Episode 222

Published on:

12th Jun 2023

Podcast# 222 To Hell in a Handbasket: Don't Worry America, Queerism Will Take Care of Everything!

Hey there, folks! It's Monday, and we're back with episode number 222 of 'To Hell in a Handbasket.' I want to give a big shoutout to Andrew from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, for supporting the show and raising an important question about the effects of woke queerism in the White House and the government. Let's dive right into it!

I came across something that left me dumbstruck, although not entirely surprised. The sheer lack of openness to a counter-argument baffles me. But let's get to the point. Recently, I read an article from Reuters that discussed Biden's speech against prejudice and attacks on LGBTQ+ Americans. They used some exaggerated terms like "book bands" and "rising hate crimes," but hey, it's comedy gold!

Biden claimed that some prejudiced individuals are targeting LGBTQ+ people and using fear tactics. He went on about Canadian wildfires and expressed support for LGBTQ+ Americans, especially children. He even mentioned the increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage. However, polls can be misleading, as history has shown.

Here's where things get concerning: the relentless push for interdependence and the complete takeover by queerism. They want to control the government and our children's education, but they fail to see their own hypocrisy. They talk about freedom endlessly but deny us the freedom to raise our kids according to our beliefs.

Conservatives should seize this opportunity to expose the hypocrisy and fight for the right to raise our children without forced indoctrination. We deserve the same understanding and accommodation that they demand from us.

This government is not here to help us; it's driven by an ideological agenda. They want to brainwash the population and control every aspect of our lives. But we can't let that happen. It's up to us to stand up for our beliefs and fight against the indoctrination of our children.

So, folks, that's what's been on my mind lately. Feel free to share your thoughts with me, but remember, we can't rely on the government to fix things. It's time for us to take a stand and make a difference. 

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



hello folks and how are we doing this Monday thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 222 to Hell in a hand basket don't worry queerism will take care of everything I wanted to send a big thank you to Andrew in Coeur d'Alene Idaho who not only supports the show thank you very much Andrew but had a question that he wanted posed and or that he posed to me and uh wanted me to talk about this and that is the deleterious effects of having the entire woke queerism thing of taking over the White House and the US


government and I said sure and he said he said you know he that he understood that this was basically like a social bomb that I was attempting to defuse and that it certainly could go up in my face and I said no no that's okay that's what the show's about and so apparently um I have according to him uh Cajon is made of iron so okay well I'll take that as a compliment thank you again Andrew anyway moving on with this yeah I was uh dumbstruck by something I saw I wasn't actually I wasn't totally dumbstruck because I've


you know it is what it is and I've ex I expect this in that respect but what I am dumbstruck about is the utter blindness to a counter argument about this and and I'm going to explain that in a moment so uh what prompted this what started me laughing let's say was this um this report and this isn't I'm not railing against uh Reuters I I think they do it you know a pretty good job they're pretty balanced overall and yeah I I don't have a problem with them but the thing is um if we look at this from a different


angle of uh hilarity if we can't just look at that you you couldn't ask for better material I mean you you couldn't you just couldn't and uh I know that there this is a very uh made to be a very serious subject but I'm just saying um hats off to uh Reuters because they generally do things in um what can easily be described as a very uh hilarious manner uh whether that be intentional or not so yeah we're talking about this story here uh from a few days ago Biden rails against prejudiced quotes


unjustified quotes a text on lgbq plus Americans and this is from uh June 8th and so you and I are on the same page and I will reiterate as I often do that whatever I have if it is for some reason taken down by the powers that be I will have a copy so all you have to do is request that and I should I don't guarantee but I should be able to get that to you so uh now that we know where we are on this um I'm not going to read the article in its entirety um let's see just a little bit of the beginning uh uh Joe Biden worn Thursday


about ugly quotes attacks from quotes hysterical people who are targeting lgbtq Americans as he announced new measures intended to curb book bands and Rising hate crimes well again this is all very special coded speak here of book bands and Rising hate crimes Jesus Christ you'd think it was the you know the Nazi uh night of Crystal or whatnot give me a break here anyhow uh let's see uh quote we have some hysterical people and I would argue prejudiced people end quotes engaged in targeting lgbtq people Biden said quote it's an appeal to fear


and it's an appeal that is totally thoroughly unjustified ugly end quote he said uh it's going on and on here about the Canadian wildfires and so forth uh uh yes it is proud statement here quote the say lgbtq Americans especially children you're loved you're heard and this Administration has your back and quotes Biden said quote I mean it we're not relenting one single second end quote and again it goes on and on and on about percentages of people who are supposedly accepting of same-sex marriage and it says it's uh


it's doubled since late:


m Prohibition in you know the:


weren't foals and this thing of integration and I'm saying of this interdependence and enter this and enter that that is the Relentless thing and now well because essentially you know uh taking over the White House that means in turn it's taken over the government it's taken over the people and here's the thing over taking over whether you like it or not and make no mistake they could try to backpedal on this but if they do it's horseshit and that's one thing I will at least allow myself to say is that you know if


it's horseshit I call it out fearlessly and I know horseshit but I see it and this is both I don't know which I don't know if it's an equal measure but you know divvy it up the way you want now if you want to talk about for instance the relative merits now I know I know this is going to sound shocking but if you want to talk about the relative merits of democracy versus non-democracy and how things can get along uh yep this is the direct consequence of uh let's just say a wee bit too much democracy


this is what tokyovel and the sum of the founding fathers well they love to preach about the founding fathers when it supports of course their jaded point of view but they leave out the rest for instance Jefferson's Federalist Papers a lot of these guys were not so keen on the idea of what was referred to as quote the tyranny of democracy comma you see over so many years public failed public education uh it should be called the public propaganda system we have been trained from infancy to equate freedom with democracy


as though the two are so utterly intertwined as to be synonymous they are not because it is self-evident in the actions that are by that definition that the so-called left I called the woke personally because that's that's not even representative of the left anymore this is just woke this is this is pure socialism it is it is pure socialism and and I mean it's unabashed socialism communism whatever the hell you want to call it and they are yes they they're we're splitting hairs about definitions as far


as that's concerned but what I'm saying is is that you have an ideology of something that endlessly wants to talk about endlessly pounding the idea of freedom freedom freedom give us freedom we want our freedom freedom freedom give me a chance Freedom born and feed them um okay but what is not looked at here not examined at all and you'll notice this is not in this it's not in Reuters at all and just as a quick and aside just for a moment I remember I am not as I keep saying I'll say oh you goddamn Republican you


conservatively fascist or you liberal this I am non-partisan I don't care where a good idea comes from as long as it is sane it is objectively sane and what about what I am saying is that if you happen to be a conservative person and you're listening to me right now I Rejoice with you on the point that I mean this this is being handed to you on a golden platter this is your moment to shine and to make jokes of the hypocrisy of what Biden is saying and doing with a citizen's right with a citizen's right


to have and raise their children as they see fit not the state not the nanny state because this whole thing about this agenda of the lbgqr I hate the acronym whatever it is I just my term for it is queerism let's just call it simple because it I think it umbrella kind of covers you know uh straight I mean between queers and gays half gays men who don't know their men women who don't know their women some people you know people that have six heads I don't know I don't know what you call it but I'm


saying I just would call it because that's what the word if you look at the root queer to be an odd strange so it's queerism let's just make a simple term that umbrella that covers the queerism and with the problem and the hypocrisy that the conservatives should should run five touchdowns with to relentlessly put this across is that you are not allowed to raise your children if you go to a public school a public I'd say public that's laughable and then doctrination Center where they will be preemed from


childhood which is what the fascists the Nazis did in their program from the beginning from their youth and taught them nothing endlessly but pounded into their head Nazi ideology this is no different it is no different none not at all zero it is the same play it is the same game book it is the same thing so if you cannot or will not or rather you you're not allowed to raise your children with your belief systems and not be forced to a dog be indoctrinated having your children indoctinated and inoculated against rationalism and realism


then you or they're turning you know this is again the saying of the tail wagging the dog and that is what I am talking about here is the hypocrisy of queerism and I look on this photo this great big with the chandeliers with Biden at the podium uh say we got I can't identify them all but they're all they're all fruit cakes in one way or the other we have the the giggling cackling idiot VP that has like the brain stanima of a sack of hammers that's right dumber than a second coat of paint folks


we got um buddhichek here the the prince of queers apparently and on his uh would be his left in white I don't know if their if that's supposed to represent some kind of angelic angelness I don't get it but there's uh I believe that's a man but a very effeminate looking man with some uh blonde-haired woman but I don't know if they're from some queer church or what it is but with the white with the matching white suits it's giving off this like um you know Angelic Vibe of angelism or something but yeah so uh


basically um Biden has given away the keys to the kingdom and he just goes the queers he says well you you guys it's just peace love and everything and do whatever the you want with our nation and do whatever the you want with their children and children have no sense of identity there's no such thing as a man there's no such thing a woman we're incapable of that even and you've got the answer to every thing in the entire universe um and yeah so here you go and and I'm going to I'm going to support and back


