Episode 234

Published on:

10th Jul 2023

Podcast#234 To Hell in a Handbasket: How Every Human Life is Precious, Simple-Minded Beliefs That are Killing Us.

In episode 234 of my show, "To Hell in a Handbasket: How Every Human Life is Precious, Simple-Minded Beliefs That Are Killing Us," I, Earnest Mann, tackle some of the societal issues that I believe are causing harm. I question the widely accepted belief that every life is precious, arguing that a significant portion of the population are merely "walking redundant protoplasm," consuming resources without making substantial contributions to society. This mindless consumption is a key concern.

I also highlight the problem of overpopulation, noting how it's impacting our natural environments and outdoor recreational activities. I've observed that our favorite outdoor spots are becoming overcrowded, disrupting the peace and tranquility these places once offered. I suggest that this overcrowding is causing a strain on both the environment and the wildlife inhabiting these areas.

Furthermore, I express my dissatisfaction with the current political landscape. I argue that our politicians are not addressing the real issues at hand, such as the increasing violence and crime rates in cities across the country.

In conclusion, I urge you, my listeners, to reflect on your existence and contributions to society. I challenge the notion of mindless consumption and reproduction, advocating for a more mindful and purposeful approach to life. I end the episode by reminding you that actions, not words, define a person's worth.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



hello folks thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again we made it through another week here it is Monday and this is episode number 234 to Hell in a hand basket how every human life is precious simple-minded beliefs that are killing us something that I thought needed to be said for your at least For Your Entertainment pleasure is something that John Wayne said many years ago quoting him I think this this might be right on right on track was he said basically there were a lot of people alive simply because it's illegal to shoot


them and I happen to agree he hadn't understand that take yourself for instance do you have let me ask you this do you have annoying neighbors whether they be you know across the street where to one side or the other do you have neighbors from hell do you have really I mean they're either crazy or simple-minded or or both but I mean there is like zero chance of reconciliation with these people because they're the stupidest sons of [ __ ] on the planet have are you in that kind of situation or have you ever been


you know what I'm talking about I mean people that just you know practically if you shot them they're not worth the bullet that you shot them with this I'm saying this for um a bigger point is the stupidity and then just the utter stupidity again of when we hear these slogans from the president or if it isn't the [ __ ] president it's the vice president or it's someone who's going to be running for president these are people that have absolutely in real terms they have nothing to do with


your [ __ ] life and they never will okay but they want to talk to you about you know us we need to we need to build the bridges we need to get along we need this it's like [ __ ] you [ __ ] what what you're talking what we need when you know from the example that I just gave that there are people I'm just talking your neighbors that you know you wouldn't you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire now an illustration just what an asinine statement a bar about Unity you know how are you going to unify a


nation when you despise your neighbor because there's such a [ __ ] imbecile or perhaps you have multiple imbeciles or it could be family members you know so those those things are just that's what I mean as a symptom of the same old you know horseshit [ __ ] they've been saying forever it's in their blood you know all the unification [ __ ] and the thing is this now bearing that in mind if we fess up to it we have in this country in the USA we have a hell of a lot of stupid people and we have a hell of a lot of crazy


people and unreasonable people um but I would have to say hands down you know you have to stand back and look at this this whole these this whole situation but you really have to respect stand back in all of the ones causing more problems than anyone else and I'm talking about the simple-minded Pricks out there because they are by far the worst now [Music] some people before I go any further have complained they say you know Ernest you sound rather harsh and I admit that okay you think I sound harsh well let me ask you this


if you're assuming you are a thinking adult which do you think is better to have hard language and hard words or a hard [ __ ] reality that hits you when you least want it or expected because I who um well I I don't claim to be Einstein or absolutely that brilliant but I generally know which way the wind blows and I'm not afraid to say it and I don't go along probably no [ __ ] surprise but I tend not to go along with the crowd as a matter of fact everyone that was ever been a thinker or famous was been


pretty much the same didn't matter if it was in science art you know entertainment um you know some of the very best and most beloved in their own personal lives or rather you know reclusive and they didn't go along with the the crowd um because a common opinion can sound very nice and all this peace love and all this [ __ ] and let's just Bond you know um yeah it's like um it's like John Goodman's character in The Big Lebowski you know he said yeah pacifism is cool and everything dude but it'll get you


killed then I I firmly believe in that so anything I say sometimes I do a I mean things quite literally and sometimes not you'll have to figure it out and I'm pretty confident that you can do that okay so but this is um this is not a uh or never have I ever claimed to be that this is a scholarly endeavor it's just pretty much one man's opinion on everything that he has known throughout his life and that I have read extensively about and I continue to study and read about and I say the things basically that you


want to hear that you're not hearing on the six o'clock news because six o'clock news is a boring ass uh corporate narrative that basically is designed to have what's called a consensus opinion so yeah just here it is we spell everything out so the conclusion is duh and there because they don't want to you know they don't want to tire out your poor little brain and they don't want to overwork it there was that too much I hope that asking you about two and two making for it hope that it didn't cause you any trauma did


it or because we don't want to cram it taste your brain hmm laughs me here I can be outlandish and sometimes insulting and everything else because I don't Pander to that because I am not a paid corporate chill [ __ ] subsidiary of Uranus Corporation I I tell it like I see it and that's about it and so if you have if you're a person and you can understand what I'm talking about as far as this Kumbaya [ __ ] with your neighbor um yeah if if you're if you're if your mind is even working on half of its


cylinders you know what kind of [ __ ] that is and you know that there are neighbors or family members that this just ain't going to happen you can have things that change you can have things that occurred it could be whatever it could be political uh potentially it could be religious whatever you know whatever it is that precipitated that you know who who knows but whatever it is you you personally draw the line and um you've once you pegged somebody in your heart of hearts it's uh you know a complete and utter [ __ ]


um no amount of government in Kumbaya and all this other [ __ ] ain't gonna change it and that's what I would get to here about simple-minded attitudes that are killing us and part and partial of this as the whole uh situation that we as a species as humans and this is directed towards the women on this but it's about having just willy-nilly having babies and not taking into account the incredible amount of resource cost for every child you bring into this world now I'm saying all this because if any of you also have tried to


go out just for walking trails or you know a lot of people love to go camping and and doing the trails and mountain biking or climbing or any of that [ __ ] there's something you might have noticed in the last few years especially if you're a bit older if you're someone let's say my age or in your 40s let's say or whatnot but what you may have noticed that to all these places you go to year in and year out you see more and more people and much to the point where it has gotten no longer fun and pleasurable


but it has gotten to be a [ __ ] drag because you know the whole idea and at least I can say I experienced this but the whole idea was by getting away actually meant that it meant going to the trails and going to all these places and quite literally I mean you didn't hardly you maybe saw one or two people Max that's the truth there's no reason to lie to you and it does people good and it's Solitude and it's all these you know good things that you need for your body Mind and Spirit yep I'm there with you


on that it's been shown conclusively through studies that people need that they need to connect with nature all that [ __ ] is good [ __ ] not doubting that at all but the problem comes when you can't get away and what I mean by that is not that you can't physically get away although economics certainly plays a part in that because it cost like everything else it costs in fuel it could you know it cost but if that is not the problem the problem is is you can't get away from the people you see because


the whole point of getting away is supposed to mean just that getting away and if you have people for instance um who you know wanted to do the rock climbing or repelling or whatever it is and in years many years past you might see there was one person there and now you go there and there's like you know 8 10 [ __ ] 12 climbers you know who apparently every one of them think they're I don't know [ __ ] Hillary or something who did Everest um but so what's being missed here and the frustration is that people have a




um yeah 12 year old with a gigantic Tonka truck okay and I'm sure that's going to be real good for the environment So speaking of that all these people are like you know Wavy Gravy I call them their earthy time people any money like bond with nature I mean they're the woke people then yes just like do the goddess mother thing and I could treat all that horseshit [ __ ] and here's the problem here's what they never talk about okay think about the they want to think about the animals well you know what


I'm not any kind of [ __ ] animal Whisperer okay I don't claim to be but I can tell you this I believe and this is the important part okay so listen closely if they could communicate everything from the little ground squirrels all the way up to the mountain goats and the elk and the [ __ ] mooses and everything else that's out there they would collectively probably just want you to go the [ __ ] away you see because and I'm not even talking again the guys in these monster [ __ ] jacked up four by four monstrosities


oh yeah I'm sure that's real gentle on the creatures that have to be around that horseshit no I mean just you walking with your backpack down a road or through a trail with your walking stick and your partner may be taking some pictures all ten thousand [ __ ] of you every day because that's what it's become all over the state parks all everywhere all over this country okay but the animals would rather have it if you would just get into your vehicles and just go the [ __ ] away and get out of their environment


but you see and this is what I'm talking about things that become full circle in the connection of all of this is that you can't do that you don't want to do that because you want to get Outdoors so again I've already recognized that but there's a problem here see the Vicious Cycle is there may be a need for you to try to relax to connect with relaxing in the wilderness but the problem is there are far far far far too many people to do the same thing trying to do all at once the same thing whereas many many years


ago I'm talking about you know the late 40s let's say when people started doing this [ __ ] and you know even I wasn't around then but I'm saying even I remember in the 70s and early 80s that you could you know hop in a cart basic tent you know that kind of thing go out and maybe see to run into two people maybe some usually never well guess what as I'm sure you probably know that's not the [ __ ] case now is it so that makes everything unpleasant and besides the critters and besides the


environment because yeah walking paths after you have thousands of people and there's thousands make no mistakes thousands especially all the very famous you know places that people go it's in the thousands and those people just walking just walking although it has an effect we're not even talking the critters that it affects we're just literally talking the landscape and that's just walking again that's not the you know the I don't know the [ __ ] Hillbillies they're jacked up monstrosities with you


know they're 80 feet in the air and [ __ ] tires as big as a building and they're yeah I'm gonna go gold or bashing come on clip and they get together and they they [ __ ] destroy the environment yeah I'm yeah okay so but anyway [ __ ] um yeah so you say you know well we we need this yeah well nature needs peace too so that's causing a problem so a lot of the state parks now are limiting the people because there's just two [ __ ] many of you so what does Mother Nature saying buy Bears coming


out there and you know in groups and besides being hungry they're mauling you and attacking you and cougars and everything else that's their way of saying leave some [ __ ] alone don't come out here I mean people you know 100 years ago they they weren't doing to bond with nature and this that and the other they would they would think you were some kind of ass or something unless you've got a legitimate reason walking along with your stick from one long town to another because why because it was [ __ ] dangerous I


mean naturally there were bears and wolves and snakes and everything and only a goddamn fool would have to go Trucking around ooh look at them that's what I mean by [ __ ] being simple-minded so what's the alternative well you've got your Suburbia that you come from or the city [Music] but you see the problem there that's what you're trying to escape from the very thing that you created and how does this tie in full circle with what I've been saying now all of this connects and it ties together


is that the one thing that was in common back then I'm talking about in the late 40s early 50s even up this was did not begin begins you know having a problem until around the mid 80s is when the problem of the crowding too many [ __ ] people okay because quite literally the population changed that much so there's a huge difference of resources and available resources from the late 40s early 50s everything was good really really pretty good not that many people on the you know through the 60s and it started to feel the impact in the


70s and certainly by the time the mid 80s was here it's really went downhill because too many [ __ ] people so what the animals are saying what reason is saying is you can't comfortably do this anymore go back to your environment stop coming into our environment because keep doing that you can't really enjoy yourself why because there's too many [ __ ] people because you bring all the people the people that that's what is is the absence that was the original joy and point of it is when they say to


get away from the law they meant all the [ __ ] people you know maybe you and a loved one oftentimes a young couple want to go camping fine nothing wrong with that maybe it's a young couple with one or two Rugrats okay again fine nothing necessarily wrong with that except when you multiply it up to hundreds of thousands of young couples or couples with a couple of Rugrats well that changes the whole as they say yeah that really changes the mood so what's the alternative the alternative is you don't come out there


you bypass that and you stay at home in Suburbia or in your cities or whatnot but of course there's a problem with that because those places eventually you dropped at a [ __ ] boredom in the uh suburbs and the cities if you don't get shot to put you crazy in another way it's all of this because there are too many people you see that is the common denominator we've got a planet like I've said before around you know 8 billion now and climbing for a planet that comfortably I say comfortably you know at peace


which should be having around 2 billion so what I'm saying is when I turn on the news and I just heard like 10 different now it's just it's just common they just there's no pretense of surprise anymore I turned on and I watched uh shooting in Philly shooting in Baltimore shooting in Dallas shooting multiple kill kill kill kill kill just [ __ ] boom boom everyone dying and then when you see the people and you're something fairly mundane and people are trying to get away from that and they're going out you


know in the woods and camping and this that and the other and they're being shot because of altercations or they're being attacked by animals because the animals don't want you around either but it ain't it ain't you know it ain't most of the four-legged Critters out there that you really have to be so you have to be concerned don't get me wrong but it ain't the four-legged ones so much still at least fortunately it's the two-legged ones and you could just be walking like this


one the couple that was uh just the last couple days ago just a young couple mine in her business they're on the trail and they're walking past some people and for whatever reason um alcohol may or may not have been involved um they hadn't determined that at the time but anyway words were exchanged and guess what it was Republic of what dream because everybody was packing so there you go there you go it's the [ __ ] Wild West folks who just [ __ ] Trump dude I used to be barely hahaha that's the way is that the way you want


to live because all while all this is going on and you can whatever the the duck and the [ __ ] politicians Biden he's [ __ ] useless and and his second the the cackling Wonder as I call her Christ I think a you know a warm bowl of chicken soup probably has more [ __ ] brains than that woman God anyway um yeah says absolutely nothing about nothing but they are talking about the urgency of the next uh trip that they have to make oh your expense on Air Force One of uh they're going to Croatia or they're


going they're going to meet um sub Ambassador and some uh they're going to the Netherlands they're going here they're going and going and going and going and really they're not going anywhere they're traveling at our expense very expensive by the way and uh you know and we hear about it because we have to patch up things now in the Netherlands because the uh president let's say what happened the president quit the cabinet quit because it's all about the politics because the refugees are overrunning the country


there's this problem this is again so like you know the whole zombie apocalypse thing of just tens of hundreds of thousands of people were about at your border to run over roughshod if they have to and he's saying well you have to defend yourself and the people the woke it in another you know we we open arms because it's too many carrying thing to do and he said okay well this was the premiere and he said well okay it's not going to be on my watch so tell you what I'll [ __ ] resign let this bloodbath


be on you and you can let the entire country you can open the gates open the [ __ ] gate open the gates to the tens of thousands of yet desperate undocumented whatever they are yes yes I'm sure that's I'm sure that's gonna work out really [ __ ] well but meanwhile none of the problems are being addressed none of the real causes are being addressed not at all but they can still go and travel and gallivant all over pretending to be important meanwhile all over the country every night now it's School shoot it's just endless


shootings sometimes it's three people killed sometimes it's eight sometimes it's 15 or more but it's like all the videos Philly here in Baltimore and this is all the way down the line yep and it's only going to get worse because they're not doing what needs to be done and the same thing believe it or not is taking place in China now I'm not going to start talking about China right now because the time is short at this point but what I'm trying to say here is that when you have a prevailing


mindset that every life is precious no it isn't no matter how cruel and terrible that no it doesn't you know why look at your average just saying be honest fess up you know if you're that person you know who I'm talking about if I'm talking about you you know if the shoe fits Shoe Fits where you know the drill vast majority of Americans for the most part they're that are not in very specialized technical fields um are essentially nothing but walking redundant protoplasm eating jetting reproducing


that is the sad reality of where things are and you know if you've got a manageable population let's say of a planetary part you got like you know uh two billion and you got a few individuals doing a few stragglers and it's like okay you know not perfect but okay but folks we are you kidding we are way way beyond that and the thing is the only thing that keeps it going is a system a ridiculous a ridiculous system I mean [ __ ] a a mobster couldn't have designed a better system than this you know just


some of the most incredible mobster Minds that they could not have even envisioned such a thing that you create an entire economy based on [ __ ] cheese Doodles and tortilla chips and and and [ __ ] ass burgers from Mickey whatevers and you know just nothing and that's it that is that's it nothing more no mas that's your that's your entire [ __ ] existence oh well video games we gotta have that well Sports yeah you gotta have that too that's it so keep your hand firmly planted we need one on the remote


control okay we need one on the remote control and the other one into the hand of the bag of [ __ ] cheese Doodles or whatever it is you're cramming into your face and as you get up awkwardly and just take your [ __ ] redundant protoplasm and just walk down the the [ __ ] edge of your driveway to fetch the mail mmm but we don't I'm saying wheeze and you know accomplishing we don't do [ __ ] we don't we don't we just exist and reproduced and consume that's not bode well for where things


are but the problem is the young the young people the people that want to get out and do things and that are still hopefully you know not clinically obese and [ __ ] like that you know they it's normal they want to get out what do they see when they get out they see way way way way way way way way too many even if they're you know they're friendly you meet there on the trail like I have you say hello as they pass you want to be friendly you want to be cordial hi how you doing you know you move on but after you do that for what seems


like the 500th time it creeps back into your [ __ ] brain assuming you have one that uh gee I kind of thought like came out here to get away from it all and you see that is the irony that I'm talking about is the inability even though it might be considered a necessity but it's the [ __ ] inability that you can't get away from it all only the very wealthy that are currently stealing our money and have been stealing it for the last you know 70 years um only these people you know the prez the VP all the corporate bigwigs you


know them all all the corporate criminals now they on you they have their playgrounds and they make sure that they're not overrun because they have ways of weeding that out very quickly oh yes they do because they understand there's a maximum amount of people you get and then the party just automatically goes south so they have their they have their paradises they have their places and they're not the general public and they don't have to worry about zombie hordes walking in carrying a [ __ ] remote in one hand and a


gigantic bag of [ __ ] cheese Doodles in the other [Music] till next time take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


com leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music]

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb