Episode 363

Published on:

9th Aug 2024

He cannot even understand the difference between sex with animals and children The Earnest Mann Show Podcast 363

The Alarming Normalization of Disturbing Behavior in Public Spaces

Hey, it's Earnest Mann here, reflecting on a troubling encounter I had while waiting at the Costco pharmacy. In this episode, I talk about overhearing a man openly discussing a disturbing legal situation over the phone, where he was grappling with being convicted for child-related offenses while minimizing his previous charges of bestiality. This isn't just about one man's twisted behavior—it's about the broader issue of how society seems to be normalizing and openly discussing such disturbing topics in public.

The Shocking Public Discussions We Can't Ignore

Sitting there, I was taken aback by how this man could casually converse about such appalling acts without any shame or hesitation. It made me question where we, as a society, are headed when people feel comfortable airing such dark aspects of their lives in public, like it's just another day at the office. The conversation delved into even more unsettling topics, from bestiality to other grotesque behaviors, all discussed in the open without a shred of decency.

Is This the New Normal?

This episode is not just a rant; it's a plea for reflection on how far we've come—or fallen—in terms of what is considered acceptable public discourse. It's not just about freedom of expression; it's about the boundaries we need to uphold to maintain a sense of morality and decency in society. I want to know, am I the only one who finds this alarming? Or is this something that's becoming all too common?

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


if you work for a living why do you kill yourself


working so I'm sitting in the Costco um  Pharmacy area um I have to get a script  


for I have an infected toe from I had a little  accident and there's this guy sitting there and  


basically what I'm understanding from the open-end  conversation that he's having on his cell phone  


is he's trying to understand why he's going  to be convicted of having you know sex with  


a child or something but even though he  wasn't convicted um of having sex with an


animal so um I is that is that it is that as as  far as we've come because I didn't have anything  


else to do um but I certainly you know had a  chance to reflect on it and um well um I I I I  


don't know what to say I don't know what to think  Jesus Christ is that where we are this you could I  


could fairly well I mean interpret what the hell  was going on on the other end and like I said  


apparently you know he was talking with his  attorney on the phone and and uh of course  


I couldn't hear you know what the hell the  attorney was saying but uh this this guy was  


was adamant I'm I'm not kidding he was adamant  because he's I could only hear you know half of  


the conversation but I'm just saying he was you  know he was oh well you know I'm obviously I've  


had sex with animals several times before and it  was dropped as a MISD meanor or a mild misunder  


understanding or something of of that case of  that ilk now they're talking about actual jail


time I'm I'm like


yeah that people can't even be begin  to comprehend that there is on so many  


different levels that there is a difference  between having sex with an animal and a a baby  


an infant or something um I don't personally  you know condone either one of them um I mean  


you know as far as the farm [ __ ] is concerned  well you know the research that I've done uh my  


understanding is that that's been going on for  quite some time so okay I mean if that's your


thing if yeah [ __ ] I'm just like I said I'm  having a hard time with this but um that we  


as a as as a people as a as a species  I mean we we can't even differentiate  


the difference between the two  in other words you know as far  


as sex is concerned I'm I'm pretty  liberal I mean I I am but I ain't that


liberal it used to be that there  were what we called Barn jokes and  


it was what it was but I mean I guess there were  some cretans that were doing this but it is what  


it is so I don't know but anyway um that's can you  imagine that that I'm yeah I'm sitting in [ __ ]  


Costco at a a pharmacy and I got to hear the and  and and also he wasn't talking like like was it  


like well yeah like he's looking around with  even the slightest amount of you know modesty  


or anything like that at all you know very matter  of fact now this is what I this is what I paid you  


$55,000 for that you're going to tell me over the  phone that I quite possibly could serve jail time  


for this I mean hell that wasn't you know and  what about the [ __ ] that happened in Puerto


Rico I'm thinking but Puerto Rico please  allow me just a few moments as a pause  


for the cause I know it's a real struggle  bringing home the bacon times are tough you  


don't have to tell me twice so if you enjoy  what I do here on the earnest man show would  


you please consider a donation I could really  use some dough to keep things going on around  


here and by clicking on my co-i donation  Link in the description below even just a  


cup of coffee would be very earnestly  appreciated thank you now back to the


episode so um I can only guess I I you know  I have to admit I mean I I've got this I have  


this terrible tendency of Being Human and I  had to restrain even at my relative old age I  


had it was something that was so revolting  about it that I I I did have to curtail I  


mean I just you know I I I thought he was  [ __ ] I thought this this guy was just you  


know [ __ ] and I I don't use that lightly  because I mean God knows in in my life that  


the [ __ ] that I've done you know I'm not  exactly a Boy Scout myself so you know I  


don't want to be in a situation where it's like  here's the you know the pot call it the kettle  


black I don't need that at all but on the other  hand you you know you got to you got to draw the  


line somewhere because if you don't the [ __ ]  leads to well where we are today and it's it's  


not pretty most people know this and I mean as  an example I mean there was you know there was  


the case not too long ago of the guy I think it  was in witch and uh you know he wanted to marry  


his cowl or some [ __ ] and it was all public  you know it was not too long ago and I mean um  


okay then there's another guy in another  Midwestern City and he's into uh what the  


hell what the hell is that called like um Co copal  something copal natica something I can't it won't  


come to me at the moment but basically it means  [ __ ] eating and um he wanted to uh you know eat  


the defecation of of his you know boyfriend or  something and bring it as a sacrament to the  


wedding or something and what what I'm asking  you I'm saying is like have have have you ever  


heard of this [ __ ] have you I mean what if you  what if you were confronted with this I mean I I  


I encounter this I'm beginning the more I get out  and about and do things I'm encountering this on  


a daily basis in in the most you know the oddest  places um heard a conversation about uh this this  


teenage uh woman um that she wanted to you know  was thinking about proving her love about to  


her boyfriend by setting the house their house on  her parents house on fire or something [Laughter]  


yeah so I mean it it's not it's not only the  fact when you look at things and you say maybe  


something like okay yeah the [ __ ] world's going  crazy but and and here's the big part what I'm  


saying is that I've never encountered that people  were so open and vocal about it of just anywhere  


I mean Costco Wally World Supermarket I mean  wherever um so I I guess I'm wondering that  


where is I'm all for you know [ __ ] I'm all for  freedom of expression and whatnot but generally  


not [ __ ] people that want to talk about [ __ ]  like this or I don't know potentially you know  


harming another person or you know or any any  number of things it can be done [ __ ] anyway it  


it it's besides just what it is I freaked out but  at the same time by the same token I don't want  


to be so I figured I would you know bounce this  to you [ __ ] I mean maybe that's maybe that's  


mild from the [ __ ] you've heard or encountered  I don't know you know you should I don't know drop  


me a line maybe let me know um I uh I think you I  think it takes a rather special person that would  


even he could even entertain the idea of doing  things like this to to another person but hey


anyway this is basically it I didn't I didn't  want to you know Ramble On needlessly and  


especially you say you're for all I know cuz  I'm an old [ __ ] you're probably is oh God  


this guy's so old I hear about this [ __ ]  all the time and this is nothing new so I  


don't want to you know wear your ear off on that  or anything I just thought I'd share it with you  


and I don't know maybe you can educate me and  let me know am I am I am I that far behind the  


times or or not or or anyway just if you want  to drop me a line that'd be great let me know  


something anyway until like I always say next  Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

© 2020-23 The Earnest Mann Show

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Stephen Cobb