you up while you guys infiltrate and take over every every thing in the entire nation because that's essentially it that's it that's it in a nutshell and if you're cool with that if you sit around like a bunch of drooping cows bovine and you say oh you know hey man that's you know that's cool then again figured alert 10 15 years when these babies these children these things walking around that can't even identify a thing about this they can't even you know identify their own gender


and you think that's going to defend the country you think that's going to lead I die yeah I'm probably not going to be here to see that thankfully but um some of you young enough or get to listen to you will because it's just the the endless hypocrisy of this and what I'm saying the key Point as far as I'm concerned is this can't be preaching about equalism and being equal you're no people are not equal get over it women are not equal to men okay okay men aren't even equal to men


when standing up for my physical for the military that had a sign okay and a sign this big barracks and it said in God's eyes all men are equal well guess what you get in there with about I don't know two three hundred other guys for your physical and you quickly you know you you're you're naked all of you and the Very facts of something called I know this is an odds concept to a woke person something called objective truth or reality all men are not created equal what would you have the military do


during the examination take half of these guys and cut off half their wangs while we stood there naked in the examination just to make them even nearly equal because believe me that's what you would have had to have done so we're not all created equally get over it folks if I may briefly interrupt with a little pause for the cause as you know I do not accept any third party advertising because my feeling is we all have to put up with enough of that crap in our daily lives and I just want you to be able to listen


and enjoy the shows that I put together here however the reality is that I do need to keep the lights on at home to keep the home fires burning and so I'm asking for your support if you would please consider going to my website the earnestmanshow.com clicking on the feed the fridge tab or Earnest stuff tab either one of those would help support the show and well like I said keep the lights on other than that that was all I wanted to say if you have already supported the show in the past I sincerely appreciate


it now back to the show grow up anyway yeah um the hypocrisy is that you keep saying that you want all of the special protections and understandings and just endless endless accommodation however you don't give us with our position any accommodation because if you're on the one hand if you're asking for all this understanding well how about understanding us and understanding us would be this here is a fact we don't like you we don't like you we don't like who you are we don't like what you are and we don't


want to have our children raised by you uh except the thing is you want to forcibly especially to the public system you want to forcibly indoctrinate our children with your ideological identification and to which I believe a sensible and rational response is you you and the six heads that you wrote into town on if you get my drift if you're going to say well we went because well guess what it's supposed to be remember it all done democracy me well guess what that's right it's a two-way Road it works it's a two-way road if you're


going to say this about us about people who don't want to look at other people who are degenerates or deviants or ABS six heads and pretend as though they don't have six heads or that they're not degenerates we have to make believe this that if you're going to do that but at the same time you won't allow us you're saying no no no no no and you can't do this you can't legislate against us no it's like no can't have it both ways you want things to be equal okay then how about letting it be equal


because if a property owner for instance for instance if a property owner doesn't want to rent to you simply because you have six heads and you claim to come from the you know Interstellar planet zr4-69 but he's supposed to understand your differences in this and right now you no no they don't that's the concept of property ownership that is the meaning of it something that you don't want because you as being part of the government which is essentially what you are all of these various faces


of socialist indoctrination this is what it is pure and simple I am old enough that I have witnessed this many times in my life everything from the whole Soviet Union debacle and what happened as a consequence of this you know to the satellite states that were part of the Soviet Union once and in addition to that many many years ago here's a big secret big drum roll I was a socialist I was a hardcore liberal socialist yes I was and then I started to see the light as it was I got you know past my early 20s


and I had the courage to actually listen to reason now am I a um what you're calling uh am I a Mitch McConnell conservative no no there's a difference more like who would be one of my heroes one of the greatest presidents we ever had Eisenhower Eisenhower in my opinion as far as great presidents of character and he certainly had that last the last the greatest we had was Eisenhower we've only slowly gone to since then so you can see how I can there's so much that I can say either what you call the right or the left


and it just so happens that you know um Eisenhower was a republican but by comparison oh God a republican then as he was then compared to now is utterly laughable [Music] you know again the old phrase he would be he would be spinning in his grave to look at so-called modern uh Republicans but having got that out of the way For Your Entertainment I'm saying if you look at all this as just some kind of soap opera you know as though it's a joke and it is and do you ever notice this as well in addition to this when you get these


news feeds when the things that not just from Reuters but you know your your uh your regular news you know CNBC or NBS you know or what have you any of them doesn't matter you're told what's going to happen as though again it's it's law before it's even even there you're just told this thing happens for instance at the White House with some you know I call it the pageant of queer folks how and they're just all applauding if you just take a look at this Photograph it's it's oh my God and


you know again our VP standing there applauding and she doesn't even know what the she's applauding for we're talking dumber than a second coat of paint doesn't even understand even remotely have the remotest idea of why she exists that bad yep so you know bearing that in mind this is a show this is a pageant but that's it there's nothing else the only thing here to let you know nicely politely and nicely is that not only have we you know taken over the government now we're going to be educating and


indoctrinating your children okay okay and don't worry because now genders are not definable a man is not capable of understanding or comprehens to question everything so um yeah Evie is a pecker nub that doesn't necessarily mean anything it's just some fluke of nature it doesn't doesn't matter so yeah um they'll be completely transformed into things that are so incapable of thinking for themselves adult children again who cannot call a spade a spade and have the courage fortitude or anything


because they're just trembling bimbling complete imbeciles indoctrinated since childhood by an agenda and they don't even know it and so this is coming here this train wreck is coming to a town near you that means all of America as soon as they can and they're telling you the smiling and laughing and applauding in a gleeful way and you will have no choice because you are so according to their thinking you are so utterly incapable of seeing what's being done to you that you'll just go with it as long as


it doesn't interfere with your your sports or your cheap ass Pizza your burgers or your you know your idiotic games that you're playing it just keeps eroding it just keeps slipping away now you can't even raise your own Chiller they're not your children as if this is supposed to be all about the kids then the state comes in that is what social that means the state like the sentence that Biden for instance that he declares where is it here uh uh he declares in here let's see yeah uh [Music] yeah would say Biden was criticized a


flurry Republican bill turning the community and particularly transgender youth quote these are our kids these are our neighbors it's cruel it's callous they're not someone else's kids they're all our kids he told reporters during a news conference well and I question uh you know this Mr Biden no no and no I think that there are a lot of people out there who still have two brain cells that are actually working in their head Biden and they're not saying No this about this is um this is a community this no no no


my kids are my kids and I'll raise my kids as I see fit and educate them as I see fit thank you very much and it's no it's not part of the quote-unquote community We are the world we are the children you start that I didn't ask for this didn't want it and I don't want it I am not of that age where I you know would have kids going through this because I'm older than that but if I was you know if I was a mid-20s or up to I guess a mid-30s person and I had kids that tell you to off and if I didn't have money to go to I


don't know a private school then if uh homeschooling was an option that's what I would do but I'm not going to indoctrinate them into the nanny State the state of protection because we're all come on not gonna do that not going to fall into this thing yes it's um this Village to raise a child that these are my kids I will instill my values or the family's values not someone else's that's how you make individuals folks not socialist drones you want to see that in action go to North Korea


perfect example of people so utterly subservient and they are so deathly afraid of their leader they cannot they tried to build a luxury Heist um you know skyscraper and it sits dormant after 10 years they couldn't even do they can't do anything same with China they're so paralyzed because they're all parts of the community [Music] and that is the Tyranny that I keep talking about that is the tyranny of the tribe that is the tyranny of the community and that's what it is and this is what you end up with 10 20


30 years later now it's worked its way into and infiltrated the highest levels of government into the White House of course that started it isn't this just doesn't flip overnight this started you know 20 30 years ago slowly incrementally the thing gets in a little Prometheus here little permission there hmm started with this a lot of it actually not wanting to go allowed to stay believe it or not a lot of it started uh with Janet Reno yes it did can't go into the particulars now but it did anyway this is so


this is very quickly the the cumulative effect of where what has happened and where we are but like I said I was hoping God if you had some actual conservative out there that can identify that the Republican party in and of itself or what it's become rather is not a a non-fallible entity again because that kind of Allegiance is crazy yet someone that could see where where I'm coming from and what I'm talking about and would have the courage you could have a field day you could have a field day with elections on this


that we had even through the:


were able to do high school level math and science highest ranked in the world and then something went wrong hmm I wonder what that could have been anyway so so those are my thoughts on what happened at the White House recently you guys can send me your thoughts after all you know how to reach me but as I always say about this current especially this current government you can't rely on them to fix or re-end true terms to help you with just about anything they're not that's not what an agenda driven government is about this is about


ideological brainwashing period first and foremost because as far as anything else is concerned they don't give a biscuit take care thank you

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb