Earnest Mann’s Thoughts: The hidden destructive power of forced inclusivity.
Unveiling the Hidden Perils of Inclusivity: A Candid Discussion
Hello, folks, Earnest Mann here, bringing to light a topic shrouded in controversy and often left untouched: the hidden perils of inclusivity. This week has been a roller coaster, with events ranging from wildfires in the Texas Panhandle to the US government teetering on the edge of a shutdown. Yet, amidst these headlines, we dive into a conversation that challenges the mainstream narrative.
The Essence of Human Tribes and the Quest for Identity
My perspective stems from a lifetime of experiences and observations, particularly from the days of my youth in New York City's distinct neighborhoods. The crux of my argument is simple: while inclusivity is celebrated as a virtue, it has, in many instances, led to a loss of identity and a sense of belonging. History teaches us that humans naturally gravitate towards forming tribes with unique cultures and languages. This intrinsic need for a defined identity is as crucial to our societal health as REM sleep is to our physical well-being.
The Consequences of a Fragmented Society
Drawing parallels between the psychological effects of REM sleep deprivation and the societal impact of enforced inclusivity, I argue that a lack of true identity can lead to societal unrest. The vivid memories of my childhood in a city marked by distinct ethnic neighborhoods contrast sharply with today's narrative pushing for a melting pot ideal. This push, I argue, has contributed to a sense of aimlessness and division among Americans.
The Strategy of Divide and Conquer
In a bold critique, I assert that the government's heavy-handed promotion of inclusivity over the past three decades is a calculated strategy of divide and conquer. By fragmenting society, the powers that be aim to create a dependent and manageable populace. This strategy, masked under the guise of unity and togetherness, is, in reality, a manipulation aimed at maintaining control.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:02 [Music] hello folks happy Friday we made it through another interesting week the Texas Panhandle is burning to the ground color colado congresswoman Lauren boart's 18-year-old son Tyler bowart is doing a very good convincing job of proving to his mother that he's an idiot and the entire US government is on the cusp of shutting down due to a lack of money yep a pretty interesting week I'd say but in today's episode we're going to be talking about what no one else will namely the hidden Perils of
01:07 inclusivity now I fully realized that to many younger listeners out there what I just stated was the equivalent of a Jihad against your rainbows and unicorn sensibilities but if you have the courage to hear me out for 10 minutes hopefully you'll have a much better understanding of what's really going on and understand that I'm not just some crickety old bastard that's completely out of touch with current realities actually quite the opposite I can say what I say because my level of experience and the generation I come
01:49 from when we decide to get off our lazy ass are actually capable of telling it like it is saying not what you want to hear but what you need to hear what is absolutely known from human history is that people have always formed tribes or Clans with their own identities languages and yes cultures this and if and when people are left alone to determine their own free association is what humans do as a matter of fact it's what they need to do because when people become so internally fragmented due to a lack of true
02:36 identity they basically start going nuts they start doing crazy things in society because apparently it's much the same as the necessity to have cycles of Rim sleep you see people need typically about five or six cycles of REM sleep per night for for normal sleeping and for normal daytime functionality or people go crazy I'm not kidding many sleep studies have been done where the subjects were allowed to sleep except every time they began REM which stands for rapid eye movement sleep the subjects would be awakened so
03:24 technically they may have slept for seven or eight hours but they were deprived of the REM sleep cycles and they all developed pathological psychological impairment big time when I was a kid I grew up in New York City but the city I grew up in and as it is today is entirely different and I mean that in the worst possible way if you're in your 20s or even 40s most of you simply would have have no idea of what I'm talking about because what I'm talking about is a feeling and possibly a feeling that you've never experienced what I'm going
04:12 to be telling you as I see it it's like trying to explain an orgasm to a seven-year-old but I'll try now bear in mind what I'm about to tell you I was living through the last days of Because by the time time of the late 880s that world was pretty much gone and the world I'm talking about was actual separate ethnically independent neighborhoods you see despite the message that you've all had pounded into your head from every angle since you were a child to enforce and reinforce positive Notions of
04:57 inclusivity and talking about how wonderful a nation we are due to the true Melting Pot experience of America that in the simplest and honest terms is complete the more accurate way to describe this is that America's greatness was achieved in spite of all that I know this because I was there if I say this another way the endless Pro melting po America narrative is one of the clearest cases of the tail wagging the dog you'll ever see I grew up in Brooklyn in one of the roughest parts and we had neighborhoods
05:45 there were black neighborhoods white neighborhoods Asian neighborhoods and of course within those neighborhoods there were subdivisions for example with the white people there was the Scott Irish they had their area as did the Jews the Italians the Germans and so on now am I going to tell you that this Arrangement was perfect no hell of course not anyone regardless of race can be an or mentally defective sometimes happen but generally speaking compared to today's Insanity people got along much better basically because and I know this may
06:35 sound really bizarre we respected each other's Turf because that's what gives you a sense of identity your space and the fact is without that you may as well be a ship at Sea regardless of how Splendid a ship you may be but you have no Rudder you you cannot plot a course you are completely at the mercy of the Winds which is basically one of the many reasons Americans in particular feel so purposeless because they've been drinking the Kool-Aid of the false inclusion is wonderful narrative their entire
07:22 lives there is a hell of a lot to this and if you think that I'm grossly oversimplifying this subject for the sake of concision you are absolutely correct I am guilty as charged but what I fully stand behind bearing all that in mind it doesn't change the fact that ultimately what I am saying is entirely true so you're probably wondering if what I'm saying here is true then obviously the government has a pretty big stake in this because they've been pushing this inclusivity narrative down our throats hard and heavy for the last
08:08 30 years what's their angle why the hell are they doing this the answer is that it is a strategy a very old strategy that seems to work very well it's called divide and conquer the powers that be know all too well that a fragmented Society is a weak and dependent Society they've been making this statement even politically for many years that about how many times have you heard this the politicians getting up to the podium talking about how never before has America been so divided but somehow like magic through their
08:58 leadership they will help bring us all together again we will all be hugging a real Kumbaya moment it's total misdirection and deception the deception that has been pulled off over the mass of Americans for the last 30 years has got to go down in history as one of the greatest marketing schemes ever produced and make no mistake American politics which takes its marching orders from marketing manipulation Masters is absolutely unparalleled in the world at getting its citizens to fall into complete compliance to subjugate
09:50 themselves to Absolute and total unreality AKA this this mystery behind the political and social division in America is quite deliberate it is doing exactly what it is designed to do and what makes it so brilliant is the politicians that are owned by the corporations get to do what they do best talk out of both sides of their mouth at practically the same time and now for a brief message about two B if you're a new YouTuber or you've been doing this for a while but haven't heard of them two Buy has just about
10:39 everything you need to help your channel grow and the two great things about it is first it's extremely simple and intuitive to use and second they're offering a really special sweet deal for using my Affiliated Tu buddy Link in the description below I think it's a really sweet deal on an excellent YouTube growth service and if you're not totally happy with two buddy you can kick my ass well not literally it's a figure of speech but I Ed to Buddy and I think it's great and you have nothing to lose
11:20 so give it a try you'll be glad you did now back to the show in the shortest and simplest terms folks inclusivity is just one of several tools in the Arsenal of the real owners of this country used to keep their Vice like grip on society through the politicians a brilliant Two-Face position to be endorsing and imposing inclusion in every aspect of popular culture and the public education system then openly complain and whine about how divided America has become the true goal of this great deception is for them to end up with
12:14 exactly what it is they really want a society in want need and a certain amount of chaos and Desperation but as for the people themselves the ones being deceived they can never clearly identify what's going on or to put this yet another way they never really figure out how they're being but even more importantly who exactly is them because if the mass of people actually ever figured that out the people would do what they've always done to tyrants in the past get their clubs and their pitchforks until next Monday or Friday
13:06 this is Ernest wishing you peace and good things in the shortest and simplest terms folks inclusivity is just one of several tools in the Arsenal of the real owners of this country used to keep their vice likee grip on society through the politicians a brilliant Two-Face position to be endorsing and imposing inclusion in every aspect of popular culture and the public educational system then openly complain and whine about how divided America has become the true goal of this great dis ception is for them to end up with
14:02 exactly what it is they really want a society in want need and a certain amount of chaos and Desperation but as for the people themselves the ones being deceived they can never clearly identify what's going on or to put this yet another way they never really figure out how they're being but even more importantly who exactly is them because if the mass of people actually ever figured that out the people would do what they've always done to tyrants in the past get their clubs and their pitchforks until next Monday or Friday
14:54 this is Ernest wishing you peace and good things