Episode 302

Published on:

12th Jan 2024

Prof. Sam Vaknin vs. Jordan Peterson: A follow-up about the cult of Jordan Peterson

Exploring the Impact of Jordan Peterson: Insights from Earnest Mann

Hello, folks! Earnest Mann here. In today's episode, we're revisiting the topic of Jordan Peterson, which, thanks to your incredible engagement, garnered nearly 900 views last week. I'm thrilled to delve deeper into this subject, armed with fresh insights you won't want to miss. So, sit back, relax, and join me for a thought-provoking journey.

A Tribute to Inquisitive Minds: Crystal Ball's Pivotal Question

A heartfelt thank you to Crystal Ball from New York City, whose question sparked this deeper exploration. In today's talk, we also touch upon Sam Vaknin, a renowned figure in psychology and psychoanalytical analysis, known for his expertise in malignant narcissism and mental health.

Diving into the Core of Listener Responses and Personal Philosophies

I'm taking this opportunity to share some critical reflections on your responses to the Jordan Peterson episode. I'll discuss my guiding principles as a content creator, emphasizing my commitment to maintaining objectivity and refusing to sell out. This is a journey into the world of independent thought, avoiding popular bandwagon effects, and valuing your intelligence and courage to confront uncomfortable truths.

You can go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] hello folks and thank you for tuning in last week I did an episode about Jordan Peterson and I can't thank you enough for the overwhelming response almost 900 views so in this episode I want to dwell a little deeper into that subject with some new information you'll definitely want to hear so sit back relax for a few minutes and enjoy before I go any further I want to again send a very sincere thank you to the person who sent me the question in the first place crystal ball of New York City because without your fantastic

00:55 question Crystal I wouldn't be examining what I'm going to be talking about in in this episode now you'll notice in this episode my picture of Zam vacan who is a professor ameritus in Psychology and is well known throughout the world of psychoanalytical analysis his primary focus seems to be on malignant narcissism but he speaks on other areas of mental illness and mental dysfunction as well if you've never heard of him he has tons of material on his YouTube channel and I very much enjoy videos he has a very

01:41 relaxed and often funny demeanor hell sometimes when he's discussing a mental pathology he's even having a glass of wine damn no shrink I ever heard of did that or better yet offer a client one and with the fees they they usually charge they sure as hell could afford to do so but seriously you know besides him often being humorous his analysis of mental disorders is very informative and fascinating I simply can't recommend him enough but this episode is not about singing the Praises of Professor vagan

02:28 nor to further criticize Jordan Peterson I'm actually going to talk about you and your overwhelming response from the Jordan Peterson episode I wanted to add a little food for thought about some things you may not be aware of now I'm a relatively new content creator so if you don't know this already here are a couple of things about me that I think you should know when I started started doing my podcast in YouTube I had two primary rules that I wanted to strictly adhere to First that I don't accept outside

03:10 product or service endorsements because my feeling on this is simple one once you start going down that slippery slope you automatically sacrifice a certain amount of your objectivity commonly referred to as selling out and I don't want my objectivity to be compromised in being able to speak the truth as I see it in any way so I hope you can respect that secondly I want my listeners to know that I'm not here to win a popularity contest by automatically endorsing whatever happens to be the current popular thing because not only

03:57 is it insulting to your intelligence but it's insulting to my own and just like you I don't like to have my intelligence insulted especially by talking about irrelevant or stupid which doesn't really help anyone as far as money is concerned I'm certainly not rich I'm what you'd call semi-retired and doing the best I can to survive yes I ask for donations but I don't have a patreon account as many BigTime young YouTubers do I'm more like the guy on the corner carrying a sign you know saying something like will

04:42 podcast insight for food in the fridge no big corporate contracts or book signings for me well at least not yet anyway what I have definitely learned Beyond any shadow of a doubt especially as a consequence of the Jordan Peterson episode is that the listeners I have are definitely intelligent and based on the emails I have received you definitely don't seem to worry about fitting in with the rest of the crowd or needing to jump on popular bandwagons and you're willing to listen despite how uncomfortable the subject

05:26 matter may be so so I just wanted to let you know how much I deeply appreciate that you know it's really great when I hear from people who are not afraid to voice their opinion or ask questions it's reassuring to me to know that there are truly independent thinking people out there who still have the balls to explore a different perspective so when I put the Jordan Peterson episode up there I thought it might be a bit controversial but I wasn't prepared for how much many of the questions and comments

06:13 I received didn't appear on YouTube but were sent directly to me via my email I mean which is perfectly fine most of them were civil uh some were definitely supportive and some of them well they were downright hostile now I've never been want to play my own fiddle so to speak but I thought I would share with you just one email I received from let's just say someone who wasn't exactly a fan of what I had to say about Mr Peterson quote obviously you don't understand the greatness and intelligence of Jordan Peterson Ernest

07:00 whose books are read by millions and loved by millions and who deeply appreciate the depth of his ideas are you too stupid and opinionated to understand that to which I responded Adolf Hitler's book M Com or my struggle was also read by millions and loved by millions who apparently also deeply appreciated the depth of Hitler's ideas now what were you saying about me being stupid the overall point of what I was trying to illustrate concerning Jordan Peterson is the effect of mass Cult of Personality unfortunately because so many of you are

07:47 so perceptive you got it you got what I was trying to say and that made me feel really great knowing that there are so many perceptive of people out there I just wanted to thank you it's why I keep doing what I'm doing so what all this boils down to is this if you like Jordan Peterson hell if you think he's the best thing since baked bread or even the second coming of Christ for that matter fine I don't give a rat's ass as they say that's your prerogative but what I do know from history is when a mass of people has a

08:34 negative or even violently critical reaction towards others because their icon a person who has achieved Celebrity Status is being scrutinized for his ideas this is a very dangerous and scary proposition because I learned about another man who also wrote a multi-million copy best-selling book was very wealthy had cult celebrity status and whose ideas were not to be questioned least they be ridiculed hated or even worse I've never read the book though because it's written in German and besides the ideas it contains even

09:20 though they couldn't be openly scrutinized at the time have been proven to be idiotic insane and disastrous for Humanity until next time this is Ernest wishing your health wealth and good luck

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb