stolen a farmer will   go out to shoot and it doesn't matter if what is  stealing their eggs is of the four or two-legged  

07:00 variety this is simply the law of life if you're  in one way or another actively or passively the   active meaning literally putting a gun to my head  or the passive meaning putting a government Force   AKA cooperation gun to my head the effect is  the same tyranny pure and simple this is one of   the main reasons why so many rural citizens are  so adamant about the government staying out of   their lives and off their guns and in this case I  can certainly identify with that point of view so   before I go on ask yourself this question please  actually pause and try to deeply ask yourself this  

07:58 question if a thief came to steal your food and  this is all the food you have for your family   your children you can't just zip over to some  supermarket and buy some more because there is no   supermarket and or you don't have any money to do  so what would you do what would you [ __ ] do now   I don't know about you but as for me I would shoot  any Thief without hesitation so here it is prepare   yourself because here is the actual truth the vast  percentage of our eggs are actually being stolen  

08:46 being stolen by millions upon millions of Invaders  but they suffer no consequence so because there is   no Consequence the thief doesn't stop stealing and  the thief never will because there is no painful   consequence and that's the true cause and reason  this [ __ ] doesn't end but throw a good tar and   Feathering on their ass and their attitudes and  actions would turn around really quick works   really well on rapist 2 Instant Rehabilitation  and no expensive taxpayer funded courts or three  

09:33 Hots in a cot jail time required of course you  will never hear this actual truth on the 6:00   news because the corporations that own the 6:00  news actually love those Invaders because of the   incredible profit margins they make from their  cheap labor but as far as the average American   is concerned [ __ ] them because despite all  governmental and big business claims of sympathy   does anyone out there remember President George  Bush Jr's idiotic quip I know how hard it is   for you to put food on your family about the egg  shortage crisis the wealthy don't give a damn if  

10:25 eggs go up to $80 a [ __ ] dozen because they will  still be able to afford them to feed their family   and children the wealthy suffer no consequences no  retribution because this is what happens when you   live in a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy  so what do you think can you see where I'm coming   from on this or do you have a different opinion  in either case I'd really like to hear from you   so leave a comment or reach out to me via my email  link in the description below please do subscribe  

11:10 and hit that notification Bell because it really  helps the channel grow and you will never ever   miss any of my incredible episodes I appreciate  your listening and the best compliment you can   ever give me is to tell a friend until next Monday  or Friday this is Ernest and I usually always am

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb