Episode 362

Published on:

5th Aug 2024

Recognizing when an employee is batshit crazy The Earnest Mann Show 362

The Strange Case of Larry: A Story of Misplaced Loyalty

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, I'm sharing a fascinating sociological observation about a guy named Larry, someone I've known for years at a local restaurant. Larry is a hardworking individual who does the work of three people, making him a dream employee for any restaurant owner. Despite knowing someone who could offer him a much better position with significantly increased pay and benefits, Larry remains intensely loyal to his current employer.

The Power of Indoctrination and Loyalty

Larry's situation highlights how people can become deeply indoctrinated into their roles and relationships, often working against their own self-interest. His unwavering loyalty to his employer, despite better opportunities, is both sad and pathetic. This phenomenon can be seen in various aspects of life, whether it’s due to friendship, familial bonds, or longstanding relationships.

A Ridiculous Parallel: Kramer and the Tennis Ball Boy

Drawing a parallel to a Seinfeld episode where Kramer becomes a tennis ball boy, I illustrate the absurdity of Larry's situation. Just as it’s ridiculous for a grown man to chase tennis balls, it's equally absurd for Larry, a man in his 50s, to be working so hard in a low-paying job. This episode is a reflection on self-worth and the work ethic that can sometimes lead to exploitation.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


it's not science it's not that but it's a  sociological you could call it a sociological  


you know observation and what that is this had to  do with an experience that I had and um no I mean  


it it's not it's not really crazy or anything  it wasn't like [ __ ] you know sex with goats  


or anything but it's something that really needs  to be considered so I figured I'd put it out here  


for you and give it give it some thought I've been  going to this particular uh restaurant and there's  


a guy there that I've you know that I've known  for you know several years and uh he's um he a  


nice guy but um frankly he's he's a bit crazy now  I mean there's you know there's there's there's  


crazy and then there's you know really [ __ ] bat  [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy but uh what I mean by this is  


that there was the observation that I had and that  he's definitely crazy and he's working against his  


own self-interest and when I say that this guy I  mean he's a he's a uh a restaurant owner's dream  


that he uh he does the work of three people yeah  and uh but the thing is is that I on multiple  


levels I can't even talk to him in other words I  I feel this you know this part of me that [ __ ]  


wants to help him but no I I I I can't and the  reason I can't is because he is so completely  


hookline and [ __ ] Sinker not kidding uh into  his employer um and no I mean I I don't think  


they're having sex or anything but um yeah you  you you can't you can't talk to him even if and  


even though I know someone that could absolutely  positively give him a much better position for  


much better pay and benefits I mean we're talking  significantly increased pay and benefits but it's  


not going to happen and it's not because what it  demonstrates to me um is how people they can be so  


indoctrinated into whatever it is whether that  be based on you know friendship or whatever the  


[ __ ] case is and that's definitely the  case with this guy that the the owner of  


this particular place those two the employee this  guy who's my age they go way back way back and um  


they're still breaking that and that's sad I  mean it's it's really dep It's just sad let me  


just tell you this maybe you I don't know maybe  you youngans won't get this but but if you just  


hear me out you will and hopefully you'll have a  laugh but but I mean it's not that it's it's not  


that it's [ __ ] funny in that sense it's that  it's sad it's really pathetic and sad and you  


could think not only friends or family [ __ ] for  all I know I mean it might even be you it could be  


you and it would so I'm putting this I'm putting  this out there so you know [ __ ] I I don't know  


may maybe it could be you I don't know but maybe  it could also help so that that's why I'm doing it  


so but there was a way back going back to the  the old show with you know with Seinfeld and


um anyway there was an episode and there was  uh I don't remember the name of it but it was  


uh with um the guy not Newman and obviously  not Jerry Seinfeld but it was um the main  


character the main funny guy [ __ ] it  won't come to me I hate that but it it  


just you know the guy across the hall um yeah  that guy and he got an opportunity to be a uh  


a ball carrier for you know to be a ball boy a  tennis ball boy and um yeah so of course that's  


what I missed because of I don't know I'm brain  dead but this was Kramer of course it's Kramer  


so anyway he got a chance and the whole thing is  ludicrous and that's what it's supposed to be is  


ludicrous that he got a chance to be a ball  boy because the idea of a early mid-30s guy  


running and chasing and catching [ __ ] balls on a  tennis court it is and actually should be kind of  


ridiculous not kind of actually [ __ ] ridiculous  that was the whole episode there you go well  


