Episode 223

Published on:

14th Jun 2023

Podcast# 223 Oregon Matters: Comrade Governor Tina Kotex has a Plan, More of our Money Gone!

In this episode, I want to address some issues in Oregon and its governance under Governor Tina Kotex. While I love the state and its people, it's important to acknowledge imperfections and strive for change. One aspect that particularly stands out is the State Capitol Building, which I consider to be the ugliest in the United States. The building's architecture resembles a Soviet gulag with its imposing structure and square windows. Adding to its oddity is a statue called the Pioneer Man, which many find garish and out of place.

What's even more peculiar is that the policies originating from the State Capitol in Salem primarily affect Portland, the state's largest city, and other areas. Governor Kotex continues the same disastrous policies as her predecessor, Governor Kate Brown, without missing a beat. These policies have been dragging Portland down, and rather than addressing the city's problems, they only worsen them.

One recent example is Governor Kotex's request for a 50-cent surcharge on alcohol to fund mental health and addiction services. However, she withdrew the request later on, which reveals a pattern of taxation targeting those who can least afford it. The ongoing walkout by Republican lawmakers further exacerbates the situation, as they refuse to fulfill their duties and pass laws. While I understand their objections to certain bills, they still have a responsibility to do their job.

Governor Kotex should take appropriate action and fire those who fail to fulfill their duties. It's unacceptable for elected officials to shirk their responsibilities and expect a free ride. They should be held accountable, regardless of their party affiliation. By enforcing penalties and preventing them from holding any government positions, we can ensure that public servants prioritize their obligations.

Furthermore, the issue with the surcharge on alcohol highlights the endless cycle of taxing the people under the guise of helping them. The arguments supporting the tax are flawed, as raising the price of alcohol is not the solution to addiction problems. It's essential to read between the lines and see the real motives behind such proposals.

In conclusion, the current governance in Oregon, particularly under Governor Kotex, is characterized by failed policies, partisan conflicts, and a disregard for the people's welfare. It's crucial for elected officials to fulfill their responsibilities and prioritize the interests of all Oregonians. Otherwise, the state will continue down a path of inefficiency and misguided decision-making.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



hello folks thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 223. Oregon matters Governor comrade Tina Kotex has a plan more of our money gone you know you might be wondering and I would certainly understand that myself I would be wondering that you know if I'm going to be at all critical of my own state um why on Earth would I do that and simply put I basically love this state it's a very beautiful state and it's got some very very good people


in this state however nothing's perfect and I wanted to point out what is certainly not perfect and this is because I want it to change you can't have a situation where you're walking around blind to the realities of what should stay and what should go and I'm going to go into that a bit deeper here um with our the policies of our new governor but a little bit I want to give you a little bit of information for those of you who are listening to this and may not be from the state oh you might not even be from this


country but I'm going to try to fill you in on a few things um so that way you will know now I realize I may um piss off a lot of locals but I you know that's I say what I say um so with that let's get started with what I consider to be one of the ugliest if not the ugliest State Capitol Buildings in existence in the United States [Music] I have been all over the United States and I have been to quite a few of the state's capitals I can't say that I have been to every single one


but I've certainly been to most of them and there are some that I think are very beautiful and some not so beautiful but this one this one stands out and takes the cake as far as I'm concerned as the ugliest um how to describe it it is a very formidable looking building it is squared it is Stone it is block block Square Windows it's just a huge rectangle with Square Windows in it um now let's see add to that take a paint bucket


th around:


I tell you if you want another visual on it think of this way back in the 80s when there was still when the Soviet Union uh existed and it had the various satellite States all around it of these make-believe countries with these make-believe names ending in a you know Ding-A-Ling a stand and so forth and it just they were the satellites Soviet satellite States and in the Soviet saddle satellite States that this was the what you would consider their their capitals of these and every one of them it that's what it looks like




thing the entire thing should be raised to the ground but that's me at any rate um yeah [ __ ] they might instead of having the gold Pioneer man what they what they might as well have done what would be I think more fitting they should have just put a statue of linen because what ties into being so strange about this is that all of these all of the Draconian you know Lefty socialist policies everything coming out that's affecting the major city of Portland um is coming from here in Salem but they're very careful that most of


this that's going on to appease Portland that was put on to Portland or whatever Arrangement that they made it was made very clear at least I would say in particular at least in if you don't count the last 15 or 20 years that those things passed ironically here in Salem were not enacted so much here in Salem there was a whole lot of things in other words the real test bed of all of this lunacy was geared towards the public demand of what the crazy crazies in Portland wanted and they said fine here and that's what that's what happened


and so that absolutely directed those policies were directed and that affected um Portland and it also affected Eugene which is to the South and um third largest City I believe still it's it's been very close perhaps it's perhaps it's past Salem now I'm not really certain on that but even so so yeah that is the strangeness of this in other words everything wrong that's been going on and continues to go wrong because so governor Tina Kotex or comrade Governor as I refer to her um yes she's simply just picked up the


mantle and is uh continuing on uh with the so far with the uh policies of her predecessor which was governor Kate Brown as though in those policies were absolutely um disastrous and she has passed off the mantle and they're picking without losing a beat and picking up doggedly right where they left off and okay so it's not as though that you know Portland hasn't been dragged into the ground enough as it is with these failed of social experiments um that's not they it has to they just want to keep grinding it in


endlessly and so to give you an example of this um it because we've been having having this situation what's going on and it's been going on for quite some time and most people here are sick of it and there's not much that can be done but um yeah we have certain people that have uh refused to do their jobs in this case a whole group of Republicans and they refuse to do their jobs and they still are not back at work and they're not going to um they're not going to pass any laws they're not going to do anything they


refuse to do their jobs and um Governor Kotex comrade Kotex refuses to do the right thing and that would be to fire their asses I talked about this I believe this uh I don't know two three weeks ago I think it was episode 208 it may have been I could be mistaken but I believe it was and I was going I was I was going through all this then um and regardless of you know their party affiliation this is not partisan it would be I would say the same damn thing if it were Democrats doesn't matter but but excuse me correct me if I'm


wrong on it this is your job and um I don't know of too many jobs where you know you just tell the boss you fold your arms and you know tell the boss it says no the hell with you um you know I'm I'm just gonna take a personal vacation um you you'd be out if you're saying this is why I'm dedicated to this cause as part of what they're they're said saying is that we're we're dedicated so if I were Governor which I'm not but something like this could happen I'd say


oh okay all right well I I totally could understand that uh I could even respect that so I'm I'm with you uh you could take all the time off that you want because you are dedicated to your cause that means your ass is fired and not only that you will not qualify for another you know position in government as a congressman Senator represented anything you know I don't know put a time limit on it just off the top say I don't know 40 years something so for most of them that would be foremost Be an Effective lifelong ban


you want to practice your principles because here's my principles the principles being your ass was hired to do this job not to be you know it's kicking around your own partisan uh hissy fit on this you're you know get to work get in there and do your job or your ass is fired see do you see how simple that is and get some people in there that understand this and put some teeth into the laws and this ship wouldn't have been going on because in this report they're saying you know the hundreds of bills and all


these things are you know they're backing up well what in the hell do you expect to happen you know this I'm getting part of this this news report here is from the Salem reporter and it was dated um let's see June 9th and says Governor Tina Kotex withdrawals request for 50 Cent surcharge on alcohol for mental health services so what does this have to do with what I was just talking about well I'm going to explain just go a little bit further here this is Governor uh the the governator here comrade Kotex has dropped our her


request for the Oregon liquor and cannabis commission to add another 50 Cent surcharge to bottles of alcohol to fund mental health and Addiction Services she asked for the surcharge in her February budget but on Wednesday she sent a letter to the commission's board saying the tax was no longer needed and I will skip that because you just heard she's just saying nope we don't need that however what I would like to note you will notice and this is what they do they do this [ __ ] all the time because as soon as they need or want


money the tax the people they're taxing first of all they shouldn't be taxing at all but they want the tax she's very quick to tax the people who can't afford it that's the people who really can't afford it anyway and then on top of that then you here be here come the [ __ ] idiotic arguments so the point is she didn't tax it because she withdrew it but she wanted to and so on the surface if you you know you you read this you look at this thing and say okay well it's to help the mentally so it's it's for a good cause


actually no it's it's all like everything else um you have to read the fine print and for going further down here to explain further the legislature has yet to pass a budget due to the continuing republican-led walkout in the state senate which has brought floor votes to a halt they object to a bill to expand access to gender affirming care and guarantee abortion rights for minors the session has to end by June 25th and a continuing stalemate will leave hundreds of bills on the table the surcharge would have doubled the tax


on bottles of hard liquor raising 90 million blah blah blah blah blah and I'm not going to read all of it and it goes on with more the the idiocy is just never ending um and before I go further with that I recognize certainly by you know Conservative Christian types that they really identify with what I just stated the reason they walked out of but I'm what I'm trying to say is despite that you also know or you should know if you're being intellectually honest that you still have a job to do and you


simply can't just be childlike and fold your arms and say no I'm not going to give your guy good I'm not gonna do anything I'm just gonna walk out and you can't be even be as a conservative you can't look at this honestly you can't say well it was it was completely Justified not if you're being intellectually honest you can't or [ __ ] they have a job to do they have to do their job and that's not doing their job that that is what we call what I call a getting a free ride


something that uh so-called social conservatives are supposed to hate that so much oh they're all getting a free ride free lunch and free this well yeah when you're getting all those benefits a handsome salary tons of benefits and your ass isn't doing your job that is the exact same thing be intellectually honest so anyway uh they says yeah they won the passes 50 cents here that's doubling the current tax on hard liquor and let's see uh it says talking about a group [Music] um yeah I would have gotten 90 million over


two years from behavioral for Behavioral Health Care and Addiction Services that is something else that can be talked about at length again sounds really good but it's not anyway a portland-based group that supports people in recovery which is Oregon recovers the group's executive director Mike Marshall said in the statement that Oregon recovers was disappointed by the decision quote Oregon must charge its I'm sorry Oregon must change its destructive relationship with alcohol and raising the price of distilled


Spirits is the single most effective action the OLCC can take to end Oregon's alcohol addiction crisis okay before I go any further that is just absolute and complete pedigreed horseshit but anyway let's go on um yeah oh I said uh The Liquor Control Act empowers and mandates the OLCC to protect Oregon taxpayers from the economic damage caused by alcohol consumption and protect Oregon consumers from the devastating Health consequences due to the current industry friendly pricing structure OLCC Commissioners must stop


prioritizing their personal financial interest over what is in the best interest of all oregonians well Mr Marshall we wouldn't by any stretch of the imagination just happen to be proselytizing at all would we because the facts that you observe and what is actually taking place on Portland streets that seems to be a bit at odds with reality sir anyway I I've listened to this drivel I don't know how many times and what I am trying to point out here in case if if you know if you've been able to to climb up off the floor from


laughing um it's it's never the stupidity is simply just never ending um you it it's it's worse than Keystone Cops and nothing here can get done and nothing to nothing mandated nothing to change that nothing with any teeth you have a governor who is only concerned with uh basically when I say very leftist ideological agenda that's it be damned anything else and to a certain extent um you could say the same thing for all the Republicans that walked out but at least I mean she didn't walk out


on on her job they have there needs to be and should be a penalty that it needs to be a very significant penalty and that way when their ass is fired and they can't work in any and any related Public Service sphere at all for life Bard can't do it at least not in the state of Oregon and maybe that will send a clear picture to others that uh you can't just pick up your ball or pick up your toys and walk away and leave everything else hanging that needs to be taken care of and that's what's at issue here and then


you'll notice with comrade Kotex that um yeah she wants to at any time just testing the waters there you know with the with the with the uh with the toe as testing the waters just willy-nilly like pulling this [ __ ] out of their ass well you know I was gonna double up on the tax for bowels of you know hard liquor or what but you know hey it's okay I I don't really I was just kidding I I don't um that's what that is that's testing the waters because they anything that they're doing what


this is where you have the classic case of the snake eating its tail that they're saying we want to do this in order to help this but then they turn around and they penalize the very same people that they claim that they want to help that that's a senseless Circle and as far as the details the on the mental health how let's say the funds are you know allocated I don't have the time to go into it in this uh broadcast but it is it is it is beyond stupid it is it is just it is money wasted in so many ways and on so many levels


and so you have Mr you know his fellow I believe it's Mr Marshall is it and he's going to um pound his pound his fist and he's going to talk yes Mike Marshall and he's going to talk about well you know you shouldn't in people's lives are at stake and he he's this person with you know Oregon recovers which sounds really again sounds really good um well a apparently your practices if this is the best you could do if this is the best result my God Portland looks it looks like a hellscape


this is the best that this is it oh wait a minute wait a minute hold on hold on I know it's coming you just don't have enough funding there yep that's all that when coming if you just had they always want a bit more just need a little bit more if we just had laughs yeah anyway um I I don't yeah I I don't know what else to say about this folks um but for you folks who are local I'm sure you'll you'll get it you'll understand and anybody else is listening to this it's it's it's just it's beyond belief


so what I do know this as far as um all of these these people in this those people and I would say pretty much all of them so see I'm not being particular I don't care about these or R's in front of their I don't care about any of that [ __ ] of course that includes you know comrade Kotex as well um but they have they have one thing all in common all them together they have one thing in common they get what they want and really they don't give a [ __ ] biscuit whether you like it or not take care

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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