Episode 233

Published on:

7th Jul 2023

Podcast# 233 World Events: Police Shooting of Black Teen Nahel in France, Racism or Something Else?

Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again. This is Friday, and in this episode, I dive into the recent police shooting of a black teenager in France, challenging the prevailing narrative of racism and shedding light on alternative perspectives. The incident has sparked widespread protests and unleashed a wave of violence in Paris, with thousands of arrests made and additional police deployed. While the media narrative presents the incident as racially motivated, I question this assumption and raise thought-provoking questions about the potential consequences if the teenager had caused harm due to his reckless driving.

Amidst the chaos, it is crucial to address the underlying issues of anti-establishment sentiment and bias deeply entrenched within French society. It is not enough to solely focus on the immediate incident; we must examine the overall population's reaction and mindset. A significant portion of France's youth is seemingly eager for an opportunity to protest and rebel, revealing a deep-rooted discontent with the government and fellow citizens.

In this analysis, I emphasize that Macron, the French President's response is ineffective, as he merely urges peace and passivity without offering concrete solutions. This response is telling of the root causes fueling the protests. When facing mass violence and knee-jerk reactions, it becomes less about the ability of the people to comprehend the situation and more about the citizens' biased attitudes.

Moreover, we should explore the silent division that exists within the youth population, where some individuals choose not to participate in protests due to social pressures and fear of saying the wrong thing in supposedly progressive or woke communities. This points to a need for deeper introspection and understanding of the multifaceted factors contributing to the unrest.

In summary, the police shooting of a black teenager in France serves as a catalyst for pre-existing tensions, rather than being the sole cause of the protests. By challenging the prevailing narrative and examining underlying societal issues, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation. It is crucial to address the complex interplay of racism, anti-establishment sentiment, bias, and discontent in order to move towards a more harmonious society.

Please go to my website - https://theearnestmannshow.com - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is Friday and this is episode number 233 world events police shooting of black teen in France racism or something else you should know by now that when I talk about a subject like this that you're not going to hear the usual banter because for the very reason that this pretty much as a judge jury and executioner the main media has you know very quickly put across that


this is a racist incident and hence for the last several days now um the uh the city's been you know set Ablaze and something like in the neighborhood of around 3 000 protesters have been arrested and they've brought in something like an additional I don't know 10 000 police who are apparently quite hell-bent on suppressing this uh Rowdy mob that are uh you know breaking storefronts and setting things on fire but um all of this of course stems from a uh black teenage kid 17 years old of um Nigerian descent


North African descent and he was driving a car and he was stopped and shortly after being stopped he was shot and killed and so Paris explodes into violence now in the almost pre-digested form that most folks are used to getting their news bites in once again you know I mean please forgive me but this is again it's put forth as though it's cut and dry and this was race racially motivated and um you know the um the people of France the young people who are you know very uh left-leaning and


anti-authoritarian and establishment all of that and all that to a certain extent to a certain extent has pretty much become the norm in most westernized society today unfortunately but it is what it is and so they chose to react now there are several aspects of this that simply are not being talked about or addressed so that's why I'm here to talk about this and um and the thing is and you put yourself in any you know anyone's shoes such as myself this is you know this is a very uncomfortable subject because well it's


race and it seems like we have not only been over this in recent times uh ten thousand times but you know of course it's a very touchy subject because once you start talking about things that even distantly uh can uh well potentially get you named as a bigot or a racist and so that Corners the entire media and everyone involved into a corner in which they can't get out of so of course I say the hell with that and I'm going to try to bring up let's say a different uh side of the coin here and this is purely for the sake of


argument now what is known is that they had been following this car because it was going at a high rate speed through a city such as Paris like you would do with anyone who was on drugs or alcohol and then he blew a traffic light meaning that he could have collided with either another car or even hit pedestrians and injured them or perhaps kill them and so what happened happened so now let's take this in a little different direction we could say for the sake of argument that let's just argue that the police


involved in killing this young man whose name is nehel I believe it's how you pronounce it please forgive me if I'm wrong [Music] um you know either this was a racist act or it wasn't so let's for the sake of argument assume it was okay okay so we already know from a knee jerk uh reaction what is supposed to happen as a consequence of that legally to the officer or officers involved okay so there's that but on the other hand let's say that it was not racially motivated despite overwhelmingly


the way in which it is being you know force-fed down your throat as though it's absolutely satrosanct and absolutely just it's not even questioned that's obviously racist now what if this person who by running that intersection and before the plea you know stop them when they did what would the outcome have been like if that person that young man had actually ran over someone either seriously injured or killed them what in other words would the entire city of Youth of Paris would they still had lost


their mind and found a reason to terrorize and perform acts of vandalism and setting [ __ ] on fire and whatnot I wonder if then of course we don't know but it's important to think about that and it's also important to know about what he was actually doing at the time when he was stopped and what took place and this is important you see I say this and I say it the way I do is because I knew guys many years ago um they were let's say Associates um of course the older I got and I didn't hang with these these weren't my


pals it's kind of guys that I knew but on a few occasions that we you know was really young myself and we get together but it had already with these guys at their place it had already been determined this is before they were even intoxicated they had already made it really clear that they were going to you know cause trouble they were they wanted to start a fight they wanted to start a bar bra um and these guys that I'm talking about they did this all the time and so it was certainly no surprise to me that we ended up you know in the


drinking places that we were and uh you know getting kicked out or or whatnot for fighting because that is what they set out to do and my point in this is oftentimes if you watch things that can occur like this um you um you when you whenever you witness knee-jerk reactions and you have you know instantaneous uh attacks and vitriol and and you know vandalism and and all that that occurs but I mean it's instantaneous it kind of reminds me of those guys as they used to say the old phrase from back in the day is we're cruising for a


bruising in other words what you have here right or wrong is you have a mindset that is already very largely anti-establishment let's say so it makes me wonder what if a different scenario would have taken place if he would have say ran over a a pedestrian crossing the street worse yet what if it was a white person that he would have ran over and either seriously injured or possibly killed would it have more or less just been looking around with that stupid distant look and then Sound of Silence sound of crickets


because if that's the case then you not only have a population that is inherently biased and they don't realize it you've got certain deep rooted problems with your government and frankly with your citizens and I'm not going to necessarily say that you know these cops were Justified hell maybe they maybe they did murder this young man but that's not the point of what I'm talking about here what I'm talking about here is it's he is simply he is a symptom he is the spark that set off


something which is already deeply festering in French society and that's what I'm trying to get at here if you want to get in my opinion if you want to get to the root [ __ ] cause of something you don't necessarily just look at the immediate incident itself look at the what is going on with the general population and how they react to things because what I'm seeing here is a very large percentage of France's youth that are just dying for an excuse to um oh what's a phrase an old one two


Stick it to the Man and the reasons for that there can be so many but I believe first of all this is something that needs to be looked at and examined and I will say as far as macron the French President his his words are useless in effect basically his his great as the as the president the leader of France all he could do was say okay yes yes this is terrible this young man died but on the other hand I want you all to be really peaceful stop being violent and go home and you know watch TV or play your stupid ass video games


or whatever and that's his solution and that is what I feel just that in and of itself is a huge um telling of what is really causing the cause of this when people perceive and it's it's almost irrelevant to a certain point when you have mass any kind of mass violence things of this nature when you have knee-jerk violent reactions to things like this it's it's not so much a question of the people as far as them being able to discern what is really going on that's not a question because what I'm


saying is clearly they're not they're they are they themselves the citizens however Young but the citizens they are biased that is to say they're they have a really nasty attitude and then if you go a little bit deeper you should what you should really be asking is okay where is this stemming from you see because there are basically two factions here there are two factions in that you had a whole hell of a lot of young people who you know are just venting their their hatred and their anger at the system for reasons that are not entirely


clear we know they're pissed off about something or there could be multiple things that they're pissed off about and then you probably have an equal number of uh young people and they didn't do anything and what I suspect when I talk about let's say what I would call a silent division they didn't do anything even amongst their friends even amongst family or friends because that's the way young people are it's all about being in a clique and they know when they can say things and they know when they can't


and so in other words saying the wrong thing in a so-called extremely Progressive known as a progressive or woke community well if you try to reason in any other directions that [ __ ] can get you ostracized really quick and so they have to remain silent but just because they didn't do anything let's say if they were not attacking anyone or or breaking windows that you know for stores or setting things on fire or cars or battling the police or any of that [ __ ] it doesn't mean that their own grievances


are also not festering because there's always two sides to a coin I don't frankly I don't know of any coins that don't have two sides there's two stories there's just like you know there's yin and yang now I have my own ideas and theories about how and why this could be and if I am fortunate enough to have anyone in France that hears this I would ask that you please do let me know because hell if I'm Having the courage to say this then you should have the courage to let me know because I really would like


to know and you don't have to be public you don't but you don't have to be silent you can you know drop me a line but now just hear me out if I am correct and there is this other group of young people just just for the sake of being simple here I'm going to say it's the other half that uh and parents or other friends or cops they may see them as the good kids because they're not troublemakers they didn't jump on the bandwagon of you know physical or or confrontation with the police or again property violence or


damage or any of that [ __ ] or just seeing they interpret that as good kids but the truth is is that what perhaps what you're perceiving is them as good kids is that they're afraid their their opinions can be entirely with the police that is with the stipulation I'm just going to add this for the sake of argument that they the cops were racist and guilty which on the surface would identify them as also being racist and all the things that the other kids were want batshit crazy and did whatever they did in protest of


but if they fear for their parents and you know let's face it young really young people teenagers one of the biggest things that you're concerned about when you're a teenager and this is this is this is a in an irony are you listening French teenagers or any other teenagers out there is that you know it's almost a given that you're you're in Revolt that you're you're always a rebel you're you're just constantly a rebel and and reveling against your parents or authority or any


of that [ __ ] yet the irony of it being they desperately want to be accepted to conform to their own group to their own age group to their friends because friends and where you stand with your friends even at that age 17 18 [ __ ] I I would encounter any anything from I don't know say 14 to around 20 ish somewhere in there they mean more they can mean more than your family because it's well as a teenager it's just the way it is so they're forced into a corner that they have to remain quiet because if


they're not quiet even though they in fact May side with the cops even though if the cops were blatantly racist I said if that were the case but the point is is that that leads to a festering anger in them which in turn at some point in the future they will release because that is what happens with people who feel as though when their side is not being heard and there believe me all you see are you know the the rightest kids young people you know screaming throwing rocks and doing the [ __ ] that you're doing but you're not


seeing the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands that are just in the shadows or just kind of like watching or having to pretend to their other friends basically you know that their chicken [ __ ] and this anyway but if they're afraid it's not it's not nearly as bad as being dubbed a racist or that that is what I'm talking about so it's always it's the irony of always needing to conform so if you look at for instance this so-called this other group that I'm talking about and I know they I know for a fact that


they exist I was a teenager once been through similar things myself I I understand this completely and this will just fester and harbor and so you're wondering okay well if they're taking this through the opposite direction even though they didn't protest or getting involved with any of the vandalism or any of that if that is the case where the hell are their feelings coming from and what I'm saying is and maybe it comes from what they've read or maybe it comes from their parents who knows we don't know collectively but


what I do know is they could have at least what they feel and I think it could be argued is legitimate in that in this whole race argument it seems unfair in that things only go one way and that is a problem for instance if you have say an X percentage of people in a a small town or a village and you want to forcibly try to indoctrinate them with practices or principles that they don't agree with what do you think is going to happen I'm not talking necessarily about the rightness or wrongness of


what's being introduced I'm not even at that point I'm just trying to illustrate that anytime you have this group and it refuses to conform to what is being forcibly put upon them and saying okay we want you to accept these things as a norm or as a new Norm or regardless of anything your parents told you or your religious leaders told you regardless in other words of how you were raised and your identity as a young person means to them they want to force that down and say no you will conform to this or you're in big trouble and you will be


ostracized and you see if you really want to piss a young person off and I it doesn't necessarily even have to be a young person I think this applies to anyone but hell we were all young once even me and I remember you know certain things that were against my will things that I had no understanding of and suddenly this and that and the other and the next thing was forced upon me me personally and also forced upon the community so that's you know that's hypocritical because under the guise of so-called


freedom you simply can't tell a group of people um that we want this this this and this but not respect what they want that's called hypocrisy and people young or old are really quick to see through it and that leads to resentment so what I'm trying to say to Cap all of this off are you listening to me friends is that at least I understand I understand if you're young in France the question is do you understand me am I getting clear to you that I understand because this is something that you're not going


to hear on the six o'clock news I don't care if you're in England France the United States it doesn't matter because it is all One Singular line of thought from them not for me but from them but at least I know what that feels like and it doesn't feel good and that turns to resentment because you notice that there seems to be a [ __ ] double standard now if I did not speak specifically it's because I judge you as having enough intelligence to not only understand where I'm coming from


but you would probably also understand the reason why I speak the way I do but in my opinion on this story um it's about time that something else of a very different perspective needs to be stated because well without that if everybody is just conforming all over the world that you know you you couldn't ask for something to be more deliberately laid out to the point where it is just utterly ridiculous you know it is sub as though you were watching some kind of


old movie that is trying to make fun of a uh County sheriff and the county the the criminal police and as they lay out a murder let's say that occurred and it is being laid out in such a way and you know you have the you could have the detected and say yeah well here's the body and then we got this guy this guy here he was seen he ran out of the place he he had a gun on him and so look he just ran out of the place six odd shots were fired this gun had had six shots that were fired so it's obvious the guys just saw him in


prison he's guilty okay end of story oh look at the time hey it's time to go home and have dinner okay let's uh either throw this guy in prison or you know hang his ass or whatever the case may be but hey no time well I'd like to ask a question yeah well we really don't have time for any questions right now but uh it's like that it's that kind of [ __ ] it's the railroading of your attitude so having said all that um and I will I will confess that if I'm fortunate enough that I can get a


response from anybody from France this is targeted specifically for France and um I don't know very much French but um what can I say we believe France take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.com leave a


comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music] foreign

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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