that's was this is this guy's life and I'm just  I'm not going to mention name names let's just  


call him Larry I'm just going to say Larry right  Larry is a really nice guy and as far as his work  


is concerned hey number one that's the problem  because Larry does the work of three people  


but somehow for some reason that that I can't  [ __ ] fathom he doesn't understand this and so  


he literally I mean that is the absurdity of that  I used in the Seinfeld episode that I'm trying to  


say is the absurdity of a grown man acting as like  maybe a 12-year-old boy chasing tennis balls at  


you know a professional yeah he's like in his 50s  and he's [ __ ] running around and doing orders  


and doing and you know and doing his thing and  like he's a guy that's 20 years old please allow  


me just a few moments as a pause for the cause I  know it's a real struggle bringing home the bacon  


times are tough you don't have to tell me twice  so if you enjoy what I do here on the earnest  


show would you please consider a donation I could  really use some dough to keep things going on  


around here and by clicking on my co-i donation  Link in the description below even just a cup of  


coffee would be very earnestly appreciated thank  you now back to the episode now I know before you  


bust my balls for this just hear me out You could  argue you could say well hey you know it's if  


especially if you're you know [ __ ] libertarian  minded you'd say well open market and hey if  


that's what he wants to do D D D D D D D but I'm  asking you I'm asking you to step aside from this  


particular what I consider a neurosis and say yeah  that is sad it's really [ __ ] ridiculous to see  


a guy my age running around like Hop Sing and for  those of you again that are too young to know that  


was the uh cook for the cartright family on the  show Bonanza and and I keep going back and back  


and back because I'm an old piece of [ __ ] and  that's that's all I have as a reference so if you  


don't know these [ __ ] things things well that's  not my fault but anyway have a laugh relax and I'm  


just saying um yeah but to see a grown man around  me uh you know basically being a tennis court  


[ __ ] ball boy and I mean this this guy and I'm  I'm not in the least not in the least whatsoever  


he is 1,000% serious about his job I mean it's  like this dude's on on on crack or something but I  


know he's not and it's just like okay you know you  try to instill the you know Protestant work ethic  


and and all that and that's fine but Jesus Christ  dude you're 40 year or 50 years old plus and  


you're working in this Soo restaurant and you're  doing the work of three people now I know also  


quickly I just want to say that yeah it ties this  especially young people and they have a completely  


you know legitimate beef with this [ __ ] I get  it I get it but I'm saying it's just incredibly


sad I don't even know to wrap my  head around this I'm just saying  


it's incredibly sad to see an adult  man acting like a [ __ ] ball boy for  


tennis courts running and catching the  ball in their 50s or you know pushing


60s is is that is that where we're we are it  is that where the [ __ ] we want to be Jesus  


Christ anyway um yeah that's um that's about it  that's all I want to say about that so bearing  


that in mind did you like this did you enjoy  the episode if you did leave a comment talk  


to me [ __ ] throw me a cup of coffee something  whatever the hell you want to do I don't care  


I'm cheap I'm a cheap date but if you would it  would be much appreciate sincerely appreciated  


because um I'm I'm not Joe Rogan I I don't have  corporations coming at me with $300 billion do  


or whatever the [ __ ] they threw him um so yeah  um I'm going to be back on uh Friday and um try  


to make your day a little lighter or something  and so that's all I wanted to say so please drop  


me a line let me know something I'm screaming out  there you see this please talk to me please anyone  


if you would or could that would be greatly  appreciated and um so I end it as I always do  


I am Earnest I will see you next  Monday or Friday and if this isn't


Earnest what is

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The Earnest Mann Show
A truly unique broadcast, Unabashedly celebrating unwokeness.
One of the many things I enjoy doing in life, is helping other people the best way I know how, by offering people a sanctuary of sanity in a world gone mad. I do this by offering a different perspective, a realist perspective on just about anything and everything. You see, I have found, that there can be amazing relevant connections in our everyday life, from very unlikely sources, meaning people that on the surface you might think would absolutely have nothing in common with you, but having a discussion with them, ended up benefiting my life, just with the exact information, and at the exact time I needed it! I'm telling you, you will be amazed at how communications with many life experiences can positively affect and improve your life! That is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics and religion, to sex with space aliens, you name it, the topics for discussion are only as limited as our imagination, and your input, so leave a comment, because your opinion matters, in this big beautiful world we all share.

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Stephen Cobb