Episode 360

Published on:

29th Jul 2024

NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore: Why we could possibly lose both of them.

The Critical Truth Behind NASA's Astronaut Risks and Corporate Profits

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, we're addressing the dire situation of Sunni Williams and Butch Wilmore, two astronauts currently trapped on the International Space Station. I feel compelled to speak out because my common sense tells me they are in serious trouble. If they could have returned, they would have by now.

The High-Stakes Reality of High-Risk Occupations

I draw comparisons between astronauts and other high-risk professions like policemen, firefighters, and EMT workers. While these professions accept the inherent risks, the dangers faced by astronauts are exponentially higher. Their deaths, if they occur, are not just about human error but often tied to massive corporate profits.

NASA and Corporate Priorities: At What Cost?

I delve into the Challenger disaster of 1986, highlighting the unnecessary risks taken due to faulty O-rings and extreme environmental conditions. Such incidents underscore the critical point that many deaths in space exploration are for profit-driven motives rather than genuine societal needs.

The True Cost of Space Exploration

Exploring recent PR campaigns by NASA and other major companies, I argue that taxpayers are funding exorbitant salaries for projects with questionable returns. The excitement portrayed by scientists in these campaigns often masks the reality that many of these endeavors are financially and morally unjustifiable.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show




right now it seems like an overwhelming possibility that we could lose Sunni Williams


and Butch Wilmore who are currently trapped on the International Space Station and if you're


wondering how it is I know that they are trapped that's because I'm one of a Dying Breed that still


has testicles has not been feminized hates soft language and has something called common sense


and my Common Sense tells me those astronauts are [ __ ] because if they could would have returned


they would have long ago hey folks it's Ernest it's Monday time for us wage sleeves to go make

The Situation with Sunni Williams and Butch Wilmore


our corporate owners even richer the situation with the two trapped NASA astronauts is very


[ __ ] on multiple levels which of course includes the very real possibility that they're both going


to die no one in the right mind wants those astronauts to die but as far as I'm concerned


what a lot of people may never consider is that reasons matter as well as the commitment to the


job itself and that's what I want to speak about here because if you are employed in a highrisk


occupation policeman firemen an EMT workers they come readily to mind listen to what I'm about to


say because it could change your life for the better now as I already stated I don't want to


see any of the people I just mentioned die during the course of their duties but having said that


and please listen carefully to this due to the nature of their careers which they freely chose


Unexpected death is part of their job they fully understand that when they signed up and of course


that includes astronauts please allow me just a few moments as a pause for the cause I know it's


a real struggle bringing home the bacon times are tough you don't have to tell me twice so if you


enjoy what I do here on the earnest man show would you please consider a donation I could really use


some dough to keep things going on around here and by clicking on my co-i donation Link in the

High-Risk Occupations and Acceptance of Danger


description below even just a cup of coffee would be very earnestly appreciated thank you now back


to the episode the one major difference that separates astronauts from all the previously


mentioned occupations is that if you factor in all of the potentials that can possibly go wrong


I would wager that astronauts far and wide have a much greater chance of dying as a result of their


careers than any of the previous occupations I already mentioned now I know there are those who


may argue this point statistically but as far as I'm concerned being an astronaut is analogist to


being an aircraft pilot yes overall statistically speaking air traffic has a very good safety record


but when something goes wrong it can go seriously wrong and typically everybody on that flight dies


and that includes the pilots the one huge difference in all of these occupations including


aircraft Pilots is that all of the people engaged in these previously you know mentioned


occupations who may or might die regardless if it was human error or some combination of mechanical


or technological error generally die for a reason an actual real socially necessary reason


the same cannot be said for astronauts please listen and hear me out there are many instances


of horrible deaths connected with NASA but for you know concision I'm not going to go into them here


t the Challenger disaster of:




internal investigation determined that the problem was with faulty O-rings and environmental factors


such as unusually and extremely low environmental temperatures those that made the decisions knew


about this yet they decided to go ahead with the launch anyway as I like I said this is one of the


many screw-ups that resulted in multiple deaths with NASA but even if this is not an issue with


NASA regardless of the space agency or company public or private the outcome is the same many

Comparing Astronauts to Other High-Risk Professions


unnecessary deaths but not in the performance of their duties but for the overall goal of


securing massive profits ultimately that is what all of those people died for and you shouldn't


give a damn if the companies or agencies try to rationalize or legitimize what's happened allow me


to explain a bit more go to YouTube and watch some PR promos for NASA Boeing or whatever huge company


or organization it is and pay close attention to the emotional expression of a NASA scientist or


researcher we're talking huge megabuck people here you know not the [ __ ] janitor so they


have a tendency to be very enthusiastic and happy as it's in their interest to be so not the content


of what they're saying you should begin to notice that many of them sound like they're trying to


explain or potentially plate a child you being the child about how incredibly excited they are


about this or about that but what they virtually never talk about is whatever the hell Pie in the


Sky experimentation or research they're very eager to do and how much it is going to cost and who the


hell is paying for it well without a doubt I can answer that for you especially if it's NASA you


pay for it you [ __ ] pay for it with your taxes or buy additional money borrowed by the government


through the FED to pay for it and all those people that work for NASA all those scientists


and researchers that you often see laughing and are almost giddy with what they're doing they're


all they all make tremendous salaries many of them absolutely [ __ ] criminal salaries and here's


their big secret ready for this okay the absolute vast majority of it of all that [ __ ] money is


for absolutely [ __ ] nothing we're paying for what amounts to absolutely [ __ ] nothing allow

NASA and Corporate Priorities: The Challenger Disaster


me to explain further just recently there was media coverage about NASA doing studies for


its planned trip to Mars a group group of people were shuffled out to the media once again their


interaction is like gy excited happy children that apparently is how it is intended to reach the


American people yay I'm in a research study about going to Mars yay guess how much that research


study cost don't bother you're not supposed to the important thing is is that yay we're going to go


to Mars yay allow me to summarize this idiotic theft situation this could not only Curb Your


Enthusiasm but maybe even save us a hell lot of taxpayer money if you're someone who is idiotic


enough to be seriously interested in going to Mars if you're young and physically fit and


have a year of your life you can commit to to what I'm going to tell you here is what you need to do


go and live in one of the currently established research facilities in the Arctic Circle for one


year have absolutely no contact with the outside world and eat exactly the prescribed food that


you would be given by the researchers as if you were living in some kind of survival pod on Mars


now while you're doing that bear in mind that the Martian climate is approximately 200 times


more severe hot and cold than the Arctic Circle So Physical death on Mars is extremely likely and in


addition to that even if somehow the life support systems manage to hold up and you don't actually


physically die it is an absolute certainty that you will at absolutely totally lose your [ __ ]


mind when it fully Dawns on you that a completely [ __ ] stupid idea it was for you to do this in


the first place and you will never see Earth again let alone any of your friends or family let that


sink in for a [ __ ] moment matter of fact let that be a really long moment and very short it's


like like NASA or whatever corporate entities are doing this are talking to mildly [ __ ]

The True Cost of Space Exploration


12-year-olds with no knowledge or concept of what the hell they're dealing with in this case space


and space is an extremely hostile and unforgiving environment look I've gone way over the time I


wanted to devote to this episode and if you want more I will give it to you but you know ultimately


what I'm trying to say and I know the companies involved whether it be NASA or whoever the hell


it is PR department would vinly disagree stating that I am an alarmist or being overly negative


or that I am a horribly uncaring and you know painting them the wrong way but you [ __ ] them


I'll finish by simply telling you this all this re SE Arch be it public or private is first and


absolutely foremost just like about everything else in America these days it's about Mega


profits and huge salaries and the evidence seems to indicate that when it really comes down to it


that's all that matters I really sure as hell hope those trapped astronauts get back to Earth alive


you know and in good condition but if they do they should get down on the ground and kiss it and have


the intelligence to absolutely never do such a thing again at least I can say in their situation


that's what I would do and you can bet your average 160° below zero Martian s on that so dear


lisst did you find what I had to say interesting or do you have an entirely different take on this


drop me a line and please click subscribe that way you'll automatically receive new


episodes and it really helps the channel grow I don't mean to pressure you but if you give a


damn about helping other people being informed like I do subscribing only takes a few seconds


and would be greatly appreciated until next Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb