Episode 235

Published on:

12th Jul 2023

Podcast# 235 Oregon Matters: Salem's Taxpayer Rape 2.0, I Don't Know Whether to Laugh or cry, Thanks, Gov. Kotex.

Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in. This is another episode of Oregon matters. Today, we're discussing Salem's taxpayer rate 2.0. It's a laugh or cry situation, really. I predicted last week that the city council would financially burden the citizens of Salem, and unfortunately, I was right. We're being taxed, and it's going to continue.

The city council seems to have a prevailing mindset that if they say they're funding the police, the general tax-paying base of Salem will accept any proposal. But it's not about what we want, it's about what they want. These good citizens are under the delusion that the city council cares about their opinion. But if you do terrible, backstabbing things, people like me are going to call you out.

The city council doesn't care about the will of the citizens or the people. They're about their own will and taking care of their own interests. What matters is what people do, and this is what they did. They ignored the concerns of the citizens and taxpayers of Salem.

The city council is obsessed with security, and they're throwing money at the police. But hiring more cops isn't going to make us safer. The factors driving crime have to do with the economy, poverty, and social ills. More cops just make it a more authoritarian place, which is scary in its own way.

The city council also allocated money to help the homeless and the fire department. I respect firemen and believe they are necessary in society. As for the money for the homeless, I think it's a good thing, but the city council should be addressing the causes, not just applying a Band-Aid.

In conclusion, the city council is shaking us down for money. They're taking about an additional $500 a year from each person, and the biggest chunk of it goes to the police. But this isn't going to make us safer. It's a sad, slow-motion train wreck, and it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry.

If you're pissed, you should be. You know who to contact. Or better yet, leave a comment with me, and we might actually accomplish something. Until next time, take care, and remember, there are no bad words, just bad actions.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is Wednesday which of course means it is Oregon matters and this is episode number 235 Salem's taxpayer rape 2.0 I don't know whether to laugh or cry thanks Governor Kotex I usually don't uh like to play my own fiddle on this but I am telling you folks and I'm sure many of you share this point of view it's one of those deals I don't know whether to laugh or fucking cry um if I may just mention to you or remind you if you want to take a little bit of


time uh to hear my prediction that I gave last Wednesday and that was episode 232. and I had the total salamites about to be once again financially sodomized by eager City Council well unfortunately I hate to be right in this case but you guessed it got raped we got raped and we're gonna keep being fucking raved um and we're going to get into the reasons for that shortly and it seems as though there is a there is a prevailing mindset for reasons I have not yet been able to ascertain


but for whatever that reason may be if you say to the general tax paying base of Salem um that we want to uh do whatever the hell it is doesn't matter fill in the blank doesn't matter um but uh the reason for this is we're going to uh give lots of funding to the police and that's apparently that's it um now in this case that wasn't it that was only it to the city council because uh they voted this thing in and of course it was as I predicted and for those of you who didn't listen I'll just tell you one line out of this


I said that the likelihood because this was supposed to go up for a vote on Monday and I said the likelihood of a vote um that would allow a citizen vote on this tax proposal would be about as likely as me wanting to go and have sex with the governor and before I would have sex with Tina Kotex I would I don't know I I might even have to bite the bullet because oh God I don't know what ma'am would want to Endeavor that but anyhow um yeah I um I predicted that uh that would be laughable that would be thrown in your


face which it was and the real surprising thing about this though was um from going through this meeting watching very quietly observing this Fiasco um so many citizens are have and of course they have very legitimate concerns and this is the part that I'm telling you where there is a apparently a huge disconnect there is a disconnect with the honest you know good thinking good intentioned um hell maybe even intelligent or rational citizens and taxpayers of Salem and the city council and what is actually they're they're going to do


because I say this because the disconnect is is that these good citizens um are apparently under the delusion that the city council in their heart of hearts really gives a rat's ass about their opinion on just about anything and you know if you do really awful rotten dirty sneaky backstabbing [ __ ] and you get people like me that are telling other people about your your terrible horrible crazy backstabbing neurotic [ __ ] you had it coming and that's exactly what they did because I'm going to reiterate


good people it's not about what you want it's about what they want hence the absurdity and I don't I don't want to uh segue off onto an entirely different subject this is local I understand that and it's very important I understand that as well if you were properly quote unquote represented if that were the case these people would have been out on their out on their asses a long time ago because it it clearly reflect you know reflects Washington D.


C they are not about the will of the citizens or the people they're about their own will and taking care of their own ass that is first doesn't matter what they say it does not matter what they say it does not say it matter what they claim for the future none of it matters not one damn bit what matters is what people do and this is what they did there's no more need for talk speculation discussion and all that we had you know at least the one lady one member name won't come to me um who um you know basically threw a little pissy


fit and pointed out accurately that this was wrong that the you know citizens taxpayers um should not be railroaded like this and uh but that was it it's essentially nope that's it so the only one that had any you know anything to say I would say any good you know any balls was um the council it was Julie holy who is no relation to the mayor Chris hoy but um of course you know you're going to you're arguing you're allowed to have some kind of venting some kind of of reason it isn't going to pass it isn't going to


get you anywhere this thing was designed from the very beginning to say give you the big finger and they had no intention whatsoever as I stated last week they had no intention of having a they were falling out of their chairs laughing what a citizen vote for you what are you [ __ ] kidding me these these people are how are they morons are they clowns what the hell is wrong with these people so the people essentially the citizens us taxpayers yeah we get [ __ ] slapped and put in our place in our place is to shut up


do your job do your work you know be be glad you have a job shut your damn trap and hand US money that is the final analysis that is in a nutshell you know one of the very few things of course um that they proudly Proclaim that those making minimum wage will not be subject to the tax well that's that's great and well and fine and all except for the fact that on a progressive scale taxation they would be I mean they would be so low at the bottom anyway that you know just as a as a PR Goodwill measure because it's such a trifling amount


anyway they would they said well all right but just this once just this once well I'm gonna let the trash off the hook but we're not gonna do it next time you bastards are gonna have to pay too so it didn't matter any of the heartbreaking stories of you know various moms working you know more than one job and has kids and uh you know they're walking a tightrope they're walking a very very fine Financial line and they the parents that be really don't give a [ __ ] but you know what they do care about


other than lining their pockets because there's a whole bunch of ways not so much it's not necessarily so much it's uh the um salaries that we're talking about here it's the perks so you know taking care for instance taking care of the police and I mean really taking care of the police yeah when you do that um there's a lot of good things that come your way and the City Council in case you haven't noticed it is pretty obsessed with security for some reason gee I wonder why that could be


so yeah so um whole bunch more money just take money it's like I don't know 10 million whatever throw that to the cops yeah the new police station that we just built for you oh by the way which overran by like 11 million dollars but here's another 10 million on top of that yeah you know until you guys are just basically you know walking absolute I don't know killing machines with every every technological advancement you're like walking [ __ ] electronic cyborgs you all have uh your own personal tanks and and I don't know


drones and God only knows what else we can outfit you with you know until you have that until you're you know like uh Star Wars [ __ ] of super Texans till you have all that and we gotta we obviously have to hire at least another hundred thousand of you you know at least because you know crime it's just oh crimes just off the you know it's just terrible and everybody's being shot and here is the thing that I have said under normal conditions in a different State I don't mean country State I mean


a state of affairs um there are times when legitimately yeah you should hire more cops this is not one of them what is coming here what is going on is not this is not a thing of you hire more cops you're going to be safer no within reason I say within reason I don't mean 10 million of them but I'm saying you can fortify and you got a PlayStation and you got you can have all the cops but with what is going down um this is not something that is addressable by hiring more cops in other words the two do not are not synonymous is what


I'm trying desperately to get through to anyone anyone willing to listen to what I have to say even though it seems counter-intuitive I am trying to tell you that more cops do not make you safer the only thing that more cops do is make it a more authoritarian place that in its own manner is very scary to be around the factors what is driving crime and I'm not saying certainly not saying there isn't any crime but what I'm saying is is that the factors with that has to do with the economy and a bunch of poor people and


the druggies and a whole bunch a whole there's a whole [ __ ] bandwagon full of social ills and they're trying to take a shotgun approach of authoritarianism and buying news hire more cops and more guns and just start guns blazing and we got all these white herbs running around in high-tech cars that's not going to make you any safer and here's something else I would argue because you know something there's other places I've been it's a beautiful city this is for the people listening who may


not even know the state and you know sisters is just a beautiful city they're not having all this nonsense going on and just throwing massive budgets at cops police station all that but they're not gung-ho crazy on the city council isn't either you know what they don't have any of this [ __ ] going on and you know why here's one of the reasons this is one of the reasons and even though I certainly believe that you know you should have cops to help you defend your property and all that but what I will also say is that if


you yourself with only a few exceptions such as you know a very elderly person for example with few exceptions if you are not willing to defend your own property then I think it could be argued you don't deserve that property and to I think to a much greater extent the same thing applies to your [ __ ] country for any of you out there who can figure that out so yeah don't have all this good and it wasn't over there and every square feet every five feet I don't see drunks and druggies matter of fact to be honest with you on


a recent trip that I had I did not see I did not see one tent anywhere nowhere not one I didn't see not one homeless person I didn't see any of that at all none of it no druggies no passed out drunks lying on the sidewalks and they have a huge of course in God's country there you have a huge place of woods all around the surrounds you know next to the Elk Farm and all that there's just plenty of places where still not one no people even camping out illegally um on the outskirts of the town or the small city rather


now ask yourself hmm I wonder what could be at least a few of the differences well they're not whiners everybody here and most of the time I believe that this is the case you know cops cops are cops but cops do have a hard job but then again that's what they signed up for when you sign up for something and you agree to it no use in pissing and moaning about it get on do your job and do your job but they do have a hard job well one of the hard aspects of their job at least from the ones that I have talked to


is the fact that they increasingly are expected to take care of people's lives to do everything and I have a problem with that I don't I should not have to tell and neither should you and I'm sure you also know you know people like this you know the type you know what I'm talking about who will not do anything for themselves now on the other hand I will say though and this is pretty crazy that if you have a governor in this case Governor comrade Kotex if you're sending legally a very you know uh


crazy schizophrenic laws that you're creating and on the one hand you're saying well yes you should do this and then when you go to do that then they have laws for penalizing you for doing that so that sends a very mixed schizophrenic message oh yes by all means you should uh yes of course you should defend your property okay so you you know you have a registered firearm you're not a lunatic you're not a homicidal maniac someone comes into your property and you shoot them then uh want to prosecute you


apparently like I said there are other places other districts other areas that somehow uh this situation which is laughable and causes a problem in and of itself because it sends a very mixed message but if you have property and you are not willing to defend it you know maybe you shouldn't have it cops cannot be you can't wave a magic [ __ ] wand and expect a cop to appear gun drawn you know Wyatt Earp style come out blazing shoot the bad guy or to come riding you know the calvary writing over the mountain just in the nick of time


uh-uh that's that's just beyond stupid so yeah you got to take care of yourself you know where is that pioneer self reliance that used to be here at any rate um on the current subject yes so I predicted that the people would be screwed and they are screwed something to the tune roughly of each person roughly about an additional 500 a year and the big promise on that being big promise being uh that uh you know like 10 million dollars the biggest chunk of it goes to the cops great this is for something that as I said


this is you know just to hit this is this is the wrong direction you're that you're not sorry but sorry you're not going to be safer you know and the next one's in line is to help the homeless when they get around you know 8 million and let me see and then we have um roughly around seven million going to the fire Department and certainly I absolutely am not going to argue about the fire department um I believe I have the almost respect for firemen and um I will you know I will not criticize it be rare if I ever criticized or had


anything to say about firemen and I think that they are a good and necessary thing in a society not going to argue that and as far as the uh the money appropriated for the homeless well in general I think that that's a good thing on multiple levels but again I believe that the importance would be the money allocated to addressing the causes as opposed to just the city Band-Aid uh again city council people and all the good people who just want the bombs off the streets they don't give a [ __ ] about anything long term because apparently


they're not willing or capable of thinking long term or of thinking what made this happen in the first place just in the meantime just like garbage well well we can't get rid of it entirely okay so let's let's just sweep it all let's push it anywhere under the carpet or in this corner anywhere as long as it's out of sight this is like the this is the mentality of a [ __ ] five-year-old you put something you push it all out of sight there and you sweep it you know like little child playing


peek-a-boo that kind of thing and if you don't see it it ain't there when it is there and again it festers and it cooks and then it comes back with any even greater vengeance but that is a different topic the topic here of course is this money laundry the Shakedown and I'm not I'm not laughing at you per se I'm I am laughing with you except for the fact that when it comes around to this you just turn around and you get royally [ __ ] in the ass and you say hmm well I certainly wasn't expecting that I


don't even this is the city council and oh well I don't understand it was a really bad thing that they did and I don't understand why they would do that do you understand John laughs and John doesn't know either and he's totally surprised um but you're not surprised if you're listening to me not only is that coming guess what you've got another Shakedown coming and this one this actually two of them and this is over the Beloved um you know pay at the pump uh pumping your fuel thing that's been around since


the 50s and was decided to be a good idea well now not so much so that is going to unemploy at least at least half of the people that were doing that okay because you know how I understand some people are legitimately hard against it but for a few pennies let's um let's ruin some more lives of making more people unemployed so as far as the gas shake down well they say how's that going well it hasn't been enacted yet but if it is they're going to do it they're going to phase it in that's like easing it in the backside


there yeah well not too much so they're they're going to divide the pumps and they say then half of them you're self pumping okay this is how tyranny takes over by the way you gotta ease sometimes you're gonna ease it in there yeah let's just lube it up real good and get easy in there and so half of the pumps will go to you know pump your own and the other traditional um will be of course having an attendant pump your fuel now let's add a and b together let's look at this that's the case for our camp


pennies or a nickel how long do you think that [ __ ] is going to continue before the people pumping gas are eliminated entirely here's another prediction hmm well it's General it's not much of a prediction but in general I can tell you this safely not very long that [ __ ] isn't going to be around very long because they actually the places of business actually make much higher profits from self-serve as opposed to having any humans there because amongst other things they do have to be insured


yes and so they love that that's something else to rake in more and give less that makes them happy you bet your ass on that so I know that's another thing that was really nice about living here but yeah they'll take that away too they'll take it all they'll take it all just like they took this it took 500 but they have something else in addition besides the gas that I don't have time unfortunately to go in right now but again and it's just you don't know you you uh you listen to this and you don't


you don't know whether to laugh or or to cry God and the thing is it's always like just a sad it's like a a slow motion train wreck you know and it's like when I saw this just a few months ago and I saw this coming I said oh [ __ ] here we go and well that's what has happened so if you if this in any way affects you or if you're pissed and I say you should rightfully be you know who you know who to contact you you know this you know who to sit down and write a long letter or leave your you know voice but you know this you


no no it's it's it's obviously not your not your Council people or Congressman or so certainly not your [ __ ] Governor here no you send them to me and yeah you'll you'll actually accomplish something far more productive by you know uh leaving a comment with me and leaving your thoughts and we'll Bounce It Up we'll bounce it around and hell for that matter you know something we might even actually do something and accomplish something so there I said it and um what can I say here until next


time take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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